Chapter 327: Privilege Boy


Office Building of the Hokage.

Looking at the report about the bodies of Sarutobi and Konohamaru brought back, the three Fifth Hokage in the office looked indifferently at Uchiha Yoru.

"Teacher Yoru, this is the mission report for this time."

Sasuke respectfully finished the mission report and then left. In contrast, Kankuro's expression was somewhat uneasy, after all, Konohamaru had escaped under his watch.

And Naruto looked somewhat downcast. The death of Konohamaru was again caused by his thoughtlessness. If not for that, Konohamaru wouldn't have died.

Whereas Temari stood calmly and respectfully on the side. With the mission over, she could only wait.

After finishing the report, Uchiha Yoru looked up, glanced at everyone, and then his gaze fell on Tsunade, Pakura, and Terumi Mei.

"The last bloodline of the Sarutobi clan, Konohamaru, is declared dead. The remaining members of the Sarutobi clan who survived have abandoned the title of the clan and live as ordinary ninja families, some even choosing to give up the Sarutobi surname. Thus, the Sarutobi clan is declared completely extinct within the Konoha."

"Now we come to the issue of the clan land and assets left behind by the Sarutobi clan."

Uchiha Yoru is not the Third Hokage. After the Uchiha clan massacre, it seemed that Sasuke did not inherit much, especially in terms of ninja techniques. The most powerful clan's assets were all taken by the higher-ups.

After Sarutobi's clan was destroyed, a large amount of assets were confiscated for treason, but the wealth left to Konohamaru was enormous, even including the ninja scrolls of the Sarutobi clan that he inherited.

He didn't avoid this issue at the time, making it known to all the Jonin of Konoha.

However, many of the Sarutobi clan's techniques depended on special privileges granted by the Hokage, so they had to reorganize the Sarutobi clan's techniques.

It turned out that a large part of the Sarutobi clan's techniques were acquired privately through the Third Hokage.

At that time, Uchiha Yoru, despite opposition, decided to keep the techniques the Sarutobi clan brought into the Konoha for Konohamaru to inherit, confiscating the rest.

Thus, he was praised for his magnanimity within the village.

"As a rogue ninja, all assets of the Sarutobi clan are to be confiscated. As for the remaining Sarutobi ninjas, they forfeited their inheritance rights when they abandoned the clan."

Tsunade, with a crossed expression, gave a fair answer. Although she was saddened by the extinction of her teacher's grandson's clan, her calm mind led her to the best decision.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Pakura and Terumi Mei looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Finally, Uchiha Yoru decided, "Alright, the clan land and all assets of the Sarutobi clan will be reclaimed by the village, and can be used as temporary residences for the incoming ninjas from the Rain Village."

The affiliation of the Rain Village was a good start before the Fourth Great Ninja War, and many in the village were happy.

After dealing with the aftermath of the Sarutobi clan, Uchiha Yoru looked back at Sasuke, Naruto, Temari, and Kankuro, and asked with a frown.

"From your mission report, it seems Konohamaru even learned the A-rank secret technique Rasengan. Can you tell me how he learned this technique?"

Faced with this inquiry from Uchiha Yoru, Kankuro wiped a cold sweat and finally relaxed.

It seemed no one was pursuing the matter of Konohamaru's death, and Temari also showed a look of wisdom. She was involved in the mission report, highlighting the Rasengan.

Sasuke naturally knew this but chose not to disclose it.

"Teacher Yoru, I suspect Konohamaru secretly learned the village's advanced ninja techniques."

Sasuke had no good feelings towards the Sarutobi clan and directly expressed his worst thoughts.

"No!" At this moment, Naruto, in a low mood, raised his head, showing a sad expression, and hoarsely said: "I taught Konohamaru the Rasengan."

When Naruto finished this sentence, he did not realize the seriousness of this matter.

Even Sasuke showed a look of astonishment and then cursed in his mind: "Naruto, you idiot!"

The expressions of everyone in the office changed, even Tsunade showed a grave look.

