Dragon Ball: It's About Time by flameclawsxx

Words: 114k+

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13945085/1/

( Isekai. a fun concept. a few problems though. first off, I was Reincarnated into a world where planet busting is a meager feat. Secondly, I was born 200 years after the story had finished, thirdly... there are time cops on my front lawn. I wasn't aware their main recruitment method was a nicely worded 'Join or Die, You Time Altering Scum'. )

Chapter 1: Nion

Don't Own Dbz, Only The Oc.



"Speech through phones and Text via book, notes, or newspaper... when those are around..."

"Powerful Creatures Speaking"

(Mid Chapter Authors Notes)

I let out a long sigh as I heft an absolutely massive boar over my shoulder, somehow carrying the car sized monstrosity without it even touching the ground. This thing is probably well over a ton.

A brown tail lashes out behind me as I continue walking, almost lazily swishing in the air.

My name is Nion, and this is my dinner.

I glance to the large boar.

Damn Saiyan Genes.

I pause in front of a puddle and look into it.

Staring back is a small, lightly tanned, black-eyed boy with short and spiky black hair.

I scoff and shake my head. 'Despite the many years; I am still not used to that face.'

As was stated previously. I am Nion. A Saiyan warrior- er... descendant of Goku...

But I wasn't always this adorable... or this strong.

I used to be fat, lazy, just an absolute waste of space.

The term is Isekai.

I tilt my head slightly at my reflection. I am fairly well muscled for a ten-year-old. I am going to be hot as hell when I grow up a little more. I think I'm nearing that stage where Gohan shot up from 'Kid Gohan' into 'Teen Gohan' in one meager year.

Anyways. Instead of anything fun. I got myself reincarnated into dragon ball Z upwards of... fuck... how many years was it? Like... one hundred... ish? One hundred and fifty? Two hundred? Two hundred years past the main story.

To put it into perspective, Goku Jr, that little munchkin in that movie of Dragon Ball GT, is my grandfather. Which makes me about... uh...

Fuck. What was it?

Zero point... three nine percent?

That makes me Zero-point three nine percent Saiyan. And that makes Goku my great, great, great, great, great, great, Grandfather. Give or take a few 'Great's just in case I miscounted.

It's sort of sad that I am less than half a percent Saiyan, but ah well.

It also sucks that I was reborn so far past canon, that I guarantee a fair percentage of the population probably has saiyan blood, but... it's not all bad. I know how to pull off a kamehameha! That's one of my old-life's childhood dreams!

I can more or less do what I want in this universe... it sort of sucks that there are no 'Z Fighters' any more, perhaps they think that the world no longer needs protection? Hm.

Maybe I can find five of my distant relatives and become a Super Saiyan God?

I shake my head and swiftly rush back towards my home. 'It'd be interesting, but I'd probably catch the attention of Beerus.'

I just wish that I could do something... important...

I swiftly make my way through the forest, eventually coming to a rundown shack in the middle of the woods.

Ah. Home sweet trash pile.

I toss the large swine aside; it hits the ground with a loud crash.

'where's muh' knives...'

At the very least my Saiyan genes are very pronounced. Sort of like Gohan's. I have a tail, a large appetite, and brief spikes of rage that increase my power considerably.

I'm also fairly certain I killed my family as an Oozaru. But I don't exactly remember my family. My consciousness appeared a couple months after their deaths.

I stare up into the sky, then turn and walk inside, grabbing my skinning knives.

I freeze as I feel something smash its way into my sensing range.

'what the hell is that?!' I flinch as several more appear right behind it, each are swiftly rocketing towards me, in a slight fanning pattern.

I look to the four-star dragon ball sat upon my dresser in a small box.

I rush outside and quickly dash away from my house, towards the power levels.

These power levels are absolutely massive... but they aren't quite my own.

I can manage.

I feel dozens of weak life forces snuffed out as they continue moving in a fan-like pattern.

The closest is swiftly approaching, so I lower myself and enter a fighting stance, eyes narrowed.

A green... thing... bursts out of the tree line, it lets out a shriek as its red eyes lock with mine.

It flies forwards, an aura of purple energy surrounding it.

'A Saibamen?!'

If it is approaching my strength, I seem to be weaker than I thought...

I duck its clawed slash and smash a fist up into its stomach, folding it around the appendage.

Its eyes almost pop out of its head as it is knocked skyward.

