The Rise of Merlin by jgbb

Words: 26k+


Prologue 1

'I guess he's not coming back then. Not that I can blame him…'

It's not that hard to figure out where I am; the memories that I suddenly have in my head paint a very vivid picture. Even if the feelings and emotions that I would have expected to come with them are not there. But like I said, I have the background knowledge to see this act to the closing scene. When I feel the presence kneel over me and inquire about her son, I know what to say.

Of course, the soon to be dead psychopath doesn't leave it at that. I feel the cruciatus curse hit me but not the pain. Me not responding seems to give credence to what the presence from earlier said to him.

I retreat even further into my mind to prepare myself for what is coming. I vaguely feel the half-giant pick me up and the sensation of movement. The laments of a crowd and the boasting come next. And then there is a commotion that is my signal to move.

Taking out the cloak, I cover myself with it and disappear from sight. I throw out a few spells here and there while waiting for the snake to be dealt with. I can tell when it happens by display of anger from my foe. Throwing out one last shield charm, I reveal myself.

All movement comes to a halt and we become the center of attention. I know that the script calls for specific lines to be exchanged at this point, but I can hardly remember them. So, we simply stare at each other in silence. I'm not sure what he sees in my eyes but in his I can see anger, frustration, fear, and perhaps desperation. In almost perfect synch, we raise our wands and fire our respective spells.

They clash for a moment before they both move towards him and hit. I raise my other hand and catch his wand that flew in an arch to me while he collapses.

The audience, silent until now, let out a collective breath and then erupt in cheers.

The dark lord Voldemort is dead. For good this time. The war is over. But my story has just begun.


Finding myself in a world that I had previously thought to be fictional was quite upsetting. Ending up in a familiar person's body with their memories intact lessened the confusion that was present but not the fear. But knowing where I was along with what was to come, I was able to put that anxiety aside until the deed was done. I didn't get a chance to be alone and ponder on my situation until nighttime. Bedding was arranged for those who planned on staying the night which I took advantage of. There was space in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory which is where I am now.

Harry Potter. The main character in a children's book series that I had found enjoyable in my youth. A kid that found out he could use magic and went on to have action filled adventures while at school. He had experienced many horrors in his short years including facing a dark lord and the death of loved ones but in the end, he won, and the world was safe.

And now he was gone, and I was in his spot. I, a 21-year-old man from the States in another universe had become the savior of Britain. No one was calling me that, but I won't be surprised if they start. This world seemed really big on titles like that. It was strange to be honest. Going from an African American male about to start his senior year of college to a 17-year-old kid who just got struck with the killing curse. Our lives are simply so different. From his muted memories and what I remember from the books, we are completely different people. Different personalities, goals, likes, and probably most annoying at the moment, bodies.

You wouldn't believe how odd it is to be in someone else's body until it happens to you. Even my customary walk feels off. And I spent quite some time perfecting that.

Having showered to get rid of the grime of battle, I had enough supporting evidence to say that my previous body was more preferable to this one. I hadn't been the tallest around, but I did have a unique body type that I thought of as slim buff. Decently muscled and solid enough to be a threat on the field and court without sacrificing on the speed. Harry on the other hand; he wasn't stick thin, but he lacked the definition that I had become accustomed to seeing around the chest, arms, and legs. Even worse, he needed glasses when I once had perfect vision. Unacceptable. These things could be fixed back in my world so in one with magic they had no reason to exist for much longer. There were going to be some changes while I'm here.

And that thought leads me to think further about the future. I had already defeated Voldemort meaning that the prophecy had been fulfilled. I was a free man.

In the epilogue of the seventh book, it showed that Harry married Ginny and had some kids. He became the typical magical husband and father from what I gathered. Nothing wrong with that after the hard life he had. But do I want to follow in his footsteps? No, no I don't. Back home I lived an average life. Had good parents, siblings that didn't annoy me too much, some good friends. My occupation had been that of a student for the past seventeen years or so. It was not a bad life, just boring at times. I am and will continue to miss my family and friends, but this is too good an opportunity to pass up. My family was not poor growing up, but we didn't have money to throw around either. A lot of things were not available to us. But that's not the case here; I have the funds from the Potter and Black vaults to live comfortably without working. Not that I plan on being a couch bum. No, that sounds even more boring than being a pencil pusher; I want to explore the world. Visit different countries, see the sights that were so captivating in videos, try new food; the opportunities are endless really.

