Gamer into the Multiverse by Plan

Words: 103k+


( After seemingly being reborn once again, not in a new body but his old and granted the power of The Gamer. What will he do now that his family believes him dead, no longer tied down with his past burdens, well the Multiverse is just right there ripe for the taking... Morally Grey OC, Eventual God Like, Gamer Element in the Beginning, Harem. *Warning* this OC gets powerful fast. )

Chapter 1

Hello all and welcome to the first chapter of this Fanfic, Gamer into The Multiverse. This fanfic is inspired by Grademaster's The Wizards Game so please know that I own nothing with this Fanfic and have permission from the author of The Wizards Game to use some of their ideas in this Fic. Ok now that I got all of that out of the way lets get started shall we?

It has been 10 years since the day I was born… I was born smarter than most regarded among my family as a prodigy, which among my family is quite the statement since everyone born into my family was a genius compared to the average person, but being regarded as a prodigy among geniuses set the bar quite high.

My name is Aiden Schnee, the first born son and heir between Jacques and Willow Schnee. Ever since the age of 3 I was being groomed by my father to be the perfect heir, his definition of being perfect was being the most intelligent, cunning, powerful and most of all unfeeling. He always claimed that emotions were for the weak minded and I had no need to have such trivial things Going so far as to start physical training at the age of 4, every impossible task given to me by my father that I failed to accomplish was met with even harsher torment and abuse, even if I had managed to successfully complete a task I was not rewarded.

My mother and sister Winter loved me more than anything, and often tried to show me love and affection when my father abused me but as soon as they tried they were immediately cut off in having any sort of contact with me. I have not seen them since I was 2… I caught word that I had a younger sister but my father kept me in a separate part of the family mansion, in some sort of laboratory type facility so I couldn't verify if there was any truth to the rumor. Most of the time I was either training, learning or being injected with unusual substances.

I am almost certain I was enhanced when I was still developing in my mother's womb during her pregnancy. My reasoning being that I have different colored eyes than my mother or father, but my other features were uncanny to the Schnee line, those being white hair, fair skin and above average looks. I also feel that I am quite strong in comparison to others my age, although I can't prove that since I have no interaction with anyone other than scientists or my father. Unfortunately, I was never trained in any sort of fighting styles, I was only strengthened in body though I am sure that it would be soon that I would start to learn how to use a sword.

My background is quite tragic really, there is not a moment I have not been abused or tormented by my father in the name of becoming the perfect heir. Never shown love or any gesture of affection, only cold until my final moment. Which brings me to my current situation I am dying…

"Guh!" I groan out in pain as I fall on to the floor of the white laboratory while my father watches in disappointment from behind the armored glass window in the observation room.

My insides feel like they are boiling, my heart beating so hard it may explode. I attempt to bring myself to my feet only to abruptly puke out an obscene amount of blood. My vision fades until the only thing I see is darkness.

Jacques P.O.V

As I watch my 10 year old son fall to the floor I feel not worry, fear or even sadness at this sorry sight, I only feel extreme disappointment. Watching a scientist scramble over to the boy in a panic as he presses his fingers to his neck checking for a pulse before the man turns several shades of white with a grimace on his face. The man looks over to me with sweat running off of his brow as I narrow my brows in rage.

"He is dead sir…" He says as his face contorts in anguish, he had felt some sort of emotion for the boy. He did spend most of his time with him as he grew since birth.

"Dispose of the body, I wish not to be reminded of such a failure…" I say in a cold tone making the scientist flinch at such a ruthless answer.

"But where would I even dispose of him?" he asks incredulously.

"Where the rest of the failures go…" I say before turning around and leaving before the distraught scientist can even respond.


All that time and money wasted, and for what… nothing. No wait, this is a good learning experience, Aiden was a success up until now. I can just create create another perfect heir, though it might take some time since both of my daughters are already passed the necessary stage to begin enhancements. Oh well we will see if I can just get another son out of Willow.


Sitting down as I eat at the large dining table, silence overtaking the room with only the clinking of silver ware against plates could be heard. I look over to my Eldest daughter seeing her face held down as she pokes at her food, my youngest being fed by Willow with a strained smile.

"Dad?" Winter asks in a quiet voice as she looks at me with a lowered head.

I set down my fork before dabbing my mouth with a cloth cleaning away any remnants of food.

"What is it Winter?" I ask in an emotionless tone with cold eyes staring down at her making her flinch.

"W-When can Aiden come home to us?" She stutters out in a quiet voice as Willow's breath hitches in her throat at the mention of her son.

"He won't be, he died today. A failed experiment… now do not speak of this anymore it is irritating to be reminded of such disappointments." I say indifferently, my face screwing up a bit when a bad taste enters my mouth at the thought.

The silverware in both Willows and winters hand fall onto the plates cutting through the silencing like a knife. Tears start to stream down both girls faces as something in Willows eyes just seem to snap and a dull look replaces the slight glint that inhabited them before.

Winter stands abruptly with a look of fury and anguish are marred on her features as she looks at me with barely restrained emotion before she turns and runs away. I look indifferently at the disappearing form of Winter before shaking my head and resuming my pleasant meal. Willow on the other hand just remains unresponsive with a dead look in her eyes.

