Your Hero Academia: Unbreakable by guardonion

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Your name is Kirishima Eijiro, and you will become a Hero.

Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Like most children, you unlocked your Quirk when you were a little child, age 3 to be exact.

Though... Unlike most children, yours awakened with a little accident.

It happened in the dead of night, when you rose up from your bed to go to the bathroom. Groggy from sleep, and having no immediate reason to believe that your hand would suddenly turn into a mess of jagged rock, you made to rub the sleep out of your eyes, and noticed all too late that something was wrong.

It wasn't pretty to say the least, but at least it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

Your parents were immediately roused from their sleep by the shrill sound of your pained wails, and rushed you to the hospital fast enough to save your eye. You got some stitches out of it, and were told that there was going to be a permanent scar under your eye.

It wasn't particularly hard to see that the incident had very clearly affected you, and so the next day was spent with your parents doing whatever they could do to cheer you up, going so far as to treat you to an 'all-you-can eat ice-cream extravaganza' to celebrate you unlocking your Quirk.

It did help a little, bless their hearts, but it didn't change the fact that you were affected by how your quirk had awakened.

After all, what was supposed to be an inseparable part of you, had hurt you, badly.

After all of that, you couldn't help but feel...

Choices -Voting closed - 38 voters


Determined, you'll never loose control like that again.


Excited, you want to see how far you can bring your quirk.


+Top 2


Sad, your quirk isn't very fun


Whimsical, oh a butterfly


Angry, you hate your stupid Quirk! [Canon Route]


Determined to do better... After all, it was kinda your fault that you went and got hurt.

And now that you knew what your Quirk was, you would try harder to not let something like that happen again.

Speaking of your Quirk...


You would've kicked yourself in the shin for getting caught up in your head this much, had you not been so excited!

For your parents, it was like a switch had been flipped. As you spent the bulk of the next day running around the house like a headless chicken, using your Quirk at every opportunity, and generally startling them greatly with how swiftly and drastically your attitude had shifted away from the gloominess of yesterday.

They did get used to it of course, and your day got all the better when they joined in on the fun.

It was a pretty great day for you honestly, and it ended with you discovering a whole new aspect of your (awesome) Quirk.

...That it made you super tired if you used it too much.

Anyway, the next day didn't see the novelty of a new Quirk wearing off at all, as you (carefully) rubbed your eyes free of sleep and found that your parents had to return to their daily jobs now that you were fine.

Which was just fine with you, as you took the opportunity to show off to your babysitter, who shared in your enthusiasm and even told you that it would make a great Quirk for a hero!

"REALLY?!" You would remember asking a decade away from now, voice filled with wonder only a child who'd just been handed all of his dreams in a sliver platter could produce.

Your babysitter only nodded sagely, and told you of a hero called Crimson Riot, whose Quirk was almost identical to yours.

He'd went further, and told you of other heroes who'd made the best out of non-flashy Quirks.

You'd listened with rapt attention, eyes wide as you took in every word.

Then you two spent the rest of the day watching old videos of all the heroes he'd mentioned.

Of all of them, one person in particular stuck with you the most, so much so that they would shape your very future.

That person was called...

Choices -Voting closed - 35 voters


Rabbit Hero: Mirko


+Unlike the R-Rated Hero Midnight, mom actually let you put up posters of Mirko up your room for some reason.


Shield Hero: Crust


Crimson Riot, The Manly Hero! [Canon Route]


+You've seen this one girl Mirko in the yearly sports festival. she had a really lame quirk but she still kicked everyone's butts! Just like you plan to!

The other kids laughed at you when you told them, so you started talking about Gang Orca instead, but when you're all alone you slip on a pair of bunny ears and pretend you're crushing villains with your thighs


whale hero: Gang Orca


The Enduring Hero: Fat Gum


All Might


R-Rated Hero: Midnight


The Dragoon Hero, Ryuko Tatsuma


Laundry Hero: Wash


Fabric hero: Best Jeanist


Fire hero: endeavor


Usagiyama Rumi.

You think you remembered hearing that name once, and it was only confirmed when your babysitter had opened up a recording of this year's U.A. Sports Festival.

It belonged to a dark-skinned woman, very short and very... muscular? Yeah, that would be a good way of saying it. She was a first year Student of the Heroics Department at U.A High, the best Hero School in the whole world.