I hold out a hand and shoot a single ki blast that utterly vaporizes it with a shuddering boom that rattles the trees around me.

I feel all of the similar ki signatures pause.

They all turn and swiftly begin flying towards me.

'let's see here... there's like eight in all? Well, nine technically, but that one died.

I power up and wait, a ki sphere charging in my hand.

"KEKEKEKE!" The first- technically second- shrieks as it lunges for me. I lash out with a punch and smash my fist right into its face, its head snaps back as a second Saibamen enters the clearing

I flip over the Saibaman I just stunned, swinging my leg down at it, as I hurl the ki sphere towards the new Saibaman.

My foot cleaves the green menace in half as the orb flies towards the second Saibaman.

It turns its body, dodging the ki sphere completely.

I flick my wrist slightly as the Ki blast disappears into the foliage.

The saibaman rushes forwards, toothy maw opening wide as shrill cackles echo from its throat, it flings both clawed hands forwards, launching a yellowish beam of ki at me.

I backhand the beam, giving it a bit of my own power as well, causing it to arc off into the distance where it crashes into a third Saibaman, causing it to let out a shriek of pain as it is reduced to greenish smoke.

A blue orb of Ki smashes through the back of the Saibaman who has just fired an energy wave, causing it to let out a cry as greenish blood drips from the baseball sized hole in its chest.

It is dead before it even hits the floor.

The Ki blast I had fired earlier flies right for me, but I backhand it away, watching as it slowly curves back towards me with a small smirk.

I duck the swing of a fourth saibaman and smash a foot into its torso, blasting it backwards, through the trunk of a sturdy looking tree.

It sits up with a shriek of outrage as its head splits, spewing a green fluid at me as a fifth divebombs me.

I catch the fifth and toss it into the way of the fluid, the green acid splashing everywhere as the Saibaman makes contact, creating large holes in the ground wherever it splashes.

The Saibaman, however, is completely and utterly unharmed.

It looks down to its acid covered body and grins viciously. "KEKEKEKEH!"

It dashes forwards, lunching for me as if it is going to hug me.

I tilt my head to the side, an orb of ki barely missing my head and smashing through the torso of the Saibaman rushing me.

I am forced to hop over his acid-covered body as the saibaman's life leaves its eyes, the energy orb spirals slightly as it arcs towards Saibaman four.

He lets out a shriek of terror as the orb crashes into him and detonates, creating a fairly large dome of blue energy that fades after a couple of seconds.

I allow my arms to fall, palms facing backwards.

Three Saibamen bust into the clearing all at once.

There is a flash of blue from my palm as a small orb is shot towards one of my attackers, I use the force of the ki blast to twist and hold up the same hand that just shot.

The ki blast smashes into the shoulder of the little green man on the far left, blowing off its arm with a puff of dark grey smoke, a wave of ki is shot from my hand, washing over all three and leaving nothing more than a head here, a pair of shins and feet there, and an arm that had fallen out of the range of the sweeping beam.

I let out a long break as I let out a satisfied huff.

Well. That was by far the most interesting fight I have ever been in.

Now back to my regularly scheduled dinner-

Breath leaves my lungs as I feel a cold chill. Dread forms in my stomach as I gain goosebumps and the hairs on the back of my neck raise, I am rooted to the spot as an absolutely TITANIC power level smashes its way into my sensing range. Not only that, it feel just so vile. Disgusting. Sickening.

The Saibamen were bad, honestly worse than they should be if I think about it, but whatever the hell this is? It's like comparing a toddler's sociopathy to a genuine serial killer.

My arms begin shaking slightly as I break out in a cold sweat.

There's also the problem that it is easily several times more powerful than my own... nearly ten times in fact. And it is closing in. Quickl-


Pieces of bark, leaves, twigs, and shards of wood fly past me as my hair ruffles from an object suddenly smashing into the ground at high speeds.

I slowly and shakily turn around.

Crouched in a crater about forty feet wide, trees uprooted and hurled aside, is a deep black Saibaman, it has solid red eyes, no pupils to be seen.

On its forehead is a green gemstone with what looks like a strange sideways X, with one of the two lines crossing over the other, the line underneath stopping abruptly and continuing later to allow the illusion that the top one is actually on top.

It tilts its head as its eyes seem to lock onto me, a sickly grin spreading across its face.

'Fuck. Shit. Nonono.'

I have only one real option.

