Prepare For The Worst (A "The Last Of Us" Quest) by VoltaDoLargo

A Last of us Quest one I like a lot its a really wholeshome one though apocalypse did not hit the world yet hope we weather the storm on that front 🫡

Words: 29k+


(A quest set in The Last Of Us, where Joel receives prior warning about the coming apocalypse and has one year to prepare for it. Will it be enough?)


It's a peaceful day. You decided to take your daughter Sarah out to dinner. Nothing fancy, just barbeque at a local restaurant. You both eat your fill of ribs and potato salad while, in-between bites, your daughter tells you about her last soccer game. There's a Johnny Cash song playing, and not many people out.

After dinner, you and Sarah go to the small crane machine at the edge of the restaurant. Your daughter wants to play on it, and while you know these things are scams, you're willing to humor her for at least a few tries.

"I almost had it! Can I try again?"

"I think that's enough."

"Okay," she says, a little disappointed.

As you turn around, you see an old man waiting behind you. He's dressed in an old-style suit with a bolo tie, and he has a cane with a diamond top. "May I try?"

"Go ahead," you tell him.

He manages to make the crane machine work on the first try, immediately winning the prize Sarah was trying for. He hands it to you. "Here, consider it a gift."

"How'd you do that?" she asks him. You admit you're curious about it too.

"The stars are aligned for it to be a lucky day."

"The stars?" you ask, humoring him.

The old man smiles and nods. "Yes, there are many secrets that the universe is ready to reveal, if people would only know where to look. I also work as a fortune-teller."

"Can you do our fortunes?" Sarah asks.

"Maybe next time," you tell her. You want to get home. You're tired, and you know you'll have to work tomorrow. Plus you don't have much cash on hand after tonight.

"It will be free of charge," he tells you both.

You sigh. "Fine. What do you see?"

He smiles again, this time taking your hand. "Hmm. I see you walking outside, surrounded by greenery. There's a young woman with you."

"I think that means we'll go for a hike," you tell Sarah. "We can make that happen."

The old man continues. "I see ... I see ... no ..."

He grabs your wrist with both his hands and falls on the ground, convulsing violently. He begins screaming. "Fire! Fire! Rot! It's coming out of the Amazon! They're eating my flesh! It's coming! It's coming! Oh God, it's coming! We need more time! We need more time! A year isn't enough time! Please!"

What is he talking about?!

The old man continues, staring at you intensely. "The end is coming! The end is coming! You will both die painful deaths!"

Panicking, you pull your arm out his grasp.

"Sarah, get a waitress and tell them to call 911." Your daughter runs off to do as you instructed.

You wait by the man as he lies convulsing on the ground. You make sure he's on his side, to ease his breathing. But as you do so, he keeps screaming. "You will both die painful deaths! You will both die painful deaths!"

It feels like too long, but eventually paramedics arrive and begin attending to the man. You and Sarah wait until the paramedics get the man to calm down and take him to the ambulance. One paramedic assures you and the other restaurant patrons that the man will be okay.

You and your daughter drive home in a low mood. In the car ride, Sarah asks about it.

"Dad, that man said we were going to die."

"He's very sick, and they're going to give him help."

"I guess so ..."

You try to put it out of your mind, but you find yourself unable to sleep. That man's words keep ringing in your ears. "You will both die painful deaths!"

You don't think you'll be able to sleep. You don't feel safe. You get up, and you check all the doors to make sure they're locked. You re-check them. Then you make sure the stove is off, even though you didn't use it today.

You take a deep breath. You don't want to think anything bad will happen. But what if it does? "A year isn't enough time!" Hmm. Well, you can at least try. After all, it's better to have something and not need it than the other way around. At the very least, you'll have peace of mind.

The day is September 25, 2012. Tomorrow, it will be your birthday.

You have 365 days.



Voting for a play for the day will involve putting forth plans in the format below:

"What do you do today?"

[ ] Plan Example

- [ ] Sleep all day (16 AP)

The plan with the most votes win.

Sometimes special events will come up that need immediate addressing; make sure to incorporate your answer in the vote plan.

"Coke or Pepsi"

[ ] Plan Example II

- [ ] Sleep all day (16 AP)

- [ ] "Pepsi"


One Day = One Turn

One Hour = One Action Point (minus 8 for sleep)


Sometimes you'll need to roll dice to determine if you fail or succeed at certain actions, or how far you succeed at them. Having relevant skills will usually help you with the action.


These represent how good Joel is at different things. Being better at a skill will increase the chance of success Joel has when trying to do a related activity. A score of 0 represents no skill at all. A score of 50 means dead average skill. 100 means you mastered the relevant skill, though you can go above 100.


If you write an Omake then please tag me at the beginning so I can see and add a marker to it. Every Omake over 1,000 words will give you a bonus of

Social Skills

Deception: The ability to lie convincingly.

Persuasion: The ability to convince people to do what he wants.

Public Speaking: The ability to give grand speeches.

Music: The ability to perform music.

Scientific Skills

Chemistry: The ability to work with chemicals to make things.

Medicine: The ability to heal people.

Computers: The ability to use computers.

Electronics: The ability to work with wiring.

Trade Skills

Metalworking: The ability to work with metal.

Woodworking: The ability to work with planks and logs.

Glassblowing: The ability to turn sand into glass.

Tanning: The ability to turn hides and fur into leather.

Cooking: The ability to make food edible.

Farming: The ability to grow plants.

Animal Skills

Equines: The ability to work with horses, mules, and donkeys.

Canines: The ability to work with cats.

Felines: The ability to work with dogs.

Cattle: The ability to work with farm animals like cows, goats, sheep, and chickens.

Hunting: The ability to track and kill wild animals.

Melee Combat

Blunt Weapons: Skill with weapons like clubs, truncheons, and makeshift bludgeons.

Bladed Weapons: Skill with knives and swords.

Ranged Combat

Guns: Skill with firearms.

Bows: Skill with bows and crossbows.

Unarmed Combat

Brawling: Skill with your fists.

Martial Arts: Proficiency at martial arts like Karate, Ju Jitsu, or Kung Fu.


Theology: Knowledge of traditional and organized religions.

Occultism: Knowledge of less traditional practices.

Basic Health Stats

These represent Joel's health.

Physical Health: Health of body.

Mental Health: Health of mind.

Morale: Willingness to go on.

Health Conditions

It is possible to have unique conditions that affect your health permanently. Most of them are purely negative, but some are desirable.