Atomos by Silver559

A very good quality Arknights accidental isekai a rare gem that I am glad I found a while back

Words: 154k+


(Originium has always been Terra's staple energy source, yet its risks and damage find victims no matter what. When the world begins to tip after centuries of persecution for the Infected, an odd glimmer of hope comes in an unlikely and unfortunate visitor from another world. Hope can grow, but many will try to deny or use it either for the old ways or to watch the world burn. AU)

Chapter 1: Yawning to Another World

Hello, here's an incoming disclaimer.

Arknights, its characters, story, and setting are all properties of Yostar. I do not own any of these.

This is a work of fiction with real world components, any descriptions of real times and events are either coincidental and are not to be taken as serious fact even if they are.

This is an AU piece of fiction, I do research story and lore for this, but I also take creative liberty. Events, even the ones in game, will not match up perfectly.

Yes, this story is inspired by Rhodes Island Psychologist. Just an FYI

Anyways, enjoy the first chapter of Atomos.

Traffic Incident Report

3:24 PM, Thursday. March 3rd, 10XX

At approximately 1:24 PM, an incident occurred on the streets of Lungmen's commercial district, witnesses reported a flash of bright light from which a vehicle appeared. Before the light, the vehicle was not present, and appeared as if from nowhere. The Vehicle then proceeded to collide with Officer Swire's vehicle who was off duty at the time. CCTV footage confirms this testimony to be true.

The suspect driving the vehicle, a male with straight brown hair and green eyes, proceeded to exit the vehicle with documents of unknown origin. Despite Officer Swire's aggression, the suspect was profusely apologetic and cooperative even before Officer Swire revealed her identity as an off duty LGD Officer. At 1:36, on duty LGD Officers apprehended the unknown individual and their vehicle.

Inspection of the vehicle's contents revealed an unusual amount of notebooks and books on various subjects which, the LGD presumes, are primarily academic. However, the text of the books is not legible. No one in the LGD was able to identify the language. The subject also held identification with the same language on their person. Within the subject's wallet, there were also various other cards that can be assumed to be used as payment, but said cards do not match to any account within the Lungmen databases.

Inspection of the vehicle revealed a peculiar system that does not contain originium circuits, machinery, or originium of any kind.

Subject was examined at the LGD Headquarters for intoxication. None was found with any tests. Subject willingly provided a urine sample for further testing and will be detained until Higher Ups determine the proper course of action.

Ch'en placed the report face down on the table and looked at the subject of the report, calmly staring back at her, but she could clearly see a very bewildered expression as he stared back at her. His gaze also shifted to Hoshiguma who was there to take notes. The clock ticked to 5:30 PM and Ch'en finally spoke.

"So, Mr. Evan, M, Carthey, tell me again why you are here."

"I do not know."

"How did you get here."

"I do not know."

"What were you doing at 1:24 PM today?"

"Driving to the O'Hare International Airport in Chicago."

Ch'en heard Hoshiguma writing. The young Senior Superintendent was starting to get annoyed. So far his answers, according to the previous interrogations, came out the same. He was consistent if nothing else. No one could tell traces of lies. Where in the world was this 'Chicago' though? She looked back at him and noticed him staring very, very intently at her face.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"Why do you have horns?"

Ch'en raised her eyebrow.

"Are they real?"

A long exasperated sigh escaped Ch'en. "I wanted to be done today. Why did this incident have to happen today? And why did it have to involve that stupid tiger of all people?" After that, a faint snicker was heard behind Ch'en and she glared at Hoshiguma who had managed to compose herself before she looked at her.

"Yes, they are real. This is not my interrogation, however," Ch'en replied with a dangerous glare at Evan.

"Apologies, Ma'am," he responded politely, looking down at the table briefly. Cooperative and polite, just as the report said.

"Alright, let's continue. What happened when you found yourself in Lungmen? More specifically, what action did you take right before the light spit you out onto the street leaving you to collide with Swire's car?"

"I yawned."

"Excuse me?" Ch'en asked with a perplexed expression. She noticed that Hoshiguma hadn't written anything. "Can you repeat that?"