Hundreds of small ki spheres fly from every corner of my body, shooting out briefly before freezing in the air a short distance away, forming a spherical barrier around me as I create a white orb of ki in my hand right hand.

And realistically, the only option is a shit option.

My house and the surrounding area will be destroyed, but at the very least I'll survive this battle.

A gap appears in my ki blast barrier as the Saibaman appears in front of me, almost as if it teleported.

Blue smoke flows around the plant creature, showing that it didn't just teleport and had simply flown through the barrier.

My head is snapped to the side by an incredible force, luckily nothing broke with that punch, but it really hurt.

It's just toying with me...

A blue ki blade a foot long appears in my other hand as I slash forwards.

The blade cleaves cleanly through the Saibamen, cutting it cleanly in half at the waist!

Both halves disappear as the afterimage fades.

I let out a shout as an unseen force smashes into my leg, my shin snapping like a twig as I drop to the ground.

I swing my blade covered hand outwards, predicting where the sadistic plant monster would go, it reappears just as the ki blade elongates to two feet, half of my remaining energy is pumped into it.

My other shin is broken by a kick, but it doesn't escape unscathed.

It hops back and glares cautiously at me as I fall prone.

Green blood drips down its face from a cut- nay, a scratch, on its cheek nearly an inch long.

I hurl my hand up into the air with all of my remaining energy. "Burst open and mix!"

I glare up at the silvery ki orb in a haze of pain, everything hurts. My mind is getting... misty...


My body convulses, pulsing as I hear my heart in my ears.

The moon. It's...


I lay face down in the dirt, barely conscious, clothes less as the day I was born, my head is cloudy, a haze of pain surrounds my body, I feel like complete shit.

"Cela here. I found the anomaly."

I'm too weak to move.

"Saibamen from the looks of it... plus that one mutated Imiteman that slipped through my fingers."

I feel so tired.

"There's also a Saiyan." I hear... someone say?

Huh? Who... is that? There's a person? Everything's so murky.

"He also isn't a part of the original timeline. What should I do with him? He fought and killed the Saibamen mooks while I was dealing with bigger threats, and hell, that one escaped Imiteman had been weakened considerably when he apparently went monkey mode and started smashing everything."

My fingers dig into the grass as I try to will my body to move.

"He brought it down to about one hundred thousand. Sort of impressive. Not gonna lie. I didn't think this time period had anyone stronger than like twenty thousand."

My tail twitches briefly. Oh hey. It wasn't cut off.

"So, what do I do with him? It looks like he is barely clinging to life."

The voice seems to pause for a moment as I try my hardest to turn my head.

"Kill him?! Ugh. That's why I hate working with you. You're such a cynical asshole. I'm bringing him back. He has some skill if he was able to buy enough time to make an artificial moon against something seemingly ten times stronger than him. And hey, this is probably better than dying."

'need to... get- awa...y'

My body weakens, the darkness of unconsciousness swiftly enveloping me.

My conscious returns, the first thing I notice is the sterile scent of a hospital.

That mere scent alone causes almost as much dread as that black saibaman that snapped my bones like they were made of-

I sit up, eyes wide as I scan the room.

It's a solid white room, a little on the small side.

My body still aches, there are phantom pains in my legs from where the bones were snapped.

Bandages wrap my body as I take in the sights.

There is a small table beside the bed with dozens of tubes on it, a digital clock sits on the wall, it reads twelve thirty... but I'm not sure if that is AM or PM as this room has no windows. In the corner sits a TV on a wheeled Table. It looks like something the teacher would wheel out for the class when they were hungover and didn't feel like teaching.

'where... am I?'

Sense outwards, only to freeze in place, eyes wide.

Hundreds... no... thousands... no... tens of thousands of power levels make themselves known, the swirling mix of power levels is so massive I can't even tell what's what, I am forced to cover my head as a spike of pain stabs through my skill.

I shut off my ki sense abruptly as I let out a low groan, clutching my head.

The door clicks open. Revealing a greyish blue skinned woman with white hair, it covers one of her eyes and goes to her back.

Said chest is... rather large... and covered with a red outfit which looks vaguely familiar.

She blinks her one visible eye slowly, her eye is a darkish purple, nearly black, two pointed ears poke out of her hair, and two earrings sit upon her ears, being orbs about the side of a marble.

'a kai?!'

She is wearing something similar to what fused Zamasu wore, just without the ridiculous shoulder pads.