Aiden P.O.V

Floating in the vast void of black nothingness, almost like feeling as if I am just drifting calmly underwater. I find myself unable to move in any manner, I cannot even close my eyes.

[Congratulations! You have been chosen by the Multiverse to be the very First Gamer to ever exist!]

A black screen with silver rimmed edges appeared in front of my face as I stare at it in wonder and curiosity. Chosen by the Multiverse to be the first gamer?

[Yes! That is correct!]

A new screen replaces the old one shocking me. What does that mean, to be a gamer that is?

[Here instead of taking forever to explain why don't I just give you the knowledge of everything you need to know!]

The screen says and before I can even think of a response a warmth fills me as various images fill my mind before settling. That was weird, it now feels like I just know what the screen is.

It is a system powered by the Multiverse itself no one governs it as it is just… there and no one knows about its existence. Up until now it has never chosen anyone, I don't know if I should feel special or flattered. I also think It is good that I do not have to worry about any higher being manipulating me through the system. Thinking to myself I try an idea that pops into my head.

I think of the word 'status' and a new screen pops into my field of view.

Name – Aiden Schnee

Level – 1

HP – 360/360 (+5/min)

MP – 6750 / 6750 (+50/min)

AP – [Locked]

STR – 9 + 100% = 18

VIT – 12 + 100% = 24

DEX – 10 + 100% = 20

INT – 20 + 150% = 50

WIS – 27 + 150% = 67.5

CHA – 24 + 100% = 48

LUK – 10



Silver Eyed Warrior – The gaze from your eyes damages grim and boosts your Purity affinity by x10. INT and WIS are increased by 150%

Schnee Bloodline – Grants the Ability to use glyphs, the only limit is the imagination and the amount of mana you put into a glyph.

Enhanced – Was enhanced in the gestation period of life, granted a 100% bonus to all physical stats

Savant – Due to your INT reaching 50 all of your skills level up far faster than before.

In Tune – Due to your WIS reaching 50 you can train Affinities far faster than the before


Purity: 67 (x15) = 1,005

Motion: 39

Soul – 8

Light: 0

Dark: 0

Corruption: 0

Air: 0

Fire: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Life: 0

Death: 0

[Expand List…]


[Gamers Mind] (Max Lv.) – Grants immunity to all negative mental effects, illusions, and all manner of mind control.

[Schnee Glyphs] (Lv. 1) – Capable of enhancing one's own physical capabilities to using manipulate time to an extent. The only limit is the user's imagination and the cost of mana to support it of course. The higher you level this skill the glyphs get cheaper and more powerful.

My eyes widen at the abundance of information, I did not even know I was capable of using Glyphs. I mean I guess I never tried but it is nice to know I can use them now. Looking at the Affinities tab I curiously select it before a new screen appears revealing a list of different names with numbers beside them. A quick memory fills my head, yes these are the natural affinities in existence that I could use with enough practice. I do notice that the ones that I have are Purity, Motion, and Soul. Purity being the one with the largest number and Soul with the lowest. Purity derives directly from my eyes it seems, Silver Eyed warrior it says…


The perk gives me a bonus to both of my INT and WIS stats, a rather large one at that. The Schnee bloodline grants me the ability to use Glyphs, another stat catches my eye and frankly confirms my suspicions, Enhanced human… it gives me a nice bonus to all of my physical stats which I will gladly take.

I am unsure of what the numbers mean next to the Affinities as no information comes to mind. I guess the system did not give me the knowledge on everything it has to offer.

[That is correct, that would just be too easy wouldn't it?! I am afraid it is up to you to figure that out on your own!]

Well there is a feeling of excitement at figuring out exactly what I can do with my newfound power. So, I am not too angry about the prospect of having to figure it out on my own. Gaining another thought I think of the word 'Inventory' and another screen pops up with a seemingly endless amount of space. This is incredible I cannot wait to see the limits of what I can hold in here, be it a living creature or a restriction on the size of the thing I throw into the inventory. I can feel excitement bubbling up, something I have not felt in as long as I can remember, it is a truly foreign feeling.

I like it…

[Ok! Now that you have gotten used to the gamer system it is time for you to go back! Know that this is the only freebee I will give to you, everything else is up to you now!]

I look at the screen in confusion before my surrounding warp and disappear as feeling begins to inhabit my body once again. My body feels like it is buried under something. Opening my eyes, I find myself covered and surrounded in a pile of numerous bodies, all being from different origins human or all manner of species of Faunus.

Panic and horror overwhelming my mind as I climb out of the pit as I hyperventilate, slipping and falling down the pile of rotting corpses until I fall onto the hard dirt. Bringing myself to my feet I look around, I recognize the area of being on the outskirts of atlas far away from the family mansion, how I know is the giant landmass occupying the air above the city below. My guess is that this is a drop sight for failed experiments and is placed here so it can't be tied to my family in any way.

Looking at the landmass once more I decide I do not want to go back, I can't not while my father still lives. So then where do I go? I do not want to be anywhere near this god forsaken place, so why not just walk in this direction I think it is where vale is? Yeah that sounds good.

