Paths of the Voidwalker [Multicross] by Black Shadow

Words: 1m+


(You are Voidwalker. You persist. You endure. You are not concerned with passage of time. You are peculiar entity without beginning nor end. You cannot die. It is within your right to travel among the stars. It is your privilege to choose from vast array of roles and play them to your heart's content. You can be a conqueror, a peasant, an emperor, a hero, a villain, an observer... You can sit back at the sidelines and enjoy unfolding events or you can step up striving to change things. For better or worse.)


You wake up from deep and seemingly endless slumber. Void, emptiness in between, welcomes you once again. Somewhere far away, through dense darkness of hollow space, you see faint glimmers of light... a sign that creation still exists, Yggdrasil stands tall and multiverse awaits.

You are at peace. After all, this is your home. Your avatars may visit thousands of worlds, forge countless bonds and spent millennia's among different civilizations, but in the end you always return here.

Beings come and go. Conflicts flare up and die down. Empires rise and fall. The Cycle of life and death continues without stride.

Not for you.

You persist. You endure. You are not concerned with passage of time. You are peculiar entity without beginning nor end. You cannot die.

You are Voidwalker.

It is within your right to travel among the stars. It is your privilege to choose from vast array of roles and play them to your heart's content. You can be a conqueror, a peasant, an emperor, a hero, a villain, an observer... You can sit back at the sidelines and enjoy unfolding events or you can step up striving to change things. For better or worse.

Alas, you idly note while reaching into yourself, you realize that during your slumber your power, that you accommodated last time you traveled, became diluted. Some things, that should otherwise be clear as day, are hidden behind a veil in your mind. You don't exactly remember if this happened after your previous awakening. Nevertheless you don't feel too concerned. You think that given time everything will become clear once more... and time is a resource that you have in abundance.

In the worst case scenario, you will just have to gather power and knowledge once more. After all, every journey and every path begins with a single step.

You take a moment to reach out through the void with your cosmic senses.

You want to find a proper world to begin your travels anew.

Then it hits you. An echo of two events, both feeling so different yet bringing similar results of destruction…

First, you sense the birth of a foul god. It comes to existence with a scream that crumbles an empire.

Second, you feel a release of massive psychic power that, to the accompaniment of thousand dying wails, washes over galaxy and then... Silence.

It was an interesting experience, you decide. Whatever happened has also made easier for you to arrive in that particular universe…

...If you so desire.

Voidwalker's True Form ​


- Voidwalker - It is not simply a title nor just your name. It plainly and clearly states who you are. It defines you. A being that is not a god, yet it can be mistaken as one. You are capable of travelling across worlds, different universes, realities, and timelines. You are able to survive the end of all of the above. Your avatars are capable of living in the vacuum of space and can ignore basic bodily needs. They also do not age, but you can tamper with that to a certain extent.

- Existential Immortality - You cannot be permanently killed. No amount of firepower, otherworldly techniques, suicide, or multidimensional attacks can take you out. That also includes destruction of reality and time aimed at you. You are somewhat like an Outer God in that regard. Concept of death is irrelevant. You can, given enough resources and sufficient power, be disabled for a period of time. Your avatars can still be killed normally, barring some exceptions.

- Excellent Multitasking - Due to your nature, and freedom that you possess, you are naturally adept at multitasking. Working on dozens of completely different projects, running an interstellar empire, meeting with your friends or just destroying your enemies--if needed, you are able to squeeze a lot more than before in your tightly packed schedule. Your avatars fully benefit from this. Mechanical, one-time effect: permanent +3AP.

- Indomitable Mind - In the multiverse exist a vast plethora of beings that would love to have you under their control. Thankfully you are immune to their advances; be it magical, psionic or any other. Your true form cannot be charmed, dominated nor made a thrall by anyone or anything. Your avatars get a significant abillity to resist enchantments, mind tricks and other such effects. Your avatars also ignore any form of mental pollution like insanity or taint.

- I am Evolution, I am Adaptation - Your travels can bring you a wide variety of hostile environments and face you off against many hazards, mundane or otherwise. Your avatars can survive and thrive in many extreme situations or climates, barring some exceptions like a black hole. You are also capable of creating a whole plethora of different avatars, not only human or humanoid-like. You do not, however, have an ability to shapeshift your avatars at will.

