Jaden's Harem 2: SEQUEL by GhostKaiser23

Words: 167k+

Link: -https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13107916/1/Jaden-s-Harem-2-SEQUEL

( The Second Year of Duel Academy and things will change for all who attend. See the duels and tribulations that Jaden and his friends will have to go through; and will they get through somehow? )

Jaden's Harem Season 2

Chapter 1

Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own these Yu-Gi-Oh characters.

Author's note:

You all wanted it; you got it. The second season of 'Jaden's Harem', this was really fun to write and explore what would've happened during Season 1. But now, let's roll on over to Season 2!

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We find ourselves in a cinema room, with four people still inside. And by the looks of it, they were just waking up from the seats

"Oh no, did we fall asleep?" Luna mumbled

"Must have been tired after that finale." Grey yawned

"Being fair...There WAS a lot going on." Ghost followed.

"Hmm~. These chairs are bad for sleeping on." Catherine groaned, feeling her back crack.

"I can sleep pretty much anywhere." Ghost answered. "So...What's next?" He asked Grey.

"No idea, isn't the story over?" Grey blinked

"Hey look! Another scroll!" Luna gasped, picking it up and opening "Okay, so we are moving to year two at duel academy."

"A sequel?!" Grey gasped before he groaned "Oh fuck! We are dealing with the Cult of the Light of Destruction. Great. My favourite and least favourite arc of GX."

"...Isn't that the one with that tarot card weirdo with the destiny fetish?" Ghost asked.

"Yes." Grey nodded

"Right, I'll get the food in. Start while I get the kettle on." Ghost spoke getting up with a heavy yawn.

*story, start*

We start off at the home of Bastion Misawa, a black haired young man with grey eyes, wearing a grey jacket and white shirt with blue jeans. He was packing a yellow jacket into a large carry case.

"It is finally time." He smiled, folding up the jacket

He placed the jacket into the case and closed it. Looking over his deck. Over the summer he had made vast improvements to it, changing and adapting his style.

He smiled proudly, nodding

"I wonder if the others have been keeping up?" He wondered, slotting his deck into his deck-holder.

Suddenly see through arms wrapped around him, the arms muscular yet feminine

'Hello, my Beta.' A ghostly voice spoke kindly.

"Tania." He smiled, hugging back.

'I hope you'll be ready for a new year.' The now named 'Tania' responded; she had dark-red hair, green eyes and tanned skin; wearing a dark blue tank-top, double buckled-belt and cargo pants, flat shoes and E-Cup breasts

"Of course I am." He nodded calmly

'Good. Cause I hope to be used a LOT this year.' She whispered into his ear, sending a shudder up his spine...but it wasn't in a bad way.


We find ourselves in another home, where another young man was packing up his things, also packing a yellow jacket into his case. He had light-blue hair and small spectacle glasses.

"Syrus? Honey, you okay?" A woman asked as she walked in

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay, mum." The now named 'Syrus' answered nervously. You see, last year he was wearing a red jacket. But due to circumstances and a promise, he was upgraded to yellow.

In his hands, the jacket for Ra Yellow

"Do you want me to help?" Syrus' mother asked

"I'm fine." He assured

"Okay. *Sigh*, it's going to be lonely without you here. With your sister leaving to make it on her own way." Syrus' mother spoke

"I know." Syrus nodded, thinking about his older sister.

Syrus' sister was once the best duellist at Duel Academy, before Syrus' best friend came and beat her. After she graduated Duel Academy, she went into the Professional League to make a name for herself.

"Would you like a drink?" Syrus' mother asked

"Some lemonade please." He smiled

She nodded and left for downstairs closing the door behind her.

'Your mother is a kind woman.' A gentle voice spoke behind Syrus.

"She is, Dee." Syrus nodded, responding to the voice and looked behind him.

It was a golden blonde haired woman, wearing magical blue and pink garments, holding a staff with a gold swirl for a head-piece and C-Cup breasts.