Such a title put a certain expectation on said school's students.

Watching her absolutely decimate her competition, non-flashy quirk and all, even your most exaggerated childish fantasies were blown out of the water.

'I want to be like her'

It had been little more but a mute whisper in some forgotten corner of your head as you'd watched her accept the golden medal. Her face stretched in the most smug smile you'd ever seen on someone's face, fully earned after the spectacle she'd just put on.

You hadn't even put much thought into it at the time, just bouncing on your seat excitedly as your babysitter switched to a different footage, both of you utterly unaware of the events that had been set in motion simply because of this woman's presence behind a screen...

As a day, a month, a year passed though... That voice made itself more and more prominent.

During that time, you finally began this... Kindergarten your parents had been telling you about. And you gotta say, it really wasn't as big of a riot as your parents had been describing it. Though it did come with a large caveat, as hanging around all of these other kids who thought they were better than you because of their flashy Quirks only reinforced your determination to better yourself.

Which consequently made your parents realize that your dream of becoming a Hero wasn't going to go away.

So, like the caring parents they were, they decided to make sure you were trained and prepared to undertake such a colossal task, by...

[Decide on the basis of your fighting style.]

Choices -Voting closed - 48 voters


Mix Martial Arts


Pankration(aka Greek wrestling)


Muay Thai


Some whirdo who said he teaches "Quirkfu"




Hung Gar Kung Fu (think A:tLA Earthbenders)


+Top 3




Lucha Libre inspired










Tai chi










Grappling into headbutts


Outlasting the opponent and abusing their mistakes


Choices -Voting closed - 46 voters


Muay Thai as the basis for striking techniques and conditioning


Grapples and grapple attacks from Pankration(aka Greek wrestling)


Bajiquan (Kotomine Kirei's shtick)


Stance and stability from Hung Gar Kung Fu


Crippling strikes from Krav maga


kicks from Mirkos style but customized to fit our quirk


Tai Chi to balance hardness and softness


Capoeria Style kicks


Parkour and Capoeria for movement and recovery


Which martial arts do you want to combine? [Top 5]


Elbow strikes from bajiquan




The grace and footwork of Ballet. What do you mean it's not a martial art?


Savate for precise kicks at longer ranges


Taekwondo Kicking


Using weapons from your surroundings like Jackie Chan


Whatever gets the most agro. Our quirk will take care of defence




Russian Sambo (Bayman from DOA - locks, holds, ground pounding, throws)


Naruto for the running stance




No Cool Trainer

Dice: 1d100

27 = 27

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

44 = 44

Dice: 1d100

67 = 67

Dice: 1d100

73 = 73

Dice: 1d100

4 = 4

A blonde guy with a funny face shares your dojo!

Dice: 1d100

94 = 94

When you stood in front of the unassuming man who was to be your Sensei...

You couldn't help feeling a bit underwhelmed, if you were being entirely honest.

He just looked like a normal old dude, a bit on the taller side and definitely packed with lithe muscle, but once again, thoroughly unassuming with his hair peppered with white strands at points, and the kind but calculating smile he held as he looked you over.

Honestly, the only reason it hadn't dampened your enthusiasm had to do with the guy standing next to you.

He was clearly older than you, though not by much. With blonde hair framing a weird face and a stocky stature that dwarfed yours already. As a weird fact, he was also wearing a red cape on top of his t-shirt and shorts combo, so that was also pretty weird.

Though much like you, he was also bouncing on the balls of his feet in boundless excitement, standing in front of your Sensei, his infectious energy doing much to help you retain yours in the face of such a boring figure.

You didn't know why, but you already kinda like this guy!

"Passable," Your Sensei mutters, trying way too hard to be like those cool old Masters from the movies, and turns on the balls of his feet and saunters off, leaving you alone with your new buddy.

You both immediately round on each others once he's out of sight, though he's the first to speak. "Hey!" His voice sounds as excited as you are feeling right now. "My name's Togata Mirio! What's yours?"

"Kirishima!" You bark, not failing to rise to the challenge, "Kirishima Eijiro!" And as children do in such a world, your mouth immediately went on to ask the first question that popped into your mind, "What's your Quirk?!"

