Chapter 341: Distorted World


"Damn it, the gap is so big!"

Sasuke, who has lost his left arm and left eye, is awkwardly lying on the ground, immobilized by the black sealing jutsu marks.

Uchiha Yoru stands indifferently in front of Sasuke, "It's not that the gap is big, but that you are too weak. After losing your left arm and eye, have you become this weak?"

"Damn it!"

Boruto, lying on the ground and coughing up blood, roars unwillingly, but he has already lost.

"How could he be so strong!"

One by one, they say this, Uchiha Yoru shakes his head: "I've said it before, you're just too weak."

The crimson Sharingan slowly evolves into the purple Rinnegan, facing the two he also had a huge fight.

However, it must be said, the Sasuke and Boruto of another timeline are too weak, giving him great pressure, but compared to the strength of Sasuke before sealing Kaguya, it's somewhat disappointing.

"I won't give you a chance, after all, there's still a Kama inside."

Uchiha Yoru seals both hands, and the binding curse seals immobilize them so much that they can't even open their mouths to speak.

"Sasuke, your eye needs to rest now."

Under Sasuke's despairing gaze, the sealing gathers at the right eye, and in an instant, the Sharingan gradually fades and closes until it's completely sealed.

"Otsutsuki Momoshiki, huh, I'm actually helping you solve a big problem. Tsk tsk, What an annoying brat!"

Walking up to the blond Boruto, Uchiha Yoru corners his mouth with a bloodthirsty smile.

"You annoying, bothersome blond brat, thank me. I've solved the trouble inside you, but of course, there's a price."


At this moment, Boruto, whose mouth is sealed, doesn't know what the other party wants to do, but he can only make muffled noises.

"Don't worry, the price won't be your life, but merely depriving you of your qualifications as a ninja!"

The palm slowly presses on Boruto's forehead, immediately the purple Rinnegan rotates and emits terrifying energy, and Uchiha Yoru's face shows a smile.

"Sealing Jutsu! Really useful."

It must be said, sealing jutsu is perverted, difficult to learn, and even harder to master, but once mastered, one can truly achieve challenges beyond one's level.

Isn't Kaguya Otsutsuki sealed just like this!


Under the painful struggle of Boruto, a certain power within his body is being stripped away, visibly emaciating his flesh and blood.

Seal Technique: Eight Trigrams Sealing.

Forbidden Technique: Chimera Technique.

First, the Seal Technique confines the power within Boruto, then the Forbidden Technique of Chimera plunders and merges it.

Feeling the power of plunder, Uchiha Yoru smiles, "Indeed, even though Boruto had Kama in his body, it has not fully integrated. Otherwise, he would have been reincarnated by now. My conjectures are all correct."

"However, the Kama is still closely connected to chakra. Ordinary ninjas would die if they lose chakra, but through the Forbidden Technique: Chimera, it only shortens lifespan."

Boruto's pupils are filled with fear as he senses his internal power constantly dwindling, not merely being consumed but completely lost.

Meanwhile, his hair begins to dry out. Uchiha Yoru mockingly says, "Truly worthy of being the child of fate, even after three generations, possessing the tenacious life force of the Uzumaki clan. But this time, I have indeed saved you, brat."

"No need to thank me, though I saved you, I also plundered your power. Live as a normal person from now on."

Uchiha Yoru only has scorn for the blond in front of him, more bark than bite.

"Sasuke, I really don't know how you live in another world, something's wrong with your brain."

Watching the dragon vein's power weaken, Uchiha Yoru slowly approaches Sasuke, shaking his head and speaking.

"Though this is about two different spacetimes, I plundered the tailed beast power in your spacetime. In return, I will cure you."

With a rumble, the Roran Ruins dissipate along with the dragon vein's power, and people from two different spacetimes return to their own.

Boruto's spacetime.

A wave of dizziness passes, and Uchiha Sasuke finds himself regaining vision. He instinctively becomes alert, but then he is stunned.

Feeling the presence of his left hand, Uchiha Sasuke reveals an incredulous look, his left arm pale.