She was the Dark Magician Girl

"I'm glad I have you." Syrus spoke kindly, holding her hand.

'AND~?' Dee teased, several other Magician Girls appeared before Syrus.

"And your sisters." Syrus smirked.


We are now in the home of a black haired girl, wearing a dark grey shirt and trousers, packing away her clothes and her deck.

The place was basically a mansion, the girl relaxing outside in the sun

She was taking a break after packing her things away and thinking to herself

She didn't feel like sunbathing, though

She was thinking on other things. 'Wow, I still can't believe this place is your summer house, Jazz.' A voice spoke from the side of the now named 'Jazz'.

"ONE of them." She smirked

'Yeah, it seems like you got like a dozen or so of them.' Another voice followed, sounding a bit more like a Brooklyn accent.

"Or so." She agreed

'Gotta be honest, I'm surprised you're allowed back.' A third, gruffer voice commented

"I may be banned from the main house, but I've still got my keys to this place." Jazz answered. "Besides, I don't hear you complaining from all our time together."

The three came into view at that

They were three tall, wild and muscular men. Each being a different colour with prominent war-paints and wild animal pelts for trousers. One was Yellow with purple tribal tattoos. The second was Green with red tribal markings and a red eye painted on his forehead. And finally the third was Black with blue tattoos.

These were the OjamaMasters. The true forms of Ojamas Yellow, Green and Black.

'Because we love being with you.' Yellow smiled

'You're our best friend.' Green followed

'AND you put up with us despite it all.' Black smirked

"Yeah." She smiled, kissing them all

"Hey, think we can get a quick one before we go?" Black asked

"Like the one from last night?" Jazz responded. "Sure."

"YES!" The three cheered


We now find ourselves once again with a different woman, but this one was wearing a blue shirt and white skirt, she had shoulder length blonde hair and hazel eyes and D-Cup breasts. In her left hand was a cup of tea she had prepared while in her right was a postcard, from a man called 'Atticus' and a woman called 'Camula'.

"Those two are still on their vacation?" She mumbled

The two in question, Atticus and Camula, were the woman's brother and sister-in-law. They were taking a vacation in France and enjoying it.

On the postcard it read:

Hey Alexis

Sorry we're not home yet, we'll be back soon so don't worry

We hope you and your fiancé tie the knot soon.

Love, Atticus and Camula

"We're only in our second year." She grumbled, throwing the paper into the bin

"That bat-lady is draining all your blood flow to your brain." She mumbled

The now named Alexis walked over to a makeup table and looked in the mirror, smiling at her glowing silver eyes "I do wonder how surprised Jaden will be." She smiled gently, pride in her voice, before she went downstairs to have dinner with her parents

"Ah, good timing. You're ready for dinner, Alexis." Her father spoke kindly.

"Thanks Dad." She smiled, sitting down

"Are you all packed dear?" Her mother asked, her mother being where she got all of her looks

"Yes, Mum. Clothes, books, deck. Duel Disk. The lot." She explained

"Tampons, condom's, the pill?" Her mother ranted a bit. Ever since Atticus at told the two about Alexis being engaged her mother was terrified of her daughter getting pregnant

"Yes mum. I'll even show you." Alexis answered, pulling out a small case that contained all of those items.

"I still don't like this." Her father frowned

"Dad, it's fine. Jaden's a gentleman." Alexis defended. 'He's also a gentle man.' She thought to herself. "He will come to visit next summer."

"Well...I still don't like it. Boys coming here, seeing my girl." He grumbled at the end.

Alexis smiled lightly, laughing

"Now, put those away. Dinner's going to be two minutes." Alexis' mother spoke with a smile.

"Okay." Alexis nodded, her silver eyes shining

*Time skip*

Alexis got out of the limo, looking at the massive cruise ship that was taking the second years and up to Duel Academy

"Wow, a few more Ras and Obelisks this year." She spoke to herself, pulling her luggage.

