Chapter 332: The Terror of Orochimaru

The Deva Path looks down indifferently from high above, gazing at the insignificant Hiruzen, who is like an ant yet still stubbornly adheres to his own beliefs, shaking his head.

The power of the ninja world comes from chakra, which is a mysterious force produced by the fusion of body and spirit. Therefore, a ninja who firmly believes and adheres to their own ninja way becomes stronger.

There are also awakenings and evolutions of bloodline traits, such as the evolution of the Sharingan, which quickly becomes powerful in a very short time, especially noticeable in terms of chakra.

In essence, when the spirit is stimulated or strengthened, it naturally produces a series of effects, which is also why chakra surges. The same is true for physical enhancement.

"Hiruzen, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama's biggest mistake was choosing you as the Third Hokage."

Deva Path Danzo shakes his head coldly, "Even if a random, stronger Jounin from the Senju clan had been chosen, Konoha wouldn't have become this weak."

"What do you know! I have dedicated my life to the village!"

You can beat him, even humiliate him, but the one thing you cannot do is disparage his contributions to the village. Enraged, Hiruzen roars furiously.

"How much I have sacrificed for the village is beyond your understanding. My two sons, my daughter-in-law, my grandson, even my entire clan…"

Seeing Hiruzen still obstinate, the Deva Path lets out a cold laugh.

"Sacrifice? You mean sacrificing the young people of the ninja academy to maintain the regime of you old folks."

"Your so-called sacrifice is the Sarutobi clan rising from a broken house to become a major clan second only to the Hyuga in just a few decades. Your so-called sacrifice of a son and daughter-in-law is driving the village's elite, Orochimaru, away."

"Your so-called sacrifice is to not allow any voice in the village that defies you, even if that person is your apprentice. That's why you chose Minato, who had no backing or power, to become the Fourth Hokage."

At this point, the Deva Path sneers even more sarcastically: "You claim everything is for the village, but isn't it just for your twisted heart? Your Will of Fire has already become distorted with your aging body."

"Don't deny it outright. The First Hokage's Will of Fire was about the older generation lighting the way for the younger one. When the younger generation grows strong, the First Hokage achieved this, even the Second Hokage Tobirama did so. You and your cronies, hiding in the Konoha, acting like Hokages and elders, never going to the battlefield. The Third Great Ninja War was so fierce, yet you, the so-called strongest Hokage, never went to the frontline."

The ridiculed Third Hokage, Hiruzen, roars in frustration: "What do you know, I did it all for the village. If something had happened to me, who would have led the village!"

"Haha, how laughable. So when the Second Hokage Tobirama passed away, was it you, the useless one, who took over?"

Hiruzen, infuriated by this blunt remark, while the Deva Path coldly sneers: "Hiruzen, rest assured, I won't shamelessly diminish the strength of my predecessors and boast about being the strongest Hokage. I will write the history of Konoha into textbooks."

"I won't make any alterations. The bloody sacrifices of the Third Great Ninja War, you, the Third Hokage, hiding behind the village enjoying the protection of countless ninjas, never going to the battlefield but still receiving the title of the strongest Hokage, all of this I will record word for word in the textbooks."

"I will let the entire ninja world know how you, the strongest Hokage in history, led the Konoha from its glorious peak to its fall from dominance."

"You!" Hiruzen wants to say something, but the Deva Path's cold hand appears in front of his face.

Shinra Tensei

With a loud bang, the ground was smashed into a huge pit, and Hiruzen's head was shattered into pieces. He finally didn't have to see that detestable and ugly face.

However, just then, as Hiruzen's half-bodied Edo Tensei form was repairing itself, a beam of light suddenly emerged, and the next moment, the Edo Tensei body began to disintegrate.

Seeing this, Deva Path frowned and muttered, "Has the Edo Tensei been released?"

Looking up at the surroundings, Deva Path frowned again, "No, it must be that failure, Obito, wanting to reclaim this group of combatants, so he chose to release some of the Edo Tensei."

In the dark underground passage.

"Hehe, so there's such a large base under the Forest of Death, and it's even surrounded by barriers."

A shadow of Zetzu slowly emerged from the wall. At this moment, seeing the dark passage, he couldn't help but smile.

"We must notify Obito quickly, otherwise, it'll be difficult once Uchiha Yoru stabilizes the Wooden Release cells."

