Disney Villainous Victories: The Frozen Kingdom (Finished) by sad

Dvv fanfics are rare but generally very nice this fic/live quest is finished but there is a second part for those wondering and desiring more!!!!!

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Disney-Villainous-Victories-The-Frozen-Kingdom-Finished-/4wNYMoNa8LaZsMhGC/home

( This is not what it should be. The Frozen Kingdom of Arendelle is in constant civil war between the King Regent Hans and the self-exiled Ice Queen Elsa. The fate of Arendelle is in your hands. )


The tale is not as it should be. This is the bad end of every Disney tales yet there is still hope. It lingers in your hands and choice. (Also no reroll bribes )

It seems that misfortune befallen this world.

The story was not fated to be as this yet the world persevered, even in its broken form. Villains won and ruled their lands, for better or worse. For your story, dear player, was placed in the world of Frozen where the eternal winter persisted by the Ice Queen and the 13th Prince of the southern isles became the regent king of Arendelle to protect its people.

Your story started with a young man found in the midst eternal winter, taken by a trader know as Oaken. Saved yet robbed of his memories, the fate of this frozen kingdom is in his shivering hands.


Warmth slowly travels through your hands, defeating the frosts that dig deep inside your body and returning you to the land of the living. Beside you is a cup of warm milk and a jar of preserved fish(?), given by the kind owner Oaken.

"Yuhuuu," The jolly man waves with face filled with joy and warmth," I am glad that yu recuuverd. Wuut Are yuu doing in this winter? Du yuu want this sunbalm of my own invention? Jaa?"

Your answer was a blank stare, slowly picking the warm milk and sipping them. While it taste bland, the milk does gave you strength and heat to survive this damning frostbite.

"So, my unfuurtunate fellow," The shop owner stood, seemingly becoming a giant as he stood up," Tell me abuut yuurself."

PS: The Melody is the foundation of Disney movies where it can change the flow of the world from its crescendo to its encore. The battle between ideas and passions in the form of musical

From Another world: Basic Isekai. Pro: You know the Meta and you can get better gear. Con: lower stats and deaf to the Disney Musical

"From .. The States," The words came though chattering teeth and tired mind, trying to combat the temperature.

"Uuuu! That suunds vuury far!" Oaken clapped, now interested in you," How abuut I share some fuud for your stories hummm?"

The guy sounds nordic. Where the hell are you? The Alps?

Then you began your story, from childhood to Adult.

>Trait Gained: Not from this world.


Attributes (Explanation in appendix):

-Robustness (6/12)


-Intelligence: (6/12)

-Sensibility: (6/12)


>You have 10 point to spend. You can reduce attributes to 4 to get extra points

> Attribute updated

-Robustness (6/12)


-Intelligence: (11/12)

-Sensibility: (11/12)



Skills (Check in appendix):

Now skills will go with Job and 2 Hobby. Job will get major points (6) and hobbies will get minor points (4).

Therapist: +6 to persuasion

Now for hobbies. It will be top 2.

Outdoors camper : +4 Travel and +4 Endure

Gun Otaku: + 4 Ranged and Craft (+Engineer = we love guns and make + shoot them for fun)

MC Profile

Name: Samuel Hale

Job: Mechanics

Hobby: Outdoor Camping and Gun Nut (Gun otaku)

Tier: Zero

Willpower: 3/3. Refreshed each sessions by 1.

Strikes: 3/3 ( Your health)


-Robustness (6/12)


-Intelligence: (11/12)

-Sensibility: (11/12)






Ranged: +4


Prevent Harm:

Endure: +4






Academics: +4

Science : +6


Mechanics: +6

Linguistics: +4

Travel: +4



Craft: +4


-Not from this world: You are not from here and you know it. Aside from the futuristic knowledge, Disney movies you grew up with, and better equipment, you are not made to survive this harsh world in both body and mind, especially the musical.

Pro: You know the Meta and you can get better gear. Con: lower stats and deaf to the Disney Musical.

Although exhausted, you weave a tale befitting of an educated man born in the land of the free. Raised in a normal middle-class family with an annoying big brother and a bratty younger sister yet you still kept in touch to this very day. Father was a great white collar man and Mother was a hardworking housewife, dealing with three squabbling children.

