Chapter 325: Sasuke vs Asuma


Just as Temari and Kankuro were battling together against Asuma, Konohamaru, who was at a distance with a broken and dislocated arm, became blinded by hatred the moment he saw Asuma.

With a hoarse and exhausted roar, an unknown strength surged within Konohamaru, enabling him to rise again.

At this moment, Asuma, who was fiercely fighting against Temari and Kankuro, felt the hateful gaze from behind and was filled with rage.

Konohamaru was being irrational. Hadn't he sacrificed so much for the continuity of the Sarutobi clan?

Yet, Konohamaru, of all people, chose to defect. Instead of thinking of escape at this critical moment, he let hatred cloud his judgment, a disgrace to the efforts made over the years.


As Gaara's sister, Temari, with her outstanding intellect, was heavily relied upon over the years, especially after Gaara was chosen for the Sixth Hokage training.

Uchiha Yoru, in his effort to unite people, naturally focused on training Gaara and his siblings.

Thus, Temari knew some secrets. For instance, during the pursuit of the rogue ninja Konohamaru, Pakura had secretly shared some information about the Sarutobi clan.

"Hehe, old smoke fiend, seems like you're still very worried about this brat!"

With a loud shout from Temari, Kankuro immediately understood the hidden message and revealed a mocking smile. His fingers trembled as he controlled the puppet's chakra strings, and instantly a puppet fired several poison needles.


The poison needles were aimed at Konohamaru. At that moment, Asuma became furious and flung his Flying Swallow with his left hand.

The wind-enhanced Flying Swallow swirled around, cutting all the poison needles, and Kankuro seized this opportunity.

Poison Spike Hell - Hundred Precise Strikes

Wind Style - Great Net

Under the coordinated attack of Temari and Kankuro, Asuma was forced into a defensive.

Wind Style - Crushing Pressure

Asuma released a powerful Wind Style jutsu, deflecting the poison needles from the puppet, and dodged in another direction.


The three of them fought fiercely. Temari, with her combat intelligence, involved Konohamaru in the battle, a risk Asuma couldn't afford to take.

Because Konohamaru was now a well-known rogue ninja of Konoha, meaning anyone could kill him without worry.

So, Asuma, frustrated, was dragged into a difficult position.

"Hehe, I initially wanted to capture the Third Hokage's grandson, but never thought I'd encounter the Third's son too."

Kankuro shouted excitedly, ready to seize this rare opportunity for revenge.

Temari, holding an iron fan, calmly said, "Kankuro, use Konohamaru to hold Asuma back, reinforcements are almost here."

Although Kankuro was reluctant, seeing the rare opportunity, he complied with Temari's command, shouting, "Yes!"

At that moment, Konohamaru, feeling humiliated, cried out in tears, frantically yelling at Asuma who was protecting him, "Why! Why!"

Blinded by hatred and irrationality, Konohamaru clenched a kunai in his left hand, furiously accusing Asuma.

Meanwhile, Asuma, burdened by Konohamaru, showed a hint of anger.

"Konohamaru, escape first, I'll tell you the whole truth later."

Fire Style - Phoenix Sage Fire Technique.

Asuma unleashed his Fire Release ninjutsu, fiercely battling with Temari and Kankuro. Meanwhile, Konohamaru seized the opportunity to flee into the forest like a flea.

Watching Konohamaru escape, Kankuro roared in anger, while Temari exclaimed in alarm, "Not good! Kankuro, be ready to retreat at any moment!"

Without the burden of Asuma, his combat ability was not to be underestimated. Beneath his cruel smile, he unleashed formidable fighting power.

Now that his last weakness had fled Konoha, he had no more concerns.

At that moment, a hawk's screech sounded in the sky.

"It's Sasuke and Naruto!"

Two figures appeared on the hawk. Asuma's face changed, while Temari and Kankuro showed signs of joy.

"Be careful!"

The more critical the moment, the greater the danger. Temari urgently reminded his impulsive brother.

"I'll deal with Asuma. You two go after Konohamaru."

Sasuke, descending from the sky, smirked coldly. After experiencing the activation of the Mangekyō Sharingan, he grew even more disdainful of the Third Hokage's regime.

He was well aware of the origin of the plan to annihilate the Sarutobi clan, originally a plot of the Third Hokage's regime against the Uchiha clan.