"This is! First Hokage's cells, no! It should be Zetzu's arm, and my eyes!"

A triple tomoe Sharingan rotates, and Uchiha Sasuke feels a weak and unfamiliar power.

"This is the power of the Uchiha!"

In another spacetime, while Uchiha Yoru is clearing the Root, the base has many Sharingan eyes collected by Danzo for research, giving Sasuke one wouldn't be a problem.


Looking at Boruto again, Sasuke's expression is complex.

And Boruto is unbelievably feeling the changes in his body, an unprecedented weakness.

The chakra he never took seriously before has now completely disappeared.

Although the power of Kama has been relieved, the cost is all his power.

After a tense check, Uchiha Sasuke concludes.

"Boruto, you might never be able to be a ninja in this lifetime."

A mountain forest echoes with Boruto's despairing howl, losing chakra and being unable to be a ninja for life.

[TL: The Movie "Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Lost Tower" where Naruto Travel to another timeline. I don't how Yoru got there. And I read in ScribbleHub Comment Section, "Yoru acting like Aizen lately". It must be it. Haha]

Frontline of the Ninja World.

Beneath the changing clouds, the originally stagnant battlefield eerily ceased its combat, and numerous ninjas fell silent.

Even that day, all the camps at the frontline halted their battles.

"How daring! Konoha has gone mad!"

Ninjutsu: Mind's Eye Technique

In Konoha, over five hundred elite sensory ninjas gathered, led by Yamanaka Ino of the Yamanaka clan, executed a terrifyingly extensive secret Yamanaka technique.

At that moment, ninjas from both sides clearly heard the voice of Konoha, and even with their eyes closed, images vividly sprang to mind.

On the frontline, under a sky of swirling sand, a line of figures in luxurious attire knelt upon the rocks.

Those who once ruled high above in the ninja world, the Daimyo of various countries, now knelt like dogs.

Everyone saw this image, including Uchiha Madara resurrected through the Edo Tensei, who couldn't help but smile in appreciation.

"Uchiha Yoru's ambition and courage have surpassed even mine and Hashirama's in our time."

Even Uchiha Madara couldn't help but praise.

In the vision.

Sasuke, dressed in a white top, black pants, with deep black arm protectors extending to his palms, and a ninja sword at his waist, slowly appeared before everyone's eyes.

Accompanied by Gaara, Kimimaro, and others.

"These kneeling here are the Daimyo of the ninja world, whom you all once bowed and scraped to, now kneeling before us!"

Uchiha Sasuke's cold voice echoed, behind him a multitude of ninjas, the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, the Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi, and the Fifth Kazekage Pakura were present.

"These once high and mighty Daimyo, now kneeling here, proves they are not incarnations of gods, nor are they the rulers of this world..."

Just then, Uchiha Yoru's voice suddenly echoed, and his figure appeared on the battlefield.

Looking down on the Daimyo who once enjoyed supreme status in the ninja world, Uchiha Yoru wore a mocking smile.

"We ninjas, inherently possessing the power to change the world, are instead controlled by these weak Daimyo, under the guise of loyalty and so-called god messengers..."

"But under these Daimyo, ninja world wars have never ceased, countless people have been displaced. What kind of world are we living in? Powerful ninjas, yet impoverished and treated as tools! Aged ninjas suffering from poverty and illness. Ninjas don't understand production, yet they choose to become tools to protect their village, to protect their families..."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru pointed at the Daimyo kneeling in a row before him, furiously shouting, "These people do nothing, yet enjoy the world's finest food, sleep the most peaceful sleep..."

"What kind of world are we living in now? A chaotic world, ninjas viewed as tools, ninjas turned into chess pieces by these Daimyo on their boards, and the millennia-long ninja wars have never ceased, haven't you ever thought about why?"

"The constant increase in the number of ninjas causes fear among them, while the ninja world's resources are limited. These so-called Daimyo, to enjoy the most resources, use ninjas as chess pieces in their games, these so-called Great Ninja Wars are nothing but the Daimyo's gambits for their own interests…"

As Uchiha Yoru gave a passionate speech, countless ninjas who saw and heard it were filled with shock.

