Ragnarok's Blessing in this Godless World - (Valkyria Chronicles SI) by JBukharin

Words: 42k+

Link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/20529


( Reincarnation is interesting, especially when you end up being part of the 'bad guys' group in wacky WW2, Anime Edition. Luckily enough, the 'lucky' one is a guy that use to play HOI4 a lot. Time to clean up this mess for good... (Imperial Officer SI!; Potential Harem; No War Crimes were caused to Civilians- but soldiers are free game) )

Cross, Broken - Hertling

April 14 1935 EC

Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Hertling

Wi, Sachsonien, East Europan Imperial Alliance

Spoiler: Discord + Patreon

P.S. I now have a discord server! discord.gg/ceBMM2Zz6c

Also Patreon: patreon.com/socialistbukharin

Spoiler: The 'Hero'

[img: https://i.postimg.cc/wxGGtj65/Kurt-Hertling.png]

When I used to think of Youjo Senki, I always wondered how realistic it would be to take a militarist path to avoid the horrors of getting screwed by the disparity of classes as an orphan.

When I woke up in the body of a young Kurt Hertling in the world of Valkyria Chronicles, I think I got my answer to it. This 'me' was born in 1915, right at a stage were the Empire was going through what was called a 'grand mustering for progress'. I always wondered how the Empire had created a massive, loyal and somewhat efficient military force within this series, and the truth is that it all happened quite slowly.

With a big neighbor on the west, many politicians and the Emperor smartly decided against mobilizing a large force in a short amount of time. And the economy, despite its growing heights through the last effects of the Industrial Revolution, was not exactly meant to be treated as a punching bag and thus was given some tendering touch before the real fun started.

I would love to say I founded a resistance group and tried my ass into being a suicidal martyrs for a cause that didn't appeal to the locals such as democracy and equality, but the truth is that taking part to the system was the best way to dismantle it. The difference between the Youjo Senki's Empire and the one in VC was quite simple: this Empire I was not part of as a citizen was following some heinous lines when it come to its 'Nazi references'.

I wouldn't say that Mr. Himmler was keen to knock on doors, but if you were the Jewish equivalent of this universe and you were outed as one, then your best chances were to be able to flee because it was either labor camps or straight-up executions. I really don't like what I had to nod at by signing the papers for recruitment but… Sacrifices had to be made for long-lasting changes.

War was on the horizon, and I had my chance to prove my worth at the age of 16 when I was able to obtain a commissioned rank by taking a year worth of studies and exams, and then a superior rank at the age of 18 through a similar process, except with the presence of an old-fashioned general which made his displeasure clear when it came to his 'paperweight' role within the army. A relic of the past that was too stubborn to give up, but was keen to reward those able to do their job right.

I didn't get the best ranks available, not when a few heirs and heiresses of various noble families were involved in these selections. I passed through attention to the material and dedication in the field practices. At the age of 20, I was given another rank as Major in charge of the 25. Wehrbattailon, this time this lasted me even beyond the first few months of the war.


[img: https://i.postimg.cc/K8pqygX6/VCMap.png]

Oh yes, the 'Invasion of the Atlantic Federation' was labeled as the 'Great Patriotic War'. Everyone was involved, military and civilians, this was going to be a big one. It was the equivalent of a mostly-united Europe against a Nazi Soviet Union. The comparison made me cringe from deep within, but that was just the beginning as the first few months proved that the war was not going to be easy.

I don't have a perfect memory of how the battleplan started and got screwed, but I knew right as I studied the general notes presented to the various officers commanding troops that… it was fucked. The Empire wanted to rely on Blitzkrieg without planes and not much artillery- tanks and infantry… I just felt my inner HoI4 player die of dread at how suicidal this was. And I was given proof of this disaster in the making when the advance was halted a few days before March.

We had broken into Assen and Wesel, captured Ypern and Deventer- but the price paid to just get 30% of the Atlantic Federation's land didn't fit at all. Our forces were exhausted, the losses were non-negligible, and the supply lines were stretched thin as a logistical nightmare loomed for many of our troops. And then, Operation Northern Cross was enacted as the Federation punched back with its full might.

It was ugly. I knew that losing bad and being forced to retreat wasn't going to be pleasant, but the harshness of the pace we were going at was both frustrating, damaging due to the weather we were dealing with, and yet beneficial when it came to losses from the Federation as we were not suffering too many deaths by hostile hands.

The only good news after getting most of our forces pushed back before a major spearhead stabbed deep through Amiens and Velsen with a clear target for the capital was that my voice was finally being listened- or rather, the voice of numerous commanders likening to my own protests.

The whining was met with a promotion and a simple order: "Take as much as you need and fix this." That was what made it clear to me how desperate the politicians in the capital were to save their hides and how the Emperor was getting frustrated for the lack of progress to stop the offensive.

I was thus made Lieutenant Colonel and put in charge of the IV. Armee and the VII. Armee, requesting for less tanks and more artillery and infantry. I wouldn't be able to make use of tanks with what I had in mind, and I wouln't be able to pull an encirclement on my own due to my limited supply response.

Based at Wi, I had a simple idea that I was able to acquire a small tank command sited near the Gallian border. With what the principality being sieged by Prince Maximillian's forces, I couldn't draw more from their pool and this was more of a lease than a permanent deployment. Still, I struck with two objectives in mind: from Wi, the 'Army Group Center' would punch into Assen and Wesel, pushing as fast as possible by employing extensive bombardments from heavy artillery pieces, meanwhile the 'Panzergruppen Ackar' would rush downward and effectively cut a large detachment of the Federation deep in Imperial lands.

It sounded rather generic, but the issue within the plan of attacks used by other Imperial commanders was the senseless use of tanks. Without planes there couldn't be the needed scouting and ground support to sustain a prolonged blitz. Tanks could do so much if they ended up blindly rolling into an ambush or two. And those things weren't as cheap as they used to be at the beginning of the war.

Good old Infiltration Tactics with infantry and the use of Artillery as covering fire was going to be what was needed to break into the enemy lines and effectively crack their resolves. The rest would be left to the other armies as my priority was just to shock, retain the northern-central territories, and offer relief to the southern front to push back to regain our full border lands.

What came next from this was mostly uncertain. I didn't seek glory and I knew the men were going to be exhausted once this Operation was over, so there weren't going to be other pushes beyond those planned. No one was going to behave like a gloryhound under my command, I made it clear by promising a swift execution for any idiots trying to make any 'funny stunt' about it. I had plans to leave the rest to the high command, hoping they wouldn't throw this chance I gave them for something as stupid as the first few offensives of this war.

Operation Broken Cross started April 1, a day where the Federation's fools were given the boot as the plan of attack succeeded in all its goals. For two weeks blood and bodies were claimed from the enemy soldiers between us and glory, with the efficiently planned offensive yielding the expected result: the major force meant to rush for the Imperial Capital was now encircled and deprived of much-needed supplies.

Despite the cheering coming from all around and mostly beyond my command office, I wasn't that pleased by a few things that this offensive manifested- I had people's attention now as propaganda did the grueling job of elevating me as some sort of Paul von Hindenburg of this world which saw me promoted as a Major General, and my success where many failed made me relevant for something the Imperial government wanted to see done properly: the conquest of the Principality of Gallia (specifically their vast richest of Ragnite), I was to take over a Reserve Army Group and reinforce Prince Maximillian's troops.

This was going to end dreadfully… bad for them. I had plans, I always had plans and they… were going to fail. All of them.



What happens when you drop a HoI4 Player within the position of military power to change a war or two? Funni things. Lots of Funni things at that.