But it was almost entirely reversed by his teacher, Yoru.


Seeing Sasuke's icy gaze on Asuma, the calmest Temari immediately urged Kankuro to pursue Konohamaru.

"Asuma is Sasuke's to handle. We can't let the little brat Konohamaru escape beyond the borders of the Land of Rain."

Hearing that Konohamaru might escape, Kankuro panicked. Even if the two were captured alive and brought back to Konoha, he could accept it.

After all, their actions warranted a fate worse than death in prison. But he couldn't tolerate letting Konohamaru escape.

"Konohamaru!" Upon hearing this name, Naruto's expression changed. He had intended to stay and fight Asuma with Sasuke, but seeing Kankuro and Temari disappearing, he grew anxious.

"Sasuke, hold off Teacher Asuma. I'll go after Konohamaru and come back to help you."

Naruto also feared Konohamaru might react rashly and get hurt, so he chose to quickly pursue him.

Meanwhile, Asuma looked troubled, facing Sasuke's crimson Sharingan with a grave expression.

Sand and wind blew across, as the two faced each other in a clearing surrounded by severed trees.

"Asuma, do you know?" Sasuke slowly curved his lips into a bloodthirsty smile.

"I used to sympathize with you when you slaughtered the Sarutobi clan. But when I learned that the original target of the annihilation plan was the Uchiha clan, I was filled with rage!"

"If it weren't for Teacher Yoru, I can't imagine what would have become of our Uchiha clan."

As if seeing his sworn enemy, Sasuke, who has just experienced the world of illusions and unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan, is still not fully recovered.

It must be said that the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan is indeed formidable, but the side effects are also significant.

For a period after unlocking the Mangekyō Sharingan, one's emotions become particularly agitated, easily angered and irritable, and even mentally paranoid.

Sasuke is naturally aware of this. His teacher, Yoru, had warned him, but now he has a quicker way to return to normal.

Beneath Sasuke's bloodthirsty smile, the six-pointed star of the Mangekyō Sharingan spins continuously.

"Heh, let this be the end of the feud between the Uchiha and the Sarutobi clans. Don't worry! Soon, I will personally tear open the chest of that little brat Konohamaru and completely eradicate the Sarutobi clan."

Watching Sasuke, who is targeting him, Asuma reveals a glint of cold light.

"Sasuke! Uchiha Yoru promised me back then."

"That was a promise from Teacher Yoru, not me. Moreover, Konohamaru has already defected, and any Konoha ninja is entitled to kill a defector!"

Under Sasuke's cold laugh, his body begins to emit lightning, and in an instant, the chakra metal blade at his waist is drawn.

"The evil Sarutobi clan, today you will witness the power of the Uchiha clan!"

In an instant, Sasuke is in front of Asuma, their weapons, the Flying Swallow and the long sword, constantly colliding and sparking.

The Flying Swallow was forged by someone using precious metal chakra at the request of the Third Hokage.

Sasuke's sword, modeled after the Kusanagi Sword and also forged at the behest of Yoru, was previously one of the eight precious chakra metal blades of Killer B, the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki of the Land of Lightning.

After all, being the brother of the Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, he naturally used top-grade precious chakra metal, no less in quality than the Flying Swallow.

The two precious chakra metal weapons collide constantly, one with wind release and the other with lightning release.

In theory, wind release should counter lightning release, but Sasuke's arrogance fills him with a mocking smile.

"Ha ha, is this the strength you boast of for massacring your entire clan? Just this much skill, it seems the Sarutobi clan isn't that capable."

Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning

A puff of smoke sprays out, instantly igniting towering flames.

The next moment, a bolt of lightning bursts from the ground, and Asuma quickly dodges, only to see a giant snake emerge from underground, opening its mouth as Sasuke, holding his ninja sword, stabs forward.

"Is this all your strength? Worthless!"

Using Lightning Release Body Flicker Technique, Sasuke wildly swings his blade in a frenzy, taunting, "Is this the Sarutobi clan who once dreamed of massacring the Uchiha? Ha ha, I wonder what it feels like to slaughter your own clan! This is retribution! What your Sarutobi clan owes us Uchiha!"

"I have no more patience for the trash of the Sarutobi clan!"

