Rough Human Touch (Halo Marine!Insert) by JBukharin

A very interesting halo marine si covenant fe the pain of guerilla warfare and insane tactics much earlier in the timeline

Words: 110k+


( 'How I became the bane of Humanity's enemies'. It just happened. I was there. It was ugly as hell, but now I'm helping as much as I can. Of course, things had to start in Harvest... but I'm not alone. (Halo Marine!Insert) (Some characters have been Genderbent, just a few) )

Chapter 1 (Log)

Rough Human Touch - or 'How I became the bane of Humanity's enemies'. (Halo Marine!Insert)

"To Reap what they Sow"

October 19 2525 - Hour 1700

PFC Logan 'Log' Sutton

Utgard, Edda, Planet of Harvest

Humanity met its match a few months ago. The result was that Harvest was lost roughly two weeks ago, all operations were shifted elsewhere to counter the arrival of the Covenant.

The battle had been tough, especially with how ill-equipped we were compared to the Covenants. Plasma currently trumped bullets, and I quickly discovered how much I hated facing things like the Brutes, or Jiralhanae, due to their spike-based weaponry and their propensity to sponge damage to an unfair degree. The skirmishes across the capital of the planet were brutal, relentless and allowed no refuge to survive for too long before a lucky plasma grenade or Plasma Bazooka blast ended up finding its way to it. Rather vicious, I got a bit burn on my legs but nothing that would kill me or even leave me scarred. I was just put out of commission from the tenth up to the sixteenth hour of pure combat within the city.

When I rejoined, plans had been made and… those mostly worked. For most of the locals and marines deployed on the planet. I had yet to understand how I survived for this long without getting detected, but I blamed pure ingenuity on my part but also the bad luck of these bastards that were already falling into a false sense of security. I was tired after wasting weeks worth of free time scavenging what was available from the desolate streets of the capital, making myself a tiny 'home' in one of the many unused bunkers deep underground and waited with anticipation for my little plan to come to work.

But first, an introduction. Logan Sutton, nickname 'Log'. I was once a simple guy with a normal life. Nothing wrong in loving the normality of it, and starting to miss it more after getting pulled in this bad situation. Halo was a nice game. But as an universe to live in and have to fight to survive? Nope. I was already regretting having taken the steps I did. I joined the Marines two year ago, went through standard training and managed to pass so well that I was swiftly shoved to guard one of the more important worlds when it came to food.

Harvest was one of the UEG colonies that were vital for the survival of Earth's economy and capacity to support its large population. I was dispatched in December 2524 and got reassigned multiple times during the First Battle of Harvest. I was one of those that lived through the First Contact with the Covenant and yet failed to get pulled out of the planet. There was too much attention as of now due to the presence of a massive Covenant Battleship and other smaller ships within the planet's orbit. Just one, and yet it was going to be trouble by the time the Second Battle of Harvest occurred. No, I knew that I couldn't expect to be saved by anyone coming, not when it was going to take months for Preston Cole to get his fleet to attack the current Alient garrison.

Two years in the Marines will change a man for the best (in most circumstances) and I was provided with the information needed to pull a rather… suicidal move. I didn't have much of a choice to begin with. I found mostly guns, ammo and other military-grade equipment. Food was scarce as stores had been looted just before the evacuation. I was on my own as far as I knew and I had a single opportunity to make the difference and actually leave.

First, I had to board Harvest's Tiara through one of the orbital elevators on the planet. There were seven, with one being the closest, but one of the further ones being seemingly the least defended. I had the time to get a clear understanding of the garrisons on each, and I decided to go for the least-defended. From there, I planned to enter the system, send an encrypted message to the UNSC, take any remaining ships inside and get into one of the smaller ships. It was a big domino plan which would culminate with the destruction of the Covenant Battleship and enough confusion to leave Harvest for good.

