FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over by HellaCooltricks

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Link: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/father-quest-a-cartoon-network-villains-victorious-ck2-style-quest-cross-over.108705/


Standing before you, the ruined remains of a mansion, burnt, broken, and wrecked into a skeletal structure with but the most modest remains of architecture clinging to its form. Like the last bits of dried flesh clinging to a long picked-over corpse. The grisly sight was one you were not accustomed to. As you slinked your way past blackened, warped scrap metal and burned wood, you felt a chill roll down your back.

You suppose that this was how you left it, after all. The remains of television screens, bikes, cars, and shuttle pieces revealed themselves as you made your way into what once was the grand foyer. It took you months of drawing and sketching, followed by months more of directing work to create it. Now, the only months dedicated to it were months of neglect. But you hardly felt bad about the destruction around you. In a way, it was your fault.

Heading up the stairs and past the cinders of the dining room, around the ashes of the gardens you had once cultivated, and through the twisted remains of what had once been your parlor, you knew you wouldn't find what you were looking for. All that remained in the burned, broken, and obliterated place you once called home were ghosts. But yet you persisted onwards.

The rooms began to grow more narrow, and you can easily see where the remains of pastel blue and white walls remained, covered in dust and soot. You brushed past the blackened remains of interior structures, and once or twice, you simply incinerated fallen plastery that blocked your way. With each blast of fire from your palm, you thought back to the last months.

It had been some time, hadn't it? Six months? Seven months? You were never quite great at times, and the mixture of grief and loathing within you made a salve that dulled your perceptions even greater. But you could recall some things.

You recalled that night you faced your father, your anger burning hotter than the sun. You remembered your brother by your side. You knew you were angry. Soon, your memory turns red, the fire inside you devouring all thought and reason. You didn't know if you had intended to kill him. You couldn't even recall if it had been you. But the next thing you remembered, once the fires subsided, you were in this mansion, your brother nowhere to be seen, the remains of a moon base around you, and the ashes of your father in one hand and a book in the other. How exactly that happened felt so raw, yet so… distant in the back of your mind.


"You have made me… VERY…. VERY…. ANGRY!"

How did it happen? One moment you were on the ground, or rather, buried in it. The next, you clearly remember standing, fire blazing around you. You could recall your brother's face, his features smothered in that ridiculously bushy mustache and eyebrows, while your father looked merely annoyed. But then the next memory came. You could remember your brother crying out, but what exactly he said had vanished on the roar of the inferno. Suddenly, your father didn't look annoyed. He looked furious.

But you weren't focused on that, not at that moment. Instead, your attention was consumed entirely by the book in your hands. It was something familiar, something that long ago, had perhaps offered a different path than the one you took. It was something that your brother had dedicated himself to. And it was something that had spelled the first doom of your other. Once further in the past. And now, you recalled, fire spiraling and bleeding through your thoughts and memory, it brought upon his destruction then. Giddy and mad with power, you remember clashing with your father, the world blowing away in ash and dust. Entropy and fire consumed the landscape as you two fought, your wills bashing into one another.

Fear vanished, instead replaced with white-hot rage. Locked into a deathmatch, you recalled grappling with him, your powers flaring against one another, perfectly matched. And then, they weren't. With a croaking gasp of total surprise, you vividly remembered him folding to his knees, collapsing under your power. He had been saying something, perhaps some weak heart platitude or ask of forgiveness. You couldn't bring forth exactly what it was, and truth be told, it was at about this point that your memories became more than a little fuzzy. The last thing you remembered was the massive twenty bajillion tons of gum and scrap metal landing on your head. When you woke up, your father was gone.

All that remained was a pile of ash before you, and the Book in your hand.


That same Book that was now in your pocket; it had been since you had left. You had taken his ashes, the Book, and left. For the first time in your rage-filled life, you had been adrift. Uncertain. Non-conclusive. The next few months blurred. Brief seconds of ordering a plane to England, your homeland. Non-committal responses to concerned friends. Even a question or two from your sister-in-law. It all sort of drifted away like ashes on the wind. It had taken a while for you to put yourself together enough to even get a tenuous grasp on what was going on, like working your fingers around a smooth, scorched pearl down at the end of the drain. More clearly, you could see yourself letting those ashes go, over the city he had once ruled with an iron fist, his remains reminiscent of the smoke that once roared into the sky. After a week at your old abode, it was only when you found a picture of yourself did you finally find a reason to return.