- An Entity Superior to God - All are equal in front of you and you stand above them. No matter if a god is a true divine being or a jumped up elemental, as some would say, you can treat them as every other mortal… And their power cannot make you bow down or kneel in a show of undue respect. Their posturing means nothing and a being, be it celestial or infernal, cannot achieve victory only because it is a god. Mechanical specifics differ depending on setting.

- A Beacon of Hope and Despair - Through your words and deeds, you may become a figure larger than life, an icon that will be followed and looked upon by many. For your allies, you can be an unyielding beacon of hope in the face of the hardest adversity. For your enemies, you can be a dreaded figure that stands in the way of their plans and destroys them until they feel nothing, but despair. Mechanical specifics differ depending on setting.

- Seeker of Enlightenment - ???

- Temporal Affinity - ???

- Weapons Mastery - Across the time and space there are multiple ways of granting harm, and delivering death. You are instinctively familiar with all of them. You might've never been the greatest soldier, but you always knew how to fight and defend yourself. Every weapon, no matter how exotic or unique, is known to you. Your avatars gain all types of training, proficiency etc. regarding tools of war that are present in the specific universe.

Universal Foundations:

- Perpetual Equalizing - Would shadows be able to exist without a light? Would heroes be propelled into the annals of history without worthy villains? How could one be able to perceive what is good if a concept of evil was nonexistent? For better or worse, good and evil are two sides of the same coin. The deeds they inspire are different, but there is the same, underlying force behind them--and it strives to keep the balance of multiverse. Victories are possible. Improvement is possible. However, one will be prevented from achieving an unthinkable eternal utopia for the entire multiverse, across all time and space… But also, one will be stopped from spreading absolute corruption and plunging every universe into darkness.

- Power Attracts Power - One can take many different paths in his life, especially when immortality or multiple lives are involved, play a variety of roles and speak multiple languages, but there is a fundamental tongue all of reality gets--power. A being can get stronger, no matter if it tries to be a ruler or a mere peasant. With every action bringing reaction, the world around it reacts to said power and adjusts. This results in powerful beings seeking each other out, either consciously or--more often--not. There can always be somebody daring to throw a challenge and there can always be somebody else that will answer. The resulting struggles push the world onward.

- Narrative Causality - Does one needs to look for an adventure? Or does the strands of destiny need no help? For mortalkind, those ponderings have some merit, but other beings, those that transcended their limitations or are straight up gods, the answer is clearer. Events of notice, strange coincidences, adventure and unexpected meetings seek them out. They are being subtly pulled towards them as a power possessed by a being acts as a force of gravity. One's story is reality for another--and the narration likes its twists, turns and unexpected reveals, especially when a Void being is involved. Living out stories would not be as interesting as it is without that.

- Constant Evolution - Perfection is an illusion. It brings stagnation. Stagnation brings entropy. Entropy brings the end. If things were perfect, why would anyone bother moving onwards and striving for a change? Why change anything if it would be perfect? There is always a need to move forward, to seek improvement and to manage those empty bits that can be turned into something worthy. No matter how immensely powerful beings exist, a possibility of making a mistake will always be present--and because it does, one can learn from it, and improve oneself. Never stop moving because the world won't stop turning.


- Path of Light and Peace

Lighthouse in the Dark - A mortal life is almost constantly under siege. The nature of said threats and problems can vary, but the sole aim of many of them is to corrupt a pure soul, and led it astray. How far they will go, if lured by the dark side, depends… What matters is that there are many who had become lost because they had no one that could help them. Because there was no lifeline they could grab. Because there was no lighthouse that could offer them a guiding light. You can be that person that helps them and prevents them from making a final step, from commiting a cardinal sin, from falling into a dark, bottomless pit. You can be their moral support, their foundation of mental strength. Significantly increase mental resistances, moral spines and enhance virtuous characteristics. Betrayals, direct or not, less likely. Ensure loyalty. It is a passive effect that can affect everybody in your vicinity, but only temporarily. However, if you have close allies, friends and comrades then the effect is permanent for them, no matter how far they are from you. No upper limit regarding the affected. This power can't be used to alter someone's morality so it may align yours if ie. you would be a villain. It also cannot force anyone to, using a general term, stay "evil".