Your new friend's grin doesn't even falter as he begins to falls through the floor, though a startled yelp leaves both of your mouths as he's immediately shot upwards, only saved from catapulting himself into the ceiling because you'd reacted (as he was falling) fast enough to barrel into him.

You both landed in a heap, a twin chorus of 'OW' leaving you as you tried to gather yourselves.

That was...

"So cool!"

Your endless enthusiasm was quick to reassert itself, as it spontaneously did for your new buddy.

When both of you finally got to your feet, (and after he put his clothes back on) he immediately asked you about yours.

You nodded sage experience of a four year old as he let out an awed 'ooooh' when you displayed your Quirk.

Your Quirk was indeed, pretty cool.

When he told you he wanted to be a Hero too, you just knew you made the right choice in making him your new best buddy.

Though the both of you were given separate regimens by your new Sensei (Mirio's parents had apparently been more knowledgeable than your parents when it comes to their sons training, as they had left it up to your Sensei to train you as he'd wished), it soon became clear that the two of you were inseparable.

A strong friendship bloomed, and the two of you pushed yourselves to be as strong as the other.

[+5 to previous training roll, the new total is: 78]


Front Row Seats to the 3rd Years Sports Festival!

Dice: 1d100

74 = 74

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

34 = 34

Dice: 1d100

46 = 46

Dice: 1d100

91 = 91

Dice: 1d100

62 = 62

Time continued to flow as you took your first steps into becoming a hero.

With the help of your Sensei and Mirio, you worked relentlessly to hone your talents at hand-to-hand combat as far as they could go, going beyond in some aspects with the help of Mirio. The training was brutal, much like the mix of fighting styles you were being taught of, but nothing was stopping you from emerging out of this path triumphant, not if you had anything to say about it.

And your efforts were noticed! Not only were those stupid idiots in 'Kindergarten' a lot more reluctant to bad-mouth you and your awesome Quirk, your parents decided that your efforts actually deserved a treat!

And as much as you would've liked it if it had been ice cream, what you got instead was far better.

Front row seats to the U.A. Sports Festival!

Later on in your life, you would dearly regret reacting as enthusiastically as you had to the news that you would be allowed to witness Usagiyama Rumi's -or 'Mirko' as she was known better as these days- last hurrah from the vaunted halls of U.A.! But you simply couldn't have known that your parents were taking pictures of you as you were re-enacting one of her more... iconic victories against her opponents.

But you didn't have such qualms back then, and so you continued on with your own iconic energy until the day finally came.

It was everything you could've ever wanted.

You watched with wide, unblinking eyes as you sat where you were, rabbit ears recently cannibalized off of your favorite toy poking up out of your black locks.

It didn't even matter if you knew how all of this was going to end from the start.

She one the first event with little trouble...

While the second one always had her at a disadvantage, she emerged victorious from that too...

The third event? She decimated.

After two years of seeing it happen, you knew the third would be no different.

But... You never could have predicted what would happen at the very end.

It took you a while to notice of course, thinking that the whole thing was over and chatting animatedly with your parents when the whole crowd around you took a sharp intake of breath.

A shadow fell over you, and you looked to see the smirking face of Usagiyama Rumi, Mirko, standing before you.

Without saying a word, she plucked one of your painstakingly placed ears off of your head, and signed it with the thick sharpie she held on her other hand, and after it was done, turned back and left without saying another word.

All the while you stood there like a statue, not even daring to breathe.

The excited yelp that left your mouth when your brain finally caught up to what happened was almost loud enough to echo around the entire stadium...

[You received validation from your idol and are inspired to train harder to reach her level! +10 to next training roll]

The Standard Elementary School Experience

Dice: 1d100

31 = 31

Choices -Voting closed - 53 voters


The speed at which you can Harden. You need to be able to activate it in a split second.


Build stamina to stay hard longer


Hard and Harder. Metapod Time.


Train Full body harden


Try and control the shape of harden so you can make slightly pointy bits and cover cuts


Elementary School means Quirk Training Classes, how are you planning on training your Quirk? [Top 3]


Learn to fight like a wabbit!




Be the anti bully ranger


Train How to partially harden your body to conserve stamina.


Using hardening strategically to increase strength


Get someone to throw stuff at you and harden the part of body it will hit


Harden our joints into locking into place

Never bend , Never falter


See how quickly we can turn it on/off


Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

bruh is not crash

Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Sum.