Quest: Travel to Vale!

Abandoned by your family and thought dead only to be alive! So what now? Travel to Vale and make a new life for yourself!

Objective: Travel to Vale.

Hidden Objective: ?

Reward: ?,?,?,?

I take off walking barefoot in a white tunic similar to what the other experiments were wearing only that mine is covered in dried blood, unsure whether it is mine or from the various bodies I was buried in I don't know. Regardless I set of walking through the wasteland like terrain with mountains standing tall in all directions. One thought sitting in my mind.

It is cold…


It has been a few days of me walking since I was seemingly brought back to life by the system, luckily I have not been attacked by any Grimm. Currently I am resting in some sort of cave in the mountains, at the moment I am meditating. Something I did frequently before I died, I found it cleared my thoughts and calms me down. This time though I curiously am starting to feel things in my mind. What I feel is three things specifically, those things being my Affinities. My Purity Affinity most prominent of course, Soul barely noticeable but still there and Motion somewhere in between.

Opening my eyes, I lift my hand in front of me and summon my Purity Affinity in the palm of my hand which curiously makes a soft white light rest in comfortably above my hand. Testing it I throw the light to the wall as it travels only to dissipate upon contact seemingly doing no apparent damage. Releasing as I sigh, I figured that this would be the case, but I am sure it would provide a devastating effect to Grimm if the description about my eyes are any indication.

This time I feel out the Affinity motion, my senses start to heighten a bit I can feel the movement around me and exactly were it is, the amount of space I can feel right now isn't very much only about 5 foot dome around me but it is incredibly none the less. I can feel the air itself move around my body. Going a step further I try to control the movement of a small rock in front of me before I gain a surprised expression when the rock starts to tremble for a second and begin to raise up into the air in front of me until it floats steadily at eye level.

After a moment of watching it float I change its motion once more sending it flying against the wall at shattering the rock upon impact. I stare at the spot of impact speechless of the amount of destructive force this affinity holds. Shaking my head of my thoughts and this time feeling out soul only to barely feel what I think is my own soul, it feels like a whirlpool of sorts but that's it all can do with the Affinity is feel it.

Thinking for a moment about all of my Affinities, the one I feel that would be more beneficial to train would be Motion. The potential it holds could be limitless, I could stop the movements and even control them completely. I would think that flight would even be a possibility. I would imagine if I invert the motion I could potentially crush things too. A fearsome power, though I am sure any Affinity would be incredible if a high level were achieved.

I continue to train my Motion Affinity by lifting as many rocks as I can manage which for right now is only 3 and rotate them around me until ultimately I run out of mana which is about 30 minutes. Dropping the rocks to the floor as I breath heavily with exhaustion setting in. The most weight I can handle with a rock is only about 5 pounds each of consistently holding them in the air but I can do a single powerful push or pull that can do a pretty good amount of damage if my first initial test with motion was anything to go on.

My stomach starts to rumble intensely before I rest my hand on my abdomen and sigh slightly. Food has been hard to come by, the only thing I have been able to find that was edible was insects. Water was simpler to find since there were small puddles here and there that I could drink from. It was dirty of course but I cannot be too picky. Let's see the how much my training impacted my Affinity.


Purity: 72 (x15) = 1,080

Motion: 60

Soul – 9

Light: 0

Dark: 0

Corruption: 0

Air: 0

Fire: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Life: 0

Death: 0

[Expand List…]

Wow… it actually grew quite a bit in such a short time, my guess is that the perk I have increases my Affinity gain quite a bit more than I thought… Well whatever this is a good thing. Regaining my usual pose to meditate for a moment before I hear a noise breaking my concentration.


Opening my eyes, I am greeted with a familiar black and silver rimmed screen.

[Meditation] (Lv. 1) – By continuously focusing the mind, sharpening thoughts and relaxing not only your mind but also your body. Allows you to regenerate HP and Mana by 100%. Each level increases the regeneration by 15%. Note: Cannot use this skill when in combat.


Ill gladly take it, this is a pretty strong ability with my current regeneration it would take approximately 72 minutes to fully regenerate my health and my mana would take 135 but with [Meditation] the time to fully regenerate is reduced by half and that is only at Level 1.

I wonder if I can meditate while using Motion…

I focus on feeling the movement of everything around me while simultaneously relaxing my mind once I am sure that I have both activated at the same time I reach out and 'grab' a few rocks around me and begin to rotate them around my body.

Yes! I am regenerating mana while using motion, I can't do this indefinitely, but I can hold it twice as long as before. This will be an efficient method of training my Affinity and my [Meditation] skill, multitasking at its finest.

As I sit in my meditative position my thoughts wander before a few pings begin to sound every few minutes until every other minute turns to every 10 minutes and so on until I find myself in the pose for a few hours. Dropping the rocks only a moment to wait for my mana to regenerate enough and raising them once again. My thoughts constantly wandering, plans on what I should even do once I reach vale. I don't want to work under anyone, I have had enough of people like my father trying to control me.

