Everyday is Tama Time (MHA SI) by HellWan

A must read what happens a sı's quirk is bassicaly the Door pathway fully completed from lord of mysteries? the premise is interesting

Words: 19k+

Links: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/17521

Chapter 1

"Honey! Are you ready to go?"

"Hurry up! You're going to be late!"

My phone rang, taking it out. I saw multiple texts appear on my screen.

I hope you has't valorous day, loveth thee.

Have a good day honey! Love you! XOXOXOXO

Take care. I left your bento in the refrigerator.

Have fun at school! Don't worry about us!

Love you! Have fun with the kids! Here's a daily reminder of my love as well! They're about to leak already!


[img: https://nitter.domain.glass/pic/media%2FFLHEfpAVgAQ5BYk.png%3Fname%3Dorig]

Here's a photo for you, sweetie~ Something for you to remember me by~


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I blushed at the multiple texts and pictures appearing in the group chat.

"Y-Ya'll didn't have to do this, you know. I already know you love me and all." I said, trying to hide my embarrassed face.


"We don't really care."

"Shut up and let us pamper you."

They argued their positions in their display of affections.

"Fine. I love you too, Yuriko."

"""And we love, love, love you too!""" They said in unison.

Grabbing my bento, I left the large house of mine and looked back to see all of them wave back at me. From the two looking out the window and standing out of the door. My wife gave me their goodbyes as I left their sight carrying my lunch and office bag.

We just recently moved into our new house after our honeymoon. I was glad to have gotten a new job that gave me a good income. I kept on thinking about this before turning the corner and disappearing. My view changed midway of blinking into another place.

Ah yes, I forgot to mention my powers are a bit different than the regular teleportation ones. Or the fact that I call the multiple women living with me my wife instead of wives. I mean, when you think about it. Being reborn 200 to 400ish into the future kind of takes away the shock of anything else if you were simply a normal reincarnate. But if you add superpowers into the mix then you'll find out that the shock and surprise will never end.

So how does that relate to my life?

Mostly by the fact that I've been reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia that has some other anime mixed together. I mean, the fact that Tamamo no fucking Mae is my wife is a definite clue.

Superpowers here are called Quirks for some dumb reason. My wife's particular quirk was called 9 Tails.

Yeah, a cosmic joke about Kitsunes.

Either way, it didn't give her 9 tails to be exactly but rather 9 bodies. 9 different bodies that are all connected to a "hivemind". Each body had their own egos, tastes, personality, and womanly shape. Yet, they are all considered one whole person. Although they are all Yuriko Kuno. I had small nicknames for each of them.


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I on the other hand was a bit more special. Scratch that, it's best to describe me as a very fucking special snowflake.

I mean, getting the entire powerset of the Door Pathway is just straight up ridiculous. The power to teleport anywhere in existence is just seriously broken. Not to mention the spatial abilities and power copy is the one thing too many. The different dimensions and worlds I can visit. The ability to disrupt any precognition and divination.

And yet, for the amount of power I had in my fingertips. I was still a lazy piece of shit. As the scene changed, what was once an alleyway now became a hallway.

As I walked, the intercom turned on as a voice spoke out.

"Mr. Kuno. Can you please not teleport inside the school grounds, again."

"Ah, sorry about that Mr. Nezu." I apologized out loud. Knowing full well that he heard me.

"Thank you."

As I headed towards my office. I greeted any students that passed by me. Many greeted me while some didn't. Either way, I was in front of my office door. The sign on the door read counselor.

Guidance Counselor and Therapist: Kuno Yasashii

Basically, I was the school's therapist where I would take care of all the school's mental health. Everyday, I would have at least one student come in to tell me their woes and troubles. Majority of the ones that enter are usually the hero kids.

As easy as it sounds, it was not. I had to keep a note about every single individual that walked my office. Their desires, mentality, beliefs, and quirks. It seemed like a lot but when you have a power that help accelerate time through space. Then it's actually pretty manageable. Especially when my coworker was Ryo Inui. Otherwise known as the pro hero, Hound Dog.

Since most of the staff are heroes. Aren't you one as well?

Yes and no. Yes in which I am authorized to use my quirk and no because I'm not a hero. Being a hero is just stupid and too much responsibility for someone like me.

Entering my office, I was greeted by the fresh scented smell of a clean room. It had everything I needed. From beanbag chairs, stress balls, snacks, tissue, etc.

I had everything necessary to do my job. Setting down my bag, it was then I looked into the mirror.


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"Alright Yasashii. It's your second day on the job. Let's not fuck this up."

The fact I had to do this showed that even if you had all the powers in the world. You still got bills to fucking pay.

I got bored and had enough time to write this for my muse instead of sleeping.

SI's powers belong to the series known as Lord Of The Mysteries. It was interesting enough that it got it's own manwha or something. Everything in there is super op as it goes on about a transmigrated mc going from human to cosmic god with enough power to change reality to his whim.

Also, I am still holding the poll for which of my other stories gets an update. It's in my Ideas Thread. If Tama Time wins then this gets another update on Sunday.