The Dragon's Breakdown - House Of The Dragon SI by Firewillreign

Would you enjoy it if the damn arrogant entitled Targaryens get father of all face slaps to their faces and lose their shits when si has finally has enough and spills the beans about the dance and future? because I would I totally would welcome to this madness where I laugh

Words: 17k+


(An SI into House of the Dragon.

Only, this guy was born too late to do significant change, has a small ass dragon, and is faced with the relisation that he can't do shit to stop the dance at this point.

The resulting breakdown is.....extreme)

Chapter 1

"So this is it" Aenar thought bitterly "All of my fucking efforts to fix this shitshow, and it still ends the same"

Aemond had lost an eye after claiming Vhagar, therfore giving the Greens what was basically the biggest force equalizer on the continent.

Which in turn means, the Dance was all but guranteed.

A fucking lifetime of endearing myself to both fucking factions, of living with the constnat terror of my almost assured incoming death, all for nothing. Even my dragon was barley a hatchling, and wouldn't be fit to ride for years.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Well then. It was all for nothing. I'm going to die, likely painfully, as will tens of thousands of people, all for the sake of a throne my family already owned. And if that's the case...

I grabbed a wineskin that had been left unnatended and drank deeply.


Almost an hour later,

"Oh fuck literally all of you"

King Viserys Targaryan, second of his name freezes, as does most of the room. With a sense of disbelief, they all turn around to stare in horror at the young boy who spoke up.

Prince Aenar Targaryan, twin to the injured prince Aemond sits on the floor with his baack to the stone wall, his pale blue dragon spread out beside him, it's head on his lap.

Though the young boy hadn't been nearly as injured as his twin, he had a sizable and rapidly growing lump on his forehead, the result of his efforts in intervening in the scuffle between Aemond and Princess Rhaenyra's children. He returned from wherever it was he dissapeared to moments ago, clutching a near-empty wineskin.

For a moment, the room is quiet, aside from the small noises of satisfaction that the young dragon made as it's master absent mindedley scratched it.

"Your Grace" Otto Hightower began "The young prince has had a long night, as have we al-

"and especially fuck you, grandfather" Aenar cut him abruptly

The room falls once more into stunned silence, cut off only by Prince Aegon's disbelieving snort. His mother turns a glare at him that would've made a dragon submit, and he lowers his head immediatly.

"My son" Viserys voice is half anger, half disbelief "To speak in fro-

"Not you though" Aenar gestured drunkedly "That's the worst bit. Your the only decent one of the lot here"

Viserys closes his mouth, dumbfounded

"Ser Criston" Queen Alicent is pale and shaking "Escort my son to his chambers, now"

With a murmured agreement, the shellshocked kingsgaurd reaches for the prince, but the Aenar isn't having it.


The word is barley a drunk mumble, but the blue dragon rears it's head and Criston in turn retreats at once. Even a small dragon can belch veritable waves of flame. Suddenly, the occupants of the room realise all at once the situation they were in.

Trapped in a crowded, enclosed space with a very drunk and very upset child.

One who had a living flame thrower at his beck and call.

"I tried" Aenar began, once the dragon had settled somewhat "I tried to help, so so fucking hard"

"Aenar" Viserys tone was soft, but his eyes where still very much focused on the roused dragon "What happened tonight was a horrible accident, you could not have hoped to pr-"

"Fuck tonight" Aenar screamed, and his Stormchaser hissed. The occupants of the room all physical reared back, Daemon included.

"I'm talking a-a-about the fucking dance" Aenar continued screaming, waving his hands wildly like a demented maniac "The fucking dance, you bunch of overambitious, realm destroying cunts!"

"Dance?" Rhaneyra, pale face, questioned. She had no clue what the mad boy was yammering on about, but the more he talked the less likely he got them all killed in dragon fire.

"The dance of the dragons" Aenar nodded, as he stood up, swooning in place. His Dragon rose with him, Large enough that it's head was taller than he "The stupid fucking civil war between your dumbass and Aegon!"

Silence once more reigned.

"My son" there was no mistaking the fury in Viserys's voice this time around "There is no war, and there will never be war between Aegon and Rhaenyra."

Aenar just laughs hysterically "Not yet, but it will come. I see it everynight, in my dreams"

And Viserys and Rhaenyra still

"You'll still be warm" Aenar spits bitterly, before waving in the general direction of Alicent "Before mother dearest and Otto the Ass crown Aegon King."