I want to be the one in control from now on…

Take over Vale? Take over Vales underground and its political world… That could work, it would just take a lot of money and time. I could start with the Underground and build my funds while starting a legitimate business and just expand until Vale economy couldn't survive without me. Then eventually conquer Vale politically. It would be tough since my age doesn't really allow me to get any sway Politically. I would need separate Identities at least until I am untouchable legally… Get everyone under my thumb one way or another.

But what do I after I take Vale, I guess I will just move on and take all of remnant itself? After that I can just figure something out no need to plan the rest of my life right now. Got to work on the little things first, like getting stronger. Only being able to move small rocks will not do after all.

Opening my eyes after a few hours of meditating while levitating rocks. Focusing on my Motion Affinity I am surprised that I can easily feel a 30 foot bubble now, 6 times the size it was before. I wonder how heavy of an object I can carry now. Curiously I focus on my own body willing it to float like the rocks. Shockingly my feet start to lose contact with the floor as my body starts to steadily rise in the air until I am around 5 feet off the ground.

I am Flying!


"Huh?" I say as my concentration is broken making me lose connection with Motion before I plummet to the ground hard knocking the wind out of me.

-16 HP

"Ugh…" I mutter as I turn over on my side before lifting myself up into a sitting position before I look at the new screen.

[Flight] (Lv. 1) – The ability to levitate your body as a form of travel. Every level will increase the speed of flight by 5 Mph and reduce the cost by 5 mana. Due to this skill functioning with the Affinity Motion, it will generate more Affinity on use

Current Speed: 15 Mph

Mana Cost: 100 per min

Awesome… The price is kind of steep but not too bad, it looks like if I theoretically level this skill to one hundred it wouldn't even cost mana to execute and the speed would be what… 515 Mph? Holy shit that is insane, talk about a fast form of travel. I am not even sure my body would hold up in speeds that fast. It will even train Motion when I use it…

This is great…

Activating the skill [Flight] as this time it almost takes no effort, only thinking about the skill lifts me easily into the air without effort. Floating towards the entrance of the cave to leave and exit, I hear 2 notification bells signaling the Skill levelling by the time I exit.

Savant is overpowered…

Once I exit the cave I slowly float down onto my bare feet frowning at the contact of the sharp rocks.

"Stats…" I mumble.

Name – Aiden Schnee

Level – 1

HP – 354/360 (+5/min)

MP – 678 / 6750 (+50/min)

AP – [Locked]

STR – 9 + 100% = 18

VIT – 12 + 100% = 24

DEX – 10 + 100% = 20

INT – 20 + 150% = 50

WIS – 27 + 150% = 67.5

CHA – 24 + 100% = 48

LUK – 10


Yikes I should probably regenerate my HP and MP before I start flying, wouldn't want to become a bloody smear on the ground because I got excited and decided to fly without the necessary amount of Mana. Before I close the window to meditate I look at my Skill list.


[Gamers Mind] (Max Lv.) – Grants immunity to all negative mental effects, illusions, and all manner of mind control.

[Schnee Glyphs] (Lv. 1) – Capable of enhancing one's own physical capabilities to using manipulate time to an extent. The only limit is the user's imagination and the cost of mana to support it of course. The higher you level this skill the glyphs get cheaper and more powerful.

[Meditation] (Lv. 17) – By continuously focusing the mind, sharpening thoughts and relaxing not only your mind but also your body. Allows you to regenerate HP and Mana by 340%. Each level increases the regeneration by 15%. Note: Cannot use this skill when in combat.

[Flight] (Lv. 3) – The ability to levitate your body as a form of travel. Every level will increase the speed of flight by 5 Mph and reduce the cost by 5%.

Current Speed: 25 Mph

Mana Cost: 90 per min

My meditation is already insane I couldn't even imagine what it would be like when it reaches its max level. This makes the time to regenerate my HP from let's say 1 health to max in about 20 minutes, I wonder if that counts all manner of wounds… My MP would regen from zero to max in… 38 minutes, you won't hear me complain.

Doing a quick meditation to regen all of my mana and the little bit of health I lost in my little accident that shall not be talked about. I fortunately gained a single level in about 30 minutes of meditating, the time to level up is getting noticeably longer now.

Getting to my feet I stretch out the kinks in my body from pretty much sitting down in a single position for most of the day, releasing a sigh before a small shift in the rocks in the distance catches my attention. Immediately dropping low as I silently dive behind a rock and reach out with Motion and feeling around in the 30 foot radius for any movement that could be from a potential enemy. For a moment as I breath low I feel nothing in the dome, but I still wait.

I unconsciously freeze when I feel a rather large figure moves into my large bubble, and it is right behind me above the cave. I can't see it but I can feel it, the being is large… not human. I cannot really tell what it is from shape alone, it is slow and walks on all fours. The beast suddenly jumps off from the top of the cave entrance to the area below that is right in front of me. It starts to sniff around as if hunting and tracking its prey.

As I stare at it intently studying it and waiting for it to other leave or attack as I tense my muscles in preparation. I jump at the notifications that pop up before my brow twitches a bit.



