A Darkness in Mind - (Semi-Lewd Horrorverse SI) by JBukahrin

Link: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/bukharins-archive-snippets-omakes-and-ideas-compilation-discontinued-new-thread.14359/page-184#post-6177771

A Darkness in Mind - or 'This Horror World is way more scarier with its Lewdness' (Semi-Lewd Horrorverse SI)

When I woke up in a grimy small cell that resembled one that many prisons have, wearing an orange one-piece uniform and with someone banging loudly at the door, I knew that this was not going to be a fun situation.

It was no dream, it wasn't even some sort of game as I slowly came to realize what I was dealing with. As I moved up to greet the one banging at the door, I tensed up at the heavily-armored guard.

"D-9842, today you have a test to take part as bait."

What the fuck?

The door opened and I finally saw something which confirmed my growing fears. by his upper chest armor, the soldier had a three letters sprayed white. SCP. That almost made me jerk away from him and back away, yet he seemed to realize I was in a flighty mod and just reached out for my arm and dragging me out of the cell.

"Behave or I shall personally put a bullet through your skull."

The fuck?!

I gritted my teeth, but I couldn't exactly make a break for it. The facility- this whole place was a ticking bomb and, even if I managed to deal with this bastard, I would find myself cornered and gunned down by other guards. I had no choice but listen and comply, my eyes darting left and right as we were moving, my mind burning with so many potential ways to leave this place.

I had been taken by the SCP Foundation, how the fuck did this happen? I tried to put some reason within what I was dealing with was extreme confusion with a slice of 'WTFuckery' mixed in it. Somehow I ended up here and… I couldn't waste time in contemplation over it- not for the time being, not until I was still in a dangerous spot.

The uneasy stroll went on for a few more minutes. We left the cells' area and we ventured in what looked to be a completely different building as walls, pavements and ceilings looked quite different. Still, I could tell we were close to my potential death when we finally made it to what looked to be a small corridor to a massive room from the huge doors standing on the other side of it. By the 'upper floor' a large glass screen from where two scientists were monitoring both our arrival and what was inside that room.

The doors opened, shifting on the sides and allowing me to be pushed inside. I took a few steps forward, seeing a protective railing to what looked to be an edge into a radioactive pool. Upon a closer inspection, I felt my blood going cold as I realized it wasn't the beginning of the Hulk movie, but rather me staring at a pool of green acid, one that was used to keep contained an entity that slowly emerged from the untouched edge by the liquid.

SCP-682, the 'Hard-to Destroy Reptile'. I expected a humonguous beast of considerable murderous intent and hunger for blood to emerge from the pit of acid, but the one that I was greeted with was… enough of a sight to leave me frown hard at her.


[img: https://i.postimg.cc/tg9T3702/682-Thicc-NMean.jpg]

Was I familiar with the female thicc version of this monster through my previous R34 experience? Yep. Had I ever thought this scenario to be how I was supposedly going to die? No. Truly no.

"And I suppose you are my meal for today."

Her voice boomed with a raspy and confident tone but… I refused to get vored by something like that. Hell nope!

"They want me to be your meal, but I think you don't want that."

Her head lowered to be closer to my level.

"No? Would you prefer I starved, little thing?"

"I just think, and I say this out of genuine perplexity than else, that someone like you, someone so invicible and unbeatable, is allowing a bunch of nerds dictate when you get to eat and when you can't," I replied strongly, knowing that improvisation like that could only work if I pushed forward without any hesitation. "Like an animal, like a leashed pet-"

"I am not an animal, nor a pet. And if you think that-"

"I don't think!" I interrupted. "Here you are, restrained to a vat of acid that constantly hurts you, people that are prodding at your body because they think they own you and, the worst part is, that you are being purposely turned into a lazy doormat. You could easily crash their party and you don't do that. In fact, one may assume you can't do that."

Her eyes narrowed. "Do you want to bet on that, little thing?"

"Deadass. And I bet you will also not say something I have in mind to frighten them to the core."

She looked intrigued by this and leaned closer so I could whisper what I had in mind.

682 giggled giddily at this and I just could imagine how brown these scientists' pants were going to get quite soon.


As the researchers stared at the scene in the monitor in pure confusion, they decided it was time to stop the 'failed experiment' as 682 seemed interested more in talking than eating. Peculiar and enough to warrant an interview with the D-Class unit.

