My Hero Academia: Don't Blink by Kat

Aizawa has a son... let the madness regin!!!

Link: -


You are Aizawa Rei. Son of Fukukado Emi and Aizawa Shota. Oh boy, hopefully this is a fever dream. Because there is no Deku, no logic and definitely no sauce.


Quest will be going live through Wednesdays to Wednesdays unless I fuck up and miss one, then go live everyday to catch up.

Though I also should add this before we get into anything when wednesday comes around. My way of writing a story can be explained through one word and that is brutal. Stupid choices can get anyone killed and that is not just the mc. Think very carefully on every choice you make because I do not do pointless ones (though if I do I'll tell lol). It is our story afterall and I can run it even without some potential major characters. So TL;DR: You can get any character killed (or worse after my enlightenment with avi's chat yesterday) with how you decide things. Be careful. All of this is more true the more we progress.

Just leaving this here, not sure if you guys want smut or romance. -Voting closed - 51 voters


We want Smut and Romance eventually.


No way fag.


Right right riiiiight~ Welcome to the first live of many. I was going to kick start with a story-like entrance but someone called out on my first vote being the mom one. So no it is not now -HAH-. Now we vote to replace what the fuck do we do with the ???. Then we vote for mom.

Explanation: It is basically a supporting system to our quirk and body, it is with us and is a different thing like OfA or AfO. It is an Accumulation Type (Stockpiling basically) that feeds on our successes and emotions, (incredible amounts of stress and negativity would also do) then turns it into power in certain situations. Works the same way with AfO and OfA as in it can't be stolen but you can pass it to someone else, though you do not know any of this. Also it is nowhere near as reliable as OfA or AfO. If you get lucky with dice, it will reach their levels though.

Have a read at the ??? System page already if you haven't.

QM note that ??? System Page can currently be found under the name of PLUS ULTRA.

Now. I am bad at naming things guys. I was going to name this 'Trait System' and call power ups 'Traits' but that is way too underwhelming for a stockpiling quirk. Even then I have only one possible name idea in mind so…

I will open up a vote with write-in to see what you guys have in store for this.

Format will be same as what I add as a choice. Just replace or write something similar to whatever is after the colon.

What to do with fucking question marks? (select more than 1) -Voting closed - 16 voters


Hero Points? Plus Ultra stats?


Replace ''Trait System'' with: Fate of the Legends Replace ''Trait'' with: Myth


Plus Ultra Stats should be entirely different from the regular stats. They have their own tier system.


Achievement System?


Milestone System?


(Something else? Write-in what.)

I'll replace the ???'s with fitting names voted for. Now let's dive in.

⌟╲⎝⧹|Aizawa Shota|⧸⎠╱⌞

Is this real? I-Is this actually happening?

You can't believe it either way even though it has been months since you learned she is pregnant. You wouldn't care much honestly if not for the fact that well… I mean it is your kid. It feels like getting a cat all over again…

You rushed here with all you had once you heard she was taken in since the 'time' is near…

''Sir! You can't run in a hospital like that it is dan-''

You shoot an intense fucking glare at the owner of that voice, which you can't clearly see since you are a blur to them as much as they are to you at this point.

You slide down the hall to right in front of the room she is in. Oh gods, she looks in so much pain.

A knock on the door and dashing in before anyone can answer, gets you a look from the doctors present.

''Excuse me but you can not be here thi-''

''I'm the father of the child shut it and do your job.'' You say in between breaths with all the calmness left in you. Doctor seems taken aback, not that you really… can care at the moment.


You gulp, realising you have been holding your breath as you look over your wife.

You reach out to the hand she is extending to you with a… what you would call a smile…

''I'm here…''

I'm here...? -Voting closed - 38 voters


Miss Joke




Lady Nagant


Tomoko Shiretoko




Rumi Usagiyama






Clair Voyance


(Who is the mama?)

A nobody.

No way fag.


Sorry her quirk is too op.

All Might

As much as I like it, Toshi isn't ga- I mean we aren't gay!

Nao Shimura (Because FUCK canon)


Recovery Girl, Chiyo


Eri Notatimetraveler

This is a crime against humanity.


Ryuko Tatsuma

Got plans for her, sorry.

Barbara Gordon, Oracle (DC)

Oh come the fuck on.

Tatami Nakagame



Cow Lady

No justification, I just dun like it lel



''I'm here… Emi.'' You genuinely smile, looking at her strained face.

''I'd… kill you if you weren't.''

