Chapter 353: Momoshiki and Kinshiki vs Naruto, Gamamura, and Hagoromo

"Kinshiki, I seem to sense the interesting chakra."

From a distance, two slender figures in white watched over Naruto and Uzumaki Karin, their familiar feelings filled by the Nine-Tails' chakra within them.

"Moreover, my Byakugan can see that fox, or rather, the fox that has been split into two."

In what was a cruel battlefield deciding the fate of the world, the sudden appearance of these two was nonchalant, as if it were an ordinary matter.

"Heh, watched for a full thousand years."

At that moment, Uchiha Yoru was startled by the sudden appearance of the two figures but then mocked, considering it as a butterfly effect from the world's many changes.

"Who are you!"

The one called Kinshiki, a burly man with pale skin and grayish-white long hair, had no eyebrows and a hard horn curving upward from his forehead. His white eyes and white robes, which covered the right side of his face, made him quite a sight, standing over 2 meters tall with a massive frame.

The other, a thin man, also with pale skin and grayish-white long hair, lacked eyebrows but had two round spots on his forehead and two forward-bending rabbit-ear-like hard horns. His palms each had a red Rinnegan, and he wore black gloves on his left hand.

Shocked, Naruto asked, while the Sage of the Six Paths showed surprise, "You! You're from the Otsutsuki Clan! Could all this be true!"

Their appearance was too similar to Kaguya. For thousands of years, he had considered the Otsutsuki Clan a mere story, an excuse made by Kaguya for her actions.

He had just mentioned a thousand years of surveillance, and now it seemed he was proven wrong.

The red light of the God Tree also vanished, retreating directly into the full moon, as if the tree wilted.

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru smirked mockingly, "So, I must unify this world and create more powerful human forces to prevent the situation you mentioned that hasn't appeared in a thousand years."

"Naruto, who is deceiving whom? Are you two here to stop me from unifying the world, or to deal with these two first?"

Uchiha Yoru coldly laughed, while Naruto was filled with shock, unable to discern reality from the scene before him.

"Right, with your current chakra, Naruto, you should be able to summon that old toad, which put in quite an effort back then, to face the problem that has arisen."

Saying so, Uchiha Yoru shrugged, his smirk mocking.

"How will you resolve this issue? Then please, you two, perform and deal with it in the way you understand each other."

In the face of Uchiha Yoru's mockery, Naruto got angry and shouted at the two sudden figures: "Where did you two come from!"

Facing Naruto's impoliteness, the Sage of the Six Paths almost broke into a cold sweat, thankful for his spiritual form.

"Heh, it's interesting, even as a spiritual form, to possess such vast chakra, it's truly delicious."

At that moment, the two figures appeared, one slender figure looking down on everyone with arrogance.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and this is Otsutsuki Kinshiki, you lower beings."

Otsutsuki Momoshiki, with a smirk, laughed scornfully, especially when his eyes landed on Uchiha Yoru: "Rinnegan, it seems Kaguya has done quite a lot in this world."

"You two unknown bastards, what exactly do you want after all this babble!"

Right as Uzumaki Naruto furiously yelled, the Sage of Six Path hadn't yet managed to intervene, when suddenly a red light flashed by. The massive figure of Otsutsuki Kinshiki brutally knocked him away. As the Sage of Six Path attempted to act, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"Red! The Rinnegan!"

Shocked at the sight of the blood-red Rinnegan revealed in the open palm, the Sage of Six Path was taken aback as if naturally restrained, facing the open palm, he appeared powerless.

"No! No!"

Suddenly, a terrifying red light flickered, and the Sage of Six Path panicked as he found a significant amount of chakra draining from his body, shouting in terror, yet powerless.

It seemed he was naturally restrained, and also he had just transferred most of his power to Naruto, leaving him without even a slight ability to resist.

Futon: Rasenshuriken

Just then, Naruto suddenly roared, hurling a terrifyingly large Rasenshuriken. The Sage of Six Path seized the moment to dodge, narrowly escaping.

However, facing the horror, Otsutsuki Momoshiki simply extended his right hand, absorbing the Futon: Rasenshuriken, which disappeared in an instant.

"Naruto! You can't handle this enemy alone!"