[Stealth] (Lv. 1) – Through a special action a skill was created to blend into the shadows and hide from sight, each level decreases chances of being spotted by 99%.

Chances of being spotted in plain sight: 99%

Mana Cost: 100 per min

[Observe] (Lv. Max) – Through a special action a skill was generated to allow the User to gather information about the object or person targeted. From the persons emotional status to their secrets nothing can be hidden from you.

Name – Beowolf

Level – 12

HP – 1230/1230

MP – 0/0

AP – 0/0

STR – 26

VIT – 35

DEX – 58

INT – 5

WIS – 2

CHA – 0

LUK – 1

Affiliation: Salem

Emotional State: Hungry

Thoughts about you: Wants to kill you and eat you, does not currently know where you are but knows you are close.

Secrets: Does not have any, it is a Grimm what do you expect.

Ignoring the skill notifications as I only focus on the stat sheet of Damn this thing is far stronger than I am, if I can catch it off guard I think I can kill it though. Activating flight to distance myself from it as I raise myself about 20 feet in the air making sure to be absolutely out of its reach and out of harms way. Doing some quick thinking I look around until I see a decently size rock probably about 50 pounds, trusting my gut I extend my influence over it and lift it into the air before the Beowolf turns around and raise it above its head before pushing it down with as much force as I can muster as the large rock collides with the Grimm's head and caves it in instantly and sends it into the ground with a loud crash killing it instantly.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Well that was easy… Or Motion is just stupidly destructive… yeah I will go with the ladder. I would think that I could control anything that has the ability to move, which is… everything So that gives me the idea that I will have some level of control over other affinities since Motion is just that… Control.

Slowly floating down to the dissolving corpse I notice a small black core in its place as it wispy black strands float upwards. Curiously I reach down and grab it before bringing it up as I inspect it with observe.

Pure Corruption Affinity +25

[Absorb Yes/No?]

Hmm… Why not.

I press yes before I watch the black core turn into a gassous substance as it floats right into my chest and disappearing. Waiting for a moment before a strange feeling erupts in what I realize is my soul, it feels mostly like a tingling sensation. It continues for a moment until it completely disappears like it had never happened in the first place.

"Status…" I mutter curiously.

Name – Aiden Schnee

Level – 6

HP – 360/360 (+5/min)

MP – 6750 / 6750 (+50/min)

AP – [Locked]

STR – 9 + 100% = 18

VIT – 12 + 100% = 24

DEX – 10 + 100% = 20

INT – 20 + 150% = 50

WIS – 27 + 150% = 67.5

CHA – 24 + 100% = 48

LUK – 10



Purity: 72 (x15) = 1,080

Motion: 708

Corruption: 25

Soul – 9

Light: 0

Dark: 0

Air: 0

Fire: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Life: 0

Death: 0

[Expand List…]

Well I see that it is in fact there now, not sure what I can do with it but im sure I will eventually figure something out for it. Maybe even make a Grimm of my own, who knows. I did notice that I now have 30 points I can distribute. After a minute of thought I ultimately decide to just store them up for a rainy day and just train my stats to the limit until I hit a wall of some sort and then just start to distribute them.


"I really need to get something eat…" I say with a sigh as I rest my hand on my stomach with a frown.

Well I should probably start moving, maybe I can find something edible on the way, if I don't then it should be ok humans can survive quite a long time without food. Water though is a different story, but I should be ok for a bit in the event I don't find anything for a day or so. Activating flight, I sale into the air leaving behind the cave.

Well the break was good while it lasted…

2 months later…

Floating back to the ground like it was second nature, my bare feet touch the ground I release a sigh. Looking at the giant city with a small smile. I am finally here, it only took 2 months but I finally made it. I had to stop quite a few times to eat and replenish my Mana. I did stop to kill the many grimm that showed up, most of the time they were in groups of 5 but it provided a good experience when I am outnumbered. My motion affinity is simply to strong when I fight them, I got more inventive with my uses and to easily dispatch Grimm I would just instantly crush them to death and collect the corruption affinity they dropped, still don't know what to do with it.

Looking at the City of Vale I am quite impressed, its size is just as large as Atlas at first glance, but the more I look the larger it gets. I would say I am about a mile or so away since it wouldn't be wise to just fly in, would rather not draw attention to myself the first day I get here. I want to fly under the radar for a bit and just get stronger to I get a bit older so people will take me a bit seriously, to get some money together in preparation before I dive into the criminal underworld by doing odd jobs until then.

"Status…" I mumble absentmindedly.

Name – Aiden Schnee

Level – 54

HP – 1920/1920 (+5/min)

MP – 6750 / 6750 (+50/min)

AP – [Locked]

STR – 26 + 100% = 52

VIT – 32 + 100% = 64

DEX – 28 + 100% = 56

INT – 20 + 150% = 50

WIS – 27 + 150% = 67.5

CHA – 24 + 100% = 48

LUK – 10

POINTS – 270


Silver Eyed Warrior – The gaze from your eyes damages grim and boosts your Purity affinity by x15. INT and WIS are increased by 150%

Schnee Bloodline – Grants the Ability to use glyphs, the only limit is the imagination and the amount of mana you put into a glyph.