87+29+3 + 10 = 129

Dice: 3d100+10

51+23+40 + 10 = 124

Dice: 1d100+10

31 + 10 = 41

Dice: 1d100+10

1 + 10 = 11

Dice: 1d100+10

24 + 10 = 34

Dice: 1d100+10

44 + 10 = 54

Dice: 1d100+10

32 + 10 = 42

Dice: 3d100+10

11+42+99 + 10 = 162

Choices -Voting closed - 40 voters


109 hardness, 97 stamina, 61 speed


109 to hardness, 97 speed, 61 stamina




How will you allocate your points? [109, 61, 97]


+61 to speed not 52


No Equals. Sigh...

Dice: 1d100

22 = 22

After what was arguably the best day of your life, having to go to Elementary seemed pretty... uncool.

But you knew this was just another stepping stone on your path, so you manned up, and prepared to walk over it.

And it went pretty fine, the classes were pretty easy, the teachers knew of your potential so they mostly let you be, and the students eventually learned that leaving you be was in your best interests.

You might have pushed yourself further in the aforementioned, had there been any point to doing so.

So you focused on what was important, training your Quirk.

The Quirk Education classes were mostly focused on teaching students to better handle their unruly Quirks, but since you had almost impeccable control over yours after unlocking it and having that accident, you mostly focused on strengthening your Quirk.

It wasn't that hard to convince the teachers to let you be, after all you were an exemplary student.

As you stepped over the stone that stood on your path, you discovered another little fact.

You were... a natural.

It was a compliment given to you by one of your teachers as you advanced further and further with your training, leaving all of your so-called peers in the dust. As your reaction times grew shorter and shorter, your skin got harder and harder, and you maintained your quirk for longer and longer, you couldn't help but think that this word... Natural, felt right to you.

You were going to be come a Hero, it was only natural.

You knew your parents disagreed with your one track mind, and the only reason they didn't do something about it was your closeness to Mirio. You knew Mirio disagreed, as evidenced by the fact of him doing everything he could to break you out of your shell and commit your energy to something other than being a hero for just a few moments.

You appreciated them being concern, and even if Mirio's friend, Amakaji, was pretty cool, you didn't need help.

They simply didn't interest you, if they had, you would've put in the effort to get to know them already...

[Trait gained, Selective Socialite, -10 to speech checks with people that don't interest you.]


Dice: 1d100+5

50 + 5 = 55

"Eat up! You boys have earned this!"

Your Sensei laughed heartily in his own endearingly boring way as you and Mirio dug into your burgers.

Your shark teeth made short work of whatever challenge your food was hoping to put up against you, and so another enemy fell before your might and had to acknowledge your superiority.

With Mirio digging into his food with equal gusto, it didn't take long for you two to finish up, and relax back into your seats as your Sensei laughed and called for another order, and stepped out for a phone call as you waited for the next helping.

Naturally, conversation sprung into existence.

"You know..." Mirio said as he narrowed his eyes at you in mock challenge, before belching. "Tama' was asking about you."

You wouldn't be you if you didn't rise up to the challenge with a mightier belch, ignoring the disgusted looks given to you by your fellow customers as you did. "Really?" You couldn't help but say, doubt coloring your voice.

"Yeah!" He nodded, not even acknowledging the doubt in your remark. "I was talking about how far you'd gotten with your Quirk, so he got interested."

Huh... That was pretty nice? "That's cool, I guess," you shrugged, frowning briefly before changing the subject. "How about you? You get any far with your Quirk?"

The smirk you received from Mirio in response was not ominous at all.

"I went through a wall!"

Your mouth fell open. "Woah!"


"How did you do that?!"

"Well... I was talking to Tama', and he said something about drywall, which got me thinking-" You tried your bet to follow along, you really did, but he was talking really fast for some reason. "-and then he turned his hair into tentacles because he'd just eaten takoyaki!"

Wait... Woah...

"...Do you guys hang out after the Dojo?"

[Trait gained, Trusted Judgement, Mirio can get you interested in people]

Middle School is a whole different beast...

Dice: 1d100

2 = 2

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: Invalid input

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

Dice: 1d100

27 = 27

Dice: 1d100

43 = 43

Dice: 1d100

29 = 29

Dice: 1d100

27 = 27

Dice: 1d100

69 = 69

Choices -Voting closed - 49 voters


Riot is Unbreakable






Train our hair to use it as a weapon, either to harden it as a shield, use it as a flail, or use our hairs as throwable weapons.