Truth be told, you knew you wouldn't find them. But yet you opened their bedroom door all the same. What would you even say to them? Would you scold them? Would you berate them? Would you apologize? It didn't matter. All that you saw was an empty room, with broken windows and five beds, melted and ruined. The smell of burnt cotton filled the air as you looked over to their wardrobe. It had fallen over, splintered, and broken and the fabrics within lay as a burnt pile of ashes.

Walking over, you looked down and noticed a small arrangement of fabrics inlaid into a nest. Curiously poking down into the blackened mess, you found a small clutch of eggs, and as your finger made contact, you cocked an eyebrow as one of the eggs began to crack. Recoiling your hand, you watched for a moment longer, as a small little tie peeked its head from its shell and peered back at you. The small creature hissed, and you began to turn your head away; that was until you spotted something hidden beneath the ashes. Digging your hand in, you pulled a small scrap of paper out, its white surface unmistakable, even beneath the ash.

"Hm. Well, what do we have here?"

Sitting down at what was once a vintage hairdresser, you sat and read.

As you placed the note down, you quietly contemplated what it had said. An invisible frown tugged at your silhouette, and your eyes narrowed in a smoldering fury. Yet the incandescent rage eluded you yet. Your children were gone. Run away. And you knew you would not see them again. At least not as you had made them. Chewing on the pipe perpetually stuck in your mouth, the questions burning at the back of your mind seemed only to grow as your mind became clear as if feeding air to a smothered fire. It had been too long since you had been out there in the field since you had done something. Anything. You could recall things had changed. Vague snippets of news between reruns of soap operas. And what had happened to your children? What had happened to your enemies? Your allies? To the world in your absence? These questions boiled in your head. But now wasn't the time for that.

Your name was Benedict Uno. But you were better known as Father. You were the bane of children everywhere, the most feared adult supervillain in the world, the angriest mastermind to ever live, and now, the slayer of Grandfather and the KND.

And you had a mansion to fix.

How will you rebuild your home?

-[ ] Just as it was, down to every detail. Heading down below, you find most of your vaults intact. Including the schematics of your mansion. It will look just as it had been before its destruction, down to every inch. People will know that you are back, just as powerful as ever. Or at least, you hope so.

-[ ] A man's home is his castle. Your home was destroyed, by your father, and by the KND. Never again. You will build a veritable fortress that will nearly be impossible to destroy. It will be brutal and strong, with hardly any facade of nicety or pleasantness. You are certain your co-workers will get the right idea. After all, it's not them you're trying to intimidate, right?

-[ ] Make it look nice! Spruce it up a little, make it bigger, you know, get a little creative with it. You deserve it! Add that garden, that jacuzzi you always wanted, everything that makes you happy. Sure, your enemies might think you're soft, but on the other hand, having a palace to relax in will probably help with your anger.

-[ ] Write in…


It had been a few weeks since you had returned, and you had let yourself be consumed with rebuilding your home. It was probably for the best, since every time you turned your attention away, your temper grew, and you'd just burn down another hallway or foyer. Focusing your attention on the reconstruction was probably the most therapeutic thing you could have done, and lord knows you need therapy of some sort. Thankfully, you didn't have to do too much of the manual work yourself. Sure, you reasoned, you could have done that little clone trick you had learned a while ago, but that seemed like it would have defeated the point of not getting your hands dirty. Instead, you had fixed up some of the Knightamatons you had kept in your garden shed, which had been mostly left intact, and set them about the task. You were just about to call it quits for the day and retire to a nice, stiff mug of root beer, when you noticed a man approach.