Enhanced Human – Was enhanced in the gestation period of life, granted a 100% bonus to all physical stats

Savant – Due to your INT reaching 50 all of your skills level up far faster than before.

In Tune – Due to your WIS reaching 50 you can train Affinities far faster than the before.

Strong Constitution – Due to your VIT reaching 50 you gain double the amount of HP for each point in VIT.

Superior Strength – Due to your STR reaching 50 your physical attack damage is increased by 50%

Grace – Due to your DEX reaching 50 your bodies flexibility and reflexes are now superhuman.


Purity: 3573 (x15) = 53,595

Motion: 12405

Corruption: 6700

Soul – 230

Light: 0

Dark: 0

Air: 0

Fire: 0

Water: 0

Earth: 0

Life: 0

Death: 0

[Expand List…]


[Gamers Mind] (Lv. Max) – Grants immunity to all negative mental effects, illusions, and all manner of mind control.

[Schnee Glyphs] (Lv. Max) – Capable of enhancing one's own physical capabilities to using manipulate time to an extent. The only limit is the user's imagination and the cost of mana to support it of course. The higher you level this skill the glyphs get cheaper and more powerful.

[Meditation] (Lv. Max) – By continuously focusing the mind, sharpening thoughts and relaxing not only your mind but also your body. Allows you to regenerate HP and Mana by 1600%. Each level increases the regeneration by 15%. Note: Cannot use this skill when in combat.

[Flight] (Lv. Max) – The ability to levitate your body as a form of travel. Every level will increase the speed of flight by 5 Mph and reduce the cost by 5%.

Current Speed: 515 Mph

Mana Cost: 1 per min

[Observe] (Lv. Max) – Through a special action a skill was generated to allow the User to gather information about the object or person targeted. From the persons emotional status to their secrets nothing can be hidden from you.

[Stealth] (Lv. Max) – Through a special action a skill was created to blend into the shadows and hide from sight, each level decreases chances of being spotted by 1%.

Chances of being spotted in plain sight: 0%

Mana Cost: 1 per min

I had trained my body to the limit in the last two months gaining a few more perks when they equaled out to 50. How I managed this was actually using motion as a kind of large weight pushing me downwards, and whenever I didn't notice it anymore I just added more. Thankfully it didn't really hamper on my Mana cost, I had realized pretty soon that the more Affinity I gained gave me far more control and power obviously but it also greatly reduced the cost of mana almost to the point I don't really notice anymore.

I leveled the skills I had to the max, to be honest they are stupidly overpowered. My stealth skill is dumb when I activate it Grimm just don't see or sense me anymore it's like I just don't exist and to top it off I can have it activated indefinitely, it is practically reality breaking but I wont say no to such a skill. Meditation lets me regenerate back to a full tank in just a few minutes it could be a grievous wound and I will be right as rain in less than 10 minutes its absurd. My Flight skill allows me to flight as fast as an Airship but unfortunately my body can't hold up in such speeds, not yet at least. I had tried to find my limit which is somewhere around 300 MPH before my skin starts to hurt and I figured any more would start to tear my skin but on the plus side can pretty much fly forever. My Glyphs can pretty much do anything as long as I have the necessary Mana to back it up.

Curiously, I never gained anymore skills from anything I did with motion, not sure why but it matters not. I honestly feel it would limit the power I have at my disposal with motion. I still trained with my Soul and Purity Affinity any way I could but other than killing grimm with purity and looking at my own soul I am unsure what to make of them along with corruption but I am sure that I will find a use for them some day.

As I continue to walk towards Vale my thoughts are broken by a familiar sound.


Quest: Travel to Vale! Complete!

Rewards: 15,000 Lien, 10,000 exp, Random Skill Book and a Random Item Box.

Hidden Objective Completed: Reach level 50 before you make it to Vale.

Hidden Objective Reward: Random Legendary Skill Book.

[Congratulations you completed your first Quest, do note that quests are few and far between. It will be some time until you will receive another one. The purpose of this quest was to jump start your beginning in Vale, do not let it go to waste…]

Well that is certainly enough Lien to get me started at least for a bit to provide for myself the necessary food and living until I can build myself a steady income. The exp doesn't level me but I will except it, the random Skill books and Item box are the real gem here who know what I will get, especially the Random Legendary Skill. Further boosting my power and obtaining a larger skillset sounds like it would be a good idea…

Reach into my inventory as I pull out the random item box first, it looks like a regular old wooden treasure chest but small enough to fit in one hand. Curiously opening it before the chest itself starts to crumble and turn to dust as a screen pops up.

Congratulations you Obtained the sword [Unnamed]!

Looking down at the sword in my hand I use observe…


A superior sword forged in ancient Japanese techniques, only one worthy can bring out its true potential.

Type: Chokuto

"Japanese… What is that?" I mumble as I look at the sword before another screen pops up.

[Oh! That reminds me, I guess we can give you one last gift before I go! Don't you won't die!]

[Knowledge of the Multiverse] perk obtained.