Zetzu's clone transmitted chakra through tendrils in the earth, and it was instantly sensed by another Zetzu hiding in the darkness outside the village.

"Obito, we may have found Uchiha Yoru's hiding place."

Zetzu's hoarse voice rang out, and Obito revealed a bloodthirsty smile, "Hehe, finally found it?"

"But be careful this time, Obito. This might also be a trap set by Uchiha Yoru."

Zetzu, not wanting any more mistakes at this stage, especially not wanting another pair of Rinnegan to interfere with the plan, nor did he want to lose Obito.

Now, Obito was the only piece left. A misstep would mean not just the failure of Madara's revival plan, but also jeopardizing his mission to save his mother.

Looking at Zetzu, Obito thought about the numerous times he had been ambushed by Uchiha Yoru. Filled with new and old hatred, he showed a look of anger.

"Don't worry, just by looking at the power of Yoru's Six Paths puppet, you can tell that his available power is extremely limited. This is an excellent opportunity."

Under Obito's hoarse laugh, in the darkness, a Sharingan and a purple Rinnegan emitted a strange light.

Then Obito's voice slowly faded into the darkness, leaving Zetzu in silence.

The plan must not go wrong. No one can stop his thousand-year plot to save his mother.


In the dimly lit secret base of Konoha,

Uchiha Yoru is meditating, continuously devouring the cultivated Ten-Tails. At this moment, Orochimaru, who is monitoring the data, suddenly lifts his head, a glint of murderous intent flashing in his golden snake eyes.

"The little mouse has come knocking at the door!"

Orochimaru, licking his lips, reveals his blatant murderous intent, his hoarse laughter echoing in the dark base.

Meanwhile, in the damp corridor outside the base, a figure slowly materializes as if phasing through the walls.

"Hehe, well hidden. It seems this is the den of that foul snake, Orochimaru."

Obito, smirking coldly, can reach this place by phasing through the ground.

"But the barrier here is indeed strong."

Feeling the power of the barrier, Obito frowns slightly. The ninja world is full of surprises, especially when dealing with Uchiha Yoru. He dares not to take risks carelessly.

"If a barrier that restricts my space-time ninjutsu appears, it would be a tragedy."

"Hehe, Uchiha Yoru, you seem to forget that I too possess the Rinnegan."

With an evil smile, Obito slowly forms hand seals and then places his hands on the wall.

Outside the village, within the barrier, the six tailed beasts are roaring wildly when suddenly a puff of white smoke appears, and they vanish.

"Not good! The Rinnegan puppets have been summoned away!"

Yamato exclaims in alarm upon seeing this, and the other ninjas battling the Jinchūriki also shout in surprise.

Boom! In the Forest of Death in Konoha, six terrifying chakras suddenly erupt.

All six Rinnegan puppet Jinchūriki have been summoned away by Obito.

Roar! The six tailed beasts start to gather Tailed Beast Balls, their immense pressure causing Obito's face to break into a mocking smile.

"Uchiha Yoru, I hope you like this gift."

As Obito watches, six black, terrifying Tailed Beast Balls smash into the dim corridor.

Boom! Instantly, the ground of Konoha shakes violently, the land on the surface of the Forest of Death starts to crack and collapse, followed by a fierce explosion that sweeps across the entire forest.

Summoning Jutsu

The next moment, a huge puff of white smoke rises from the ruins, and before the smoke clears, a supremely arrogant voice is heard.

"Orochimaru! What sacrifice have you prepared for this time?"

As the thick smoke disperses, the figure of Manda II with purple stripes is revealed. Under this terrifying figure, the air is stifling. This new body is much larger than the original Manda, even sporting wing-like scales.

Manda II, with the help of Uchiha Yoru and Orochimaru, has been injected with drugs targeting Manda's cells. Over three years, Manda has grown in size, strength, and sensory abilities, surpassing the original Manda. Hence, Orochimaru refers to it as Manda II.

As usual, Manda speaks in his habitual manner, eliciting a hoarse laugh from Orochimaru, "Manda, I was planning to research drugs for Manda III later, but it seems you won't be needing them."

The next moment, Manda II suddenly roared furiously, his terrifying snake-like pupils glaring fiercely at the six insignificant figures around him.

