How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Auswählen (Bleach: Quincy SI) by Basileus_Komnenos

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( I really am working for the baddies ... and my boss is Anime Nazi Jesus! )

Prologue: Are We The Baddies?​

I never could get used to how cold and foreboding this place was.

Up until last night, I was a Soldat, a mere foot soldier serving under His Majesty's Sternritters. Fortunately I was under someone more rational rather than that psychopath Dricsoll Beri.

Looking out the window, I saw the pale ice covered buildings dotting the cityscape below me. The foreboding architecture of this place practically screamed German.

And not the fun kind of Germanic Architecture you'd see in a Bavarian Castle. This was the product of some unholy union between Nazi Germany's Stripped Classicism and some strange variant of High Gothic Architecture.

And while I had to admit this place did look cool it was as though whoever designed this place didn't even try to hide that they were part of some sort of evil empire. It felt like the universe itself was trying to tell me something.

Looking down, I saw the white silver-buttoned obviously military uniform I wore. While it was very fashionable and comfortable, it too felt eerily totalitarian which made me feel a strange sense of dread.

The iconic meme immediately came to mind, and I began to wonder if I was in fact part of the Baddies.

But that couldn't possibly have been true right? I certainly didn't see myself or my fellow comrades as evil.

As far as I could remember, we fought off demonic Hollows who ravenously consumed everything in sight.

Those things were poisonous to us, and had it not been for His Majesty's Sternritters saving me, I too would have been eaten by the Hollow which consumed my friends and family.

Looking back several years ago, the Sternritter with glasses placed that feral monster in some sort of cage.

When I later asked that Sternritter about how he was able to do that, he explained that he was bestowed special power by His Majesty in order to capture and subjugate the enemies of the Quincy.

It was just like how my father described how us Quincy operated. To defend ourselves, and protect other defenseless humans we would take the role of hunting and killing those disgusting cannibalistic creatures that preyed on the innocent.

It would be one thing if a Hollow would have eaten our soul, but things were far worse than that as Hollows were poisonous to us Quincies. Once tainted, there is no second chance for us through reincarnation.

Even Hollowfication would have been preferable, but instead all we would get is a true death as our souls disintegrates from soul suicide.

All beings share a fundamental primordial desire to live. The same is true for us Quincy, but for that crime the Soul Reapers condemned us as evil and tried to exterminate us. Not just once but twice.

But had we simply sat idly by as the Soul Reapers wished, we would have died, and the humans near us would have been consumed by those feral creatures. Perhaps if I hadn't been saved by the Wandenreich, I might have been taken to be a test subject for one of Mayuri's experiments.

After I was brought here away from the prying eyes of the loathsome Soul Reapers, I learned more about the Wandenreich. Contrary to what my family had thought, the Quincy had not been near the brink of extinction, but thrived right under the Soul Society's nose.

The old Lichtreich after being destroyed by the Soul Reapers survived awaiting the return of His Majesty when he would awaken from his slumber as prophesied where he'd ultimately reclaim the world and deliver us to victory.

Speaking of his Majesty, I hadn't really ever seen him in person aside from major events.

The only thing the regular grunts and Soldat really knew of him was of the official directives issued from Silbern.

Despite never really seeing him, the way everyone spoke about His Majesty was quite odd. Sure while he was our King, the way they spoke about him, made him out to be some sort of deity.

Brushing aside the cult of personality that tended to develop around monarchs, that still didn't necessarily mean he was evil, right?

After all, King Louis XIV of France styled himself as "The Sun King" and sometimes dressed up as Apollo, but that still didn't mean he was evil. He was basically like all his other contemporaries but that was far from the likes of a ruthless early to mid 20th Century totalitarian autocrat.

Plus His Majesty had been out of commission for a long time. It's kind of understandable he'd be so grumpy and pissed especially after learning of the destruction of his Empire and the Second Quincy Genocide.

Though with His Majesty the way we were taught to view him as though he were our Father considering how well all were connected to him by blood as the Founder and Progenitor of the Quincy.

Surely a man like that wasn't so bad … right?

I mean His Majesty even went out of his way to give me special powers of my own and a cool new name for that power.

All I had to do was drink his blood and the ritual was completed.

Wait a minute! Why was I feeling a strange sense of deja vu from this?

By drinking His Majesty's Blood, as a Sternritter, I entered into communion with him. This reminded me of a ceremony where Christians drank the blood of Christ in the form of wine.

The thing is that His Majesty was far from what I'd consider to be Christlike.

Though we were all weirdly connected to him from the pieces of his soul we all shared with him. And through a schrift he shared a greater portion of his soul with us.

If he shared pieces of his soul with us wouldn't that weaken him? If so, then how did he get them back?

The wisps of what were once my memories from my past life flared up again in my head as it started aching. From what I could tell, the images were black and white and paneled as though they belonged in some sort of comic book.

I saw a giant Quincy who looked a lot like Thor fighting what appeared to be Soul Reapers. And on the verge of victory, a pillar of light enveloped him, reducing him to bones. The hell was that?!

As if to answer my question, the scene shifted and I saw His Majesty laughing maniacally as a black sludge with what looked like eyes oozed off his body. What the fuck happened to him?!

The images kept shifting until I saw a strange ethereal being, no that wasn't quite right. Whatever that limbless thing was, it couldn't be called a person with those creepy eyes.

Instead of normal eyes, in each eye it had four irises staring into the void. Next to him was a strange monk who was offering it prayers and proclaiming it as a deity. Despite that monk's non-threatening appearance, something about him set off my alarm bells.

I then saw His Majesty standing before that thing, referring to it as his Father before stabbing him with his sword. His eyes were also like that strange entity's only Instead of four irises in each eye, he had three.

If His Majesty was indeed the son of that god, then why the heck was he stabbing him?

The blood ritual … the militaristic Germanic uniforms and architecture …. It all made sense now!

I really am working for the baddies …. and my boss is anime Nazi Jesus!