Chapter 347: 100,000 White Zetzus


The Fourth Raikage, A, roars fiercely. His face contorted with rage as he realizes that Onoki's action has not only betrayed his village, Cloud Village, but has also plunged it into an abyss.

From this moment, Cloud Village has no way out! They must either defeat Uchiha Yoru and his wild ambitions or perish, as even in victory, they are no match for ninja of Yoru's caliber.

Only if both parties suffer great losses can Cloud Village hope to survive.

Otherwise, all villages allied with Uchiha will target Cloud Village as their next victim, as a form of showing allegiance.

"A, you savage kid of Raikage, I hope you understand why I did this," Onoki utters with a complicated look of remorse while floating in the sky. Below him, the Fourth Raikage, A, filled with rage and humiliation, sees the chaos among the allied ninja forces, with many small villages starting to turn against Cloud Village. His dark skin turns almost red with suppressed anger, his teeth nearly shattering from the force of his clench.

"Onoki! I underestimated you!" roars A, unable to contain his fury at the shameless acts of the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki.

However, Onoki, watching from above, sighs in shame upon witnessing the Raikage's furious outburst.

"Little Raikage, you and your people of Cloud Village, no, your entire Land of Lightning, have illuminated our way with your self-sacrifice. You are truly a great man," Onoki says, thumb extended in admiration towards A.

"Onoki! Come down here if you dare!" shouts A.

But Onoki solemnly replies, "I am truly ashamed."

As A's anger consumes him, he transforms into a bolt of lightning, speeding towards Onoki with a furious roar. The strike is swift, leaving no time for reaction, and hits Onoki.

Yet, the Fourth Raikage is not relieved but shocked. Onoki's body crumbles into earth as a decoy, and suddenly, a white light flashes.

"Little Raikage, I took your father, the Third Raikage, and now I'll send you to join him. Don't thank me!" Onoki says as he launches his attack.

With a booming sound, A seems to disintegrate under the white light of Onoki's attack.

"You deceitful coward, Onoki!"

But in the distance, another form of the Fourth Raikage appears, chilled to the bone and sweating coldly. He had narrowly escaped the fate of his decoy.

This old ghost, Onoki, has shown no mercy in his attack.

"For the future of Rock Village, kill the Raikage!" he declares.

When the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, saw that the Fourth Raikage, A, was unharmed, he had already kept his distance and angrily gave orders. It wasn't that he was afraid to die; he simply dared not die at the moment. The Rock Village had no successor, and with the current state of the ninja world, he didn't ask for anything more than to handle the affairs of the Rock Village before he could nobly sacrifice himself.

"Old ghost!" the Fourth Raikage, A, filled with rage, looked at Ōnoki hiding in the crowd and employing such a tactic. It was how his father, the Third Raikage, had died.

After some instability in the battlefield, the Ninja Alliance nearly collapsed, with smaller ninja villages betraying them. After all, their Daimyō had already fallen, and they were on the losing side.

"Obito, you have already lost, turn back!" Kakashi, standing on top of the Ten-Tails, couldn't help but shout angrily at Obito.

"Look at the state of the Ninja Alliance now!" With Kakashi's shout, Obito looked around at the scene of the Ninja Alliance' defeat, and his expression slightly changed. But this was followed by a look of disdain as he coldly said, "As expected, all are useless, to fail like this."

"Obito!" Kakashi and Obito shared an unspoken bond, yet Obito had fallen into darkness. With a cold laugh, he looked at everyone, "I had hoped to use these useless people to whittle you down, but they failed so quickly. Useless, indeed!"

With Obito's cold laughter, everyone knew he still had a trump card. But then, there was an even greater commotion among the Ninja Alliance.

"You, why do you want to kill me?"

"Ah! And you, Ko!?"

"Have you gone mad? I am your father!"

With that, the battlefield instantly turned chaotic as numerous ninjas revealed sinister smiles and turned their weapons on their comrades and family members.

"What's happening!" Watching everyone's shocked expressions, Obito burst into laughter: "Haha, the war has just begun."