The Sage of Six Path, having narrowly escaped, urgently shouted in anger. A foreigner of the same caliber as his mother had finally appeared, and it was all true.

"Stop nagging!"

However, Otsutsuki Momoshiki frowned in disdain, lifting his left hand. The Rinnegan in his palm spun, creating an extremely terrifying scene.

A massive Rasenshuriken appeared.

"This! This is the power of the Rinnegan, to amplify absorbed power and then counterattack!"

This ability was somewhat similar to Uchiha Yoru's Mangekyou Sharingan, both enhancing ninjutsu, but one absorbed powerfully while the other released it enhanced.

Under the Sage of Six Paths shocked gaze, the massive Rasenshuriken crashed down, and the ground trembled under the thunderous sound.

Summoning Jutsu

A large puff of white smoke appeared, and amidst the explosive force, a series of wails and screams followed. As the smoke cleared, the true form was revealed.

It was the Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku.

The great Toad Sage was bleeding profusely from the back, looking even more shocked and ferocious.

"Sage of Six Path, weren't you dead?"

Panting, the Toad Sage, summoned at the last moment as a shield, showed not l but anger.

"Gamamura, is this what you told me! Kaguya said we'd face extraterrestrial enemies in the future, and now they've come!"

Now the Sage of Six Path, having lost nearly all his power, was filled with anger, while the great Toad Sage was utterly shocked.

Seeing the situation, its old skin was filled with terror.

"Sage of Six Path, I meant well for this world, who knew this was true, you didn't even believe your own parents, and now you're asking me..."

Goodness, the great Toad Sage, upon seeing the trouble, instantly showed panic. Initially, it too thought this was false, merely an excuse by Kaguya, but now, with these two beings almost identical to Kaguya appearing, it was completely panicked.

Initially, Kaguya's appearance changed the world, eliminating countless demons and, with the near extinction of demons, even human Onmyoji declined generation after generation due to peace.

It was just seeking revenge, but who knew it would be true.

While Otsutsuki Momoshiki floats arrogantly in the sky, ignoring everyone else, he coldly gazes at the chakra orb in his hand.

"Tsk, is this all?"

After all, the Sage of the Six Paths has died, now in a soul state, and a major part of his power was recently overloaded to Naruto, so Otsutsuki Momoshiki didn't absorb much.

Meanwhile, the Konoha ninjas in the distance are all shocked and secretly relieved that they are under the command of Lord Yoru; otherwise, they would be the unlucky ones.

"Naruto, didn't you always talk about understanding each other? About restoring the Five Great Village system to rebuild peace? How will you deal with your enemy now?"

In the face of Uchiha Yoru's mockery, Naruto, in a rage, doesn't care and shouts, "Bastard, what are you?"

Indeed, he's still the same Naruto.

At this moment, Naruto is extremely angry, more so because his beliefs have been overturned. He feels like he's been a fool all along, not even the Sage of the Six Paths understood the true essence of the world.


The giant Otsutsuki Kinshiki raises a red giant ax, looking down on them coldly.

"Kakashi, order all the ninjas to retreat from the battle area, those below the Kage level are not allowed to participate."


In the distance, Uchiha Yoru calmly issues orders, as everyone is even more shocked at the sudden appearance of the enemy.

The legend of the Kaguya is true, the Sage of the Six Paths is real, and now there are enemies from beyond the sky.

"Gamamura, now it's time for you to quell the chaos. Weren't you the one who said all this was a conspiracy of lies?"

Uchiha Yoru, now calm, does not intend to move but instructs everyone to keep a close watch and analyze the enemy's information.

And the giant, aged Toad Sage's face turns green, staring with his toad eyes, sweating coldly.

"Gamamura, and I trusted you so much!"

The Sage of the Six Paths roars in anger and then directly merges into Naruto's body, their figures overlapping.

"Naruto, my power is with you now, you will have my power."

The sun and moon marks appear in his palms, and at the same time, a tremendous power surges within him, filling Naruto with astonishment.

"This powerful force!"

Yin and Yang power.

God's pursuit.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki charges like a cannonball, clashing with Naruto.