Haha… That wasn't a joke. No that was definitely not a joke. You gulp reflexively.

''I can't miss my one and only son's first birthday.'' You grumble out. That sounded cheesy.

She chuckles. ''Look at you… all excited…'' She lets out a small yawn.

''Emi. You didn't sleep.'' You stare her down after realising what's going. ''They told you to rest for this.''

''Couldn't… I'm so excited! Hehe.'' She looks at you with that damn glint in her eyes. ''Aw, worried for lil' ol' me?~'' She coos, trying to flirt with you while being in clear pain, a gasp right after her sentence finishes proving it.

You grimace. For a second you just want this to be over just so she doesn't feel anymore pain.

''Shootaa~'' You groan at her call, rolling your eyes.

''What is it Emi.''

''I bought a small kitty onesie for hi-''

She stops seeing your wide eyed faces and just starts giggling.

''You uh, bought one for me too?'' You ask, a little hope slipping into your tone.

That gets her to burst out laughing though it lasts short enough because of the pain.

''I did.''

''I love you.''

''Cheesizawa.'' She grins.

''I hate that nickname and you know it.'' You grumble under your breath.

''Um…'' Ah, there was doctors here. Fuck. ''Not to interrupt but.

A pained moan and a gasp leaves your wife. ''Emi!? Are you-''

''It's time sir. Hold your wife's hand tight because your son is soon to be here.'' He cuts you off.

By the gods. I think you are having a stroke.

What's our naaame? -Voting closed - 42 voters


Aizawa Rei (Means null.)


Aizawa Akira (Means Wise)


Aizawa Shirakumo


Aizawa Kiryu


Aizawa Tsukkomi


Aizawa Kuhaku (means [ ])


Aizawa Hideo (Means excellent male child)


Aizawa Emon


Aizawa Tetsutetsu


(Something else? Write-In what but include the meaning of the name, otherwise I won't accept it.)

Aizawa Aizen

Don't like the meaning but I do like the ref.

Aizawa Chad

We are Shota's son, we don't need it in the name.

A couple of hours later.

Oh. My. God. How is this thing so cute and how did you contribute in any of it's making?

''He looks… like you when you were a baby… from the pictures.'' Emi pouts, baby carrying visibly nothing from her.

Oh. That explains why you found him cute.

''Er… He uh took his ey- hai- his…'' You try to recover from it… You do… ''I mean look it Emi, it doesn't really matt- GAH.'' S-She fucking punched you… again! This is like 5th in the last hour…

''Easy to say for you Cheesizawa.'' She isn't even looking at you as she talks…

''I'm so happy…'' A small smile on her face as she looks at you, then back to the baby.

Guh, you blush slightly, focusing on the baby. ''Aizawa Rei…'' You mumble. ''Can't believe I have a son still…''

''I guess this is my biggest joke yet!'' She giggles.

You just look at her flabbergasted, mouth open with shock.

''E-Excuse me Emi what the fuck?''

''Hahahaha~'' Oh my god this woman knows how to fucking get to you.

She really does.

⌝╱⎠⧸ | ⧹⎝╲⌜

What the fuck is our quirk? -Voting closed - 40 voters


Green light, Red light: erasure, but it also freezes your target. ( can also coat our body with erasure energy to stop quirk effects, but that is almost awakening quirk lvl shit)


Null zone: creates a passive area 15 feet around himself that cancels out Quirks ( dose not work on mutants)


Disruption - By gaining the notice of someone and focusing on them, we can disrupt their concentration and shut down their quirks. Has no physical effect on permanent mutation quirks.


Booster - Just Aizawa's quirk but it boosts their quirk as if they took a shot of Trigger, has the same weakness as Dad's quirk


Sound of Silence: Within 5 meters of you, anyone that makes a sound loses their quick and sense of balance.


Weeze - Make people laugh to the point of paralysis while also taking out their quirk


Reflection - Reflect back effects to the attacker. Example someone hits you a flame punch you get damage but reflects burn damage.


Sight- We have an incredible prediction sense allowing us to predict what our enemy or targeted person will do this does work outside combat allowing us to know if they are about to walk outside and fall over or go outside and go to the movies without any bother


Attention Grabber - Your quirk makes you the star of the show! Whether you like it or not. By singing, or performing any other sort of performance, you enthrall the people around you, disrupting their quirk use and their actions. With focus you cna be selective in its application.


Go with whatever kat had in mind???? (oh god why would you)


(Quirk ideas. GO GO GO, I'll see if something cool comes up, otherwise I'll go with what I had in mind.)