As soon as I see the window my mind begins to feel like it is tearing, dropping to my knees as I grasp my head with clenched teeth. Countless images and information pushing itself into my mind as I let out a snarl through the pain before I ultimately lose consciousness falling face first into the dirt.


I let out a groan, my head pound as I bring myself up. Noticing I'm am not in the same place I passed out in. Looking around I see that I am in some sort of cage with a man on the outside looking at me with a smug grin. I stare intensely into his eyes for a moment before the man flinches, scoffs and looks away. I watch as the man exits the room before I look through my inventory seeing that my sword along with the skill books are fortunately still there.

Deciding not to use them for now and focus on getting out of here as I summon my Affinity over Motion and blow open the gate of the cage and calmly walk out. The man from before shows up with a firearm drawn with a few lackies carrying swords.

"How the hell did you get out!" The man says as I don't answer and activate Observe.

Title: Shady Man

Name – Shay D. Mann

Level – 46

HP – 4500/4500

MP – 0/0

AP – 1560/1560

STR – 26

VIT – 32

DEX – 58

INT – 17

WIS – 15

LUK – 13

Affiliation: Branwen Tribe

Emotional State: Confused, angered

Thoughts about you: Wants to capture you and sell you off as a slave.

Biggest Secret: Often Rapes and blackmails some women that are members of the tribe.

So, I have been captured by Raven's tribe, and this bozo in front of me wishes to sell me off like some cattle… that I can't have. Bringing up my inventory and pulling my sword seemingly out of nothing to the eyes of the tribesmen in front of me.

"You made a mistake of putting me in a cage…" I say in a low tone before Shay opens his mouth to respond.

"Oh yeah? Listen here Kid-" He proclaims incredulously before he suddenly stops.

I summon my Affinity over motion and stop all of the tribesmen's movements as I watch them stiffen while their eyes widen in horror unable to speak or move. The only movement I allowed was their eyes since I want them to watch.

"Go on I am listening." I say with a dark smirk as I walk closer

Raising my sword up and resting the tip to one of the lackies before I drive it forward right through his aura with the help of Motion and piercing his heart before pulling it out and as he quickly bleeds out and dies. I slowly move over to the other while I whistle a sinister tune further filling them with terror. Doing the same with this one that I did the last before once again pulling out my blade as the man bleeds to death.

Calmly walking to Shay, I raise the sword once again and rest the tip of the sword to his chest over his heart before I stop sensing movement behind me. The nature of the movement confuses me, it is almost as if they just suddenly appeared. Ah, I get it, Raven…

"You just going to stand there or are you going to stop me?" I say still looking into Shay's horrified eyes with a deadly glint and a maniacal grin.

"No… The weak has no place in my tribe, only the strong are worthy to live." She says simply and without a moment of hesitation I drive my sword forward piercing Shay's heart before withdrawing it as he bleeds to death. I release my hold on motion letting the 3 men drop to the floor before I turn to Raven and meets her eyes as they widen in recognition. My guess is the color with how identical they are with Summers, I now know this because of [Knowledge of the Universe] which I think that this perk alone is far more valuable than any other I have gained so far. It allows me to carefully plan for anything really.

"Say how would you like to join my tribe." Raven says regaining her composure as I gain a small smile and think for a moment.

Hmm, this could make for a good start… I could learn how to use this sword I got and gain potential allies for when I make my move on Vales underworld, I can't do it all alone of course. Nodding my head in confirmation at the idea before opening my mouth to respond.

"Yeah why not, I got nowhere else to go…" I say throwing my sword into my inventory startling Raven for a moment before she nods.

"Alright follow me, I will show you to your living quarters." She says walking past me gesturing for me to follow as I comply and follow behind her and stepping over the dead bodies with a look of indifference on my face.

One thought circulating in my mind… I need a bath.


Relaxing in the tribe's currently empty bathhouse as I release a sigh as I let all the tension escape from my muscles. Rubbing the grime and sweat from my skin, damn I really needed this. I went 2 months without washing my body and it really showed, I mean all I did through out the duration of travel was train and fight to survive. Due to not getting proper nutrition I am getting a bit skinny, although I don't feel weaker which is probably due to the system, not entirely sure but I will leave it at that.

Sinking my head under the water to wet my hair before resurfacing, my once silky white hair is now a dirty black mangy mess as I scrub my head with some scentless shampoo that was laying nearby. As I finish furiously scrubbing my hair as dirty water drips from my hands I once again dunk myself under the water and scrub a bit more before resurfacing releasing a breath of air. Reaching for a nearby handheld mirror I look at my reflection for the first time since I was at the labs, my eyes widen in surprise. My hair is a bit longer, now covering my ears which is to be expected after not cutting it in so long. Now that I think about it with my [Knowledge of the Universe] my hair is actually eerily familiar to Kaneki's from the Tokyo Ghoul universe when his turns white.

My eyebrow twitches at the thought, well we won't think about that anymore.

I think about this universe, one that the perk refers to as the RWBY universe, which is an interesting thought, also quite irritating since it centers itself around the Hunter team RWBY. Which consists of Ruby Rose, my sister Weiss that I now confirm the rumor I heard when I was in the lab, Blake Belladonna a faunus, and lastly Yang Xiao long Ruby's half sister. I search my knowledge of Ruby and find that she is a Silver eyed warrior like me… I wonder if we are somehow related, probably not from natural means but related in some fashion I guess.

