The Turing Protocol - What if the 80s were set during the focal point of a Cyberpunk timeline by Risenemperor7


A foreword and table of contents

In 1951, President Harry Truman chose to use the fear of the Atom to stem the tide of Communism in Korea. It worked, creating a deadly new American addiction.

In 1952, the fingers of the Intelligence Community snapped a man that was about to be punished from the society that he had strived for years to save through the power of science. Those CIA agents didn't know it back then but they also created another addiction, one whose caliber would be global, its influence pervasive, its impact deep and intergenerational.

In 1962, the man that was saved from the Old World, achieved a marvelous invention, breaking through to a new frontier that was previously thought to be untenable. He managed to combine human flesh with silicon and metal.

Many called it a dream come true. An equal number proclaimed it a nightmare.

He gave it a simple name...

The Turing Protocol

For some of you, this journey began six months ago. Welcome back.

For me, it was close to a year and change and frankly, I didn't expect to share it with any of you. But here all of us are.

For those that joins us now, welcome to the madhouse that is the later 20th century of the Turing Protocol, a world whose technology has accelerated in leaps and bounds, a world that's breaking through to new knowledge with frightening speed but under the surface is far more dangerous than when you look at it for the first time. Corporations, Foreign Wars, a pervasive media culture, widespread acceptance of fringe ideas but also acceptance of things that would have been considered unlikely in our time. Metal Men and soldiers in exoskeletons, Moon Bases and the NET, people exchanging limbs to fit with the fashion sense of the day and others that risk their lives to keep the machines that ensure their survival going. You can find all these and many more as a part of everyday life.

Table of contents

(Links will be added as more chapters become available)

Pre-WW III (POD 1951 to 1985)​

Countries (USA, USSR, People's Republic of China, Japan, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, French Republic, Italy, FD Germany, German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Republic of India)​

Corporations (Prometheus Tech., Rex Media Group, Ameroil, Abernathy Industries, Rothstein and Co., ENI, Deutsche Bank, Krupp - Rheinmetall AG, Siemens AG, Mercedes Vauxhall AG, Bayer AG, Aerospatiale, Dassault Group, Mitsubishi Group, Sumitomo Group, Toyota Group, Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ), Samsung Group, LG Corporation, Hyundai Group)​

Technologies (Computers and the NET, Human-Machine Interface and Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetic Soldiers and Exoskeletal Technology, Cyberwarfare, Biological/Chemical Weapons, Combat Pharmaceuticals/Drugs, Space Warfare)​

During WW III (1985 to 1988)​



Pre-War Events

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9

Aftermath (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Post-WW III (1988 to 1992)​

Major Powers: USA, Japan, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, Commonwealth of Australia, French Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of India​

Regional powers: RSFSR, Italy, German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, Israel

Asian Countries: People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Republic of Guangdong, Republic of Singapore

Countries of South America: Chile, Brazil, Peru

Rest of Europe: Greece, Turkey, Sweden

Africa: South Africa, Rhodesia

A reintroduction to the Corporations

American Blocs: Prometheus Technologies, Ameroil

MegaFirmas: Rothstein and Co., ENI



State Corporations



Intergovernmental organizations and international institutions: European Community (EC), Association of Free Nations (AFN)

Organized Crime: Chinese Triads - Yakuza, British Firms, Soviet Bratvoy - American Mafia - South American Cartels

Events in time: The Panamanian Crisis of 1974, Operation Suvorov (November 11th 1980 - February 24th 1981), Operation Deck the Halls (December 24th-25th 1980), First Corporate War (Prologue, Background, Course of the War: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3, Aftermath)

Cities of the Turing Protocol: London, Rhine-Ruhr MegaKomplex, Pearl River Tri-City

Faces of the Turing Protocol: Dr. Alan Turing​

RMG Media Library: Petro Empire - A REXTV Original, RMG News Archive - Kuwait repulses an Iraqi incursion in August 1982, RMG News Archive - RMG News' final sign off on November 1986​

Fan-submitted Specials​

Fan-submitted Countries: (Republic of the Philippines)​

Fan-submitted Corporations: (SOL Pharmaceuticals)​

Other Fan-submitted Posts: (On The Front Line)​