"Back then, all members of the Sarutobi clan were restricted from leaving the country, and even leaving the village required an application. Naruto! You privately taught Konohamaru an A-rank ninjutsu!"

Facing Tsunade's cold questioning, Naruto, looking at Konohamaru who was being targeted, felt discontent thinking about the deceased and said with red eyes and hoarsely: "This is my father's ninjutsu, why is it wrong to teach it to Konohamaru?"

Seeing the discontented Naruto, the clever Temari quickly understood the problem and signaled to Kankuro with a glance, choosing to remain silent.

"What right?" At this moment, Tsunade was almost laughing in anger, really not wanting to deal with Naruto, who had a problematic mind.

Naruto always stood on a self-righteous high ground, demanding others without considering the impact of his impulsiveness.

Originally, Naruto had the main character's aura, plus various psychological debts and experiences, making the Fifth Hokage and Jiraiya feel indebted, naturally letting him be willful to some extent.

After all, he was the son of the Fourth Hokage and had some privileges.

Privileges exist in any era.

But this Naruto was different. After Uchiha Yoru overthrew the Third Hokage's regime, Naruto's status as the hero's son was restored, and as compensation, Jiraiya personally taught him.

It can be said that all debts were compensated.

Similarly, Naruto also enjoyed the privileges he deserved, even before graduating from the ninja academy, he trained with Jiraiya, and as the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, he freely entered and left the village, enjoying various privileges.

Even Naruto, over the years, demanded others based on his requests, and some ordinary ninjas, wary of his status, chose to flatter him, which is the biggest reason for Naruto's change.

Without the status of the hero's son, Naruto at least moved others with his sincerity, but this time, with the added layer of being the hero's son, it backfired.

Moreover, with Naruto's situation, Uchiha Yoru had already revealed it.

People's hearts are like a mountain. Once they become cautious, it's hard to change.

"Uzumaki Naruto, it seems that over these years, relying on your status as the hero's son, you have completely ignored the rules of a ninja."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru shook his head in disappointment, wondering what Jiraiya had been teaching all these years.

Under Naruto's puzzled gaze, Uchiha Yoru calmly began to speak: "Restricted individuals, no ninja in the village may privately teach any ninjutsu, even between master and disciple, not just ninjutsu, but any skill must be reported."

"Only after the village agrees, can the skill be taught to restricted individuals, let alone the fact that what you taught was an A-rank ninjutsu."

Looking at Naruto, who was indifferent as if it was his father's ninjutsu, Uchiha Yoru showed a mocking smile.

"Shizune, go get the documents of the Fourth Hokage and his wife."


Before long, Shizuns brought over the information about the parents of Naruto, the Fourth Hokage, but under the suggestive gaze of Uchiha Yoru, handed it to Naruto.

With a puzzled look in Naruto's eyes, Uchiha Yoru casually said: "Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage, is also your father. Uzumaki Kushina, your mother, was the previous Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails and the princess of the Land of Whirlpools."

"Now, let me explain clearly. Your mother, as the princess of the fallen Whirlpool Village, joined the Konoha. As part of the benefit exchange, she handed over all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan to the village and agreed to abide by all the rules of the Konoha."

"Your father, Namikaze Minato, a commoner, initially trained under Jiraiya during his time at the ninja academy and formally became his disciple after graduating."

As he spoke, seeing Naruto's still confused expression, Uchiha Yoru rubbed his forehead somewhat speechlessly, while Tsunade, standing nearby, directly continued the conversation.

"After Minato officially became Jiraiya's disciple, all the materials he studied were approved by the village, especially after meeting your mother!"

At this point, Tsunade looked deeply at Naruto.

"Your mother's special status meant that your father had to get the village's approval for all his ninja techniques. The development of the Rasengan, although inspired by the Tailed Beast Bomb, also drew from countless precious ninja techniques within the village."

"Before the advent of Rasengan, your father personally signed agreements for the use of these materials."

