Lost Lion (Warcraft SI) by Vahnhammer

A nice wow sı

Words: 120k+

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/lost-lion-warcraft-si.1062179/

(Good News! I got inserted into one of my favorite video game franchise: Warcraft. Bad News? I have been reborn as the ill-fated son of Lothar.

Thankfully, this all came with a cheat so that should be enough to avoid death, right? Right...?)

Volume 1: Chapter 1

Well, this wasn't how I saw my day going. I was going in for a job interview when out of nowhere, while driving on the road, a semi-truck unceremoniously ended my life. I could say more, but what was the point? I was dead.

At least that was what I thought. All I could remember was a very smug face looking down at me and in a very condescending tone saying:

'If you think you can do better, here's your chance. Have fun.'

Next thing I knew, traumatic things started happening to me. What traumatic thing? Actually, never mind that.

When I came to my senses, I realized I was a baby looking into the very young face of Travis Fimmel.

"Holy fucking shit!" I exclaimed, but what came out was baby gibberish. Young Travis Fimmel however seemed to think that was enough as he turned to speak to a young pretty chestnut hair girl. Perhaps the maid? Nurse?

"Is he always that energetic?" Travis Fimmel asked.

"Yes, milord," the nurse maid(?) said and smiled down at me before she pinched my cheek. I tried to move away from her hand which only made her coo and pinch all the harder.

Damn it, woman…

Wait a sec, young Travis Fimmel? And she called him a lord? Can it be...is it?

I looked at him–really looked at him–and took in his short cut hair and regular brown shirt, a smock more like it.

The realization struck me.

If this was a transmigration/reincarnation then…

'Holy shit! I got reincarnated into the Vikings TV series!' I thought with amazement.

I was actually pretty okay with it. Granted, it wasn't the nicest world, but Ragnar Lothbrok was able to provide for his kids decently. As long as I didn't fuck up the timeline somehow, I should have an easy time growing up as Bjorn Ironside.

Not a bad deal. Not a bad deal at all.

As I began to think about how I could change Bjorn's fate and those of my favorite characters in Vikings, I heard something odd.

"Young Callan is growing well, milord."


Shouldn't it be Bjorn? Unless I was born as Bjorn's twin? A genderbent Gida? Gida's twin? But at the same time...the name Callan tickled at my memory. Why did that name sound so familiar?

"Look at the way he frowns," Young Travis Fimmel said, looking at me with somewhat conflicted eyes. "He must blame me for not being around much."

You weren't around much? Not like I know? I just literally got my sense back together, dude. Baby brain development took that long I guess? Forgive and forget I say, Ragnarok Lothbrok was all about family and one of the best T.V. dad slash family man I ever watched.

"I am sure young Callan does not blame you, Lord Lothar."

...Say what?

Hold up. Back up that train. What did she just call you, young Travis Fimmel?!

"Oh, he's fussy again, Lord Lothar. It must be time for him to feed." The nursemaid said while picking me up, unknowingly confirming young Travis Fimmel's name for me.

This was definitely not Vikings, I concluded as the nurse maid carried me to a different room. This was probably the Warcraft movie universe!

Shit! I don't know anything about the Warcraft Movie universe! Well ,beside the human being trash in the Warcraft universe unlike the game universe. That was a gripe I had between the movie Warcraft verse and the Game Warcraft verse. Humans took it to the orcs for five years in the game universe while the humans got their ass kicked in the movie verse within a year.

Just sad and bad all around. Then I realized something else, something terrible.

Crapohola… I was Lothar cannon fodder son. It was shown in the film that he was not good like Lothar and got killed like a mob character to further Lothar's storyline.

"Alright, time to eat," The nurse said happily after she closed the door to a different room.

Wait, lady hold up! I'm not into Infantilism; I'd eat apple sauce or drink milk so no need to nurse me like a real baby!

Of course, the nurse did not hear me...much to my eternal shame.


Shame. That's all I could feel as I stayed in my crib, unmoving and looking at the ceiling. The nursemaid had gone to prepare dinner elsewhere for now, but me? I'm just here in the crib, feeling shame and thinking about what would happen, planning my future and all that jazz.

I had seen the Warcraft movie a few times to support it you know, but based on what I remembered, Callan was twenty or twenty two when the cinematic Dark Portal opened and kicked off the movie plot. Some of the tidbits I remember was how Lothar blamed his wife's death on Callan or rather, me now, so he became one of those distant fathers. It wasn't until Callan died that Lothar really regretted everything.

Well, we were almost the same age now, so I wasn't going to call him dad which suited the estrangement angle fine. But now...what the hell am I supposed to do? I don't have one of those cheats that transmigrated people have, do I?

"Menu!" I tried to say, but all that came out was a baby gurgle.

'Menu!' I thought hard, and lo' and behold, a game menu did pop up! I pumped my little arms and kicked my little feet into the air in joy. I had a cheat after all!

Let's see here….

