Spartan 110 by Ozilla

Words: 20k+


( Fuck! I was reborn in Halo and got kidnapped by ONI to become a Spartan 2. Fuck my life, fuck it to hell. I hope I survived until retirement. )

Chapter 1

Whoever you are, if you are reading this then I have been dead for a long time and you discovered this journal entry by luck or I gave it to you for following my will. Christ I don't know why I'm writing this. After all I have seen and experienced, maybe I just wanted to get things off my chest since my social skills are terrible. Not like that's my fault.

For those who wish to know what I experience throughout the Human-Covenant war through my eyes then you must believe in the impossible.

Have you ever heard of multiverse theory. Dumb question evryone in this era knows that theory. Though you probably don't know about reincarnation. It's a very very old belief when someone dies their souls are reborn well that happen to me. That was not the craziest part of my story. The craziest part is when I was reborn into a fictional universe that is based on a first-person shooter game along with some books. That's right, I said fictional.

Whether you believe me or not I don't really care I will be dead by the time you are reading this. So anyway let me tell you a little about my past life first.

I won't go into much details from my past life because my memory of my past life is murky. Anyway what I do remember was that I was an orphan. My childhood in my past life was non-existent since I grew up in a bad part of the city I grew up in. I got into a lot of trouble during my adolescent phase. When I just turn into 18 I was tried as an adult and convicted to 30 years in prison for attempted murder and arson.

Honestly I don't even remember if I actually tried to kill someone or it was an accident. Not like that was important but during that a major part of my history had just happened. WW3, that's right human stupidity caused another WW and I was drafted into the military due to heavy casualties on the field and so they gave inmates the choice to continue their sentence or gain freedom by joining the army.

I naturally choose to go to the military. Staying in prison for 30 years was not appealing to me so I thought, I might as well try to earn my freedom. The training was rough but it would prove useful in keeping me alive.

After boot camp I was assigned to a squad that focused on hitting vital enemy out-posts and securing vital strategic locations. My time with my squad made me feel like I had a family. Despite the war and death going on I never felt happier in my past life. After 4 years of constant fighting the war was over. I had gained my well deserved freedom and yet I couldn't leave the only family I knew so I continued serving the army.

During a stay at a squadmate's house he introduced me to 'Halo' the game this universe was based on. It followed John 1-1-7. Yes The Master Chief. As he destroyed the 1st ever Halo Ring, the invasion of Earth and the Ark. Along with the games I also read comics and books from other points of views ranging from normal marines, to ODST's and other Spartans following the battles against the Covenant. To the beginning and the end

Yes, I knew about the Covenant before the first official mission against them. And before you start judging me let me tell this, You have no right to judge me! You weren't in my postation so you have no right to judge my actions. I did my best to save as many people I could and I succeeded in saving a few of them.

Anyway after a few more years later in the military I died at the age of 30. I was on a hit-squad trying to take down a local warlord in a small no-name country. I died in an explosion. Not the most heroic or recognizable way to go but hey I died no use crying over spilt milk.

I was reborn into this universe as the son of a loving couple. I was forever grateful for having actual parents. My father was a marine while my mother was a teacher. I grew up in the city of Elysium on the world of Eridanus II. They were good people and even better parents and I was glad that I was a part of their family for the short 6 years I was with them.

Now that you know of my past before the Spartan 2 program I will have to leave this journal entry because I have to attend another fucking ceremony. God dammit John I know you are still alive and out there somewhere you lucky bastard. Spartan General Jason 1-1-0 singing out.

[March 6, 2553]

I'm terrible, I know. I can't just keep on one story. I apologize for my weakness but I hope you enjoy this chapter. I read a few truly good SI-Halo fanfic yet all of them were discontinued so it's my hope that I won't end up abandoning this story. Before I continue this story I must tell you guys my knowledge out-side of the games is close to nil so I would appreciate it if you give me story-lines you would wish for me to do.