And most importantly, I want to learn new magics. The set of spells I know through Harry don't live up to what I've fantasized from all the years of watching tv and reading YA novels so I will explore what's out there. Elemental spells, creating golems, free flight, simple convenience; I want them all. And I also want to learn wandless magic. Having to wave around a fragile piece of wood does not appeal to me. But that is a concern for later down the line.

Speaking of wands…

On the bed in front of me are a few items that I had managed to gather and keep on my person. An invisibility cloak, a small colored stone, and a wand. Yes, the deathly hallows. Objects that have their own specific abilities and when assembled can make the handler the master of death. I didn't feel any different now compared to before I obtained the items but perhaps there is something I am missing. A ritual or certain chant that makes one the MOD. Another thing added to my to-do list.

Regarding the elder wand, I had recreated the scene of its disposal using a transfigured twig. Mostly for Hermione and Ron's benefit since no one else suspected anything but it's better safe than sorry. Don't want extra drama in the form of greedy witches and wizards pursuing me for the wand.

Anyways, the vague outlines of a plan are coming together in my mind. Gather the hallows. 'Barrow' some books from the Hogwarts library while no one is aware. Get my affairs in order. Leave this country full of sheep. Travel the world learning magic and having fun.

A nice and simple plan. The only part that might be hard is the actual departure. I doubt my, Harry's, friends will let me leave without a fuss. Especially when I have no intentions of returning and settling down anytime soon. Eh, I'll just keep that to myself and come up with a good excuse for leaving. They can't stop me either way.

Enjoy my presence while you can Britain.



Centuries ago, the mundane and the magical worlds were not kept separately. Magic was an open fact back then. Some people were capable of it and some were not, that was life. Typical of humans, that status quo could not exist forever. The magical began to think themselves to be better than their counterparts while feelings of jealousy and discontent overtook the mundane society. Tensions rose and eventually violence broke out leading to the two groups separating and forming their own communities. Over time the mundane world forgot about the magical while the magical stayed in their isolation. Fast-forward a millennium and the mundane had made great advancements in a variety of fields while the magical stayed mostly the same. A few new spells and potions spread throughout the years but nothing truly remarkable compared to a moon landing or the internet.

Or at least that's my expert opinion. The internet is one of the greatest things ever created. Sure, it hasn't gotten to the level where it was in my world, but the potential is there. Looking forward to free Wi-Fi again.

Back to the point, the two worlds used to be one unlike today. Meaning that for all their differences they still share some qualities. One of those being weddings.

Hermione and Ron are tying the knot and like the good friend I am, I accepted their invitation. Came to show my support.

The past few days had been hectic. Between arranging the site behind the Burrow for the main event, making all the food, and tending to the guests, there was hardly a moment to relax. The family of the almost newly-weds had taken care of things themselves with the help of volunteers such as me. Preparing food for so many mouths had been time consuming. Magic helped but even in my travels I had yet to find a spell to simply spawn a full meal into existence.

Which goes to show the lack of innovation on the part of magical. In a world where most people don't have house-elves you would think someone would find a way to basically automate the process of cooking but apparently no one cared enough. Or perhaps I'm just being lazy.

Nah, these people need to get their priorities straight.

Sitting in the first row of seats with little Teddy to my right and Andromeda to his right, I couldn't help but congratulate myself for getting through that mess. Being in a kitchen with that many people had given me a headache. Didn't help that Ginny had been in there too. But that's the past, just looking forward to the fun that would come after this ceremony.

Magical weddings honestly do look the same as mundane ones. Similar process up until the vows where they changed some of the lines, but they served the same purpose. I had expected some magical vows, but I guess they weren't required to go that far. They just said, 'I do' and sealed the deal.

"Ewww, why are they kissing?" The confusion was audible in his little voice. I laughed.

"It's something the two people getting married have to do at the wedding Teddy." I explained using easy words for his sake. "That could be you someday."

"Nuhuh, I'm not gonna have a wedding. That's weird." Que the face scrunch.

"I don't blame you. Marriage means no more fun." I said jokingly. The exaggerated look of horror almost made me laugh again.