"Ah. You're awake. That's nice." The woman mutters as she steps fully in the room.

"You are probably confused. Scared. And hurt. But... it's alright now. Just watch this and it will explain everything." She states as she turns to tv, her hand glows for a moment as there is a small blur of air being displaced, the Tv turns on and a video begins playing.

"I'll be back shortly." The woman states with a small nod as she turns and walks out of the room.

A man appears on the screen, he has short purple hair that stops above his ears, blue eyes, and wears a black coat with a brown fur collar, a sheathed sword is on his back.

"Hi!" He grins. "Welcome to Conton City! My name is Trunks! I'm one of the founding members of this generation's Time Patrol!"

"Now." He continues. "That might not mean a lot to you. But if you are seeing this tape, you were brought here because of two possible options, the first, is that there was an incredible event caused by outside interference in your timeline that created many branching paths in the timeline, resulting in a distorted timeline which had to be shut down. Or the second is that you have died, yet we feel like you could really help us out here in Conton City."

"You have two possible options, firstly you may live your life out here in Conton, in peace, doing whatever you wish to do with your life... or you may join the time patrol! As a time patroller, you'll prevent history from being changed!"

There's a small transition to an image of goku getting special beam cannoned through the stomach. Morbid, but there's no blood or gore due to the wound being cauterized immediately.

"Our duty is to protect everyone's memories and help return history to the way it should be!"

There is another transition, this one is the same image but with Raditz in Goku's grasp.

'so these fucking assholes rip people from their timelines and force them to fight their battles?'

"But we need your help! The only requirements are confidence in your capabilities and of course... a strong desire to protect history!"

Trunks Reappears with a grin.

'Eh. Fuck it. You've won me over, Trunks. I wished for something interesting. And besides, they could have just killed me due to being an apparent 'anomaly'. Getting to meet and fight other strong people is just the cherry on top of being able to live! Ohoho I'm going to get so powerful!'

"We've got a school for honing your skills if you are on the younger side! And dozens of shops for all of your needs! Restaurants, Armor Shops, Weapon Shops, training enhancements and more!"

The video cuts to people working out.

"How about it?" Trunks asks. "How about using your power to help out a great cause!"

One of the people working out, a Namekian, looks over to the camera and does a peace sign.

*Ahem* Trunks awkwardly coughs as he forcibly shoves his way back into frame. "We are always on the lookout for powerful warriors! And now, a couple words from the leader of the time patrol, Lady Chronoa! The Supreme Kai of Time!"

The video once more shifts like a shitty power point presentation with Chronoa shoving the scene of Trunks out of the way and shifting to a backdrop of the city.

From what I can see, it appears larger than in the game... much, much larger.

Dozens of sky scrapers stand in the bottom left corner of the screen, from the angle you cant even see the full scope of anything, there appears to be a massive market leading up towards a large gazebo-like building with a golden roof, in the distance, there is an incredible forest of bamboo, a couple large rocky mountains, and you can just barely see a few white dots which look similar Namekian style buildings with some blue grass.

The girl standing before me is short. Petite. Has pinkish skin, pointed ears, and reddish-pink hair, on her ears she has two potara earrings. She wears a loose-fitting kai robe that falls from her shoulders, revealing a black skin-tight shirt underneath.

She smiles at the camera and waves. "Hello~ Welcome to Conton city! The home of the Time Patrol! Okay. Listen carefully. To maintain Safety here in Conton City, we have a couple of rules that you must follow at all cost. Firstly, using any form of destructive ki technique within city limits is strictly forbidden. The same goes for fighting."

The image shifts to Goku and Vegeta sparring in the middle of the city, quickly crossing it out with a red X.

Next it shows a Frieza race smirking evilly at another person, a spark purple spark appearing on the tip of his finger.

The kai continues. "Secondly. Do not attack with the intent to maim or kill. Sparring is fine, yet those who wish to harm your fellow City Dwellers are going to meet severe punishment."

Another X crosses over him.

"Thirdly, Time patrollers wishing to fly in an open space while not on duty are required to obtain a flying license. Those who do not follow this rule will be heavily fined!"

The screen shows Goten and Trunks swiftly flying all over Conton, the two smashing head on after a while. It gets X'd out after a moment.

"This is for your own safety." The kai nods as she crosses her arms. "Fourthly, do not take another person's personal property."

It shows a namekian breaking into a building with a comical hockey mask. He also gets X'd out with an annoying buzzing sound.