I look more and more into the RWBY universe, and the more I look the more I get irritated and confused. I don't understand… I looked through every piece of knowledge and there is one constant…

I don't exist!

How is this possible! I am right here, soaking in this fucking bath how could I not be in any of the knowledge. I don't understand…

My heart begins pounding, I start to hyperventilate with confusion and most of all in rage. A burning hot fury clouding my thoughts as I stand and walk out of the water, the ground rumbling and cracking at my feet as I unconsciously channel motion into everything around me, vibrating the very atoms creating something akin to an earthquake.

[Welp, sorry you had to find out this way…]

"What! What exactly did I find out!" I shout out in a roar.

[Well I guess I could just up and say it, you're a glitch in the multiverse just like me. Your birth was a total fluke it was just not supposed to happen. Just like I was I am a glitch that wasn't found in the creation of the Multiverse at the dawn of time itself. That's the reason why I chose you since our beginnings are one in the same. An unintended mistake… Don't worry about being found and rooted out since the being that created the Multiverse died using up all of its power to create it. Took off a bit more than it could chew I guess… So, what will you do now that you have learned the truth?]

"I will change it all… I will take the multiverse by storm and conquer them all! I will be the new god and create everything in my own image… Nothing will stop me…" I say laughing in a low tone a dangerous glint filling my silver eyes as my mouth morphs into a Cheshire grin.



After calming down and getting control of myself I exit the bath house and pass all of the frantic tribe members I find my tent that before was unoccupied until I came along. As I sit on my bed outfitted in a brand new black tunic I assume my meditative pose that I use to clear my thoughts whenever I had an especially bad day of torment from my dickhead of a father. No, he is not my father, not anymore…

I seem to have detached myself from the family ties I had before to my sisters and mother. I was never supposed to even exist let alone be a part of the Schnee family. I will be my own person from now on, no longer tied down with such a thing. I will do whatever I want whenever I want, live only for myself.

If I am to follow through with my proclamation to become the new God of the Multiverse I will first need to figure out how to become immortal so I can even live long enough to complete my goal, the Multiverse is a big place after all. Each Universe like RWBY is bigger than just the planet its centered on, and each one is just as infinite as any other and if I am going to conquer it all its going to conquer it all I will need to be able to pretty much live forever.

Mentally sighing, a problem for another day I guess.

Suddenly remember my skill books I have yet to use I exit my meditative pose and open my inventory to take out just the regular random Skill book. It looks like any regular leather old book but slightly worn. Opening the book a screen pops up in front of my vision.

Use [Random Skill Book]


I look at it for a moment before pressing yes as a wheel from a Slot machine with tabs of varying color appears and start to spin. The colors are white blue, blue, purple, orange and finally a Red. The white appears most often, with blue appearing every once in a while, purple not so much, orange a rarity and red I only saw once which is pretty crazy since this wheel has rotated at least a thousand times in the minute I have been watching.

This goes on for another few minutes until I finally realize I have to touch it before it slows to a stop. The color it stops on is purple which I figure is a one of the rarer skills, I can't be mad I didn't even expect to get anything good from this.

Congratulations you gained the skill [Replication]!

[Replication] (Lv. 1) – Grants the user the ability to replicate/clone themselves. All things learned or experienced with automatically transfer to the original. Clones will have as much power as the user lets them have in comparison to the original. Every 5 levels increases the limit of clones by 1 and decreases the cost by 50 MP.

Current Limit of Clones: 1

Cost: 1000 MP per Clone

Hm a really good ability to use when I train, could exponentially increase the amount of exp I get for my skills or for leveling myself. I swipe the screen away and take out the Random Legendary Skill book.

Use [Random Legendary Skill Book]


Once again I press yes as the same slot machine wheel appears and starts to spin but this time instead of the series of colors only red appears. My heart starts to beat a little faster, this can only be an incredibly powerful ability. I hesitantly press on it as it starts to slow to a stop.

Congratulations you gained the skill [Steal]!

[Steal] (Lv. 1) – Grants the user to steal anything on the target that being from something on the targets person to the Affinity they have in their soul. Every level improves chances and the amount of Affinity gained by 1%

Chance to successfully steal intended item or Ability: 1%

Amount of Affinity that can be taken: 1%

Cost: None

My jaw hangs open as I blankly stare at the window in front of my eyes for at least 5 minutes. This ability is the game changer, out of everything I could have gotten it was this. I could potentially steal someone's semblance or take the affinity in their souls and render the person powerless, without cost! This is the ultimate ability…

I need to train this up ASAP and what better way to do that than clone myself…

Author notes: Alright that is a wrap, let me know what you guys think. I wanted to give the whole gamer fic idea a whirl. So, if you all like it I will continue to upload more chapters, please comment for any inconsistencies and suggestions and I will see what I can do to either fix or incorporate them. Constructive criticism is always welcome anyways see you all next time.