"Alexis!" Two familiar female voices cheered

"Hey!" Alexis waved back, seeing her two best friends.

Jasmine and Mindy.

Jasmine was a dark red haired girl wearing a blue and white shirt with blue skirt.

Mindy had black hair and wearing the same coloured uniform, she was a bit shorter than Jasmine, but only by an inch.

And they were holding hands

Alexis noticed this and couldn't believe it. "Are-are you two?"

The two blushed and nodded shyly

"Oh my god!" Alexis smiled and hugged the two, accepting them as they were. "Congratulations!"

"Y-You're not mad?" Jasmine asked

"Hell no! I'm pleased for you both!" Alexis answered honestly. 'And I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I was.' she thought

"Thanks, Alexis. You're the best." Mindy sniffed happily.

Alexis smiled at the two and nodded

"You excited for the next year?" Alexis asked

"Yeah." Jasmine nodded

"How was your summer?" Mindy asked

"Quiet. For the most part." Alexis answered "Talked to Jaden once or twice a week over the phone. Brother was off on vacation for a lot of it."

"Hey, how IS Jaden? We haven't seen him in a while." Jasmine asked

"He says he was searching for something while training with his dad." She shrugged

"Looking for something with his 'King of Games' father, Yugi Muto...Unbelievable." Mindy commented kindly.

"Well, I hope he's coming back in time for this year." Jasmine added

"He will." Alexis nodded "And we promised that next summer we are half and halfing. We will spend half the summer with his family and the other half with mine."

"I wonder how your parents will react?" Jasmine joked lightly.

"I'm sure Mr and Mrs Muto will be fine with me...MY parents." Alexis answered, with the last part a bit awkwardly. "I'm not so sure." She admitted

"You getting changing on the boat?" Mindy asked, trying to lighten the mood as she noticed Alexis was still in normal clothing

"Yes, yes I am." She nodded. "I just needed to take it in; you know?"

"Alexis!" Syrus yelled, running towards them

"Hey, Syrus!" Alexis waved, smiling to see him and saw the luggage he was pulling with him. "You brought enough stuff?" She smiled

Syrus laughed awkwardly. "Y~eah, kinda. I err, I don't know what the Ra Dorm is like."

"I thought you'd know by now, after visiting me so often." Bastion commented

Syrus laughed awkwardly at that.

"Hey, Bastion." Mindy waved

"Ladies." Bastion nodded respectfully. "How are all of you?"

"Fine thanks. Just catching up." Jasmine answered.

"That's nice. Oh, hello. It looks like we've got another one of our year coming." Bastion commented, pointing to a limo.

"... Here comes Jazz." Alexis grumbled

And true to her word, Jazz was coming, carrying her luggage with her and wearing her school uniform. The one she adopted from North Academy.

"'Sup bitches!"

"Hey, Jazz." The group responded, feeling embarrassed or annoyed

"I needed that break." She smiled, walking over

"Great." Jasmine sighed. "Lex, we're-"

Alexis nodded, knowing that Jasmine and Mindy wanted to go.

The two quickly left and went onto to ship.

She smiled, happy to see the two were happy

"What's with them?" Jazz asked

"Just wanted to get on the ship. That's all." Bastion answered quickly, thinking up a convincing lie.

"I hope Jaden gets here soon." Syrus commented "It looks like the boat is getting ready to leave."

"Yeah, it DOES. Shame. Later." Jazz answered, getting on the boat.

The others sighed at that

"I guess she's still bitter about...You know." Syrus spoke sadly.

"I know." Bastion sighed. "Are you coming?"

"In a minute." Alexis answered, sitting on her luggage.

"He better get here soon." Syrus spoke, pulling his luggage to the boat.

Bastion nodded, following

"We'll see you on the boat." Syrus called out from the gangway.

Alexis nodded with a small smile.

