Now We Are Free (Lord of the Rings Orc SI) by Pastah_Farian

Words: 47k+


Chapter 1


Of all the places one had to be dragged into, it had to be the blackened land of Mordor

It wasn't a bad place per say, not unless you were an orc or some other god-forsaken creature. The land literally poisoned your lungs faster than the International Smokers Meeting and housed denizens of questionable characters namely giant arachnids, carnivorous bats, statues that would stare at you creepily and tens of thousands of deformed beings called orcs

And to top it off, I'm one.

My name was Thraka and I came into being from a source I would not want to talk about for it was highly traumatising and violated a shit ton of human rights. My first days here consisted of being beaten, pushed around and abused by my superiors. In my times of solace, I would try and tinker with everyday items in a bid to make life a bit more normal. It was hard grasping the notion that I would eventually die by some guy or at the hands of my own brethren for if one woudld take a glance on how Orcish society worked then it would remind you how lion prides worked- The only way to get to the top was by killing the guy on top.

Orcish society too was interesting in a tribal sense, your weapon wasn't limited to the one on your hand but to your every being. From mind, body and your own name. A good name was respected and feared hence we get the guys like Azog the Defiler or that Bolg character I read about in the Hobbit. Another interesting bit about Orcish society was that it was divided to tiny groups especially when Our Lord and Saviour Sauron wasn't around. The Black Speech was created by Sauron so that his underlings could have a a language to identify with each other but when left to our devices, we tended to create our own languages. And the racism that falls in too. Orcs hated other Orcs especially if they weren't of the same group and that hatred also extended to goblins and half-orcs.

Another thing was that Orcs are pretty volatile creatures, falling into deep rages even at the smallest of things. There were many a time where I witnessed a poor glob getting gutted because he did something that irked a bigger guy. Only orcs that had age with them were able to have a bit more control and even then it was limited

Speaking of old orcs, I happened to get conscripted by one.

I was only minding my own business when my Captain, a glob named Uzdu the Black called for me from his tent. Not realising what on Earth was going to happen, I dragged my sorry arse off and entered his tent to see him talking to another orc

"So this is the one eh?" said the Orc, eyeing me up and down with curious eyes, Uzdu nodded

"Aye, this one is smart. Not like the usual shrakh that pops out" Was that a jab at my interracial heritage, bitch?

The orc stepped closer towards me with a appraising eye and came at me just by eye-level "So what's your name worm?" he asked, I straightened my posture and replied

"Thraka" His eyes narrowed.

"What do you want to have in life Thraka?" He questioned me, I replied

"To live" I answered, honest in tone. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath before turning to Uzdu who was watching with feint interest

"I'll take him" he said, Uzdu nodded

"Alright them, Always wanted to get him off my back." At that, he left the tent and declared that I was no longer a part of his group and I was now with a fellow named Oddo the Elder

The next thing that I knew was me leaving with Oddo the first thing in the morning

He was a old timer who had seen everything and possessed a mind far more sensible than the usual orc

For one, he didn't order daily beatings around, he had an eye for drills to ensure cohesion and took a liking to fighting in shield-walls. He took that idea after engaging escaped Gondorian prisoners who holed up in a crevice and for a hew hours held their ground with nothing more than shields and makeshift spears before eventually succumbing to our numbers and exhaustion.

His merry little band wasn't numerous per se but was one of the more "better at smashing" gangs. And that reputation Oddo painfully kept to the latter. His band was well-disciplined (For a orc), better trained and didn't fight with cheap Iron weapons and armour. We had swords. Real steel swords. And wore captured Gondorian armour albeit repainted to fit with Mordor colours.

But after this, I asked Oddo a question on why he took me from Uzdu and what was to be my role in his group or rather, clan. His response was interesting

"I took you from Uzdu because you had potential to be something else asides from gutting a glob. You are smart Thraka. And I would live to see you use it for all of us"

When I asked how he was able to take me when orc clans hated each other, he laughed and said "Uzdu owes me a favour. I saved his sons' life from an arrow wound. There was no way he'd refuse me."

And so began my chapter in life as Thrakh the Smart, for I was to serve as his strategist, adviser, logistics manager and more.


A/N: Plot-bunnies mate. Plot-bunnies

For the loremasters out there, tell me if I made something wrong m'kay?