Sharpening our hardness


Our skin is jagged when hard, now make it sharper


social so we aren't a retard


Focus hardening on hands to make 'claws'




Try and see if you could harden your Tongue and internal organs


Porcupine- create spikes all over our body to make melee against us hurt our enemy


Train the absolute hell out of hardness. Jump off buildings to train hardness level training montage


Martial arts


Special technique: Blade hands


Double down on hard


The goal is Demi-God Level Endurance/Toughness. Spilt blood, broken bones, and mental torture is all fair on the journey towards God-hood and waifuing mirko


Try and see if you could garden your Tongue and internal organs


Middle School Quirk Training Classes [Top 3, 1 Special Technique required]


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 3d100+10

88+79+82 + 10 = 259

Dice: 3d100+10

80+28+85 + 10 = 203

Dice: 3d100+10

9+48+3 + 10 = 70

Choices -Voting closed - 33 voters


hard 98, unbreakable 95, stamina 89


98 Stamina, 95 Riot Is Unbreakable, 89 Hardness


98 Unbreakable, 95 HARD, 89 Stamina


Allocate your points [98 89 95]


98 Stamina, 95 HARD, 89 Unbreakable


...Who is she?

Dice: 1d100

37 = 37

"My name is Kirishima Eijiro." You said as you stood in front of your new classmates, trying to keep the bored sigh out of your voice and failing. You raised your hand and willed it to harden, "My Quirk is called Hardening." Only when you got to the last and more important segment of this little speech did your voice gain a lively tone, as you declared your idol and your dream. "My favorite hero is Mirko, and I will become a Hero like her."

Your eyes swept over the class, and scanned your classmates, dismissing them all one by one.

It was a far cry from the enthusiastic manner in which you approached the things you actually cared about, but you could not bring yourself to care for it all that much.

As you finished your speech and returned to your seat, you could clearly see that your curt approach had made a less-than-stellar impression on a lot of them. You didn't need Mirko's ears to hear them already making an enemy out of you.

You certainly didn't need a lot of foresight to know that some of them would try to 'put you in your place' before the first week was out.

You bid them good luck, they would certainly need it.

The fundamental rules hadn't changed.

You were going to become a Hero, you were a natural, the teachers knew it, so they let you be.

The problem came with the change of environment, those that had been off-put by your curt introduction and had believed they could bring you down to their level, (and had failed) had been livid when they realized you were getting 'special treatment'.

That hadn't failed to make you even more enemies...

Of course, those enemies didn't do much but be little more than living training dummies for your training. A fact that you took great advantage of in great speed, some valuable experience against different kinds of foes was always needed after all.

Again, this didn't do much in running you afoul of any school authorities. But it did get you in a lot of trouble with your parents, who threatened to remove you from your lessons with Sensei unless you played nice with your school-mates, which you were forced to agree on.

It was nice that they hadn't said anything about self-defense.

Mirio it seemed, had already given up on your schoolmates cracking your shell, and had somehow forced you into a friendship with Tamakaji. Though with both of them having to prepare for U.A.'s gruelingly hard entrance exam, they couldn't be around for you to enjoy their (admittedly missed) company all that much anymore.

You hoped that would change soon.

In your last year of Middle School, you developed the technique you'd lovingly named Unbreakable.

It had been the straw that broke the camels back.

Being who you were, you didn't notice the storm clouds descending upon you until it was too late.

It happened while you were leaving school, alone as always, with people glaring at you as you traversed the halls of the school and exited the stifling building, to step out into the great outdoors.

Only to find your route blocked by what looked like the school's entire student body.

Honestly, you didn't really pay attention to what you were saying, aside from a few key words like 'Villain', 'Golden-boy' and 'Rabbit', being in the fugue state you always were in whenever you were in school. What was clear to you however, was that these people wanted a fight.

And even if the odds seem really stacked against you this time, you were never one to back down from it.

So you yourself, and prepared for a fight you weren't entirely sure you'd win.

Only to step dead in your tracks as someone slid in front of you.

It was a pink-skinned girl you'd seen numerous times through the school, someone with enough enthusiasm to give Mirio and you (when you cared, at least) a run for your money. She was... in your year? You assumed so at least...