She waited patiently for her king

'Jaden. Please come soon.' She thought gently.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned into a quarter of an hour. New and old students were gathering onto the boat, bound for their destination.

All the while Alexis waited, looking at the clock on her phone and sighed.

"LAST CALL FOR DUEL ACADEMY! ALL ABOARD!" The Captain called out through the tannoy.

Alexis flinched, getting on board

She didn't want to leave the dock, but she had too. There was no time left.

As she headed onto the boat, there was a feeling...something opening up.

She felt the Gentle Darkness swirling

'Jaden.' She thought hopefully, turning around and looked over the railing.

Something was calling through a dark portal, swirling like a black and dark blue whirlpool. You could almost make a voice out from it. "...t. ...p...t."

"What on earth is that? What's happening?" People asked as they gathered around the railings.

The voice became louder and clearer. "...op...at! ...top. He. Oat! STOP THE BOAT!" The voice called out, leaping out of the vortex was a young man carrying a luggage case

He jumped off the edge, barley grabbing onto the boat

"JADEN!" Alexis pushed through, going to him as he kept his grip, though it was difficult.

"Alexis? Hey! WHOA!" Jaden responded, almost losing his grip, before Syrus, Bastion and Alexis brought him on board.

He crashed atop her, panting

"Oh...Hi." Jaden spoke, he was a brown haired young man with brown eyes, wearing a black and gold styled jacket with red accents

"Hi." Alexis responded, kissing him

The crowed quickly went their own ways, separating

"I've...got your bag, Jay." Syrus strained getting up from the floor.

"You took your sweet time." Bastion added

"Sorry, slept in." Jaden laughed lightly

"Come on." Alexis spoke, getting up from under him.

Jaden nodded, standing tall

"You look great." She spoke, looking at him

"I was about to say the same." Jaden chuckled as Syrus brought up his luggage.

"It's great to see you again Sy." Jaden smiled

"Thanks Jay." Syrus answered.

"I don't suppose those pleasantries appropriate to me?" Bastion chuckled.

"Good to see you to Bastion." He joked

The two shook hands and smiled. "I suppose I'll see you in Ra Yellow this year?"

"Seems like it." Jaden nodded

Bastion smiled at that. He knew Jaden was worthy to be in Ra Yellow this year. After all, Chancellor Sheppard DID promise them a spot.

"Well, it looks like we've got a few hours till we get to the Island. Why don't we get your luggage away and you can talk to us why you almost missed the boat." Alexis asked

"Or we could get some food?" Jaden asked nervously

"...I AM kinda hungry." Syrus admitted

"So am I." Bastion added

Alexis sighed gently, knowing there was no arguing

"Alright. We'll go eat." Alexis responded.

'PHEW.' Jaden sighed to himself. "Then let's go."

*time skip*

"MAN, that was good." Jaden sighed happily, rubbing his stomach

He and Alexis where sitting on the deck, enjoying the sun

"I hope so, you were almost inhaling everything in sight." Alexis commented

"Yeah...You DO look amazing, Lex." Jaden spoke.

"Thank you." Alexis smiled, kissing him. "Do you think we'll have a quiet year this time?" She asked

"I dunno, Lex." He answered honestly. "I kind of hope we do."

"Me too." Alexis answered, holding his hand.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Duel Academy." The tannoy spoke with the captain's voice

"Great. Need to get changed." Jaden mumbled

"I thought you WERE changed." Alexis asked

"Casual clothes." He pointed out "Same with you, right?"

"Yeah. I just thought that black and gold jacket of yours WAS your uniform." Alexis answered

"Nah, something my dad gave me."

"Oh, okay. Can't wait to see you in your uniform." Alexis responded.

"Same for me." Jaden winked and headed to his room.

"Oh you tease!" She snapped playfully

Jaden chuckled and headed to his room to get changed, the same with Alexis.