"My army of White Zetsu! Come forth!"

With a roar from Uchiha Obito, the sensory ninjas on the battlefield all changed their expressions in shock and fear.

"At three o'clock, a large amount of mysterious chakra appeared, the number is extremely huge!"

"There are also appearances on the sea surface; these people seem to have appeared out of nowhere!"

And in the distance on the land and the coast, white figures slowly walked out of the earth, like plants, lurking in the ground and even evading the detection of most sensory ninjas.

In a dense mass, a terrifying white torrent appeared on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

When the endless white ninja legion appeared on the battlefield, countless ninjas were terrified.

"What are these monsters!"

"They! They actually came out of the ground."

"What kind of monsters are these, with such a large number!"

Amidst the shocked voices, Uchiha Obito laughed arrogantly: "With a hundred thousand White Zetsu in hand, the war has just begun, and the outcome is not yet decided!"

However, the next moment Obito's face stiffened, as all hundred thousand White Zetsu suddenly shouted in unison: "For Lord Uchiha Yoru to unify the ninja world!"

Boom! Everyone on the battlefield was stunned, including Obito.

At this moment, everyone realized that the chaotic backstabbing on the battlefield was almost all against those stubborn resistance factions.


The hundred thousand White Zetsu crazily entered the battlefield, forming a pincer attack with the Konoha ninjas, cutting off the Cloud Village ninja allied forces' retreat.

"What! What's happening!"

Obito looked at the uncontrollable hundred thousand White Zetsu army with an ugly expression, while Black Zetsu, hidden in the shadows, narrowed his eyes and hoarsely said: "Did something go wrong with the White Zetsu itself!"

As Black Zetsu predicted, the White Zetsu itself slowly appeared in the distance, its pupils still glowing with the crimson of the Sharingan.

"I've finally caught up."

A tired voice sounded, and with the rotation of a pair of crimson Mangekyo Sharingan, the figure behind White Zetsu was revealed, it was Uchiha Shisui with a relaxed smile.

"With the power of Kotoamatsukami, White Zetsu itself couldn't break free."

Uchiha Shisui sighed in relief; he had not let down his brother Yoru.

Before the war began, Uchiha Yoru had secretly instructed him, telling him the intelligence about White Zetsu and the top-secret information about the hundred thousand White Zetsu army.

He was also ordered to secretly search for the whereabouts of White Zetsu itself on the battlefield and control him with Kotoamatsukami.


In the bloodshed, Uchiha Obito incredulously spat out a mouthful of blood, shocked as he looked at Kakashi.

"Obito, you have lost."

Covering his left eye with the Sharingan, Kakashi's eyes showed struggle, but he slowly raised his kunai.

"This eye was your gift to me as a Jounin, and I treasure it."

Coughing up blood, Obito looked at Kakashi in the distance, then let out a realizing laugh, seemingly understanding the flaw revealed by that very eye.

"Ha ha, so it was this eye that showed the flaw."

As he watched Obito spit blood, Kakashi, with sadness covering his left eye, said: "Obito, the Kamui dimension is connected, and this time you've lost."

"Lost?" Obito's lips curled up in a mocking smile, "Ha ha, I still have the Ten-Tails. Beat the Ten-Tails first before you say that!"


Just then, a terrifying Tailed Beast Ball from the Ten-Tails came hurtling, and Kakashi's Sharingan wildly spun, absorbing the massive Tailed Beast Ball into the Kamui dimension.

"Obito, you're unforgivable!"

Might Guy appeared behind Obito, who dared not enter the Kamui dimension now.

If he entered, he couldn't withstand the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball.

"Kakashi! What do you know!"

Obito roared in anger. Even if the weakness of Kamui was found, what of it? He had the Rinnegan in his right eye and the Ten-Tails at his feet; he was the ultimate victor.

The Ten-Tails went berserk, its terrifying power causing headaches even for the united forces, a formidable foe indeed.