Lightning Release: Chidori Stream

Instantly, Sasuke's body is enveloped in lightning, and Asuma roars, "Little brat of the Uchiha, don't underestimate others."

Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere

As he quickly retreats, Asuma takes a deep breath and spits out chakra wind blades like bullets from his mouth.

Facing this strong Wind Release ninjutsu attack, Sasuke reveals a smug smile.

"I've had enough fun!"

Under the bizarre rotation of the six-pointed star Mangekyo, purple chakra suddenly burst out from around the body, instantly forming a bony structure.


After the terrifying skeleton appeared, the strong wind blade only made a dull sound, causing little damage.

At this moment, Sasuke laughed wildly with arrogance, "Haha, this is the power of the Uchiha, Asuma, this is why the Third Hokage feared our Uchiha's power."

As the six-pointed star Mangekyo spun wildly, the eyes powerfully infused with power, instantly solidifying the skeleton.

Susano: Third Stage

With the appearance of muscles and armor wrapping around, although only half of the body was formed, the terrifying power had already made Asuma begin to fear and show signs of retreat.

"You can't escape!"

Asuma, deciding instantly to flee, but Sasuke, driving the Susano and laughing wildly, directly pulled out a longbow.


Arrow after arrow shot out crazily, shaking the earth.

"Damn it! Today, I will make you regret this!"

Asuma roared in anger. The opponent clearly intended to kill him, so he no longer cared about the side effects of overusing his Wood Release cells. Roaring, his chakra surged instantly.

Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves

The powerful wind blade, like a scythe, slashed at Susano. It must be said that Asuma, who had madly activated his Wood Release power, not only had his chakra increased several times, but his attack power had also greatly increased.

"Haha, when you see the Third Hokage in death, don't forget to tell him that the Sarutobi clan was wiped out because of him, and now the Uchiha rule Konoha!"


As the two fought fiercely, the surrounding forest was badly damaged, and this part of the forest was completely destroyed.

In the distant forest, Konohamaru, captured by a puppet and filled with crazy anger, roared.

"Let me go! Naruto! Brother Naruto, my grandfather treated you like his own grandson, please let me go, I will disappear from the ninja world forever, please..."

Knowing that returning to the village would bring no good, Konohamaru pinned all his hopes on his brother Naruto, but unfortunately, he forgot about Naruto's character.

"Konohamaru, calm down, don't worry, with me here, we will go back to Konoha and explain everything, everyone will forgive you."

Naruto's persuasive words were so moving that they might have affected an ordinary person, but Konohamaru, nearing emotional collapse, couldn't possibly listen.

"Uzumaki Naruto! You demon fox, sending me back to the village is worse than killing me now..."

Konohamaru roared madly, and Naruto had never seen such a strange side of him, especially when he brought up his long-buried sad past.

Demon Fox!

Meanwhile, Kankuro, somewhat disheveled, watched this scene with a mocking smile.

"Hehe, still cursing at a time like this, keep it up while you still have the strength. I look forward to seeing what punishment you'll receive when we return to the village."

Temari by the side snorted coldly, facing Naruto's saintly mother, she scoffed in disdain.

"Go back and explain to get others to forgive you? Do you think this is playing house, child's play?

Konohamaru is a traitor to the village! He also killed his comrades! No matter what the status, if this can still be forgiven, then the village's system is useless.

The most important reason why Temari and Kankuro didn't kill him is that Konohamaru, with his hands stained with the blood of fellow village ninjas, won't end up well.

Do you really think it's still the era when the Third Hokage was in charge?

"Demon Fox! I should have let Grandpa Third strangle you to death back then, you shouldn't be alive in this world!"

"Disgusting! Brother Naruto, wuwu~ let me go, I promise to be an ordinary person, I won't mention hatred anymore, damn it! Naruto, you Demon Fox, your parents deserved to die, you cursed their death! Why can't you just let me go."

The collapsing Konohamaru roared in madness, while Naruto by his side looked increasingly awful, but even so, he still did not give up on Konohamaru.

"Look, it's Sasuke's lightning release!"

Just as everyone was returning, suddenly Kankuro exclaimed, pointing to the distance, and instantly everyone saw the dark clouds and lightning in the distant sky.


100 PowerStone = 5 Bonus Chapters!