Roll me 1d100s! Bo5- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

55 = 55

Dice: 1d100

81 = 81

Dice: 1d100

89 = 89

Dice: 1d100

85 = 85

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

When are we starting? -Voting closed - 24 voters


When we discover our Quirk? (Family interactions, potential social before getting to any school and, getting a childhood friend. Takes more time but overall more worth, both training and social wise.)


First grade. Yay. (You miss out on some family time, and some quirk lessons from dad. Not much social with others missed)


M-Middle School? (You miss some physical lessons and some mental lessons. You miss a lot on family time -it happens but just normal and nothing too close-. You miss out on some socials.)


UA HERE WE FUCKING COME! (Quest will have to wait a little. I need more notes. You miss most physical and mental gains from dad gainz, you miss most socials and your family is rather normal, not too close.))


Now. I got some stole oc waifus over various places, renamed them, made a story for them and related them to already existing characters. You can replace 3 characters in this world, one is needed for us to replace them in class, rest optional. The candidates are clear sadly. Unless you want to replace girls from 1-A? You wouldn't want that would you though?

You think over that as I prepare the waifu pics and explanations for them, and send em in one go.

There you go. You guys read and think it over as I prepare the vote.

Affiliate: Ding ding ding! You got it right, it's Toru's sister!

Quirk: Basically can redirect light for protection barriers around herself. It tires her the stronger barriers are and more she keeps them around.

Personality: Coy, fashions sense do be there, mix up mina and toru a little and add a small bit of momo on it. It won't be just that of course. Just so it is easier to explain.

Affiliate: Yeah. It's his daughter. Best Jeanist.

Quirk: Same as her father! Obviously way weaker at the moment.

Personality: Sort of a bully, tease. One of those gyaru types, rich girl mood all over her.

Affiliate: Hawks got an adorable daughter!

Quirk: A-Angel wings… Don't look at me like that…

Personality: Kind, caring, like a big sister type. Kuudere? Sure call her that. Very shy.

Affiliate: The dragon lady's dawwrrghter.

Quirk: Gains some dragon like features, scaling with however sunlight she has in tank. Drawback is that, when all out, she sleeps for a loooong time and trying to absorb more while using any from her tank is near impossible to her right now.

Personality: Optimist, very much not aware of her surroundings, can't read the mood, shoto but not retarded.

Affiliate: No, I'm not explaining it. Just read her name.

Quirk: She can basically manipulate metal, rather effectively. But needs to touch it and even the smallest surface between her and the metal fucks it over.

Personality: Cool, uncaring, 'experienced' so you could think but it isn't the case, like tetsutetsu to a sense but smarter.

Affiliate: His sister, Shoto that is. This also means Endeavor is not shit parent, Dabi is vigilante instead of villain and Shoto is not retarded. (personal favourite because of this because fuck shoto's drama)

Quirk: Basically fire side of Shoto but much stronger, draw back is a casual fever if it ever gets there or a severe one if she forces it down.

Personality: Playful, cheery, 'cutesy', a total bro, like mina you could say mostly but less teasing, she doesn't stop when she starts though, weak on retaliation.

Affiliate: You saw it right, she is his granddaughter.

Quirk: Well basically what it says. Fast everything. Drawback is a constant stamina drain on prolonged uses and an immense hunger afterwards.


Affiliate: Reiko's sister!

Quirk: Same as Reiko!

Personality: 'Cool', 'loves' horror like her sister -she doesn't she pretends she does-, she 'mans' up on occasion and deflates like a balloon most time, very straightforward personality overall otherwise.

Affiliate: Momo's sister kyaa!

Quirk: Same as momo but she named it different because she is better. Which is true sort of, she can use her quirk through fabric.

Personality: Similar to Momo but more understanding, more empathy, very very competitive and if you beat her once at something? God forgive you she won't leave you alone until she wins. Otherwise yet again, acts like a total bro, weak against affection.


There is many but most you can get is two. I dearly apologise.

You can only replace Koji Koda, Rikido Sato and Hanta Sero. Up to 3, 1 is forced since we need to be there. -Voting closed - 68 voters


Torino Neiko for Sero


Todoroki Aoi for Sato


Yaoyorozu Mika for Koda


rei for Koji


Hanata for todoroki


takami for hanta


Tatsuma Yoake for Sato


Tetsutetsu Ikeda for Sato


Koda for Aoi


Hagakure Nara for: Rikido Sato


Fem Deku


Hakamada for Koda


+ don't replace Deku


takami for sato


TETSU2 for Koji Koda

MC for Rikido Sato


Torino Neiko for: Hanta Sero


>Getting rig of based tape boi instead of the shitty tail


Rei for Sato


Yanagi Misao


(Replace who for who?)