As the battle raged, with the addition of one hundred thousand White Zetsus and more hidden among the Ninja Alliance backstabbing, the allied forces collapsed instantly.

"Die, all you ninja from Cloud Village!"

"The Daimyo are gone, what life are you fighting for? Let's go kill them all"

"From now on, we ninja will make our own decisions, no longer tools for the Daimyo!"

Under the collapse of the two forces, many ninja persuaded smaller villages and the Daimyo's forces, showing that defeat was imminent, a common occurrence in the ninja world.

Especially those from smaller villages, who were originally following orders. Now with no Daimyo, everything was in disarray.

Almost all the smaller villages turned their coats, and the ninjas, samurais, and onmyojis cultivated by the Daimyo fought back angrily, with very few surrendering.

"You will all meet a terrible fate!"

The Fourth Raikage A watched as one Cloud ninja fell after another, his eyes filled with endless hatred. "The Cloud Village is done for!"

"Send orders, all the elite of Cloud Village break out towards the Ten-Tails!"

Finally, the Fourth Raikage A gritted his teeth and roared, making a tough decision.

There was no breaking out; staying would mean utter defeat. Instead, moving towards the Ten-Tails might give the Cloud Village a chance to preserve a spark of life.

The Ten-Tails' battlefield is terrifying, but precisely because of its terror, the Ninja Alliance won't come this way.

"After the breakout, all village ninjas form teams of three and break out at full speed to leave a spark of vengeance for the Cloud Village! Cloud Village cannot fall while I lead!"

The Fourth Raikage A roared, decisively abandoning his revenge against the Third Tsuchikage Onoki, turning into a bolt of lightning charging towards the Ten-Tails.

A desperate Fourth Raikage A is terrifying, momentarily creating an opening, inspiring countless subordinates ready to break out.

In the world of ninjas, there's never a shortage of stories about geniuses hidden and raised in the dark for years, emerging to take revenge and restore their legacy. Seeing no chance of victory, many loyal to the Daimyo also coldly ordered a breakout.


"Naruto, the battle is over."

Uchiha Sasuke, covered in lightning, looked determinedly at Naruto, wanting to make one last attempt.

"The outcome is decided, Naruto. If you come back, I'll plead with Lord Yoru on your behalf."

For some reason, Sasuke kept recalling his times with Naruto, feeling the bond between them.

However, looking at the bloody battlefield, Naruto's face showed anger.

"Sasuke! This is what you call peace! Look how many have died, how many families lost parents and children, the pain of losing loved ones only breeds more hatred! This is no peace."

Seeing the stubborn Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke suppressed his final rage, his Sharingan's red six-pointed star spinning rapidly.

"Naruto! No matter what you say, the outcome is decided! Give up."

Facing Sasuke's final persuasion, Naruto took a deep breath and pointed to the fleeing Cloud ninjas, questioning: "If the so-called outcome is decided, why target Cloud Village, no! The entire Land of Lightning, oppressing and enslaving people of other countries, is this your so-called peace?"

At that moment, Naruto was filled with disappointment, and Uchiha Sasuke's eyes gradually showed a cold light.

"No one can stand against the unification of the ninja world, but overthrowing the Daimyo's rule, a new era will be dictated by the ninjas. Under a clear hierarchy, the strong will reside in the resource-rich Land of Fire, and the weak just need to work hard and train..."

"The so-called rules are just the remnants of the Daimyo's era, after all, the world needs slaves, and these people nature, I think Lord Yoru has been too merciful, even giving them the chance to be slaves."

Naruto became angry, "Unreasonable! This is not peace, it's clearly your ambition!"

"Uzumaki Naruto! I won't allow anyone to ruin the new world! Even you, I won't show mercy!"

Uchiha Sasuke roared, Naruto's words completely enraged him, touching his bottom line. Knowing that with the revolution of the ninja world, their Uchiha clan will become the royal family of the entire world.

And the new world's peace concept, sacrificing a group to form a perfect new world.

Whether for the public or private, it's perfect for him, Uchiha Sasuke.