Congratulations for being chosen by one of our sponsors for our transmigration/reincarnation program. As you know, not all systems are created equal and so not all systems are the same. Your system package is the Legendary Heroes package.

'Legendary Heroes Package?!' I didn't know what it was, but that sounded pretty goddamn awesome!

I continued reading it.

The Legendary Heroes Package differs from the normal Heroic and Champions packages for this universe. Unlike those packages where you are given your in-game character abilities or class, the Legendary Heroes Package allows you to choose the complete skillset of a hero–

What? Like what?! No way! Thank you, ROB! I won't die like a punk after all!

–so have fun and pick the skillset that best suits you for your adventures!

After I finished reading the text, I pressed the accept button and saw the game menu screen change to a list of people. The first person I saw looking at me was Thrall.

Thrall, also known as the Orc Father. Choose this character skill set and become a shaman with no equal!

I used my tiny fist to rub my eyes. I could be a shaman? I am not race locked on that job? Holy shit, I could have Thrall skills? Hmmm...I'm going to put a pin in that and see what else they have.

Using my tiny hands, I touched the screen and scrolled up and saw Tyrande Whisperwind's portrait pop up.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Be a blessed favor child of Elune with expert marksmanship as well as a sliver of her powers to wield as you want.

'Holy crap! I'm not restricted by sex either?' I thought, but what if the system was fucking with me and genderbent Callan to Callia? Forget it… but it was tempting. I always did like Tyrande's star fall from the game and she was pretty nasty (in a good way) with melee weapons in Shadowlands.

So I continued to scroll through the choices, one of them being Malfurion, chicken outfit and all. Pass. Broxigar was available; he nicked Sargeras toe! That counted for something!

There's Saurfang. I respected him, but he wasn't my favorite. Surprisingly, Arthas was on there, and not Paladin Arthas, but Death Knight Arthas, of course they wouldn't give you Lich King Arthas. but I wasn't a fan of the undead. Tichondrius the dreadlord was also there as was Mal'Ganis, but pass on those. Dreadlord abilities were cool but nah…

The list of heroes in WoW was a lot longer than I thought. That was when I saw it.

Anduin Lothar: Leader of the Brotherhood of the Horse and owner of Ashkandi. Become one of the greatest warriors of Stormwind.

Perhaps, if I was really Callan and not SI-Callan, I would have picked this to make Travis Lothar notice me, but I wasn't so I scrolled up and saw Varian.

Ah Varian. He was my favorite character and a badass.

Varian Wrynn: King of Stormwind, a warrior with the blessing of Goldrinn, acknowledged by both the Horde and Alliance as one of the peerless warriors of the ages.

'Damn right he is!' I nodded in agreement with his assessment. Now his skill set would really help me a lot. Heck, he might even be better than Lothar!

Hmm...Let's put a pin in that as my second choice.

The next set I saw made my eyes bugged out. Tirion Fordring, Turaylon, and Uther The Lightbringer. A badass paladin? Yes, please, but at the same time...why wasn't Saidan Dathrohan there on the list? Out of the Paladins, I believed Turyalon was the strongest. Let's put a pin on that one.

Turaylon was now my third choice.

Again, as I continue to scroll down, I was amazed by how many of these Legendary heroes were available. There was even the original human King's, Arathor, skillset available.

Surprisingly, there was Sylvanas aka the Banshee queen herself, both in her undead and regular form. Clearly, the regular form wasn't good enough so only the Banshee queen's skillset needed to be considered but...was this the Jailer empowered one?

Sylvanas Windrunner (Ranger-General): The Ranger-General of all Silvermoon forces. An expert marksman with the bow and empowered by the Sunwell of Silvermoon. Proficient with daggers for close range combat.

Sylvanas Windrunner (Banshee Queen): The Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, expert marksmanship with the bow and empowered by the energy of necromancy. Proficient with daggers for close range. (Not Jailer Empowered!)

Well...there go answer that, but still, she was pretty beastly. Pinned.

There was just so much and I now had three viable choices that were versatile enough that I would be fine and so I was about to stop scrolling when I saw it. Anduin, or I should say Manduin, in his Battle For Azeroth armor.

'Hmmm….' I paused as I thought about Anduin who was supposed to be everything Arthas wasn't and had a command of the Light that most others didn't have. He was a priest but more like an offensive priest that could melee. Turaylon could too but in the end it was the skill Anduin showed in the Battle for Azeroth opening that did it for me.

Sorry, Thrall,Varian, Turaylon, and Sylvanas, but… Anduin skillset, I choose you!

And with that I made my choice.

The screen winked out and there was a brief glow until I felt the change in me. I KNEW how to do Anduin skills. I just needed to grow into them.

I'm going to be so OP for the Warcraft movie verse!


AN: Well, this is a fic exercise for me in between working on stories with Icura (Who thankfully did a quick edit for me) I read enough SI that inspired me to try my hand at it. At the end of the day I hope its a fun story and people enjoy it!