Alexis was now wearing a black skirt with the white of her normal uniform being black as well, some good accents on her gloves

"There, NOW I look like a student." She smiled

Brushing her skirt down she nodded, smiling gently

'I wonder how Jaden's getting on?' She thought.

Next door Jaden was adjusting his outfit

"Come on, come on." He grumbled, putting on his jacket's button.

He was wearing white pants, a black shirt, black shoes and a...

"Why is my new jacket red?" Jaden frowned

'That's not right. You were promised a spot in Ra Yellow.' A voice spoke to Jaden, it was a black and pink-skinned bat-winged woman with three eyes and black and white hair.

"It doesn't make sense Yubel. Chancellor Sheppard promised, right after we fought the Paradox Brothers." Jaden answered

'I know.' Yubel nodded

"Well...I'll wear it until I get some answers." Jaden answered, putting it on.

He sighed, patting the jacket lightly

'I do admit. Red DOES suit you.' Yubel smiled

"Yeah." He nodded in agreement


"Ladies and Gentlemen. Students of all ages, welcome: to Duel Academy!" The captain spoke

"We're back." He grinned

The ship soon docked into the bay, east of the centre campus.

The students soon disembarked and were guided by the staff to the centre of the island.

"Jaden?" The others blinked, seeing his blazer

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Probably a mistake on the sender's half. I'll ask Chancellor Sheppard to fix it when we see him." Jaden answered, telling his plan.

The others nodded, smiling

The students soon arrived at the gates of the Centre of the Island. Seeing the seven lofty pyramids surrounding the large campus hub.

They walked down the walk way, passing their luggage to staff

The students were talking among themselves, the Slifers with the Slifers, Ras with Ras and the Obelisks acting a bit high and mighty.

Soon they were all heading into the main room

"Do you think Sheppard will have fired Crowler this year?" Syrus asked Bastion and Jaden

As if to answer their question... Doctor Crowler walked out, in place of Sheppard!

"OH, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Jaden shouted in dismay seeing the man who had harassed him last year back and running the place.

"Mr Yuki-Moto, please be silent and take your seat or you will have detention." Crowler smirked

'How the HELL did he become Chancellor?' Jaden thought as well as Syrus and the other Second Years who suffered from this guy.

... Then something clicked into place. Why he wasn't a Ra

Crowler had rigged it so that Jaden wouldn't advance. So he wouldn't become an Obelisk. It was just to spite him.

For beating him in a duel

'That petty-' Yubel thought angrily.

"Yubel." Jaden spoke with a heavy sigh, knowing that he'll have to beat Crowler again. Or just prove him wrong in this year. "Don't. Just... Don't."

"Now, I am your Chancellor, Dr Vellian Crowler." Crowler boasted happily, revelling in his promotion

"Temporary Chancellor Crowler." A heavily pregnant Fonda Fontaine commented

'Fonda!' Jaden thought happily, seeing her.

"Ah, yes. This is, MS Fonda Fontaine." Crowler spoke.

"NURSE Fontaine." Fonda glared.

She turned to the audience and continued speaking "Chancellor Sheppard is away on important business for the school. So Deputy Chancellor Crowler has been given the title of Temporary Chancellor until he returns."

The students grumbled at that, but knew they couldn't argue.

So they where rather upset

"Now, as your uniforms denote, you will be divided into your new dorms. Blue means that you're the highest and most pristine of the school. The Obelisk Blues. Those in Yellow, you will be assigned to the 'Ra Yellow' Dorm, the aspiring members of the school." Crowler begun, and the Slifers KNEW where this was going. Except for the new Slifer Reds.

"Now, you will be emailed your schedule tomorrow." Fonda commented

'Fontaine, I was in the middle of something.' Crowler thought in annoyance, wanting to rip into Slifer Red more.

"Staff members will direct you to your respective dorms." Fonda followed up. "I hope you all enjoy your stay at Duel Academy for another year."