Planning out the last preparations was the key step before the beginning of the operation, and I decided to bring with myself only two guns as I couldn't carry more of those on my own without stunting my mobility. The SRS 99 Sniper Rifle and a M6C/SOCOM. I had the sniper stored in my superior backpack together with the rest of the ammo and a few grenades as I prepared for the ride to destiny. Or death. Easily death.

I took the Mongoose I had been using for a while now. I had put new fuel in it and it was ready to purr and roar at command. Sparing a brief look at what I was leaving behind, I steeled my resolve and moved to get things started. The ride lasted a full hour, and I got a grim reminder of the situation when I looked up in the sky and saw it, some of the ships still glassing sections of the planet. My window of opportunity, my element of surprise- it was all going to vanish soon if I didn't get up to the Tiara. I arrived at my destination to find a semi-square set of barriers set around the elevator's entry, shield-barriers deployed too by the entrance together with a few Plasma turrets. The thing is that… there was a manpower shortage from the looks of it. And the available guard was slacking off.

The only two apes were chatting with each other in the furthest corner of the base, snorting and laughing at each other's shit jokes while the Jackals, or Kig-Yar, screeched at each other, some fighting with one another while two-three patrolled around the reinforced walls. The rest was made by Grunts, or Unggoy, and they were all sleeping from the looks of it. It took me just a moment to formulate a strategy to take them all out without going loud. Or too loud to be more precise.

First to go were the Jackals patrolling. The silenced handgun did its fine job with some carefully taken headshots. Next was the pack of Grunts napping, and they were quick to fall with some knife action that decimated their numbers. The next two steps were fairly simple. After pulling out the sniper and preparing it to be aimed over the brutes' position, I took aim and landed two quick headshots.

The sniper, or anything with a scope, was my specialization as I was a Marksman in most occasions, and what remained were the Jackals brawling as they had failed to notice the infiltration due to their distracting fighting. A grenade put an end to their endless misery, effectively clearing up the entire garrison for the time being. Before going for the elevator, I retrieved a Plasma Pistol and one of the Jackals' shields to bring with myself. Those two were items that could effectively help tearing through some Sangheilis' shields and to cover my ass from some rapid-fired plasma respectively.

I had little to work on, and while I would have enjoyed a Carbine or even a Needler, I appreciated what I got. I could feel my odds rising… abysmally. I was still facing a suicidal chance and I couldn't back down now that the now 'silent' perimeter was going to get checked on by any patrolling force around, so I rushed up to the elevator and got access to it. Inside it, I expected some more threats to endure so I dropped the sniper rifle by the side of the elevator's inside room and double-wielded my handgun together with the newly acquired plasma weapon in my possession.

The elevator activated as soon as I loaded the proper command to reach upward and I prepared for what was going to be a rather intense firefight. I was ready to make the best of it, die on this planet by taking as many bastards as possible or even get my key to success and leave the planet for good.

But while I was preparing for a vicious fight, within the Tiara, someone mused quietly while checking the Covenant's Communication system and jamming sections of it to prevent any possible interruption of my arrival. Eyes darted left and right, from an array to another before ultimately sticking to glance at the footage provided by the camera within the activated elevator. Curiosity burning brightly as a suave hum left holographic lips.

"To think that one would still live after so much had happened." The figure commented alone, tapping silently at the table. "I see you, Private. Let's see if you have something in mind to get us out of here for good…"



The ONI Story is still going to continue but… I really wanted to write a Halo story from the underdog perspective. It's gritty, slightly unfair- and I got super-inspired after re-playing Halo 3: ODST. Before anyone asks… no, I really meant inspired and nothing else. I'm not going to turn this guy into an unfair one-man army before he gets a super-suit somehow. Even so, he isn't one that favors direct confrontations without major protections and other guarantees that protect his hide from the worst possible in any fight.

P.S. I'm still pondering whether to add tits to some species that canonically don't have females with fun bags or not. So I can't say much about it just yet.