Glaurung by Rathmun

Its a decent multicross waifucatalog fic

Words: 445k+


Arrival 1: Pyros

Yeah… I'm writing one of these because it wouldn't get out of my head. I am at least doing a couple things I haven't seen from anyone else's attempt, but I make no promises about update frequency or reliability. We'll see how long the muse sticks around.

YMMV, I own nothing, I'm not making any money on this, etc… boilerplate disclaimer here.

Pyros, the Divine Fire, the Spark of inspiration, that which separates the tool user and the tool inventor.

Pyros, the Divine Fire, the burning drive of the mad scientist, the all-consuming need to 'show them all'.

Pyros, the Divine Fire, unquenchable, insatiable, once stolen by Prometheus and gifted to man.

That fire burns within me now, I can feel it roiling in my chest, throbbing just behind my sternum like a second heartbeat. It lends depth to my thoughts they didn't have before, but also a drive, a desire for more. I can spot what I did wrong, but the obvious solution is to just keep going, pushing harder and harder against the problems until I find a way though.

It's funny isn't it? How an innocent good idea can lead to another, which leads to another, and another, but when you look around you're left wondering how the hell you got from where you started to where you are. Dragon Musk, Dragon Blood. Just that combination requires a tier six world, with nothing else. No Sweet Home, no Perks, no bindings other than the stamp with which to share your perks with the waifus you can't even afford yet. Sure, you could head out on your own and find some waifus to stamp, either to keep or to earn the capture bonus, but even as a dragon, tier six is where things start actually getting dangerous. Nasu mages literally hunted dragons to extinction, and without something like Trace Defense, they'd be on me in a heartbeat the moment I set foot on Gaia, to say nothing of what Alaya would say or do.

The growl I aim at my Company phone is a lot more threatening than I could have managed a few days ago, or even an hour ago. "Always be yourself" I mutter. "Unless you can be a dragon. Well, I'm a dragon now, but it blew the 'live in a sane world' budget. Fuck."

Sailor Moon has literal planet crackers, but those are nothing compared to Pluto. You can't stamp a waifu there without her showing up to gank you from behind right before you get the stamp in place. Again, Trace Defense would help, but any perks will kick a dragon up into the tier seven worlds. To Aru? They're breeding actual physical gods there. Trace Defense, Destiny Defense, and Mind Defense are all mandatory for that deathworld. At least, if you're a dragon.

With another growl, I look around the utterly featureless waiting room 'The Company' provided to go over my options, and kick the world tier up a notch, gaining more points to spend. Then another, because Warranty Plan is a thing and I cannot stand the thought of losing what is mine!!! Er… That might be the dragon starting to affect my thinking, but somehow I can't bring myself to take it off. My waifus are my hoard, for all that I don't have any yet, and insurance against losing any of my hoard calls to me with a siren song.

Oh well, at least I have the points for Sweet Home now, even after taking all the defenses and the required talents. A shroud too for good measure. I could stick with the stamp, but I might as well fill the budget for tier eight if I'm going to end up there anyway. Sticky Fingers and Faerie Feast are just for fun, I want to pamper my girls to within an inch of their lives. There's not much better than making a girl cum so hard she can't walk, or even stand up.

Flicking the screen to switch from perks to 'merchandise', I snort and shake my head. "No, not here. I'll buy them after I get 'home'." Just thinking of it seems to reveal a switch in my mind, like when you make your perception check in a CRPG and the interface suddenly changes to highlight something that was already there but didn't stand out. Flicking the switch, a portal opens right in front of the recliner I'm seated in. On the other side is a beautiful beach fronting a lush forest. Standing up, I take one last look around the featureless white… area, It doesn't have enough definition to be a 'room', and note that the comfortable chair seems to have vanished when I stood up. "Subtle." I snark, and step through.

A riot of smells hits my nose on the other side, the ocean breeze, the thousand species of flowers, the baking sand. There's a moment of silence before the local wildlife somehow recognizes an apex hyperpredator despite my still-human shape. Probably catching the scent of the Dragon Musk wafting off of me. I have the thought that Wild Talent should let me calm them, call them out, but I'm honestly not that interested. I only took it for Wild Defense, that sort of blanket absolute immunity to environments is awesome.

Oh well, they'd panic anyway in a few seconds. Another of those hidden switches highlights in my mind when I think about it, and then my point of view is rocketing upward. A moment of vertigo as my head is abruptly sixty meters off the beach, but it passes and I twist my head around to inspect my form. The Cyber Shroud is blatantly obvious now, limning the edges of my scales in flowing patterns like RGB backlighting on a keyboard left on demo mode. A moment's thought and the patterns calm, pulsing slowly with my breathing instead, and holding to a nice subdued blue.

As fun as it is to be an absolute Unit like this, I'm the size of a mansion at the moment, and I'd like to fit in mine. On the other hand, I'd prefer to stay in dragon shape. I'm a dragon dammit! And all things should respect me as such! There's an easy solution though, and the reason I picked the cyber shroud out of the available options. Unlike so many things in the multiverse, technology tends to get smaller as it improves. The light shining between my scales flares bright again, brighter than the noonday sun overhead for a few seconds while I shrink down to a more manageable size. I leave off when I figure I can fit through a door, with my wings folded. About six percent of my previous size, and probably about the same bulk as the 'mini-mech' form I can feel off to the side of my mind. I'll play with that later, but right now I'm having too much fun being a dragon instead of a really swole dude who kinda looks like a dragon.