"Everyone, dismissed." Crowler spoke, Fonda having sucked the joy out for him

Fonda smiled, rubbing her stomach

The students dispersed, the older students knowing where to go while the staff took the younger ones.

Jaden on the other hand, was going to head down to Fonda and see how she was doing.

"Hey." He smiled

"Hey, it's good to see you, Jaden." Fonda responded.

"It's great to see you too. Wow, you look great." Jaden spoke honestly.

"Thank you. I could deal without the back-pain but, the baby will be worth it." Fonda responded

"I know." Jaden nodded, putting his hand on her belly. "Boy or girl?" He inquired.

"A secret for now." Fonda answered. "I'm only here for today to help students settle in. They should be here any day."

"Okay. I'll see you later. Okay?" Jaden asked kindly.

"Of course." She nodded.

"And MAYBE a rematch from last time?" Jaden followed up

"You're welcome to try." She smirked as Jaden left for the Slifer Dorm

Jaden sighed, seeing the empty building

"Yo!" A familiar figure waved from it

"Hey. Good to see you, Joel." Jaden responded, seeing the person.

It was a dirty-blonde haired man wearing a black jacket, red shirt and black jogging trousers.

"Good seeing you too, Jaden. I didn't expect you being here this year. You're like the number 1 student at the academy." Joel responded

"Courtesy of 'Chancellor' Crowler." Jaden sighed

"Ah." Joel nodded "Well don't worry, you'll have plenty of privacy. There are only, like, five Slifers this year. And most are first years. You are the only returning Slifer."

"I-Only five?" Jaden asked

"Yeah. You were a big influence." Joel answered. "But that also means you've got like a day in this place alone."

"Great. Thanks, Joel." Jaden answered, going inside.

"Hmm. Oh, Jaden. Welcome back." Joel nodded and went for a walk.

Jaden gave a thumbs up, returning to his old room

He took in a deep breath and saw the old room. Meeting Chumley for the first time. Syrus and him bunking together. Making love to Yubel and the daughters. All good memories.

He smiled gently, a happy sigh leaving his mouth

'It seems like we're home.' Yubel spoke gently, seeing the room.

"Yeah, home away from home." Jaden nodded, looking at the blankets and bed.

He smiled, patting his bed

'I guess we'll have a LOT of time to have.' Yubel thought sitting next to him, as three women appeared

All three were wearing silken robes, styled in red, yellow and blue.

The red robed woman had long red hair, pale skin, yellow eyes, a blue gem on her forehead and B-Cup breasts.

The yellow robed girl had long blonde-white hair, bright red eyes, a blue gem on her forehead, tanned skin with a soft round ass and C-Cup breasts.

The final woman, blue robed with slightly tanned skin, a blue bob-cut, red eyes with a blue gem on her forehead, slightly more muscular than the other girls and D-Cup breasts.

They were: Mana, the Daughter of Slifer. Cleo, the Daughter of Ra. And Berenice, the Daughter of Obelisk.

'That was a good nap!' Mana stretched

'I agree. I can't wait to feel the soft beds of Ra Yellow.' Cleo smiled, keeping her eyes closed before opening them

'Err, you MAY want a rain-check on that, Cleo.' Berenice responded

Cleo blinked as she looked around... And screamed

'Why are we still in Slifer Red? I thought you were promoted to Ra!' Cleo asked

'Hey!' Mana glared, though she understood where Cleo was coming from.

'No disrespect, Mana.' Cleo answered

'No, I get it. But, what the hell?' Mana asked

Jaden answered with a single word. "Crowler."

'What?' The Daughters of the Egyptian Gods asked in unison

'What's that bastard still doing here; even after everything from LAST year!' Berenice asked

"Sheppard isn't here." He sighed

'Why?' Berenice asked

"Apparently he's doing some business out of school." Jaden answered. "Crowler is named 'Temporary Chancellor'. But knowing him, he's going to milk EVERY second of being in power."