"I yawned, and then I found myself collided with Ms. Swire's car."

Ch'en nearly cracked a smile at that. How rich, that damn feline had gotten her new car totalled by this man, who just happened to be yawning. She had to remain stoic though.

"What race do you belong to?"

He gave a great deal of thought to this one surprisingly. He looked between Hoshiguma and herself before answering.


She could feel the wrinkles growing on her forehead and her hair greying. Everytime she asked even the most basic of questions, this person somehow made it complete nonsense or just seemed like he was avoiding the question altogether.

"Give me a real answer for that," Ch'en demanded in a low voice.

"Caucasion," Evan stated without missing a beat. Again, back to the nonsensical answers. She wanted nothing more than to flip the table over and be done with this stupid interrogation. She almost had it with this situation.

"I could be drinking with Hoshiguma by now, but no, the damned tiger just had to drag this special case in right before I retire for the evening."

Seemingly sensing Ch'en distress, Hoshiguma proceeded to ask the next question. This took Evan by surprise some, but he could see why the single horned oni was taking the horned lady's place in questioning.

"What is a…'caucasian'?" she asked in a surprisingly smooth and formal voice.

Evan didn't entirely know how to respond at first. At this point, he had resigned himself to the fact. He got isekai'd, and instead of getting any interesting powers or items, he had a metric ton, literally, of knowledge from his old world. The amount of academic texts would make him look crazy, but he really wanted them. He just hoped the outlets of this world were compatible.

"Someone who can trace their ancestry to Europe," he replied with some degree of uncertainty. He really had no idea how helpful the description was.

"And what characteristics do caucasians have?" the oni woman asks.

"...light skin," Evan said with some uncertainty. The giant of a woman blinked her single showing eye a couple times before asking her next question. The horned lady was still composing herself some. They had been at this interrogation for nearly half an hour despite him being completely forward with every answer.

" clarify, no special abilities or traits?"

"No," Evan replied quickly and after a second added, "Unless you count having a good head on your shoulders, I'm completely ordinary."

To his surprise, the oni woman cracked a genuine smile while the scary lady looked at him with increasingly hostile intent. Evan let this slide and looked down to avoid her gaze. Something about those eyes didn't sit right with him. They were cold in their anger. Yet, as he did so, it gave him time to think. What they didn't know was that as they were gathering information about him, he was gathering his own information.

Currently, Evan was in what could only be called a fantasy world. He could understand the locals, but he could not read their language. He was in a city called Lungmen. This world had modern or possibly futuristic levels of technology. This world consisted of extremely varied races of primarily demi-humans by his world's terms, yet they seemed to think themselves as human. Not to mention, with his run in with the tiger lady named Swire, he learned first hand that this world's residents were likely very, very strong.

He glanced back up and felt a chill when he met the horned lady's eyes. After that, he heard a sigh and looked back up. To Evan's surprise, her expression was now neutral. She then closed her eyes and sat with her elbow and forearm propping up her head.

"Excuse me. You've been very cooperative so far, and it seems you are as clueless as us," she said, eyeing him. For once he didn't feel threatened, almost as if they had finally reached an understanding. That was thrown out the window in a heartbeat with what she said next.

"I'll deem you safe, for now. Until I have determined with absolute certainty you're not a threat to Lungmen or its residents, your car and the strange devices found in it, as well as those on your person will be confiscated."

His heart sank at those words. His games were gone.

"However," the blue haired police lady continued. "You will be able to have everything else returned to you. You're free to go, I'll notify the front desk soon."

Maybe it wasn't all bad. He'd still be able to have his books, for whatever that's worth. The door opened and the tall green haired woman was gone, and the horned lady stood up and motioned Evan to follow. She led him out of the interrogation room and into the main lobby of the headquarters where someone was waiting.

"Finally, I thought that would never end," a familiarly pompous voice commented. Evan looked to see his first unfortunate run in staring at him and the horned lady expectantly. She held a piece of paper up to his face. The only recognizable thing was the absurdly high number, and was in the millions. Noticing his confused stare, the tiger lady named Swire continued, "This is the car you totalled!"