The flight to my new house takes a couple minutes at most. The front doors open as I approach, with a slightly artificial sounding female voice greeting "Welcome home master." with perfect received pronunciation.

"Err… Hi. Who are you?"

"I am your Home Automation Neural Network Assistant, HANNA. A Virtual Intelligence if you will."

"So not an AI."


"K. Can I reconfigure the sweet home perk through you?"


"Cool, put one of those pillow-nest beds in my room, and give me directions."

"As you wish."

Curling up on a giant pile of pillows has its advantages, and part of me really looks forward to sleeping in there with my hoard, once I have it. Better get to work on that.

Pulling my new phone out of… a… slot in my arm… Rolling my eyes, because of course you can do that with the Cyber Shroud, I pull up the merchandise list. "Hmm… If I want the best benefit out of all the talents, I should get potential teachers. Magic and Tech together means someone MGLN-ish. Soul Talent is Naruto, Bleach, or RWBY that I know. Two of those are iffy on being able to share. I don't actually know all that many psychic waifu targets, and I'm not sure I need training with the Wild Talent. Dragons don't need to ride horses."

Goals in mind, I start narrowing my search. The Magic and Tech waifu is… actually very easy. She may be miniscule by default, but she's just too adorable, and we can build her a larger body. Or she can unison with another waifu. "Hahaha, reminds me of that old meme. 'I like to fuck my waifus, so I put a waifu in my waifu so I can fuck my waifu while I fuck my waifu.'"

With that I hit the button, spending fifty of my remaining hundred ten. *Blip!* "HI!" The tiny cheerful voice greets, Reinforce Zwei flying through a portal to land on my nose. "Greetings master! I don't think you're going to fit."

"Hey Rein, kinda blunt for a first meeting." The corners of my mouth curl up in a grin, and contentment spreads through me at the start of my hoard. "Especially since I haven't shrouded you yet."

"Ohhhh! Tentacles! Those will fit!" She pokes at the edge of a couple scales, then giggles happily. "Cyber shroud! Ohhh, this will be wonderful."

"You know, I didn't expect you to be quite this eager."

"I was programmed by Hyate. The Company just made a copy." She wiggles her tiny eyebrows suggestively and giggles. "I even have a copy of the shopping and control app installed. You're the only user with execute access. Now come on! Shroud me!"

My grin increases, the tiny girl straddling my snout is just so eager and so adorable. Also, I can feel a bit of dampness against my scales where she's sitting. Just a couple drops, but on her scale, good grief. "Just a few more questions first."

"Aww." I can't help laughing, my body shaking slightly as a result. My little Rein just grinds with the motion, happy smile on her lips and eyes closed.

"Seriously though. You're a copy, and you know you're a copy, but are all the girls copies? The manual suggests it, but having no previous universe to portal too could have more than one cause."

"No. Oh, sure, there's lots of clones, Warranty is really popular, but most of the clones are for re-sleeving. Originals are usually from Dead Ends. It's a lot easier to do things that way, you can't portal there because there's no there there, and it keeps people from trying to portal to the factory. If them dying doesn't dead-end their universe then sometimes intra-brane quantum echo-scans are used right before they bite it."

"But… no quantum cloning?"

"No inter-universal quantum cloning. Intra-universal is fine. Uncertainty doesn't apply to acausal observers outside reality."

"Ah… Well. Frightening implications of that aside, that's all I had for questions at the- No, wait, as a unison device, you don't actually produce waste products do you?"

"No, why?" Rein asks with a cute little head-tilt, hips still grinding along my scales.

"You'll see." The tentacles produced by my shroud seem to draw from a doc-ock or mechanicus aesthetic. Scales along the sides of my mouth slide back to reveal compartments that don't really exist in that same space. Segmented barbels slide out and wind their way up the sides of my muzzle where a couple grab at Rein's ankles. She squeaks excitedly as they wind their way up her legs, coiling tightly around her calves and thighs. I can feel her skin through the metallic surface of the tendrils, soft, smooth, perfectly formed by literal craftsmen. Craftswomen? Either way, the pressure starts building down between my legs, newly internalized and reconfigured plumbing getting ready to greet the world for the first time.

Biting the corner of her lip as they get closer and closer, Rein gasps when the tip of one mecha-tendril brushes against the damp gusset of her panties. She tries to rock down against it, but her thighs are held in a literal iron grip. Opening her eyes again she pouts at me, but I just keep gently brushing across the surface. Delving into the sensations I'm getting back from this application of the shroud. The sense of touch keeps getting clearer, as though the settings were being dialed in, and there's a slight… sweetness? I can taste through them too? Eager to study this new application, I continue lightly brushing against her tiny lips through her panties, just teasing and teasing while she struggles to get more.

"Maaaasterrr! Please?"

"I like watching you squirm." Her pout intensifies, and suddenly her sodden panties simply disappear, leaving my tendrils stroking directly against her hairless lips. "Rein! Who gave you permission for that?" I ask sternly, though I can't really hide the grin in my voice.

"Not bound Yeeeeet." She answers cheekily.

"You're going to be a handful."

"Literally." She chirps. "Like a whole-body hug, with just your hand. And if you squeeze too tight, I'll auto-unison before getting hurt."

"Well, I want to tease you for a while before binding you, so here's the deal. Right now you're at a week of no-cumming after I bind you. Every minute you hold back cuts an hour off that week."

"What!?" Her eyes go wide. "Soooo mean."

"Get ready."