You are a mechanic by trade, working on fixing engines and modern appliances but your passion is outdoor and guns, inherited from your father. Your mother forced you to help her be a translator with her family's side, coming from country outside the US. The rest of the story falls into your recent hiking into the forest in the middle of winter just for the fun of it until an unexpected snow storm devoured you in its icy grasps.

As you finished your story, the kind owner and his family was enamored by the story. They began asking simple questions of what is a car and such but you answered them with gusto. In his mercy, Oaken let you stay for the night to recoup your strength and answer your questions about the nearest civilization.

Then he began telling you about the Arendelle civil war between the humans and the frost monsters but he cannot tell you more in detail since there was barely any buyers visiting his store anymore.

As the children yawn, he left you next to a warm fire and a thick blanket.


You recognize that name somewhere.

Roll 3d6+Int+ Academic to remember

Roll 3d6+15 BO3

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Dice: 3d6+15

4+5+6 + 15 = 30

Dice: 3d6+15

3+2+6 + 15 = 26

Dice: 3d6+15

3+4+5 + 15 = 27

Dice: 3d6+15

1+6+4 + 15 = 26

Dice: 3d6+15

5+4+3 + 15 = 27

Dice: 3d6+15

3+3+4 + 15 = 25

Dice: 3d6+15

4+6+5 + 15 = 30

Arendelle ..Arendelle.

Wait a minute...isn't that from Frozen?

Memories of childhood soon restored itself from the forgotten corner of your mind and you remember hating it due to your sister kept pestering the family to watch it again and again, annoying song stuck in your brain for days. Thankfully, it has its uses now.

As you remember, there aren't suppose to be a civil war nor ice monsters. It was just about sibling bonds and loner queen. Something isn't right...

You shouldn't even be in this place! This is some nonsense genre like those isekai manga that your brother loved so much...not that you hate manga but still!

Wait! Did you die buried under the snow! Isnt that what most Isekai does!? WHat the fuck is happening?

Maybe you died and this is the last moment of your imagination! Maybe you arent real!






>Roll 3d6+Sensibility+Endure to calm yourself

Roll 3d6+15


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Dice: 3d6+15

Options: Sum. Threshold: 20.

3+6+4 + 15 = 28 (Success!)

Dice: 3d6+15

5+3+3 + 15 = 26

Dice: 3d6+15

Options: Sum. Threshold: 20.

1+2+3 + 15 = 21 (Success!)

Dice: 3d6+15

Options: Sum. Threshold: 20.

5+5+4 + 15 = 29 (Success!)

The sting from slapping your own cheek calmed you down, silencing the voices in your head. Now it's just present, the crackling of the burning log, and the howling gust of the frost winds.

Soon... Sleep took hold and only darkness remained.


The next 'morning' was a hassle with how rambunctious Oaken families are but they fed you with fucking swedish pickled fish and thankfully delicious soup as the eternal winter howls. You poke around about Arendelle and after breakfast, Oaken gave you the situation with sadness in his eyes. It seems that Regent King Hans is protecting the kingdom until Princess Anna recovered from her sickness against the Evil Ice Queen Elsa who kept releasing ice monsters onto the walls of the kingdom.

Why such conflict happened? He does not know but at least he went back to his jolly self as he market for his summer supplies.

"So...Wuut are yuu going tuu do next, Miister Hale?" Oaken asked, seeing a change in your eyes.

>What is your first goal? This will affect the storyline

Your first goal (Finding clues/ truth) -

-Get into the Northern Mountain and see what happened to Elsa

"The Northern Mountains," You declared, knowing Elsa's location. She is the key to all of this madness.

"Uuuu! Dat is a suicide," Oaken said without his usual humor," Are yuu sure?"

You nod," If this eternal winter is her doing then she is the key."

The shopkeeper solemnly nod," I wish I cuuld help but there had not been any winter supplies left. Last time, the sweet girl tuuk them."

You spot your bag on the corner of the cabin," Don't worry. I have all I need here."