"Your grace-" Otto begins, alarmed

"Shut the fuck up!" Aenar screams, and Stormchaser snarls and belches plumes of flame that have nearly everyone's hearts stopping dead.

"You-You!" Aenar howls at his stunned and unerved grandfather "With your ceasless lust for that stupid ass impracticle chair!"

"Aenar please -" Alicent begins

"Him bieng here is your fucking fault, mother" he spits "If you hadn't had that clubfoot limp dicked shit kill Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin (He ignores the horrified exclamations, and Alicent's damning horrified stare at an enraged Viserys), this cunt would far away, where he fucking belongs!"

He rounds on Rhaenyra then, and despite being a child he almost has her flinching "And your dumbass! You had everything, you were the fucking heir, and you had to go and sire the three most obvious fucking bastards anyone in this room and beyond have ever fucking seen! For fuck's sake, fuck who you like, everyone does it anyway, but if you have to have bastards, at least make sure they look like you!"

"You dare-" Rhaenyra begins

"For the last time" Aenar screams right back "Shut the fuck up! all of you had the chance to talk, and you fucked everything in every position imaginable, so now you shut up and listen!"

He collapses back then, back against the wall as he breathes in deeply, before beggining to sob.

For a moment, no one is sure what to do, before Viserys tries to move forward and reach for his son. Before he makes it a step, Aenar's head shoots up, red faced from drink and tears, but with an expression of calm that had the hairs on the backs of everyone's necks rising.

"Tell you what" He began, and though his tone was conversational, everyone, daemon included, tense "I'll tell you where this is going"

It was the nuclear option, the one thing that would assure chaos, but drunk, mad and terrified out of his mind, Aenar frankly didn't give a rat's ass anymore.

So he speaks. Of the death of Viserys, Of the beginning of the dance, and all that follows.

At some point he becomes dimly aware of Lucerys sobbing and Jacaerys shooting murderous looks at a disturbed and apprehensive Aemond, of Daemon staring slackjawed along with Corlys, Rhaenys, and Otto. He even catches sight of Rhaenyra and Viserys staring at him as if beholding the Doom itself.

Perhaps, in a way, they were.

He doesn't stop at the dance. Oh no. He was in it for the fucking long run this time. He speaks of Rhaenyra's death (Here Aegon actually stars hyperventilating when Rhaenyra snaps around to look at him), of the rise of Aegon the Dragonbane, of Daeron and Baelor and Viserys, of the Unworthy and the Unlikely and all the fucking rest of them.

By the time he reaches Rhaegar (prophecy obsessed dumb fuck that he was), half the room is staring at him as if mad, the other half (the Targaryans who had their theories of what all this meant) were staring at him in horror. Viserys, Rhaenyra and Rhaenys looked close to a fucking breakdown, wilst Dameon was staring at very frightened Otto and Criston with nothing short of murder in his eyes. Alicent actually seemed to be having a breakdown, and Aegon had collapsed under the weight of drink and everyone's stares and was essentialy catatonic.

At some point, Jacaerys had drawn the same knife that had taken Aemond's eye and was staring at his uncle with literal murder in his eyes, whilst Aemond seemed to be debating his chances of making it out the door unscathed.

They were not good chances.

Outside, nearly all the dragons seemed to be worked up into a frenzy, Syrax and Sunfyre both especially wild.

"And so Rhaegar died" Aenar spat "leaving behind his dumbass son by Lyanna Stark. The Prince Who was Promised, whose Song is the Song of Ice and Fire. What a fucking joke."

It's that last sentence that seems to convince Viserys and Rhaenyra, strangely enough, as the King howls (No!) and collapses to his knees, whilst Rhaenyra starts wailing her head off in despair. The room descends into a frenzy.

"Good" Aenar nodded with satisfaction as everything went to hell in a hand basket "Now you self destructive assholes feel like I do all the fucking time"

It's at this point that the doors the hall burst open, causing everyone to freeze. A drenched and very drunk Ser Laenor Velaryon stumbled in, face down. He looked up, a look of confusion as he beheld the horrified faces of his family, the despair on Rhaenyra and Viserys, on Aemond and Aegon and all the rest of them.

".....Did I miss something important?" He questions weakly.


"To summarize, you" Aenar spoke flatly, breaking the silence "Are a dumb fuck, as is everyone here."



Sorry, the idea was bouncing around in my head and I couldn't help it XD

Just a one shot, maybe more if people like it. Regardless, thanks for reading/

Leave your comments and Ideas, and if you don't like it, please be courteous.