"Damn it! I can smell the tailed beasts, all six of them at once. Orochimaru, is our enemy these six pests this time?"

Watching the eager Manda II, a smile appeared on Orochimaru's face.

"Hehe, six Rinnegan jinchuriki puppets, they might be good experimental material."

Summoning Jutsu: Triple Rashomon

Boom! Orochimaru immediately summoned a powerful defensive ninjutsu at the start, but in his hands, it was used in a different way.

The three roaring and rising demonic iron gates instantly separated the six tailed beasts. In perfect coordination, Manda II roared furiously and his terrifying body charged towards one of the tailed beasts.

Boom! As Manda II's massive body lashed out with his tail, like an iron whip swinging, the next moment the Naraka Path's seven-tailed jinchuriki, Fū, was smacked and crashed hard against the Triple Rashomon.

With a loud boom, a huge pit was formed. However, before the tailed beast could react, Manda II's terrifying head stretched so long and bit onto the neck of the seven-tailed jinchuriki.

Cursed Seal · Seal

In an instant, the power of the Cursed Seal emerged on the back of the seven-tailed jinchuriki's neck, followed by dense black cursed seal patterns assaulting him.

Like a rubber band, the elongated neck began to contract, dragging the body along, while both hands were forming seals.

Sealing Jutsu: Five Elements Seal

As the body approached, leveraging the strength of the neck, Orochimaru's palm flashed with purple chakra flames, and the next moment fiercely slapped on the abdomen of the seven-tailed jinchuriki.

Ugh! The seven-tailed jinchuriki painfully retched, and this strike directly caused the tailed beast transformation to begin to recede.

"One down."

Just as a smile appeared on Orochimaru's face, the next moment a giant shuriken appeared, slicing his body in half.

Obito, holding a giant shuriken, emerged from the Rashomon, and before Orochimaru could react, he was cut in half at the waist.

Orochimaru's Substitution Technique

The next moment, Orochimaru's upper body opened its mouth, and two pale hands appeared on the upper and lower jaws, then stretched the mouth to an extremely terrifying angle.

Ugh! With a disgusting and nauseating ninjutsu, Orochimaru chose to emerge from his own mouth.

In fact, this Orochimaru Substitution Technique does not necessarily have to come out from the mouth, but can also emerge from a cut in the back or chest.

But Orochimaru doesn't mind, he's even accustomed to coming out of his mouth.

"Hehe, so it's Obito. I'm quite interested in you."

Orochimaru, emerging from the substitution technique, laughed hoarsely, but the next moment he clapped his hands on the ground with a seal.

Ninjutsu: Thousand Snakes Formation.

In an instant, Orochimaru opened his mouth and a terrifying sea of snakes emerged. Simultaneously, numerous venomous snakes opened their mouths, hissing eerily, and swords with gleaming blades appeared in the mouths of these countless snakes.

The sea of snakes surged like a tide, causing one's scalp to tingle. Faced with Orochimaru's disgusting ninjutsu, Obito frowned and chose to dematerialize and burrow into the ground, but the other jinchūriki weren't so easy to deal with.

With a thunderous roar, the terrifying jinchūriki transformed and attacked. Confronted with the densely packed, wave-like venomous snakes, they were like hot, rolling magma.

The terrifying tailed beast chakra directly vaporized the venomous snakes that tried to approach them.

"Hehe, it seems I need to get serious too, after all, the little mouse is still hiding in the shadows."

Underneath Orochimaru's hoarse smile, patterns appeared on his face, two horns grew on his head, and his eyes took on an eyeshadow, making him look even more like a snake.

Ryuchi Cave Sage Mode

"Hehe, I still prefer the Ryuchi Cave Sage Mode. But you seem to be quite numerous, so don't mind if I increase my numbers a bit."

Under Orochimaru's hoarse laughter, a huge and terrifying transformation occurred the next moment.

Sage Art: Eight Branches Technique

With a rumbling that shook the earth and mountains, Orochimaru transformed into a terrifying white phosphorus serpent with eight heads and tails.

Then, on one of the serpent's heads appeared the upper half of Orochimaru's body. At that moment, he hoarsely looked at the jinchūriki puppets, revealing an interested smile.

"This time, with such rare experimental material, I will try not to harm you too much, hehe."