You have 6 equipment points. Pick your choice

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- A bolt rifle with 12 ammo: good for hunting or shooting (2 Points)

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (1 points)

- Your smartphone with solar panel: You have songs and games but it is also useful for trades? Can you even connect to the internet? (2 points)

- Winter tent: You can rest easy and gain a bit of warmth (2 points)

- Survival knife: Good for collecting materials and fighting melee (1 points)

- 1 week rations: Can be used to trade but easy to eat (1 points)

dont forget to name your plans-

Plan your equipment. You can add more but ill set the points

Plan survivalist

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- A bolt rifle with 12 ammo: good for hunting or shooting (2 Points)

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (1 points)

- 1 week rations: Can be used to trade but easy to eat (1 points)

Plan - Don't Die Like An Idiot

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (1 points)

- Winter tent: You can rest easy and gain a bit of warmth (2 points)

- 1 week rations: Can be used to trade but easy to eat (1 points)

Plan tools and clothing

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- A bolt rifle with 12 ammo: good for hunting or shooting (2 Points)

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (1 points)

- Survival knife: Good for collecting materials and fighting melee (1 points)

Heat and Food

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Winter tent: You can rest easy and gain a bit of warmth (2 points)

- Survival knife: Good for collecting materials and fighting melee (1 points)

- 1 week rations: Can be used to trade but easy to eat (1 points)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

The gun we trained for.

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- 1 week rations: Can be used to trade but easy to eat (1 points)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- A bolt rifle with 12 ammo: good for hunting or shooting (2 Points)

- Survival knife: Good for collecting materials and fighting melee (1 points)

Plan tools and clothing

- Cooking set with fire starter: Bring warmth and can give you water from snows (1 point)

- Heavy Winter jacket: Lower your heat loss (1 point)

- A bolt rifle with 12 ammo: good for hunting or shooting (2 Points)

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (1 points)

- Survival knife: Good for collecting materials and fighting melee (1 points)


With all your equipment intact, you are ready to traverse the northern tundra with all your might, just to see what went wrong with this story. Oaken is kind enough to give his jar of preserve fish that can last for three day max.

>Gain: jar of preserved fish: Slimy and nauseating, this is your food for now. (Need to be cooked. Good for 3 days)

With everything set, you left for the Northern Mountain with your memory and the looming, snow mountain as compass.

Land's Theme: Eternal Winter

-The land is plagued by the eternal winter caused by Elsa's magic. You must maintain your strength and warmth else be swallowed by the cold and snow. You can replenish warmth and stamina by sleeping in warm places and eating warm food.

Northern Mountain Malus:

- Eternal Winter(-10 Warmth/day)

- Climbing the mountain (-10 Warmth/day)

- Ice Monsters ( Higher monster encounter chance)

- The sea of snow: Slowing your movement.

Traveling bonus:

- Spiked Boots: travel faster through the snow (Eliminate Sea of Snow Malus)

- Heavy Winter Jacket: Lower your heat loss ( Preserve warmth by +10)

Traveling days: 5.

Each day you can have 2 actions (day/night) unless misfortune falls on you.

Day 1

>100 warmth

>100 stamina

>Rolling Threat rolls

>1d100+10 (Ice Monster) Higher is bad

Dice: 1d100+10

76 + 10 = 86


Your first day after Oaken's Cabin was a sign of the path you choose: Dangerous and Terrifying.

As you traverse through the heavy snow storm, a roar shaken you body and soul.

You thought it was a myth but... you are in a fantasy land and that gave birth to untold of monsters. In a distance, you can see a traveler walking slowly through the snowstorm yet it was not a human.

The large hairy thing saw you too, eyes red and full of malice. Now the two of you locked in sight, unable to move. The menacing gorilla seems to be waiting for your move

>You encounter a Yeti.

See what it is doing (Roll for insight and sensibility)

Dice: 3d6+15

2+2+6 + 15 = 25

Dice: 3d6+15

4+1+5 + 15 = 25

Dice: 3d6+15

5+6+1 + 15 = 27

Takin the pass since it is QM's mistake.


You see through his eyes and his movement.

It's sluggish and with purpose, eyeing you like a piece of meat...

