Mutagen (Worm Fanfic) by VisV

Words: 18k+



Heyo everyone! You may know me from my other Fic, (As seen in my sig) And that fic is not dead or anything, just had a different writing bug, wanted to write something else you know?

Bit different from The Queen of Owl's, lot less… dark than that… still gonna have some horrific shit happen probably, but its meant to be lighter and fluffier all the same….

Occasionally the fluff gets a bit dark though is all.

Dark Fluff you could say… Duff? Flark?

I'll go with Flark.

This is a fic full of Flark everybody! Hope you enjoy!

If you have partaken of my previous fic, you know me, you know what I want… and if you're new?


Seriously, Feedback, Criticism, praise, analysis, discussion, these things give me life as an author! Tell me what you think!

Tell me damnit!

Anyways, enough Yammering from.

Welcome to my new project… Mutagen.


It was hungry.

Carefully It sniffs at the cool night air, Even through the other strange smells of this place, it can tell that food is nearby.

There! In the gap between the two large structures of patterned stone, it could smell so much food!

As you carefully advance into the crevice it can see it, the source of the food! One of the food boxes, looming over it… and inside is more food than it could ever imagine!

But how to get inside, it is too tall and the strange material its made of too slick to get a good grip on.

Its eyes peer off to the side, an odd lumpy rock is right next to the food box, with a protrusion that should be easy enough for it to climb upon, from there it could climb the rock to get within leaping distance of the top of the food box!

With caution thrown to the wind, it climbs up on the strange rocky outcropping.

The surface is cold, much colder than it would expect, and while the many jagged protrusions make gripping easy, the rock itself is oddly smooth.

It is as it finds itself halfway up the rocky objects side that something strange happens.

The surface beneath it… changes, its extended limb, expecting another rocky outcropping, instead finds itself sinking into something almost liquid.

Then the "Rock" begins to stir..

It realizes Its error and try to run.

But it can't move, its limbs have sunken into the liquefying surface,

What it had thought had been a rock begins to glow with strange lights.

The strange liquid shifts and bends into numerous tendrils, grasping and grabbing at it, pulling it further into an embrace, dragging it beneath the surface.

It feels something wrap around it, grasp and squeeze at its body… bones begin to pop, it wheezes as ribs break.

it feels something wet, and it begins to burn.

The last of it is pulled beneath the surface of the fleshy thing, The lights are violently snuffed out.

It is trapped, It is alone.

All is dark, All is cold.

I wake with a start as my body finishes digesting whatever poor creature had thought to trod upon me, my body roiling and rapidly sloshing about to survey the area, an instinctive reaction to being roused by the activity of something other.

I relax as my body begins to break down and analyse my unwitting assailant, just a rat, male, young, slightly more intelligent than average, at least compared to the two hundred and sixty three others of its kind my body has absorbed already, unusually weak bones though.

Overall it's only useful as component parts, nothing revolutionary in there.

The brief rush of warmth I feel leaving its body for mine before it's absorbed is nice though…

Everything had been so cold and dark since… then.

A piece of my now Gelatinous body drips off, and oozes underneath the dumpster I had been sleeping next too.

I pay no mind to the piece of me that decided to go AWOL, My body just does that sometimes now, and I just know it's fine, So might as well not worry about it.

Anyways Knowing that I won't get to sleep again anytime soon, I take a moment too look down at my body as I prepare to move on.

Now I say "Look" but I don't really have eyes at the moment, I'm not really sure what it is I'm seeing, but it isn't regular old light, that much I am sure of.

I think I might be sensing using a combination of heat, electricity, and vibrations… But once again I'm not sure, I just know that living things and big machines tend to have more of whatever it is I use to make my way through the world.

Unfortunately all of this means that I can't figure out much of what I look like besides being vaguely humanoid in shape… most of the time, and that I probably still have a nervous system?

I think that's what I'm seeing with my ElectroVibroheat vision at least.

I'm really hoping I can figure out how to use all this genetic information I've been stockpiling to make some new eyes soon.

Two hundred and sixty three Rats

Three Birds, I don't know what kind because I can't see them normally and just shape isn't enough for them.

Thousands of individuals across several different species of fly.

Four hundred and eighty two Cockroaches.

Ninety three Beetles of varying species.

Three Complete Unknowns, These are so different from anything else I've collected that I'm not even sure if they're actually real, or just the result of me somehow managing to have hallucinations in a sense that I've only developed within the past week and a half.

Several things that aren't actually Genetic at all and that I still need to figure out

And finally I have the genomes of somewhere around Thirty Pubescent Human Females… all but one of which show varying, but universally severe, degrees of damage.

Well that's what happens to DNA left to ferment in Menstrual blood for weeks I suppose.

I shudder and curl in on myself at that thought, I feel things wriggle and writhe on skin I no longer possess, and vile scents assault a nose I no longer have.

I try to sob… but I don't even have a mouth right now.

I mimic the motions of breathing deeply, expanding and contracting the area where my "Chest" should be… I don't actually breathe anymore… at least not this way, since I have no lungs, but the motion still helps to calm me down.

Once I'm calm, I… ooze away, making my way to nearby storm drain… maybe I'll find my way into the bay this time…

As a slither and flow through the drainage system, following the sound of running water, I can only reassure myself that all of this will be worth it, that if just get enough I'll be able to a body back together that can talk and see and do human stuff!

Then maybe i can go home and see dad again… I miss dad… I miss my bed, I miss being able to read!

I shake my head, no point in thinking about that right now, I'll just make myself sad.

Instead I focus on the goal.

My name is Taylor Hebert, and my life sucks… but I'm hoping that with these new powers of mine, that I'll be to turn things around and make my life something worth living! That I'll be able to be a hero!

Just as soon as I figure out how my powers work.