As the square man approached, you took a moment to momentarily banish the shadows surrounding yourself, seeing as how he didn't look like a supervillain, or a kid wearing popcorn buckets as stilts. Better to keep a low profile, until at least your house is fixed up. As he approached, he looked you over. Brown curly hair crested his square forehead, complimenting his by-the-book black-rimmed glasses and professional pocket protector. You wouldn't call him a nerd or nebbish-looking guy, not with his tall posture and broad shoulders. The pot belly was less than impressive, but he looked like the kinda guy who played football in school.

"Mr. Benedict Uno?"

He looked up from his clipboard, a smile on his face. There was a bit of eagerness to this guy you just didn't get. But you also didn't get why he was here to begin with, or how he knew your name.

"Uh… Yes. That's me. And may I ask who YOU are?"

"Oh, pardon me sir. I'm Hank Hill. The temp your business asked for?"

"My BUSINESS? Oh, that's right… I did leave them a little… unorganized."

You hadn't given Adult Co. all that much thought, to be honest. It had always been sort of a side project, something you had going on to pay the bills and give you more people to boss around. Most of the time, you left that to Mr. Bossman. But now that you thought about it, you hadn't heard anything from him in a good stretch of time.

"So, how IS the old business? I've been on an extended leave."

"Well, you see Mr. Uno, that's sort of why I'm here in the first place."

He said, his hand immediately going to the back of his neck, scratching it out of habit while looking away. You expected he'd do this every time he had bad news to deliver.

"It's uh… Not doing too good. There's been greater competition in the market, and uh, your man-in-charge seems to have… gone missing. I got called in by my temp agency to try and help get this ship righted, sir."

"So you're here to BAIL us out, huh? Well, I suppose that'd work. What were you looking to fill in, Mr. Hill? Do you have any Experience?"

Hank took a moment to think, before flipping through his clipboard, adjusting his glasses with a firm hand as he did so. Internally, he was confused as all get out by your weird inflection, but you didn't know that, and he thought that telling you might sour his prospective working relationship.

"Well, I sold propane and propane accessories, sir."

"And that QUALIFIES you to run a conglomerate, Mr. Hill?"

"No sir, Mr. Uno. But to be frank, Mr. Uno, I was the only one who applied."

That one caught you off guard. You think you even blinked in confusion at that. Really? Nobody? Not even Tolienator? How long have you been gone? You were going to have to take stock of things quicker than you thought. A lot quicker.

"Well, Hot Dog, that's all the resume I need to hear. Welcome aboard, Mr. HILL."

"Thank you Mr. Uno. I'll do right by you sir."

You reach out a hand to shake his own. It's a firm, well-done, and practiced thing. Your dad hadn't taught you much, but he did teach you how to do a good handshake. Hank seemed to appreciate that.

"Now, to get down to business. While I was on the way here, I took the liberty of doing a brief overview of your company and your competition. And I'm afraid to say sir, we are in a dire situation."

He put some emphasis on that last sentence, and it seems like he really meant business. Picking it up, you brushed past the non-important part that told you about revenue, profits, savings, budgets and data. Instead, you immediately headed straight to the competitors. After all, these were the inconsequential FOOLS who thought they could pull a fast over you! As you quickly skimmed over them, however, you begin to realize with slight disappointment that only some of them seemed like fronts for the KND. Mandark Co. and Endsville Energy solutions seemed like obvious shells, but Total Drama Productions? Katz Inc? Rosewater Solutions? Scam Co? Guild of Financial Services? All of these seemed like actual, viable opponents capable of beating you in honest-to-god capitalism. You shudder as a chill runs down your back, and Hank instantly seems to pick up on your fear.

"Well, of course sir, it's not just the competition. As crazy as It may sound the uh… Alien problem up north has been a stressor on the economy. Not to mention the dictators in the south. Or all those superheroes flyin' around. Things are uh… Well, I'll be honest sir, like the whole dang world has been flipped upside down."

That seems to calm you down a little bit. At least things weren't all business related. Had things gotten that out of hand though? You figured that the KND were up and about as much anymore, but really? Aliens? Superheroes? Dictators in South America? Wait, no, that last one was pretty real, you think. In any case, you needed to focus on the here and now. You pinched your brow and blew a puff of smoke on your pipe; not that you needed anything in it to produce smoke.