Aizawa Rei for: X person

Waifu 1 for: Y person


Aoi for Mineta

he stays lol


Aizawa Rei for: Koji Koda

option is already in!

+ Replace Deku

its decided, deku is gone


Waifus locked. I see you my soldiers. Also thought of a great anon name.

Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Hanta Sero and Midoriya Izuku are gone!

Expect twists :)

Now let's proceed on something I have in mind.

Now off to relationship aspect!

For clearance, as you progress relationship with girls, they will also progress relationships with other boys or with each other, vice versa. Everyone is a person not a created npc solely for our pleasure.

Polygamy: You do not choose waifus like harem style. You choose one, much like monogamy. From there if you and your waifu has interests for other girls AND if they also share that interest, they can join your relationship. Polygamy will be more accepted for that reason overall. Trying to force it may break many things among hearts. (I'll roll for the interests of classmates towards each other, with a slightly favouring of girls being interested in your relationship. Again, Smut will be much much later.)

Monogamy: Waifu choice will be over time regardless of what you pick but this means that you won't be flirting with others after you start leaning in somewhere. Easier to acquire and progress overall relationship probably a little bit sooner smut.

Remember again, every character is a person. Treat them such, or regardless of what you pick, you may not get any relationship at all.

Pick your poison. -Voting closed - 39 voters


Polygamy. The waifus!


Monogamy. The romance!


Right right right. Character generation is coming to a close with that one folks!

Well unless… I forgot something? Did I?

Q&A with QM -Voting closed - 218 voters


nope don't think theirs anything


Roll for dick size? I don't know. Personality. Height? Traits?

No dick size roll. Personality will be determined through growth and decisions. Height will grow up to our dad, a couple cm more. Traits? What do you mean?

Roll for feet size

+snap slancelot's neck

You shall be remembered.

Roll for trait!

Again, what trait?

Roll for bravery!


Oh. Physical or Mental problems?

You get both silly.

To vote for LOVE

You find love not vote on it silly. This means not yet.


General Kenobi!

Not something you forgot, but something to think about. A lot of these new waifus would be recommended students, due to their relationships with pro heroes. In canon there are two recommended students per class, one male and one female. What about now?

It will be explained and understood as you go on, but if you take the small personality notes and whose are the parents of the current added OCs. You can take solid guesses.


Where is my spray bottle

Well get there if we forgot something

pat pat, true


Yes, expect them around age crossing between 7-8, we will vote for them.

Quirk roll for quirk


Who's dead because Aizawa wasn't there to save them (butterfly effect FTW boys/girls/xer/idk/insertyourgenderhere) ;V

instructions unclear, aizawa stuck in a fridge

Can you remove the need to blink with the liberal application of eye drops? Is the already stressed Momo going to end up suicidal? What do you get when you remove Shota's superiority complex? Is there anything left? Is the speed force as imba as we think? What is the ground speed of an unladen barn swallow?

You can't apply eyedrops in combat successfully so probably not, otherwise that will be generally how you treat your eyes. Momo won't be suicidal don't worry, her sister won't effect her negatively much to what you guys might think. Shoto will be mostly same but the difference will be that he will be socially a little bit more adept and use his fire side openly thanks to changes, so do expect him to be a slightly narcissist ass like he is in the series at the start, though this time monitored by Aoi. Speedforce will be not imbalanced, the paybacks will be more severe than you think and it won't ever get to OP extents, though it is basically Flash in sense of what it can do yeah. And fuck you, it is 24 miles per hour.


uno reverse

Roll for family members(cousins,uncles etc)

those are pre determined, apologies

Make a poll for #1 dad. The battle between Endeavor and Aizawa will be legendary

I'll give this a go lol

Roll for circumcision

no u

I cast fist.


That above will stay open for a bit. I will read them all at one point and laugh at some probably and take some in consideration.

Thanks for joining the live.

For future lives:

I wont be as tolerating.

No overly sexual stuff needlessly nor overly offensive language.

I'd rather not guys but I can use the ban hammer. I want us to have fun, not fucking hate each other.

Respect me and trust on me with choices, I won't force anything on you.

See you next live.