"Harry! Don't tell him stuff like that." That's Andromeda. Disapproval on her face. "Marriage is one of the most beautiful things in life Teddy. Your godfather is just being silly."

"Yeah Teddy, I'm just joking." Sent him a wink.

"Oh. You're right Nan. It's nice." He sent me a wink with both eyes. They grow up so fast.

"Of course, dear. Nan knows best. Now let's be off, the reception is starting soon, and I want a good spot." Getting up and offering a hand to Teddy. Who floats up out of his seat to take it.

While in Western Europe, I had found a little shop that sold miscellaneous items, one of them being a red cape with a phoenix brooch. Needless to say, I had to buy it even if not for myself. A few enchantments and charms later and the thing could adjust to the wearer, stay clean, and levitate a couple feet off the ground.

Doctor Strange was definitely not my inspiration when creating it. Not at all.

Anyways, during my last visit of Britain a year ago I had gifted it to Teddy. It was now his favorite article of clothing. He wore it every day taking advantage of its special properties to not have to walk when inside the house. And being a child, he could get away with wearing it to the wedding. Not that anyone had a problem with it.

"Yeah," Getting up myself, I took Teddy's free hand. "Can't let everyone else finish all the food. Worked too hard for that."

"Hush you. There is plenty to go around." Andromeda, how naïve of you.

"Don't ever underestimate the power of freeloaders when it comes to food."

Fond laughter was what I received. She did walk faster though.


Andromeda Black. Born a Black, became a Tonks, and then brought back into the Black household by yours truly. Middle child among the Black sisters, eldest Bellatrix and youngest Narcissa, and the only one who had not been connected to Voldemort and his cult of blood supremacists. She paid the price all the same; both her husband and only child killed before the second war's end. Her younger sister and her family may have survived the war but in her eyes, she had no family left. None except little Teddy, the son of her late daughter.

When Teddy's parents had fallen in battle, Andromeda had not hesitated in taking him in and treating him as her own. Which I truly appreciated because although I might be good with children, having to take care of one was beyond my abilities and had not been factored in during my initial plotting. Rather than simply leaving Britain and not coming back for some years as I had first planned, I used magic. Of course, there were certain restrictions around international use of portkeys and apparation, but they only made a process that would have been instantaneous take a couple minutes.

That's nothing compared to what mundane means of transportation would have taken.

Anyways, it meant that I could take my desired trip and easily visit Teddy whenever I wanted to. Someone did have to watch over him when I wasn't there however and Andromeda more than met my standards. With her previous home not being available, they had lived in 12 Grimmauld Place for a year and a half before moving into the new Potter Manor that I had constructed on the same lot as the previous one.

I call it a manor but describing it as a large cottage wouldn't be wrong either. Limestone exterior with dark roofing. Interior a mixture of stone and wood. Two stories, five bedrooms, four bathrooms, large kitchen and living room. Library and study on the second floor. And one room that even years later is still empty. Reserving that one for when I figure out how to have electronics in an environment full of magic. No luck so far. Overall, the interior is bright and homey. I took even more liberties with the exterior. Smooth brick driveway with a fountain in the front, swimming pool in the back, and beyond that is a small garden in the shape of a circle with a patio in the center and a kid's playhouse. All of it located under a variety of wards set up by professionals.

I took ideas from places that I had seen in my old life wishing I could afford them or even see them in real life instead of online. It had a lot of features that the typical magical house would not have but I was firm with the designers. I would have my dream house, even if I wouldn't spend much time in it for a while. In the end, I loved how it came out. And so did Andromeda and Teddy although only one of them could express it at the time. After getting a house-elf and activating the wards, I had them move in.

That was over four years ago. Since then, the house has been broken in. I claimed and decorated the master bedroom. Ann got a room and basically took charge of the garden. Teddy moved into his own room eventually and can usually be found running, now floating, all over the place. Tut, our elf, helps around the house and then does his own thing out when out of sight. Everyone developed a routine and things were normal.

Well, one thing stood out: Ann and I have been sharing a bed for a couple years now.