"Alright Hank, it seems like we've got our hands full here. BUT, I've never been the kinda guy to GIVE up! We're gonna turn things around, YOU hear me? Good ol' FATH- Er, BENEDICT UNO has never been the kinda guy to uh… back off when the road gets rough. That ain't the AMERICAN way! So, let's get you signed up and put to work. That sound GOOD?"

"Sir, I've been waiting for someone to tell me that for the last year straight."

It seems like you've gotten on Hank Hill's good side, but where will you put him?

-[ ] Put Mr. Hill directly onto Adult Co.'s most mundane manufacturing department. Best to not scare him away with laser blasters and incredibly dangerous killing machines. He'll sell Paper and paper accessories, and he'll be darn good at it, and you tell him not to worry too much about anything else.

-[ ] Make Mr. Hill the CEO of Adult Co. it's a big jump in responsibility, but he seems like the kinda guy who would take to it like fish to water. Sure, he might have some questions about some of the more dangerous products you sell, and he might have some doubts, but he'll be doing his best to keep things running.

-[ ] Mr. Hill is too valuable to be wasted on just Adult Co. You'll make him your personal assistant. Sure, Adult Co. might flounder till you find someone else to run it, but Hank will do a bang-up job of making sure your personal effects are in order. He might have some questions about your less than… heroic activities and plans.

- [ ] Write in…


"Now, Mr. Uno, I can't say I've ever been to this particular branch of investors. Are you, uh, sure that they're reputable?"

"Nonsense my good SIR. These investors are the best in the business. Or so I'm told. They come highly RECOMMENDED."

The car ride to the investors was… Less than perfect. After explaining to Hank his new role in the company, you decided to take a quick car ride over to your usual bankers. On the way, Hank began to break down the situation in the world at large. It seemed that in your absence, all hell had broken loose; in Canada, a hostile alien empire known as The Great Diamond Authority had invaded and taken America's northern neighbor by surprise and conquered it outright. Thanks to the help of numerous investors, the surprisingly adequately funded military had stalled their advance and brought it to a grinding slog before the Gems, as they were called, retreated. Evidently, Sheep-powered lasers, gigantic mecha, and a thousand other hair-brained money pits had actually come in handy.

Meanwhile, in Latin America, things had gotten… Weird. To Hank's knowledge, a man calling himself Hector Con Carne had recently conquered Mexico, and had nearly invaded Texas and Nevada. Truth be told, and you had the feeling Hank would have jumped out of the truck if you said it, but Texas always had it coming. But that wasn't where the story ended. A massive Luchador-themed casino chain had come to dominate parts of Nevada, and ghost stories began to pour over the border. Some even said that the Rio Grande was more like a Rio Styx, with Boogie Men sailing under the banner of the underworld. Hank seemed to laugh that one off, but he still seemed more than a little concerned about his home state.

And as for the rest of the world… Well, it was kind of a mess. Ever since the alien invasion, worldwide networks were entirely down. The only places you could get any sort of reliable information pm were parts of Japan, Britain, and India, but other than that? Nothing. Zilch. It was like half the world had just up and fallen into a dark age of sorts. To be frank, if you weren't the guy who just single-handedly stopped a zombie apocalypse, you'd probably be just as nervous as Mr Hill.

"Well, under my EMPLOY Mr. Hill, such worries will be a thing of the past! NOBODY messes with Father and gets away with IT!"

"Father, sir?"

"Uh… Well, OF COURSE my nickname is Father. That's what ALL my employees call me. 'Cause I'm the FATHER of the company. Pretty clever, right? Heck, you can call me that now. I guess."

"Oh, of course Mr. Father sir. Ah, darn it, it looks like we're hitting traffic."

"Traffic? At 10 IN THE MORNING?"

"Well, maybe- What in the god damn-"

That was about when the giant foot crashed down on the car in front of you.


Hank swerved the car, nearly crashing into a nearby fire hydrant. And to be honest, that was either the funniest scream you'd ever heard or the most confusing. It quickly became the most annoying, however, when he wouldn't stop doing it. It took a moment, and a reaffirming violent shake on the shoulder to snap him out of it.