"Fifth, Please keep your power suppressed within city limits-"

"Bullshit!" I growl "What the hell are those fuckers doing outside, then?!"

I rub my forehead at the memory of those power levels assaulting my brain as the video continues on, shifting to an image of goku transforming into a super saiyan three, there is a small animation of a chibi-like floating island shuddering, then snapping in half abruptly as there is a speech bubble with an impish looking goku face.

"-This is to prevent any unnecessary damage to Conton City. This rule also extends to transformations with disastrous effects on the world around you. Of course, should the situation be dire-"

Tons of tiny frieza force ships begin slowly moving towards the split island causing chibi goku to resume powering up.

"This rule becomes a bit of a moot point. But please try to suppress property damage... please."

The halves split into fourths.

"Sixth," The kai continues on. "Please do not use any form of teleportation technique to enter houses or living quarters which are not your own."

The screen shifts to show a Saiyan teleport into a random room, a girl shrieking as she covers her torso with a t-shirt, her shoulders bare, and blasts the Saiyan through the window with an energy wave.

The screen gets crossed out again, once more that annoying buzzer appearing.

"Seventh, under no circumstances are you to create an artificial moon with your Ki. No matter where you are on Conton. That technique is banned!"

The screen changes to a bunch of large apes destroying the city.

"Our Saiyan residents will thank you!"

A Saiyan with sunglasses turns to the camera and gives it a thumbs up, before turning and blasting off towards the giant apes as an X appears over the large white orb in the sky.

"Eighth, you are not allowed to use the dragon balls unless you have a license or are specifically allowed by the supreme kai of time herself. Additionally, your wish must be voiced to a member of the 'Wish Management Association' before you may make your wish. Failure to follow the correct wish making protocol will result in severe punishment."

It shows a clip of Oolong wishing for panties, then being crossed out.

The screen changes once more, this time showing a younger trunks, mecha frieza- who is promptly split in half- then cell's face.

"Lastly, for our time patrol members in training, any alteration to history is a grave offense. Our missions come with the risk of changing history, so you must exorcise the upmost caution. Avoid making changes to history like trunks did."

Chronoa shoves the image aside with a grin. "Keeping these things in mind, time patrollers please carry out your missions safely. For the sake of the world, and its history!"

Trunks steps out as the two of them begin talking simultaneously. "We both look forwards to welcoming you to Conton City!"

The screen flickers to black.


I stare blankly at the screen.

That was shit.

I mean, the rules are fine, reasonable even, but do they honestly convince people to become a time patroller after ripping them from their home or final rest... with THIS?!

I sit there for a moment, slowly observing the room.

The door clicks open revealing that same kai, sucking on a lollipop, in her hands is a stack of papers.

"Alllriiiight." She slowly drawls, sounding slightly bored. "Any questions about the tape?"

"No?" I weakly mutter.

"Ok." She states as she takes a seat in a chair at the foot of the bed. "Name?"

I blink slowly at her. "Huh?"

"Oh? This? We are forming a record for you in the city, I'll be needing basic things like your name, age, race, etcetera."

"Oh." I blink. "My name is Nion."

"Nion." She repeats as she writes something down on one of the pieces of paper. "N-I-O-N?"

"Yes. That's right." I nod.

"Oh good. You can spell. That's a relief." She states as she quickly scribbles down the rest of my name on the paper.

"Male." She quietly mutters, after a moment she looks up again. "Do you know your age?"

"Ten." I answer. "Nearly eleven."

"In how many months?"


"Convenient." The woman answers as she scribbles something else down. "Race?"


"Saiyan Human Hybrid." She states as she writes it down.

"Do you know who you are descended of? Goku or Vegeta?"

"My grandpa was named Goku... I think?"

"Junior or Senior?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I... don't know?" I weakly state while looking away.

"Who was your father?" She moves on.

"I don't know his real name... I always called him dad." I reply.

"Hn Expected. Did your father have brown hair?"

"Oh yeah!" I cheer.

"Descendant of Goku, son of Son Romi." She mutters as she quickly writes out what I assume she just said. "I see why you are here now, at least."

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a scouter, quickly scanning me. "Power level... fifteen thousand."

She writes that down as well.

"Are you able to turn Super Saiyan?" She continues.


"Can you turn your hair gold, growing a lot stronger?" She simplifies.


"Hm." She hums. "Have you ever looked at the full moon?"