Hmm... meat...

Is this monster hungry? You do have your jar of preserved fish but you will need to forage if you want to survive.

Or you can run and go to Arendelle instead, taking the journey when you are very prepared

Give your jar and move on (lose your food)

+Say something to it and see if it understands you

Slowly, you move your hand into the bag and pull out the jar of fish. The glass rattles against the cold but stayed as you placed it on the snow, deep enough that it won't fly.

The Yeti cranes its head, seeming intrigued by your move and began clamoring towards you and your fish. You take this chance to quickly move away from the jar and resume your journey. Taking a peek, you saw the Yeti eating the fish eagerly.

>Rolling for Yeti's reaction

Dice: 1d100+10

24 + 10 = 34

Not your day

Then you hear a roar as the Yeti's eyes aimed at you, frozen saliva pouring and still hungry for more. It seems that your meager offering did not satisfy this gluttonous beast!

Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters



Roll 3d6+6

Dice: 3d6+6

2+4+3 + 6 = 15

Dice: 3d6+6

2+6+5 + 6 = 19

Dice: 3d6+6

6+1+6 + 6 = 19

Dice: 3d6+6

5+2+4 + 6 = 17

Dice: 3d6+6

5+2+6 + 6 = 19

Dice: 3d5+6

3+2+5 + 6 = 16

Dice: 3d6+10

1+5+4 + 10 = 20

Use willpower (3/3)


Willpower (2/3) rerolling.

Will you use another willpower for +3?

Yes pleas

roll 3d6+9

Dice: 3d6+9

3+1+4 + 9 = 17

Dice: 3d6+9

4+6+6 + 9 = 25

Dice: 3d6+9

5+3+2 + 9 = 19

You move as much as your body can carry, pushing everything with your willpower. The cold air burns your throat and lungs but the result hold. You can see the Yeti's figure getting farther and farther until you won the race.

Next time, you should kill that sonofabitch!

>Lose jar of fish

>Lose 10 warmth

>lose 15 stamina

With the 'night' arriving and the screams of your body, you need to rest...

Search for a cave or shelter

Shelter... You need to recuperate or this journey will be over before you know it.

Perhaps, you can find some caves or cabins in this...wilderness.

>Roll 3d6+10 (Robust+ Endure) BO3

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Dice: 3d6+10

6+1+6 + 10 = 23

Dice: 3d6+10

3+6+4 + 10 = 23

Dice: 3d6+10

1+3+2 + 10 = 16

>Crit implemented.

Trips on 3d6 only or dubs from the result.

>23 dubs


Crashing against another gust of wind, your tested bravery soon met its reward when you see a large shadow of a cabin. Calming yourself to see if it is a mirage, you carefully yet efficiently walk towards the shadow and lo and behold, an abandoned cabin.

The heavy and frosted door protested at your disturbance, creaking heavily, while you were met with dust and told, preserved air from a long time ago. Coughing but in desperation, you quickly close the door after enough fresh, eternal winter air filled the room and magically cleaned the dusts.

It seems that lady luck blessed you with her rare kisses when you found a dry log and a fireplace, complete with meat jerky and old flavorful powder.

Flame finally breathe to life as you tended the fireplace, using crumpled paper and Firestarter as the spark. Warmth slowly expand its dominion, heating up your cleaned pan as you dump snow on it. With effort, you finally made yourself a simple, flavorful soup.

Energized in body and mind, you began checking the cabin...

>Roll 1d100 for loot. Higher better

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Dice: 1d100

57 = 57

Dice: 1d100

84 = 84

Dice: 1d100

20 = 20

Searching the cabin, you managed to find yourself a jar of beef jerky and more of those flavorful spices carefully preserved in a jar. Beside the rack of spice, a large bed made of fur and straw lay on top of wooden frame. You deduce the owner must be a lone hunter, using this cabin as a resting point or a headquarter but from the accumulated dust, the hunter must've not been here for a long time.

Taking some supplies into your bag, you finished soup and tucked yourself in the fur bed.

How you missed spring bed and modern appliances.

>Warmth recovered

>Stamina recovered

> Gained simple rations (4 days with the help of your cooking set)