Caeruleum Mortem (Monsterverse/Multiverse SI) by ruijard

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( From the deep forgotten vaults of my mind, I give you a new story that has not seen the light of day in years.

This new story was inspired a long time ago and I never got around to creating a proper story for it instead of a few snippets, but a recent discovery of an absolute gem of a Manga called Kaiju #8 and the fanfic of a fellow author,BlitzKrieg-T1, led me to reveal this to you guys. )

You know the feeling of not being able to move as you wish in your dreams? The moment when you feel like your limbs are made of lead and your very body is resisting your every motion? That is exactly what I am feeling right now, except that instead of feeling like lead, it feels like I am being pressed down by a mountain, which makes sense considering my situation.

I don't know what really happened. One moment, I am hanging out with my friends in a private penthouse, the next moment, I am here.

At the bottom of a sea, or is it an ocean? I can't really tell.

Now, I would already be dead if it was any other time. My body would have imploded due to the sheer pressure of being under such a large body of water. This is where my new body came in handy.

Yeah, I have a new body. A really strange one at that.

It is Humanoid to be sure, but it is eerily similar to that of a creature from a manga I recently read. But I can't really concentrate on it all that much and really think about it.


Because I cannot think much about anything but hunger since I woke up in this place days? Months? Years ago? I can't really tell the time since I am at the bottom of the sea.

And this is not just a normal hunger either since I have eaten raw fish swimming around down here but it did nothing for my hunger.

I weakly stared up from my position as my body showed its displeasure for being starved for so long.

The neon blue vein-like structures across my body started to glow dimly as my eyesight sharpened for a few seconds, Illuminating the absolute darkness of the abyss before the glow diminished and I felt the hunger grow.

Shit, at this rate, I will be driven to insanity with this damned hunger.

With nothing else I could do, I decided to go to sleep so that I could ignore this feeling.

But then, I felt it.

There is something in the water, something close by, and for lack of a better term, is attracting my attention like a moth to a flame. But the most important thing is, I can just tell that it is the key to solving my hunger problem. I do not know how or why I am able to do so, but I am not questioning the intuition of my body, especially since a solution to my hunger is right in front of me.

And I want it at any cost!

Instincts that I never knew I even had sprung to life as the body started to glow with a dim blue glow again. I felt the spike-like structures on my spine charge up with some form of energy before I was propelled forward at speeds I never imagined possible for a living creature.

As I instinctively tucked my arms to the side and legs together, allowing my body to become more streamlined, the speed increased even more, allowing me to conserve a little bit of energy, or what is left of it after being starved for a long time.

I just hope I can find whatever is causing my instincts to go into a frenzy quickly before I go crazy with hunger.

Inside the world's first nuclear submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus, the crew of the submarine was keeping a watchful eye on the instruments and sonar, hoping to pick up the presence of their target.

Two of them, Eiji Serizawa, and Shaw, were in a deep debate, or rather, an argument, over their current course of action.

But their argument came to an abrupt halt when something unexpected happened.

"Sir! We have an unknown contact rising from Challenger's deep. It is ascending at absurd speeds, too fast for it to be another Sub!"

Eiji and Shaw looked at each other's shocked expressions and ran to the instruments while the captain barked out the orders for Red alert.

"This is impossible! There is nothing on this planet that is capable of moving at those speeds underwater"

"' As far as we know' is the key term here, Shaw. I told you, there is a second monster. But none of you believed me. Now we have- wait, what is this?"


"..The readings are all wrong. While the size is close, it is slightly bigger than the 'Gojira' that was described by the tribes. I could dismiss that as being inconsistencies that come with word-of-mouth reports but the main thing, is the lack of radiation signature"

"What does that-"


The duo was prevented from their further discussion due to the terrified shouts of the sailors, causing them to run to the viewports where they felt their blood freeze in terror.

Eiji instantly knew that this was not Gojira, the monster he had been looking for since 1945, but something else entirely.

Approaching rapidly, was a creature that was vaguely humanoid in shape. Its body is defined with powerful musculature with glowing vein-like structures spread across its body, giving it a very intimidating look.

Its back was covered with massive spike-like structures that were jutting out from its spine which shone much more brightly compared to the rest of its body, indicating that these spikes were somehow responsible for the creature's locomotion. Its head was made of a bone-like structure with two horns jetting out from its forehead. All in all, it looked loosely similar to the depictions of what a demon is supposed to look like from the Bible. But the thing that truly terrified the crew and the two scientists was the eyes.

Those glowing, unnatural, cyan eyes. The eyes which shone with an intellect that was on par with, if not more, than what the crew usually saw in their fellow humans, and the deep insanity that was clearly visible in them.



At the shout of the crew, the humans were once again exposed to a terrifying sight.

The massive creature that made the submarine look like a toy in the hands of a child, stretched out its monstrous clawed hand towards the submarine, intending to catch it in its palm. A part of Eiji noted the weird glow that surrounded the extended arm for barely a second before disappearing.

As the desperate crew began the Sub's emergency climbing procedure, it proved to be a fruitless endeavor when they felt the submarine shake with impact.

Thankfully, the hull was intact and there was only minor damage, but this was only the beginning of their problems.

"Captain!, we are losing power rapidly!"

"What? That's impossible, this is a nuclear sub-Hold on! Serizawa, you said these monsters feed on radiation right??"

Horror gripped the hearts of the humans who realized the implications of those words.

As Eiji watched with horror from the viewport, the glow of the creature's vein-line bioluminescent lines across its body became stronger and stronger as the power of the Sub continued to drop. But he also noticed something else. He observed the change that was happening to its eyes.

As the glow became stronger and stronger in its eyes, the eyes that seemed to be clouded by desperation and insanity were gradually changing to that of clear intellect and hints of recognition. Then, slowly, Eiji recognized an expression in the eyes of the monster that he had just seen in the eyes of his fellow humans.

Horror and realization.

Suddenly, the creature released the sub and just floated there, staring at the Sub with its massive eyes as the Captain took this chance to immediately have them return to the surface and away from the monster.

Then, something else happened that took his breath away.

Just as the Sub ascended, leaving behind the humanoid creature staring at its retreating form, Eiji caught sight of something else hiding in the darkness of the Abyss, exposed only due to the bioluminescence of the humanoid.

Two massive reptilian eyes, staring at the Sub just like the Humanoid. But unlike the Humanoid, these eyes, while holding wisdom, did not have the same distinct human-like emotions of the Humanoid.

Unfortunately, no one would believe his claims to have seen Gojira. But this incident would expose the existence of a monster that was unknown until this day. A monster that Monarch would not know how to classify and whether it was friendly or aggressive. What they would do, was give it a name that demonstrated the fear that the Crew experienced and the dangers of the abyss.

Titanus Caeruleum Mortem, The Blue Death.