Unsurprisingly, we had gotten close while living and taking care of a kid together. Watching Teddy play around in the backyard, teaching him to swim, teaching Ann to swim after she admitted to not knowing how to, taking Teddy out into Diagon Alley and the mundane world, talking and sharing stories in my study late at night. If she were my age, we probably would have gotten together sooner. But she was not. She was a mature woman who had became a widower only four years prior. One who had created many good memories with her spouse and would probably grieve for him until she died. However, she was only human and felt emotions like the rest of us. The loneliness, desire for comfort, and her own physical needs lowered her inhibitions towards me. The closeness and discretion perhaps also played a part.

When she kissed me for the first time and made her intentions clear, I had no reason to deny her. None that I cared for at least.

Despite age and catastrophe taking a toll on her she was still attractive. I credit that to her being a witch; magic lends us a certain vitality that those without lack more often than not. For example, no one as old as Dumbledore should have been as spry as he was. Back to Ann, I personally thought she was hot, a mother I liked fucking. Striking appearance, delicate features with eyes that showed what she had been through but could still be warm when she laughed. Fair skin, brown hair, and only half a head shorter than me. Her body likewise told tales of the life she'd lived so far; soft and not as trim as her youth but the extra mass did great things to her hips and breasts.

Spoiler: Ann


All in all, despite being around twice my age I liked Andromeda, or Ann as I liked to call her. I would never tell anyone about my origins but I think Ann saw more of my true self than anyone. It wasn't love, not exactly, we just got along really well.

After leaving Ron and Hermione's wedding early to put Teddy to bed, we had retreated to my bedroom and ended the day the right way.

Waking up the next morning, I found myself right where we had left off. Cuddling under the sheets with me being the big spoon and my length buried in her love canal. What had been soft after last nights' activities had risen to full mast, not that the majority of it could be seen where it had burrowed.

Figuring that it would soon be time to wake up anyways, I decided to do it in way we would both enjoy.

Sliding my right arm down I put a hand on her hip to pull her ass towards me and buried myself to the hilt. After getting some feeling back in the arm that had been under her, I moved that hand to between her legs. Our positioning didn't really allow for much movement. It didn't matter; the stimulation from my shallow thrusts and grinding along with the fingers on her little button caused her to stir.

"Good morning beautiful," I whispered into her ear, loving how her body shuddered around me. "Lay still and let me take care of you."

Another moan and a full cock massage was her acknowledgement. She wasn't a selfish lover, not at all, but it did take some time to get her fully awake in the morning. That meant it was usually up to me to initiate the fun and jumpstart her engine.

Taking a moment to throw the sheet over us to the side, I nudged her until she was lying flat on her front and me on top. Taking each of her hands in one of mine, I placed them higher up on the bed and then slid my hands down to her elbows and held onto them. With greater freedom and leverage I got a rhythm going. Deeper thrusts into her along with some grinding of my pelvis against her sprinkled in. I took her in that manner for a couple minutes, simply enjoying her tight and rapidly moistening warmth, until she finally couldn't take it any longer.

"Harder. Fuck me properly." She said in between groans.

I obliged. Some maneuvering saw me on my knees with her in front of me in the classic doggystyle position. Hips held possessively, I set a faster pace.

I took in the view from my spot behind her. Her ass, not the roundest nor most firm, but appealing in its pale and smooth glory. Her dark, virgin hole teasing me with periodic winks. Her lips splayed out around my thick length as her walls tried their best to cling to me whenever I would retreat. Red marks on her pale flesh created by my fingertips digging in. Each thrust setting off a slight bounce effect. Further out, her head was down on the bed, face to the side locked in an expression of rapture.

However erotic the view was, it felt even better; I was having sex after all. And with a MILF too, something I'd always fantasized about and can now confirm is amazing.

Why have a girl when you can have a woman?

"Dear Merlin!" Ann panted. Oops, looks like my enthusiasm was being taken out on her. But I know her, she- "Fuck me just like that!"

She didn't mind it one bit.

Trying my best to not interrupt the flow we had going on; I nudged her thighs inwards a bit. The result was a seemingly tighter fit for me and a better angle at her most sensitive spot. "How about this?"

"Yesss! Fuck! Don't you dare stop!" Her left arm moved out of my view to somewhere beneath her body; upon the next thrust my swinging sack hit something new and I knew where that hand had disappeared off to. "Fuck! I'm close!"