"Hank. HANK."

When the temperature in the car skyrocketed, he turned to look you in the eyes.

"Why don't you just… Run on ahead. I'll meet you there."

"But sir-"

"Hank. You know those SUPER heroes, right?"

"Er… Yes Sir?"

"I'm… Something like that. In the same BALLpark. Understand?"

Hank nodded his head. As the monster crashed down on the car next to you, you turned back to him.

"Alright. Now I'm gonna need YOU to get to that meeting. Stall them, talk to them, do WHATEVER."

"What are you gonna do sir?"

"Easy, my good sir. I'm going to teach this OVERGROWN FISH STICK proper road ETIQUETTE."

Hank seemed to get the memo pretty quickly, as he dashed out of the car and down the street, toward the scheduled meeting place. Meanwhile, you calmly stood up and out of the car, chewing your pipe in a miff. With a deep breath, the shadows coil around you, returning you back to your intimidating dark silhouette. You exhale.

"Pardon me…"

The monster didn't seem to hear you. Well, that was his mistake. Snapping your fingers, a car near you simply began to levitate, before being flung with telekinetic force at the ten-story tall beast. As it slammed into the back of its ugly head, you took a look at the equally ugly beast. It was a large, orange, scaly and slimy creature with red fins. Rather than fall, the car seemed to get skewered on the beast's shiny white barbs, and you tried to remember if anybody had been in it when you threw it. Probably not. In either case, you got its attention. Slowly, its eyes and eyes and more eyes were all directly on you.

"Listen here, you big…. Giant… Fish Balloon… MONSTER! Do you know that you happened to make me LATE for MY meeting? Do you understand just how ANGRY that makes me?"

It roared. You took that as a no.

"I see. Well then, my scaly friend, allow me to articulate it in a method you UNDERSTAND!"

Reeling an arm back, you pitched a fireball right at its face, landing a hit square in the middle. Stumbling back, you let out a deep laugh.

"My my, it seems I had forgotten just how nice it is to toss around the old Fire and BRIMSTONE."

Shaking off the soot, the beast let out a screech. Stomping the ground, it began to lumber towards you, charging with its immense bulk. It seemed that it hadn't learned its lesson.

"I suppose you'll just have to learn THE HARD WAY."

With that, you really decide to let him have it. Flexing your arms back, fingers outstretched, you let loose a bolt of fire. Carrying over the movement, you let loose another, and then another, until you fall into that comfortable rhythm. Arm back, let loose, arm back, let loose, again and again, until you're letting loose a veritable fire storm. It's only when the beast is but a few blocks away that you feel the rage boil over.


And with that, an eruption of flame consumed you, the car, the monster, the block, and the next few blocks over. Everything just goes white-hot for a moment, smoke and fire filling the air.

By the time you come to, you are surrounded by people, looking up to you in amazement, or at the world's biggest fish stick in front of you.


Have you really done that? With wide eyes, you looked down at your hands, still smoking with ash and fire. When did you get that strong? Or had you really been just penting it all up after the last few days? You took a few more moments before scattering the crowd, and quickly running to where you had sent Hank. Down the stairs, past the double doors, a flash of your ID, and soon you were quickly ushered down to the chamber entrance.

Rushing past a worried Hank, you knew you needed to meet your investors on the dot. With one last push, you fling open the doors, ready to meet them just as the clock begins to chime.

You fling open the door, ready to meet your investors, who were…

[ ] The Evil Board of Villains - Not exactly subtle, but they never really were. Composed of Cosma, Professor Venomous and Billiam Williams, these three are some of the most wealthy and influential independent supervillains in the US. But to them, Villainy is just the most efficient pathway to profit. While they're more than willing to prop up the most outlandish and crazy schemes with the vaguest of intents, they always demand their investment returned and then some. However, they always stick to their rules.

[ ] Mammoth Corporation - Technically a front for the Guild of Calamitous Intent, Monstroso is more or less the chief executive of the branch. The man is capable of getting just about anything you could dream of and has his fingers everywhere, your wish is his command. But tit for tat is the name of the game. The bigger the favor, the bigger the one you'll owe him. Need a new heart? Say no more. Keep in mind, he might need your liver down the line though.

