Uniquely Specialist - (Winx Club Specialist!SI) by JBukharin

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Uniquely Specialist - or 'How this is not what I wanted for my Isekai, what do you mean Fairies are OP?' (Winx Club Specialist!SI)

Notes: It had to happen.

It was morning, and I should be dealing with classes- which is anomalous considering I was internally older than the age of my current body but-

"John, do you know why you are here?"

That question has been something I used to hear a lot in my previous life, but I liked to believe this occasion didn't warrant my presence here before the 'school principal'.

"If I have to be honest, sir, I don't."

The old man on the other side of the desk nodded while still smiling. Long hair, no facial hair, his name is Saladin- one would confuse him as either Gandalf or Dumbledore due to the fact he is also the headmaster of this special school for… well, Specialists. Specialists of what, you ask?

Well, we fight, capture, uphold order and shit like that. Sounds basic? It is. Sorta. There is also flying Dragons to ride, which is pretty much as cool as one would expect. But tiring as you have to care for them, love them, let them show the true meaning of pain to your enemy… and a bit more than that.

Still, all of that is highly irrelevant to my situation. I am John Bukharin, I am 17, and I prefer to really not do shit with this show's plot.


[img: https://i.postimg.cc/d1vMPhr5/John-Bukharin-High-Schooler.jpg]

You know why? Because it's a Fustercluck I am not interested in even debating with the average fan. I just so happened to get hit by a car, die, get 'reincarnated' as a 16 years-old and entertain a year of peace before any potential plot issues.

I wanted to not take part to this, making sure to not have to deal with any potential sadge moments- or romance. I have nothing against cute girls, but I kind of have a childhood to protect, my sister's to be precise. The girl just loved the Winx Club shit so much that she almost got our parents to visit Gardaland. Tragic days considering we could hardly afford a week-long holiday trip within the region.

Now, one would ask: "How come you are worried this is where you are pushed onto the plot?" And the answer to that was the presence of Alfea Headmistress, Faragonda. The reason why this is literally about getting yanked into that mess was the request that was suddenly forwarded by the woman.

"The reason you were asked to come here, Mr. Bukharin, is to assist me in creating a proper documentation to one of my newest student. I was struggling a bit over it, but I remembered a discussion I had with Saladin."

And I deeply frowned as I knew it was Bloom, the Female MC, that needed her documentation sorted out, but I was unsure on why I was needed in the specific. Then I was given the papers that were her birth certification and her passport. Both in Italian.

That's where it clicked, as I realized that it was something similar to how it went with my own paperwork to enlist to the school. I was found outside Red Fountain, within its forest, and I was given the option to live there for a while, study and train, then enlist after passing a test. I am now a second year student and proudly on my way to finish another year with high grades.

It wasn't even a matter of being super-intelligent or all, but the tasks were particularly simple to handle with enough repetition and proper field experience. The Dragon thing? Mine is a bit of a high-maintenance bitch but he respected me enough to know when not fuss while I was pissed. Plus, he liked headpats.

Yet, one thing left me perplexed about this.

"You want me to translate it?"

"Yes," The old woman confirmed, yet she quickly noticed I wasn't that convinced by that admission. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"I am quite sure this girl should be able to do the job on her own if asked," I replied sharply, knowing something else was cooking with this visit and meeting. "So… what's the real reason you are approaching me, Headmistress Faragonda?"

I was playing no games around these people. I knew they were some veteran adventurers, so they knew when to cut the bullshit short. Faragonda looked surprised, Saladin quite amused.

"I already told you that this sort of trick wouldn't work with this student, my old friend. John here is quite the exceptional student, and a sharp minded one too."

"I can tell as much," The old woman agreed, fixing her glassed for a moment. "Then, I will be quite direct. I wish to enlist your help to protect this young girl from any harm that may come her way."

"…" I glanced silently at Saladin and the elder could only shrug, leaving me with the full choice about it.

"Why me?"

"Considering you hail from Earth just like Bloom, I thought it would be reasonable for you to try and help a fellow Earthling."

"I mean, that wouldn't be the reason I would go for it but… I am willing to do this with a single condition."

She raised an intrigued brow. "Which is?"

"I wish to have freedom on how to handle those trying to cause this Bloom issues. Nothing lethal, but I have a funny way to deal with that kind of problems."

Saladin nodded. "That sounds actually very reasonable."

Trust goes a long way, and Faragonda pretty much gave me the chance to bring the Trix down before they become problematic.

Starting right by the first time they directly act against Bloom.


Bloom was not supposed to be there, but she had tried to be brave and protect her friend, resulting in her current glacial predicament.


[img: https://i.imgur.com/FtVya0i.png]

Then again, she should have known better than tackle the issue head on without some means to defend herself and stop these nefarious Trix. She knew she was at fault, but she was also quick to blame the way her father always told her to headbutt this sort of issues before those became too tedious to face. Especially with how dangerous the witches had been in previous occasions.

And here she was, stuck in a column of ice where she could hear things happening around her, but not see or move due to being stuck with her eyes closed in that cold prison. She felt embarrassed, and then… she felt warm. Confusion riddled her as the ice suddenly melted, with her first assumption that it was Stella faltering right as someone caught her and had muscles. And his chest was flat.

Since when Brandon has abs?

Much to her dismay, it was neither her blond love interest. Her eyes opened to look up at a bespectacled young man with short dark-hair and curious brown eyes.


"Someone that is keeping watch while you are moving away from safety," He replied mysteriously, his tone flat and yet a degree of care within his voice. "You shouldn't have strayed. You may be courageous, but that doesn't make you invincible, you silly girl."

"… Sorry."

"Just don't try to be a hero without preparation," He chided back and she huffed, unconsciously leaning more into him.

"I can't transform."

He scoffed. "And? You are from Earth, do you mean to tell me you can't Bear Grylls your way out of trouble?"

Her eyes narrowed at that peculiar reference. "How do you know I am from Earth."

"I think I already told you I am watching over you while you are being dumb and looking for danger. Officially so."


"'Oh' indeed," He hummed, helping her stand up despite her inner need to be there and nuzzle those abs. "And you should be going back to them. I bet they are worried sick of your current disappearance."

That was something to be concerned about but… What about the Trix? A quick look around got Bloom's gaze over their unconscious bodies, all wrapped in nets which had devices emitting sparks. Them and their big yellow troll.

"What are you going to do with them?" Bloom felt extremely childish in her tone, almost unable to muster up a more serious attitude without appearing too immature about it.

"Send them to Cloud Tower. They are students there and their headmistress shall punish them for this stunt," The young man answered readily. "And trust me, that school will punish them if they try it again, they will not support them. Keep that in mind."

A frown adorned the redhead's face and… she looked back at the young man.

"What's your name?" The question came at a most unusual timing.

He smiled, dragging the captured foes through a portal he created.

"Not telling~."

He childishly claimed, leaving Bloom to pout and… be surprised when her friends found her shortly after. And while she explained what happened to them, fueling an exchange of potential what ifs, questions, and, most embarrassing, inquiries about her interest over this new handsome boy from Stella, Bloom couldn't help but feel they were connected in more ways than she was aware of.

But for now, she could only dream… to be nuzzling those abs once again.



It had to be done. And it shall be done again.