"I'm very sorry, Ms. Swire," Evan responded surprisingly quickly. She did not seem to be impressed, and he was dreading what would come out of her mouth next.

"You trashed a brand new Columbian car worth five million LMD. If you're really sorry, you'll cough up that money here and now."

Evan was about to open his mouth again, when both heads turned to the horned lady. She was snickering, desperately trying to hold back her laughter. Well, maybe not that desperately.

"What was that bitch?!" Swire shouted, her attention drifting to Ch'en. "This is no laughing matter, I had that car shipped to Lungmen in one piece. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do that? I'm letting him off nice only having him pay back the car."

Ch'en couldn't hold it in anymore. She let out a series of laughs and Swire continued to shout at her, calling her more absurdities that would make a sailor in Evan's world blush. Once the dragon lady calmed down, she wiped her eyes and looked at Swire.

"You, you didn't read the report?" Ch'en asked while threatening to burst out in laughter again. "He doesn't have any LMD, and much less can he read that paper which details the ridiculous amount you paid for that car."

Swire's eyes went wide as saucers, and Ch'en thought there was a silver lining to this day after all. "Don't tell me, you came here, without reading the reports to see if he could pay you off. We couldn't learn a thing about him, and you come here thinking he has five million LMD in spare change?"

Swire didn't have a retort to that. She had spent the last few hours trying to see how she could salvage the car. Until the messenger got back from Columbia, she was in the dark about how much she would actually have to pay. She even managed to scrounge up the CCTV footage to send with as proof. She heard footsteps and turned to Evan who was walking off to another part of the lobby and pointed at him, shouting, "You! Don't you walk away from this."

Evan sighed in frustration, he had hoped she was distracted enough. He was only planning to sit down since he had no idea where he was going. As soon as he walked back to Swire and the dragon lady, Swire looked him up and down.

"You really don't have any money?"

"No, I do not have any of this...LMD. Only US Dollars, and cards," Evan said, pulling out his wallet and showing Swire the green bills and various credit and debit cards he had on his person. She squinted at them for a while, and it was clear that she did not understand a word on any of them.

"How much would one of these...USD buy you where they can be used?"Swire asked with a surprising level of inquisitive expression.

"Probably a cheap bag of chips in a vending machine," Evan responded without missing a beat. After a moment, Swire asked another question.

"Are you literate?"

"Yes, in my writing at least."

Swire gave a short 'tsk' before looking at the dragon lady and saying, "Ch'en, I'll bring him back tomorrow and have him examine the evidence for us."

"He can have his books back, so if you want to work with him tonight, be my guest," Ch'en stated before turning her eyes to Hoshiguma who had come out of another office. She grinned smugly then looked at Swire to say, "I'm leaving, so since you offered to take his case, have fun."

"Bitch!" Swire shouted to Ch'en as she walked off. "One day I'll take that sword from your hands and shove it up your ass!"

Once Ch'en was gone, Swire turned her gaze to Evan and with only trace amounts of malice asked, "Your name?"

"Evan Carvey."

Swire looked around to find a random officer without something to do and yelled, "You, bring the suspect's books outside."

The officer gave affirmation then walked off to another room in the headquarters. Swire then took out a small mobile device and placed it to her right ear.

Evan watched as she walked towards the exit and chatted on the phone, beckoning him to follow her. As he walked behind her, he noticed her striped tail swaying with her hips and thought to himself, "How does it work?"

"...yes, thank you," Swire finished as she hung up the phone. They were now outside, and she turned to see Evan staring at her behind. He noticed she noticed and swiftly looked away. She grinned for the first time that evening and said, "Oh~? You think I didn't notice?"

His face blushed, and the tiger lady walked into his gaze with a mischievous grin on her face. "Well, I'm not going to be paying you to stare there, but I don't blame you for looking."

She turned around and gave a rather intrigued look with the same grin to Evan, seeing where his gaze wandered. However, instead of his eyes being on a fixed spot, they followed something. That's when her smile fell some and she started moving her tail. His gaze follows and she screams internally, "What the hell is his deal? Was he not looking at my ass?"