The three grumbled, huffing

"BUT, there aren't that many Slifer Reds this year. Joel said I was a positive influence. So...There's only five of us here. But I'M the only Slifer here at the minute." Jaden smiled, trying to get the positives.

'I wonder who else will be in Slifer.' Berenice commented

"Probably Blair. She was here last time." Jaden thought with a small smile

'Oh~ YOU are thinking about that cute girl in that way, Jaden.' Cleo teased

"Huh?" He gasped

'Your mouth crept a small smile. Guess those recon stories from Malicious Edge have made you have feelings for her.' Berenice teased

'Same with that texting!' Mana giggled

"It-it was just keeping in contact." Jaden gulped, defending himself.

'Oh, 'just keeping in contact'.' Yubel air-quoted. 'That why she send you pictures?'

"I-Well. That is. *ahem*." Jaden coughed gently

His four girls laughed, grinning

Suddenly there was yelling from outside the Slifer dorm

'Who's that?' Mana asked

"If I'm feeling malicious, I'd say that, it was Jazz finding out she was staying here." Jaden answered, going outside.

He was wrong

In front of him was half a dozen yellow and blue's

"Okay, I'm wrong." He whispered to them, to which the students thought he was talking to himself. "What's going on? Why're you all here?"

... They all pulled out their Duel Disks, glaring at him

"Oh." Jaden stated simply...and grinned. Jaden brought out his own Duel Disk as he looked at them, inserting his deck into the slot.

He looked down at his disk and then back at them, his eyes changed to a golden yellow.

"Get your game on." He smiled

"Who's first?" Jaden called out as a Ra stepped forward "Guess it's you then?"

"That's right!" The Ra said arrogantly "We are going to show you who's your better, Slacker!"

"Oh? Is that what you think?" Jaden asked

"I KNOW it!" The Ra answered. "DUEL!"

"Duel." Jaden answered gently.

Ra Student - 4000

Jaden - 4000

"I'LL start things off!" The Ra student called out, drawing first

He looked through his hand, an arrogant smirk on his face

"First off, I play 'Double Summon'. Letting me summon or set twice this turn. And I'll summon this monster in defence mode." He spoke, playing his first monster then sacrificing it to summon a second monster to the field in defence mode.

Ra Student: 4000 - 5000

"Let me guess, your monster was 'Skull-Marked Ladybug'?" Jaden asked

"Yep. And I'll play two cards faced down and end my turn." He answered. "I end my turn."

"My turn." Jaden drew his card

"I play Dark Fusion." He stated "I send Elemental Hero Avian and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix to form Evil Hero Inferno Wing."

Evil Hero Inferno Wing

2100 ATK

"I then summon Elemental Hero Sparkman. Now I play Dark Calling, banishing the Sparkman on my field with the Burstinatrix to fusion summon again." Jaden explained

"What the HELL are you summoning?" The Ra student asked

"I summon, Evil Hero SolarWind!" Jaden proclaimed

Evil Hero SolarWind

FIEND Fire Level 6

2400 ATK /1600 DEF

"SolarWind? What does that do?" The Ra student asked

"This. SolarWind, pin that card down." Jaden spoke, pointing to one of the faced down cards on the Ra student's field

"What?" He gasped, seeing the card being disabled. 'Damn it! That's my 'Mirror Force'!' He thought in fright

"Now! Inferno Wing! Attack his monster!" Jaden called

The faced down monster was revealed it being some form of Lizard monster.

Black Scale Lizard

Level 6

DEF 2400

Jaden: 4000 - 3700

"Guess your monster wasn't strong enough, huh?" The Ra Student jeered

... Why was he now scared?

'Th-the hell is wrong with me? I damaged him. I-I shouldn't be scared!' He thought.

"I end my turn." Jaden answered, and with that SolarWind's second ability was activated. "This means, YOU lose 100 lifepoints and my SolarWind GAINS 100 ATK points."

