Magic and How to steal it (WOW Insert) by Bladedhc

What happens when a sı is really hard in transhumanism and angry at his lot in life but does not have any substantial level of scientific knowledge to augment himself but still lives in a world with tons of magical alternatives?

this fic happens where a si actually uses magic to enhance himself and things escalate enjoy

Words: 139k+


(A gamer finds himself inserted not into the mind of a legendary character or monster, but into the head of a magical addict.)

Shit Deal

I got a shit deal. When most people die in stories like this they find themselves in the body of someone important, some king or hero with all the skills and abilities they could ever need to make the world however they wanted.

They would find their minds melded with a true prodigy of the arts of war and magic, using a combination of meta-knowledge and actual skill to pull themselves to the top, surrounded by beautiful, busty women who see to their every want and need.

I really would have liked to be in the bodies of one of those guys.

Yet here I am, nothing more than a magical crack-head ready to get murdered by passing early level adventurers.

I could have been Arthas, I could have been Thrall, Kel-thuzad, or any number of interesting people, but I wasn't.

I was Felendren the banished, I was Rick the nerd. Together our minds make a somewhat more ambitious being.

I currently sit atop the uppermost spire of Falthrien Acadamy, a beginners academy for magic among the elves.

The academy itself was an odd group of floating magical buildings, they had no walls, as the weather around this place was artificially perfect for elves, and they all were topped with a curved red roof. The individual buildings were covered in pillows were the students would sit and listen to their instructors.

Each of the buildings were patrolled by shoddily summoned mana wraiths I currently had under my control, weaker creatures summoned of mana and the raw energy of the twisting nether. I had dozens of them under my control, using stolen arcane silver from the old instructors here.

Before we merged Felendren was the son of a magister, and a talented one at that, but like many children, he used his talents to avoid studying over actually becoming a powerful mage like he should have been.

I would never understand how someone could be so lazy about making reality bend to your will. The first time Felendren had any sort of ambition or initiative had been when the Sunwell was destroyed by Arthas, and he was denied easy access to magic for the first time.

Like any person denied the source of his addiction he sought ways to get his next fix, consuming all magic he could all at once, corrupting his form into the figure I am now, a hunched being of deathly pallor known to the rest of my kind as one of the wretched.

I was considered a parasite on good Elven society, and they weren't wrong about me, I would kill and steal to get ahead in life, to acquire magic for myself.

The only difference was now I had goals aside from stabbing people for their mana.

Now I would stab them for their mana and their knowledge of magic. Felendren was once a prodigy after all, and I was eager to see what he would be capable of with me in control.

As an addicted madman, he murdered every experienced mage in a magical academy, and then made the magical help his own personal soldiers.

With me, in his head, we might just raise some hell and get the knowledge to be something worth the fear of what was once our people.

I had roughly forty mana wraiths and the ability to assault being minds with a spell known as mind-flay.

I also had the knowledge to make more mana wraiths and where to go to get myself some more power.

I got a bad deal, but as a being with infinite time to learn magic, and infinite ways to exploit my foreknowledge I think Ill be able to put myself ahead of the so-called heroes and kings of this world.

It was time to fuck shit up.

POV change (Well watcher Solonian)

"What do you mean it isn't there!" Solonian was a mage and elf of some power, a well watcher tasked to study ways to fix the destroyed Sunwell, the heart of his people.

He had tasked a few aspiring adventurers with acquiring his lost items, His scroll of dark magic, his scrying orb, and his personal notes on scourge magic.

He had left them in his hurry to tend to the madness Felendren had risen, corrupting the treants, stealing the mana wraiths and killing several of his instructors.

"Well sir we checked the places your possessions were supposed to be and they weren't there."

"Well look harder you fools, no-one would steal th- wait." The Well watcher froze, thinking on all the madness that had taken place in the last hours, and of the one who caused it all.

"Felendren!" "Ill stalk you to the ends of the earth for what you stole from me!"

POV change (Felendren)

I have no clue why any self-respecting mage would leave magical artifacts and knowledge about a forest filled with magical addicts, but I wasn't complaining either. I remember the questline quite well, and that bastard Solonian just gave me all I needed to get started on improving upon my currently shitty magical talents.

I took the wraiths from the academy and decided to bug out before they could send someone to kill me, at the very least they would have to do it in a harder place to find than a group of floating buildings.

The only real issue in leaving was that the only way off the isle aside from swimming my way through was walking through the ruins of Silvermoon, a place filled with guards and magical addicts like me.

Hopefully, leveling wasn't actually a thing or the elementals I brought wouldn't count for shit.

Thought this would be interesting, what do you think?