Holding her hips tight, I focused on my strokes. Hard and fast but not mindless. I was in control as I gave her what she wanted. A couple minutes passed as I continued to target her sweet spot before she came with a loud cry. Her walls clamped down and massaged my length while I enjoyed the moment. Making Ann come is always fun for me as she had a tendency for drawn-out orgasms full of vaginal convulsions. Even after so many trysts I still wasn't completely immune to her boss level pussy.

"Mhmm, great as always Harry." She breathed out after she had ridden out the orgasm. Her body slumped down creating a nice curve from her shoulders to her upturned ass. Said ass grinded side to side against me. "Now be a dear and give me your cum. I want to feel it inside me."

My cock twitched. Which she felt if the smirk she sent over her shoulder was anything to go by.

"When you put it like that, how can I refuse?" With a laugh, I started sawing in and out of her hot love canal, gradually building up speed until the rhythmic clap of flesh on flesh filled the bedroom again. The pace was slower than the previous one, but it would see me come soon enough. And maybe Ann too who showed signs of building up to another climax.

Sufficiently reassured, my thoughts turned to my fetishes. There were two of them, and both were right here in front of me. Ann herself fit the first and my eyes gravitated to the second: her little rosebud.

Honestly, if there's anything I've learned about myself over the last few years of freedom is that I'm a sucker for things I shouldn't have. Things that weren't the norm. As much as I liked the physical and mental aspects of older partners, the fact it was a taboo of sorts did a lot for me. And as for anal sex, it wasn't anywhere as common as adult entertainment made it seem. Out of a random group, few women consider it and even less do it.

Ann certainly hasn't given me access to her remaining virginity.

Not all the way…

"One of these days, you're going to explain your fascination with my poor arsehole." Despite the exasperated tone, she didn't move to stop me as my fingertip traced the quivering ring of flesh.

"You would understand if you were to look at it from my perspective." I replied distractedly as I prodded the pucker. Applying pressure but backing off before it could give. Why is this so oddly satisfying?

"Well stop teasing and just do it already." No need to tell me twice, especially considering how long it took to get this far. Lots of sweet talk and light touches during the heights of ecstacy before she relented to the occasional fingering of that particular hole. Her response just now was a result of laying that groundwork.

Bringing a hand up, I lathered my index finger with a good layer of saliva and then slowly placed it at her opening. A subtle pop and I was enjoying the sight and feeling of my finger sinking into her oven. Deeper and deeper until I ran out of finger to give. Shame that.

Twisting the digit around I appreciated just how tight her ass was and how it would feel around my dick. I don't know if she would ever permit the real deal, but a man could dream.

One day. This ass would be mine.

For the moment, I settled on sawing my finger into it while my cock penetrated her just beneath that.

"Oohhh, you feel so good inside me Harry." Ann said in breathy tone that was obviously exaggerated. "Going so deep, you're going to make me cum again."

I tried to sound her out, the little temptress knew what affect she was having on me, but I wouldn't allow it. This was going to last.

In and out. Nice and slow. Be in contr-Ol!

"You like that? You like when I squeeze that thick cock inside me?" Rocking her body and effectively fucking her holes. "Does that finger feel good inside my bum? Hmm? Imagine how good it would feel to bugger it…"

"Dammit Ann, you're playing with fire here." I squeezed out through gritted teeth. I was tempted, I really was. To pull out and plunge into her backdoor using her own fluids as lube. But that was a rather extreme response to mere dirty talk. It wasn't her fault the image she was painting really had me close to bursting a load.

And she just won't stop!

"Stuffing that thick cock in me? Completely ruining my tight arsehole? I wouldn't be the same ever again…"

Fuck. The initial shudder swept through my body and I knew the end was near. My increasingly erratic pace lost all semblance of coherence as I pounded away. Her red cheeks were rippling more than ever as all the power I could muster was channeled into her booty. With a final thrust I hilted in her pussy and shoved my finger as deep as it could manage while her aggravating kegel contractions finished me off.

"Ann, here it comes!" You win this round.

"Do-o it! Fill me up Harry." She commanded.

I did just that. Cock jerking as it shot out bursts of hot cum.

Sighing in content, I leaned down against her back causing her to slump from doggystyle to flat on her stomach again. Knowing it might be uncomfortable for her laying underneath me like that, I held her close as I rolled to the side and into a spooning position.