Tsunade, pointing to a document in the information Naruto was browsing through, said firmly, "The Rasengan, as an A-rank, signature ninja technique, can be passed down to one's offspring, but must be permitted by the village. Unauthorized sharing is considered defection!"

"This was the price your father paid for accessing those materials!" Tsunade's resolute voice echoed in the office.

At that moment, Naruto's expression changed. What was this? Robbery by leaps and bounds? At this moment, anger rose within him.

"Why? My father even gave his life for the village, and this is how you treat him!"

These orders were like treating him as a criminal, Naruto showed his anger.

Tsunade, witnessing this scene, could only sneer at Naruto's self-righteous selfishness.

"Do you think ninja techniques are just picked up for free?"

Tsunade glared at Naruto angrily, "Let me tell you, your father's Flying Thunder God was my grandfather's technique. Your father was just an ordinary Jonin back then, what great merit did he have? What right did he have to learn the S-rank forbidden technique, Flying Thunder God!"

"And why did your father get to learn so many techniques, and access so many ninja materials? Do you really think it was all because of his own merits?"

Sneering at Naruto, Tsunade coldly said, "Your father wanted to maintain a relationship with Kushina. Before that, he signed countless orders and passed reviews to do so."

"Do you really think the village's precious ninja materials can be just shown to any ordinary ninja? If it weren't for your mother's stubborn guarantee, do you think your father could have accessed sealing techniques and so many ninja materials so early?"

"I'll tell you, back then, your mother, against all advice, threw herself into your father's arms, even begging desperately. All these were based on the joint guarantee of my Senju clan and your mother as the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails!"

"So what right do you have to say 'why'? Jiraiya taught you the Rasengan because you are the son of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato. You even secretly taught it to other ninjas! Just for that, I could label you a defector and extract the Nine-Tails from within you to choose another Jinchuriki!"

After being scolded, Tsunade took a deep breath and coldly stared at Naruto with suppressed anger.

"Now, the only reason you're still standing here and talking to me as a ninja of Konoha is because of your father and mother. If you were an ordinary ninja, you wouldn't even have the qualifications to see me in the Hokage's office!"

"Don't stand there with your self-righteous moral views. Of course, as the son of heroes, left to you by your father and mother, you can do things and all the ninjas in the village can accept that. But don't impose your nonsensical viewpoints on others and expect them to understand you!"

As she said this, Tsunade became even angrier and stood up, slamming the table. "You are really selfish! Your so-called ninja way is your own. Why should others have to follow it? Is everything that differs from your viewpoint wrong?"

"What are you? Do you really think being the son of the Hokage means you can do whatever you want? Imposing your views on others, what right do you have to do that? Is it because you are the son of a hero, or because you are the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails?"

Tsunade's words pierced Naruto's heart. Under such a stark scolding, Naruto's face turned even paler.

It seemed like over the years, he had been acting willfully just because of his identity, and others had been accommodating him because of it.

Looking at Naruto, who was rendered speechless and pale, Uchiha Yoru let out a sigh and shook his head, "Naruto, the ninjutsu you learned under Jiraiya was approved by the village only after Jiraiya himself made a request."

"Moreover, your father, Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage, had indeed signed these regulations before being allowed to learn and peruse valuable ninjutsu materials. So, you really don't have the right to teach ninjutsu to others privately."

"It's a basic principle known in the Ninja Academy. Team leaders are only allowed to teach ninjutsu below Rank A. For higher-ranked techniques, like those of Rank A, village permission is required."

"Of course, these regulations apply only to civilian ninjas. Bloodline families and ninja families are not subject to these rules. Secret techniques of one's own family are not included. But for ninjutsu learned by civilian ninjas as rewards from the village, they must adhere to this rule, even for family ninjas."

Finally, Uchiha Yoru shook his head, "This time, considering the contributions of the Fourth Hokage to the village and for Jiraiya's sake, I can be lenient."

Always talking about understanding each other, at this moment, Uchiha Yoru made Naruto realize a lesson - his current position was due to nepotism, and he should first let others understand this privileged status of his.