[ ] Black Hat Inc. - The black-hatted demon of business himself awaits you in the council room, and he is a broker of terrible power and infrastructure. Unlike Monstroso, he doesn't play around. He wants your soul, simple and plain. Or at least any you can provide. So long as you can keep paying the soul stuff in written word or contract, he'll be more than happy to give you whatever weapon of terrible might you prefer. Just keep in mind he's not a fan of heroes.

[ ] Write in…


What is Father Quest?

Father Quest is a game where you play the Archfiend of Adulthood from Codename: Kids Next Door, Benedict Uno, or better known as the insidious Father. While not exactly at the top of his game, ending the apocalypse can slow a guy down, you are one of the major players in a rapidly evolving world filled with danger, intrigue and catastrophes waiting to happen. In a world where Supervillainy and Mad scientists rule, alien warlords take as they please, and even darker creatures lurk in the shadows, it's up to you to take the reins of destiny by force and carve out your path in this wildly twisted world called Cruel Network.

As Father, you will be assuming his role half a dozen months or so following the end of KND: Operation Z.E.R.O, after defeating and slaying your own father. The KND have imploded and scattered to the wind, and your own villains are rapidly spinning off into their own subplots.

Of course, you aren't alone. Just like you, every other Cartoon Network villain has won in some way or at least succeeded by some definition. Their prospective foes beaten, corrupted or removed, they sit atop their respective thrones triumphant, albeit for only a moment. New foes emerge, and ever is it in their nature for such villains to plot and scheme. Their only question now? Who next.

Currently around you, Mandy (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) forges an empire on the back of the Underworld, while dealing with mystical powers south of the border. Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory) plots his schemes for domination, collecting geniuses in an arms race against the world. Meanwhile, Katz (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Eddy (Ed Edd and Eddy) and Chris McLean (Total Drama Island) circle the borders, making a profit off whoever they can swindle. To the North, the great Diamond Authority (Steven Universe) wages its war against the United States and its various powers.

Out in the wider world…who knows?

Father beat the man who he had always idolized and who had always thought him lacking. But with Grandfather's final defeat, Father has been left adrift. And with his children gone missing, his business is in shambles, and without his lifelong foe to fight, Father may be forced to look in the once place that he has never dared to look within, that one place hidden beneath rage, hate and a dark silhouette: himself.

What is Cruel Network?

Listen, I'm not gonna lie: Things aren't looking pretty.

You've heard of Disney Villains Victorious, right? If not, well, check out DoofQuest. But if you're not so obliged, it's a world where the Disney Villains of their respective franchises or series were victorious over their heroic counterparts, ranging from the classic world to the Shadowrun-y future of DVV: Gridlocked. But this setting?

This is the world where the Cartoon Network Villains won. And seeing as you are Father, a Cartoon Network Villain, guess what bucko, you win too!

As you can imagine, this is a much more chaotic, violent, and overall darker world to inhabit. Across the U.S, Supervillains and Tech-moguls slowly dominate what remains of the civilized world whether it be through crony capitalism or outright conquest, while the forces of the Gem Homeworld harvest the life-force of the earth for their armies. Across Europe, the insidious AI X.A.N.A (Code Lyoko) is waging war upon all who challenge it, contesting the mutated EVO hordes of Van Kleiss (Generator Rex) and Cryptid armies of V.V. Arghost (Secret Saturdays). This is a world in which Hector Con Carne (Evil Con Carne) rules Mexico as Dictator El Supremo, and Warlord "Evil" Coop (Megas XLR) has turned Australia into a mech-scrap scoured waste. And that's just the parts you can see from orbit.

Above it all, Aku (Samurai Jack), the shape shifting master of evil, watches the world where his evil is law!

For more information, check these out!

CN KLRs - Google Docs

Special Thanks

I just really want to give a massive shout-out to my friends over in Doofquest, for being such awesome people who are always there for me, and for helping guide me, and especially for giving me inspiration for this quest and for lending me their system. To the Doofquest team, I give a massive, heart-filled thanks!