The moment Swire's tail stopped moving, the doors to the LGD headquarters opened and the officer dropped a box of books on the ground. He looked at this situation, then grinned at Evan and gave a brief thumbs up. It was Swire's turn to blush and she looked off to the streets, away so no one behind her would see her face. She was relieved when a long black limo pulled up to the side of the LGD and she turned back.

"Our ride's here, get your box in."

She then watched as he struggled to pick up the box in the most pathetic display Swire had ever seen in her life. At the very least, he used his legs, but once Evan had gotten the box off the ground his face started flushing red with effort and his breathing became irregular. The box also shook a little, but he did manage to sloppily drop it in the Limo. That's when Swire stepped in and pushed the box with her foot farther in so she could enter.

Evan watched her tail disappear into the limo and he followed. After getting in, he was greeted with a splendid array of decorations that seemed to be of varying cultures. The young man stared in awe at this decoration for a while when he was interrupted by Swire.

"Quite elegant, is it not?" she asked with a smug look on her face with her arms and feet crossed. She then looked up with her eyes closed and gave exactly two claps. Doors under the seats opened and startled Evan. He was then greeted by a robotic limb bringing up a tray of varying alcohols and glasses. It moved to the center of the limo where the floor split open and pulled up a small table which the trays were placed on. He looked at Swire who was already pouring herself something. She looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you waiting for? The invitation is there."

Evan still did not move. He looked at the bottle of what he could only presume to be gin, and examined it closely. It was clearly very, very expensive. He then placed it down and said, "Sorry, I don't think I would ever be able to afford it."

"Who said you were paying?" the tiger lady asked as if he was dumb. Evan looked at her in surprise as she took a small sip of her glass before continuing. "All you have to worry about is paying off the car. Besides, I didn't buy this Victorian Gin for it to collect dust."

She placed down the glass and reached for the box, pulling out the first book on top. She looked at it then leaned forward to hand it to Evan. He took it and looked at it, a paperback copy of Dracula.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Dracula, a novel set, I believe, in Victorian Era England about a vampire named Dracula who plots to take over the country."

Swire stopped her glass at the mention of Victorian and placed it down curiously.

"I've never heard of that book. Much less of Victoria ever occupying a place named 'England'."

Evan bit his cheek a little. Seems some of this world's countries had very, very close cultural similarities to his own, right down to the name. "Maybe I should just say it. Yeah, that might help clear things up."

"Well, that's because England is a country, and the Victorian Era took place around the nineteenth century. In my world, this novel was quite popular when it came out."

"I see," Swire commented as if she knew. That was until she slammed her glass down, rattling the table and began coughing violently.

"Are you alright?" Evan asked almost immediately with urgency in his voice.

"I'm hack fine," Swire replied before pounding her chest some and continued coughing for a few moments longer. "Ugh, that's not pleasant," she said with some small heaves. Once she had her bearings, Swire leaned forward on the table and exclaimed, "Hold up, did you just say you're from another world?!"

Author's Note:

So, when I first wrote this, I was thoroughly surprised on how much fun I was having. In a haste since publishing this, I have 3 more chapters done. Honestly, I didn't think I would have this much fun writing an Isekai, and a self insert one at that.

Anyways, to say some things about a few choices. Evan, M, Carthey is entirely made up. However, this has some personal implications. Notice his initials are EMC, which, are the same as mine. My grandfather, when I was born correlated this to E=mc^2 and went 'I think he'll be a science child' or something like that. Well grandpa, you were right. Also, some events that took place in Evan's life on earth are kind of also a way to vent about my own anxieties. Specifically, how would I see myself after the fact for some of these.

While Cliche jokes are included, as you've noticed, I have no intention for this to become a harem or purely romance. The comedic perverted scenarios are just that, comedic. As a final note, the name Atomos, yes it is from the greek philosopher, Leucippus of Miletus who was the first to come up with the idea of an atom, you'll see why later.

Goodbye and thank you for reading.