The so-called Ninja Alliance, most of them were just following orders, knowing only that their enemies wanted to unify the ninja world, never considering these things.

"Why, when ninjas are mainstream in this world, do we let these so-called pig-headed Daimyos take control? Why must those with power, us, become pawns in the hands of the Daimyos?"

"Yes! We ninjas don't engage in production, we don't understand it, but haven't we nurtured talents? We established ninja schools and trained countless powerful ninjas, yet we didn't cultivate any talent for governance..."

"For peace or for ambition, my goal to unify the ninja world will not change. But I promise here, the day the ninja world is unified will be the day we ninjas take sovereignty of this land!"

"I will make ninjas the rulers of this land, gods protecting the common people, not tools!"

In the Ninja Alliance, upon witnessing this, the Fourth Raikage, A, was infuriated and roared: "Uchiha Yoru, for his damned ambition, has actually bewitched us."

"Evil Uchiha, since he speaks of peace, and now the Daimyos are in their hands, why not stop the war?"

Following the Fourth Raikage's speech, half of the Ninja Alliance, composed mostly of elite forces from the Daimyos' houses, loyal to the core, began angrily cursing.

"We must not let the enemy succeed."

"Damn it!"

"Evil Uchiha Yoru!"

They cursed various things, all for their interests.

Compared to the existence of ninja villages, these elites nurtured by the Daimyos enjoyed much more.

Once the Daimyos fall, they lose everything.

Some were severely brainwashed, seeing the Daimyos as messengers of gods. Without the Daimyos, they lose their backbone; the Daimyos are the hope of the ninja world.

"Three days from now! I will bury the remnants of the old era in this yellow sand land. The world's corroded, stagnant windmill needs a new one, a new era is coming…"

As Uchiha Yoru laughed maniacally, all seemed to be for the future of ninjas.

Meanwhile, the Daimyos knelt in a row, their restraints undone, many outright terrified.

"Don't kill me."

"Damn it, I'm a Daimyo, you can't kill me, or the ninja world won't let you off..."

"Uchiha Yoru! You devil, you dare to…"

"Please, I'm willing to be your dog, just spare my life…"

In the eyes of the ninjas, the high and mighty daimyos showed various expressions at this moment: some were so terrified they begged for mercy without any dignity, while others were angry and still some were defiant.

But these disgraceful images of the daimyos were all witnessed by the allied ninja forces, shattering the sacred aura of the daimyos in their hearts at that moment.

It turns out that daimyos are also human, not much different from ordinary people. Some fear death, while others are bold. The daimyos who feared death even looked worse than ordinary people, their groveling surprising many.

"No! Impossible, how can this person be the daimyo of our Land of Birds? Impossible!" A ninja from the Land of Birds suddenly screamed in disbelief and painfully cried out, "Daimyo! You are the messenger of God, how can you kneel and beg before the enemy, stand up!"

"Daimyo! No, don't bow anymore, we..."

Many ninjas loyal to the Daimyo's mansion were stunned at this scene, with some even dropping their ninja swords and shurikens unconsciously.

"How can this be! This must be fake, our country's daimyo is scared to pee, haha~" A samurai's faith collapsed, and he laughed madly, saying, "Look, this is our Daimyo, now like a dog, see our daimyo so low as to kneel and lick urine to beg for mercy...haha."

This samurai laughed madly, suddenly changed his expression, grasped his samurai sword, and took off his armor to reveal his upper body.

"I, Kogoro, am not loyal to such a daimyo! No! Absolutely not!"

With a thrust, the samurai named Kogoro chose to commit seppuku under his furious roar, his eyes filled with madness before death.

"Haha~ Daimyo, go die! All of you go die!"

Many samurais collapsed, having been brainwashed since childhood with the spirit of loyalty to the daimyo, believing the daimyo to be an incarnation of god, but the daimyo before them was worse than an ordinary person. Many of these broken samurais chose to commit seppuku, all of them trying to escape reality.

This is the distorted world of the ninja!