"Alright..." She continues. "Are you aware of the transformation that happens under the full moon?"

"I am." I nod.

"Are you able to control it?" She asks.

"Nope." I shake my head.

She nods and seemingly checks a box before flipping to the next page. "How educated would you say you are?"

"I don't... know how to answer that?" I weakly state.

"Do you know addition?"

"Yes." I nod.

"What's thirty tree plus eighty eight?" She questions.

"One hundred and twenty one?" I answer.

She nods once. "Can you subtract?"

"I can."



"What's Nine times eighteen." She asks.

I pause briefly.

'fuck. Pulling out the big guns on a fucking toddler? Nine times twenty is one hundred and eighty, eighty minus eighteen is sixty two.'

"One hundred and Sixty two?"

"Correct." She nods. "What about Division?"

"I can also do that."

"Eighty eight divided by four." She asks.

"Twenty two." I respond much faster than I did for the previous question.

"Alright. Good. You will be able to skip the cram classes."

The kai looks up and decides to explain. "Considering how young you are, you are required to go to school. However, past that you may decide if you wish to become a time patrol member or not."

"Okay." I state.

"Now... for your combat abilities... do you have any experience in fighting?"

"Some." I hum with a small smile. "I got attacked by these freakishly strong green things that could spit acid."


"I guess! They were almost as strong as me! But I beat them all the same! But then this strange black one with a gem on its forehead came out... it was multiple times stronger than me."

"You fought a time breaker Imiteman and are still alive with your power level?" The kai asks, eyes widening briefly. "Well. That's actually sort of impressive. It also explains why your body was so broken when you got here..."

She reaches over and pats my head, giving me a kind smile. "You lived through something traumatic. Don't worry. You are safe now."

"Okay." I whisper as I slowly look away.

My stomach loudly growls, causing me to pale considerably.

The kai continues writing down my information and looks up slowly. "You are hungry?"

"I got attacked before I finished cooking my dinner." I bashfully mutter as I scratch the back of my head.

She gestures to the bedside table. "Do not worry. We have foreseen this. One of those tubes should be enough to fill even the hungriest of Saiyans."

I look over to the several tubes.

'Tubed... food?'

I lean over and look at it closer.

Food Paste Deluxe!

Hunk-o-Meat Flavor

I reach out and take the tube, I pop the cap off and bring it to my lips and give it a weak squeeze.

I flinch back slightly.

'It actually tastes like campfire roasted meat... what the fuck?!'

The texture is jarring, though... it's like grainy toothpaste.

"Do you have any experience in Ki control?"

"Yes." I nod.

"How experienced would you say that you are? Can you fly?"

"I can."

"Alright. We are almost done. After this, and after your wounds are healed, we will see about getting you registered into Conton Academy and finding you a place to live."

"Okay..." I mutter as I return to eating the tubed food.

"Can you Suppress your power level?" She continues.

I nod once.

My power level drops considerably, eventually coming to rest at a mere one thousand.

"Alright, you should keep it that low as to not break stuff- you saw that part in the video, right?"

I slowly nod before looking at the wall. "But what about all those people?"

"Them?" The woman asks with a small smile. "Ah. They probably hurt your head, huh? Well, they are about to partake in the Conton Academy Grand Tournament."


"There are a couple traditions here in Conton. You'll get used to them all eventually. I was actually trying to finish this up quickly so I could see the opening match. Thank you for being so compliant."

"Oh. Okay." I mutter quietly waiting for her next questions.

Well guys, I've decided to take a little break from Badass' quest. Just a temporary one.

I have been writing it almost nonstop for the past year now, so with the ending of BL2 I have decided to take a small break. I'll get back to it eventually. And no, it won't be put in hiatus hell like my other stories. I actually have a point where I want to stop it.

This idea has been bouncing around in my head for a little while, if you kept up with my trash fics you might see the first and second iteration of this.

Now, those who HAVEN'T read said fic... don't. It has a couple spoilers.

That being said. You might notice just how little Nion's Zenkai boost gave him. There is a reason for that. Do not worry. I'm not fucking insane.

Now for the power levels of this chapter!

Power Levels:

Nion (Full Power): 15,014

Nion (Post Zenkai) 15,109

Evil Energy Infused Saibamen: 6,100

Time Breaker Imiteman: 145,600

Cela Power level: Much higher than the Imiteman's.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this new story! I'll see you all whenever I decide to update whatever!