The fighting power of Otsutsuki Kinshiki , although debatable, some say they are not as strong as Kaguya, especially since they were easily defeated by Naruto and Sasuke.

And Kaguya, who was barely sealed by the joint effort of Sasuke and Naruto.

But Otsutsuki Momoshiki's arrogant and mocking tone towards Kaguya still proves her full confidence in Kaguya.

No matter what, both Momoshiki and Kinshiki's strength are at least at the level of the Six Paths.

Otsutsuki Kinshiki's unleashed power is extremely terrifying, especially when facing the completely Otsutsuki clan, unaware of the opponent's capabilities.

"Naruto, be careful!"

Gamamaru knew that at this moment there was no escape; the only chance to survive was to defeat this so-called Otsutsuki clan.

Otherwise, if they lost, Mount Myoboku would surely be doomed.

Moreover, if he fled, not to mention other consequences, the wrath of the Sage of the Six Paths would be unbearable for Mount Myoboku.

The constrained Great Toad Sage had no choice but to drag his aged body into the battlefield.

Though aged, as the Sage Jutsu exploded, the old toad truly became vigorous, furiously roaring and unleashing extremely terrifying combat power.

For a time, Naruto and the Great Toad Sage, fighting together, were actually holding their own against Otsutsuki Kinshiki.

Meanwhile, Momoshiki looked on with a noble and arrogant demeanor, not taking the others seriously, as if they were, as he said, inferior beings.

At that moment, Otsutsuki Momoshiki squinted at the red moon and said indifferently, "It seems Kaguya still needs some time to break free, so you lower beings..."

Turning his head, Otsutsuki Momoshiki squinted at Uchiha Yoru and noted, "Rinnegan, your body possesses the power of the original chakra and a strange force; it seems lower beings are also quite impressive."

At that time, not only did Uchiha Yoru have the chakra from absorbing the Ten-Tails and returning to ancestral form, but he also possessed the native Sage Jutsu power of this world.

The two powers had fused over the years, and now Uchiha Yoru's eyes glowed with a pair of purple Rinnegan, calmly looking at the distant enemy.

"Ordinary Kage-level fighters also stand down; this enemy is different. If we fail, the entire world will become a colony of outsiders."

As Uchiha Yoru's voice fell, everyone showed a grave expression, even the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, was shocked at this scene.

"Otsutsuki! Beings from beyond the heavens!"

Having explained everything about the millennium, the real fear only settled in everyone's hearts when the Otsutsuki actually appeared.

"The Otsutsuki race has colonized countless worlds like this; it's a powerful race existing in the cosmos, each individual possessing terrifying Six Paths-level combat power. Do you still have thoughts of restoring the Five Great Village?"

Uchiha Yoru explained the race with a cold sneer, revealing the crisis this world faces.

If two Otsutsukis are already this terrifying, even if they luckily survive this time, what about the next?

"Beings exist in the cosmos!"

Uchiha Madara arrived in front of everyone in his crimson battle armor, laughing in anger, "Heh, so there is such a vast world."

Although he had been tricked before, Uchiha Madara didn't think his ideas were wrong; he saw even further goals beneath his demeanor.

"Uchiha Yoru, does your word count?"

At this moment, with Uchiha Madara's questioning voice, Uchiha Yoru's mouth curled into a smile.

"An alliance? It counts naturally, but it seems that there's already a gap between our strengths right now!"

Uchiha Yoru chuckled as he looked at Uchiha Madara, "Of course, an alliance doesn't count when there's such a disparity in power. I suppose I don't need to explain that. However, cooperation is not out of the question."

"After unifying the ninja world, I'll carve out a piece of land in the Land of Lightning for you. This land will be your domain under the Infinite Tsukuyomi. When we venture far to conquer the stars and seas, there will be plenty of territories."

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Madara's mouth curled into a wildly arrogant smile, "Heh, the ninja world is so small, and the land available for expansion is so limited, barely enough for one person to play with. But now it's different."

The emergence of the Otsutsuki indeed brought a crisis to the ninja world but also brought opportunities to those with ambition.

Like Uchiha Madara, and among the crowd, Orochimaru, excitedly watching the legendary Otsutsuki clan.

Clearly, some are not content with obscurity.