"That was a dirty move." I mildly complained after my pulse had calmed down some.

"You started it by shoving a finger up my arse." She giggled tiredly. "Turnabout is fair play."

"But to use my weakness against me? You're a cruel mistress." I joked back.

"That's on you for being so peculiar. My cunt is already yours to do as you please and you certainly seem to like it-"

"More than just like it actually."

"Exactly my point." Her neck twisted so she could briefly look back at me. "You have alternatives, why insist on buggering a poor lady?"

"Besides the pleasure? It's a personal fondness. And I'm not the only one like that, plenty of people do it and like it." I defended. I may technically be from the future, but there are many out there who are way more uninhibited and depraved when it came to sex. Or maybe the term should be open minded?

"It just doesn't sound very enjoyable. More like a pain, in the arse." Puns already? Looks like I did my job well this morning.

"It doesn't have to be. You came at the end with my finger in there."

"But somehow I doubt your finger and your prick would feel the same going in." I could just feel the eyeroll with that comment. "Said prick was fucking me at that moment in time if you will remember. In its intended place. That's what made me cum."

"It would be similar though. We would prepare beforehand, get you nice and ready and lubed up, and plenty of stimulation. You love it when I play with your clit right? I could do that at the same time. Make it feel really nice."

"I don't know Harry. I want to do it, just because I know you would like it, but I'm scared. It sounds painful. Would that thing even fit?"

"Oh Ann, hurting you is the last thing I would want out of that." I give her a squeeze. "But…"

"I think we've already established that you like butts." Ann quipped.

"Quiet you, I'm trying to tempt you here. What if it didn't hurt?" I rushed on feeling her about to interject, "Magical Britain is pretty backwards compared to other communities. I can vouch for that. So what they lack here, I could probably find abroad."

"Ok? Still waiting to be temped." She prodded me.

"What are the odds I can find a charm or spell to guarantee it will feel good for you too? Honestly, I'll invent it myself if I have to. Until I do though, I'll stop pestering you about it completely. No fingering and no comments about it. Sounds good?"

Instead of a response Ann started laughing. Lightly at first but picking up until she was shaking. My cock was still insider her now quivering pussy, so I didn't mind one bit.

This idea wasn't new, just the first time I had shared it with anyone. I would say it started with a lady I met in Amsterdam. She was an older woman, curvy and quick witted but hard to please in bed. Well she enjoyed the novelty of a younger guy pampering her and indeed had a great time. She just couldn't reach the big "O" with another person. She'd warned me before I took her, but I was so confident that the guys she'd seen before were just idiots who couldn't perform.

Needless to say, going by my assumption, I was also one of those idiots.

She didn't hold it against me, nor did I not enjoy sleeping with her, it's just… it didn't feel right. I really enjoy seeing my lovers get off and not once did she reach climax.

I'm over that now. Somewhat. I just want to be prepared should I find another woman like that. Being a wizard, I've considered what spell would provide the solution. There has to be a way. I'm sure of that.

Back in the moment however, I'm rock hard when Ann finally collects herself.

"Sorry. Wasn't laughing at you. I was just so surprised, and flattered. Really flattered. That you'd honestly spend the time and effort on a piece of magic just so you can have sex with me? Can't say anyone has wanted me quite that badly. Least of all my arse."

"Well, I planned on learning sex-oriented magic at some point," Who wouldn't is the real question. "So if raising that on my list of priorities allows me to take that bum of yours while you also get to enjoy it, then so be it. Deal?"

"To be young and carefree again…" I wait patiently for the few seconds it takes her, "I agree to this deal. But only if you find that spell soon. I'm not getting any younger so there will be a point where I won't be willing to risk you doing damage back there. Even if easily fixed with magic, going to St. Mungo's because you rearranged my intestines would be plain embarrassing."

… I think she was overestimating how big I was. And also-

"You're nowhere near that old; you don't look it nor do you act like it. But I hear you. Give me a few years, maximum. I'll have it by then."

"I'll hold you to that. And Harry, I won't let you go all the way until then, but the finger is still allowed." Yeah, Ann's the best. "Now let go of me. We need to get cleaned up before Teddy goes down for breakfast."

"Sure thing."