Final Thought's

Hello Guys! Just want to let you know that this Fanfic is already over!

The FanFic Details are here:

Name: 我宇智波:分裂木叶

Author's Name: 锦鲤好运 (Lvl.5)


Always Support the Author by reading in the Paid Websites


Author's Final Thought's

It's finished. At this point, I would like to first thank all the brothers and sisters who have supported me. This book is currently my most successful one.

From the initial subscription of less than 1400 at launch, it quickly entered the premium category, and now at its completion, the average subscription is 5700, with the highest subscription reaching 15636. It was just a little short of becoming a major hit. Here, I sincerely thank everyone for their support.

Also, as everyone knows, I am a full-time author. Logically, with the current performance of this book, I could continue to write and earn money from this universe. Yes, earning money is normal, but I am dedicated to writing full-time.

For future considerations, I have finished writing everything that needed to be covered in "Naruto", so it's time to conclude this series. After all, I need to continue writing books to make a living. If the reputation gets tarnished, it's all over.

Of course, this book has taught me a lot. I will definitely not repeat the mistakes made in this book in my next one.

For the next book, I will venture into the genre of Xianxia, writing in the 'immortal mortal' style. I already have the outline and main direction, and I am currently discussing the opening chapters and plot with my editor. The plan is to publish the book in the latter half of August. I will notify everyone in the group at that time, so don't worry, I will also announce it in the book review section and when opening a new chapter.

Many readers have advised me against creating an original Xianxia, saying it's easy to fail. I know it's easy to fail, but after failing in my startup last year and returning home to write full-time, everyone is aware of the current situation with fan fiction—the traffic has been severely cut.

Moreover, I've always dreamed of writing a Xianxia story, and with the editor's help, I don't want to miss this great opportunity.

Original creation is the big trend, so I am going to give it my all. This book has been in preparation since May when I went to Shanghai. Readers in the subscription group know that just for the opening part, I've written almost 100,000 words. It really is the book into which I've put the most effort so far.

I don't dare to expect to become hugely famous; I'm just a struggling author, hoping for the new book to get over a thousand initial subscriptions. Then, I can stabilize and continue writing.

It's that simple. I don't insist on writing only hits. Living in a small fourth-tier city without a mortgage, I don't face much pressure. So, I'm giving it my all from the start, haha.

After saying so much, I just want to let everyone know, those who like Xianxia books, please support me after I start the new book.

I dare not say much, but since I became a full-time author last year, I have never missed an update. The updates are absolutely stable, even if I'm sick, I try my best to maintain at least one update. Please understand.

"Red Cloud: Achieving Enlightenment through Mahayana Buddhism (Here: 红云:立大乘佛教成圣)" and "Naruto: The Division of Konoha (This FF: 我宇智波:分裂木叶)" are two of my completed books that have done well. Writing Xianxia, I do have a foundation, haha.

This is also a risk for me, a challenge! Since going full-time last year, those familiar know that when one book is about to finish, I've already started another. That's also why I have three accounts, all for the sake of full-time writing.

I hadn't finished the old book before starting a new one, not keeping a full attendance. So, for a seamless transition, because after all, I need manuscript fees to support my family, the new books were always started early.

But this time is different. I want to start a new book, but it's challenging. The editor has been dissatisfied with the beginning, and it's been under constant revision. This time, finishing the old book, I will focus on the new Xianxia book.

Taking the risk, going without manuscript fees for two months, life requires a gamble! I hope it won't be too disastrous.

The path to immortality is long. Dear brothers, fellow Daoists, cough cough~ see you at the starting point at the end of August. I hope the new book doesn't flop too badly (#^.^#).

I wish all my brothers and sisters great wealth, good fortune, and a prosperous life.


Author's New Book: 修仙:我只想进大宗门苟



Translator's Final Thoughts

Alright, I don't have much to say, as the author has already thanked everyone for their support. But thanking once was not enough. Thanks, guys!

Translating this fanfic is a bit hard, for example, when the jutsu called is different in three different languages: Chinese, Japanese, and English. Lmao… sometimes the final English name also changes, haha. I only pick what I like and have the 'whatever works, works' mentality.

But, and hopefully, it won't be necessary next time since I need to get better at this, especially since I'm earning on Patreon and hope the members feel they've gotten their money's worth.

Speaking of next… The next fanfic I'm translating is, luckily, a Naruto Fanfic again!

I already have the experience, but please be gentle if there's still something wrong.

So here's the Next Project!

Name: Part-Time Employee in Konoha

Translator: Bleam

Thank you again, guys! See you in the next fanfic.