But right as the guard officer was given order to approach and be ready to get the D-Class back to his cell for further interrogation, they all tensed up when 682 moved out of her vat and forcefully slammed the doors open. She looked around, eyeing the guard and then the scientists before smiling, drool leaking from her maws.


[img: https://i.postimg.cc/6QzQYwtw/682Horni.jpg]

"Fools! You think you can contain a reptile in heat?"

Everyone was shocked by this revelation, eyes going wide open as both scientists looked as if they had gone through a couple of strokes all at once. Was 682 capable of going through heat cycles? Was she actually going through one and- What was the order of action in these situations?

The pure shock and confusion was enough of a distraction, but their stunned selves were brought back to the situation when the sole guard near to the entrance had his life fiercely removed with a punch forcing its body to squeeze up and compress against the ground.

Another punch slammed through the glass and found one of the scientists drawn to the monstrous entity, her mouth opening as she devoured the screaming researcher while the other tried to run for the door behind her but found her life too ended with another punch. 682 cackled in mirth at the bloody mess she made, yet there was something that she needed to say now that she had won the bet with that little foolish human.

"See! I am no animal! What do you think of me now, you litte-" SCP-682 paused as she realized that the source of her irritation was missing and that the door where I came from earlier on had closed right as she tried to find me.

Her gaze narrowed at it and she growled angrily as she realized how she had been tricked with these delicious distractions.



Like hell I am keeping around that big bitch.

While she was fine with playing along to get more food, I could tell she was also trying to get me as part of her lunch. As soon as she killed the guard, I rushed to retrieve his keycard and gun as the SMG had not been damaged by the punch that caved his chest in. I bailed from that room as soon as I could, knowing I would have been next on the list despite the fact that… well, now she was an unforgiving monster.

682 was known to be quite intelligent, and extremely hateful of all living beings that weren't her. Thus, I was not someone she was going to give any mercy once she was done with the nerds. I picked up what I could and I bolted, alarms roaring a few minutes later as the facility's security system snapped into action and quarantine protocols were indicted to prevent any other break-outs.

I managed to hide away in a one of the toilet areas around, keeping out of sight from a group of soldiers rushing through the path I just finished taking, going to where 682 was last spotted. I continued my little escape, surprised and somewhat relieved when the lights started to flicker. Whatever 682 was doing, it was messing with the electric system and thus weakening the CCTV footage available for anyone looking around for any runners.

Then, the entire system came down as the light went all out and yet returned thanks to the emergency generator. Basic services were guaranteed, such as the functioning of doors, of the ventilation system but… some of the stuff containing a few SCPs were definitely no longer available.

I hit the jackpot when I finally found what looked to be an armory and the keycard worked perfectly in this occasion. The entire room was packed with all sorts of equipment, ranging from standard hanguns, to assault rifles, shotguns and even attachments for these weapons. The best part of it was the presence of uniforms that could be taken to pass as one of the soldiers around, and a pair of fresh 'non-combat' clothes which could be used once I was out of the facility itself.

I doubted it would have been enough if someone was actually checking the guards for their identities, but it shouldn't be the case since the focus was a massive big-tiddied and very hungry lizard woman. With that in mind, I took a more 'stiff' but fast posture, acting as if I was moving on orders than genuinely making a run for it.

I would be lie if I said I expected things to be as easy as they were looking to be, having played the games about this facility plenty of times, but never once I thought that I would end up walking through the front door of the facility, approach the exit gates and then get out of there without being detected.

All that was left for me to do was to get through this blasted forest, find civilization and, hopefully, find a vehicle to get out of any potential nuclear retaliation against 682. But while up to this point luck carried me in a stable situation (not the best, but close enough), I had the distinct feeling I wasn't completely away from troubles just yet.

The faceless entity stalking my steps may also agree to that assessment.



Halloween-driven idea! Also, tried to watch the new Halloween Trilogy yesterday night but my sister just found the sight of one of the first kills (the owner of the pump station where Michael gets his stuff back) was 'too much' for her. Which is ironic since I had offered her to watch these movies during daytime since I know how easily-terrified she was, but no, it's Halloween, I have to do that.

Geez… Still, about the story, it is not going to be lewd-centered within its entire context, but lots of characters got genderswapped. Are all fuckable? Technically yes, but not all of them are getting banged. Some for obvious reasons, other for even fuckier reasons.