Xenomorph Quest by victorvuvsteel

A Quest where mc is A Engineer from the alien universe and he find himself in dc prepare yourself for sexual depravity if you are interested 🙃

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Xenomorph-Quest/hDmupyNrkKZ62hyaX/home


Alright, what setting, what mc, etc!

You awaken from a long slumber. But who are you?


An Engineer fused with Xenomorph DNA. Physically the weakest, but possesses the mind of a fully evolved sapient creature. You can create Xenomorphs and other bio-tech if you find/make the tech to do so.


You're just a normal old drone. You can only reproduce sexually, though you have high fertility.


A nascent lord of Xenomorphs. You have low reproductive abilities until a Queen is birthed to you.

(Feel free to write in.)