"Huh? AH!" The Ra Student gasped as he was damaged

Ra Student: 5000 - 4900

Evil Hero SolarWind: 2400 - 2500

"Okay. MY turn!" He spoke, drawing his card. "I play a monster in defence mode." He summoned that monster faced down. 'It's all I CAN play!' He thought

"My turn." Jaden spoke, drawing his card. "I play Pot of Greed. Letting me draw two cards." Jaden spoke, drawing his two cards. "SolarWind, pin down the first card again."

SolarWind nodded and shot down the card she pinned down the first time. Disabling the Mirror Force.

'D-Damn it!' The Ra thought

"I now play V-Vile Heart." Jaden commented

"Wh-What?" The Ra Student asked in shock

"This card increases the ATK of one of my Evil Heroes." Jaden answered. "And I'm equipping it to Inferno Wing!"

Inferno Wing: 2100 - 3100

"Now attack! Take his monsters out." Jaden called out

The two monsters sped forward and attacked the Ra's monsters.

SolarWind attacked the faced down monster, it was a Giant Soldier of Stone. Destroying it with ease.

Inferno Wing grabbed the Black Scale Lizard by the neck and ripped it off violently, and shoved it back into the neck-stump destroying it.

"HURP!" The Ra student gripped his stomach, feeling sick at the sight of it.

"And now, the effects of Inferno Wing. When she destroys a monster in defence mode, you take damage from the difference." Jaden started. "In addition, you ALSO take damage from the defence points of your Black Scale Lizard!"

"Wh-what?" The Ra asked in fright and saw Inferno Wing standing in front of him and shot a fireball into his face. "GAH!"

Ra Student: 4900 - 4200 - 1800

"I play a face down and end my turn. Meaning SolarWind's effect takes place, meaning you lose another 100 lifepoints and she gains another 100 attack points.

Ra Student: 1800 – 1700

Evil Hero SolarWind: 2500 - 2600

The Ra student was now shaking in fear. He thought that he would beat Jaden. But this was terrifying. His whole mind was racing and scared

Jaden stood there calmly, an immovable object as his eyes glowed like beacons

'Wh-what. IS. This guy?' The Ra thought in worry, his hand shaking as he drew his card. 'H-Huh? it-it won't stand a chance...Damn it.' He thought placing it on the field. "I-I summon, Vorse Raider to the field. And reveal my faced down, Axe of Despair. Increasing his attack."

Vorse Raider

Level 4


Vorse Raider: 1900 - 2900

"Attack, his SolarWind." He ordered as his monster was now wielding a large axe

"Reveal trap. I-Insidious Hideout. This card stops one of my monsters from being destroyed while also halving the damage I would receive." Jaden spoke

Vorse Raider




Jaden: 3700 - 3550

"Do you end your turn?" Jaden asked

"I-I...Yes." The Ra student squeaked

"My turn." Jaden drew his card and looked at him. "I activate SolarWind's ability, pinning down your faced down card one last time. And now it's time to end this. Inferno Wing, take out his Vorse Raider!"

Inferno Wing: 3100

Vorse Raider: 2900

Inferno Wing's eyes glowed and began to punch Vorse Raider, knocking the axe out of his hand and slammed it right through his skull, splitting Vorse Raider in two.

"Oh GOD!" The Ra student screamed as he saw that.

"And you know what happens next." Jaden spoke, looking at the Ra Student. "Her special ability. You take damage equal to the ATK of your Vorse Raider."

The Ra Student looked up at Inferno Wing again, who shot another fireball into his face

Ra Student: 1700 - 1500 - 0

End Duel.

Winner: Jaden Yuki-Muto

"That's game." Jaden answered casually, the holograms disappearing.

Inferno Wing bowed at Jaden, smiling has she faded

"Anyone else?" Jaden smirked, his eyes sparkling

To be continued

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