Salvation Comes to All - Some would write off anybody that commited a grave sin and fully turned towards the evil, believing that it is already too late to help. Not you. Not with this Path. You shall, if you will want that, reach out to those that were lost in the dark, both recently and for many years, and offer them a chance of redemption. Each person has their own story and reasons for becoming evil. You can understand, analyze them and offer counter-arguments, in words or deeds, that may make them see the light of reason again. Your words can reach everyone, but that doesn't mean they will be accepted. Some do not want to change, others are incapable of it… And for those that accept your words or never strayed in their life, you can make sure you will be there in their time of need. Gain a possibility of offering redemption and flipping "bad guys" to the "good side" to almost anyone you want. Possibility of rejection still exists. Offer won't work on beings without a shred of free will or an ability to chose. Can't use this Power to corrupt "good" beings into "evil" ones. Diplomatic and persuasion efforts enhanced. Always have a chance to save your allies and friends in the times of need, no matter where you are.

Oath of the Sentinel - ???

Dreams of Exaltation - ???

Lifegiver - ???

Paradigm Shift - ???

Lucem Sanctam - ???

- Path of Shadow and Death

Apex Predator - ???

Master of the Thousand Styles - ???

No Blood, No Bone, No Ash, No Mercy - ???

Death's Scent - ???

Revoke and Adapt - ???

Embodiment of the Void - ???

Memento Mori - ???

- Path of Knowledge and Insight

Clarity of Vision - Knowledge is power. Information can win wars. Uncovered secrets can make or break friendships and alliances. This is why there are so many reasons and ways of obscuring it, and why the domain of deception is not solely used by the mortalkind. Monsters stalk in the night, hiding their true forms under a glamour or shapeshifting. Gods craft their complex illusions. Almost everybody can and will use falsehoods, if a situation calls for it, and those beings that cannot lie directly will resort to more ingenious methods. You, however, can pierce the veils and shatter whatever mirages might be conjured against you. It is your right to see the universe as it really is and know what is happening before your eyes. Some hearts, minds and souls may not be an open book for you, but their lies can only carry them that far. Acquire something that can be called an universal True Sight. Be always able to see the truth of reality. All magical, like illusions or shapeshifting, and technological, like optical camouflage, means won't work against you. Increase insight, have a higher chance to know if someone's lying. This is a passive effect that can be turned off and on at will.

Origin Point - ???

Wisdom of the Ancestors - ???

Fourth Wall - ???

Potential Unshackled - ???

Legends and Heroes - ???

Scientia Potentia Est - ???

- Path of War and Conquest

Turning the Tide - In a war, there has to be a victor. It doesn't matter if they are noble or vile, honorable or scheming. The success has to be brought on the various battlefields, through long campaigns and by the hands of thousands upon thousands of lesser beings. It is they who taste the glory and horror. They pray for their survival. You cannot guarantee it, but your power will make sure that the battles they wage will be won and remembered. They will recall for what they are fighting. They will ignore pain, fear and any other distractions. They won't be scared of dying. If needed, they will push beyond their limits, falling only when their bodies are obliterated. The soldiers will fulfil their duty. Upon arrival, conduct a noteworthy deed seen by some portion of allied forces. The supported side has to be losing for the effect to work. When activated, this reality altering effect causes: the supported side to become completely immune to fear, insanity, taint, crowd control and mental-affecting magic ie. illusions, their morale becomes completely unbreakable, their equipment cannot break and they get a significant, temporary boost to vitality. In the latter case, it might cause deaths when the effect wears off. The area of effect depends on circumstances, but at the very minimum it can affect hundreds of kilometers of frontlines.

Gatekeeper - ???

Rolling Thunder - ???

Grand Strategist - ???

Unrelenting, Unbound, Unbroken - ???

Eternal Empire - ???

Divide et Impera - ???