That was where your information on her ended however.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Her words easily pierced through your disinterest, (a first in this school). From where you were, it was clear that she was afraid, shaking like a leaf as she shielded you from your would-be-attackers, but even so, she wasn't backing down.

More background noise followed that declaration, and from what you were, it was easy to see a particular expression appear on her face.


Whatever they were planning on doing to you must not have been pretty.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" She shouted, despite her state. "I'll- I'll call the teachers, or the cops! You know I will!"

They seemed smart enough to actually do know that, and you watched with at least some interest as they dispersed and went off on their merry way.

Some dared to stuck around, in little bands that would stand no chance against you, but the girl still stuck around and waited until they all dispersed anyway.

There was a sick sort of fascination in seeing the way her whole body deflated, all of her bravado going off in a puff of some once it was not needed anymore. A shaky breath followed, and some... sniffles?

Was she crying?


You were going to ask 'why'? But that seemed pretty counterproductive right about now...

Still, that didn't mean you weren't going to say anything.

"...Thank you."

The startled shriek that got from her did much to dispel the sinking feeling that was, unbeknownst to you, settling in your stomach.

[Mina Ashido gets a +10 Roll to her World Event Roll]


Dice: 1d100+10

82 + 10 = 92

You didn't think your choice of a role model in the Rabbit Hero could get any more validated.

How wrong you were.

Even with the lack of Sports Festivals to foster greater publicity for her, Mirko exploded into the hero scene with little effort. By the end of her first year, it was clear she was well on her way to the top of the chart.

Not that there weren't any complications of course, seeing as Mirko was not... inclined toward social niceties. A veritable lone wolf that scorned all offers of team-ups, sidekicks, that forewent joining any Hero Agencies despite the benefits they offered, and generally alienated most people with her attitude.

One could start seeing some similarities here.

But despite all of the hurdles placed on her path, she jumped over all of them effortlessly.

And it didn't take long for her to prove all of her doubters wrong.

The Tokyo Sky Egg Incident, perpetrated by a villain called 'Number 6' to assassinate the popular Hero Captain Celebrity before his returned to the United States to be with his family, saw what could've been a catastrophic incident narrowly averted.

How fortunate were the people in that massive dome that Mirko was there.

While her fellow Heroes were fending off the creatures known as 'Bombers' on the ground, it had been Mirko that had single-handedly prevented the beasts from inflicting grievous damage to the Sky Dome itself. Heedless of the danger, she had thrown herself into the fray against these flying creatures, and prevented fifty thousand lives from coming into lethal danger...

By the time All Might had arrived on the scene, there was nothing for him to do but congratulate Mirko.

Safe to say, no one had been surprised that the next installment of the Hero Billboard Chart listed her among the Top 10.


Dice: 1d100

89 + 10 = 99

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

59 = 59

Dice: 1d100

96 = 96

Dice: 1d100

5 = 5

With U.A. visible on the horizon, even Middle School seemed to become more tolerable.

The incident with your classmates had been quietly swept under the rug while you weren't looking, and none of your so-called schoolmates seem inclined to give it another go, in fact, they seemed outright... cowed?

You would be a fool not to think it had something to do with your new guardian.

Ashido Mina, whose name you'd learned almost immediately after that little incident.

You'd caught her interest just as much as she'd caught yours it seemed, because suddenly you began seeing a lot more of her at school.

You thought it had something to do with her being the one to crack you out of your shell, or something. Something which she seems to have taken as a challenge after finally finding out that it was possible.

Much like you and Mirio in that aspect, it had been an apt comparison you'd made the day you two had met.

You could also tell that said interest was garnering her a lot of flack from her actual friends, who didn't seem like they particularly approved of her choice. Not like that could have stopped her though.

For your part, you did your best to see if the interest you'd so suddenly developed in her was a passing one or not. Though such a gradual development was an entirely new beast to you, so you'd believed that it would be best if you didn't immediately go all in with the commitment.

...You did finally manage to begin holding what constituted conversations for the first time you entered this school however, which was hailed as an unprecedented development from everyone in your life but yourself.

You were surprised to learn that she was planning on going to U.A., though the benefit of hindsight told you that you really shouldn't have been.

When you told Mirio about that, he spent the rest of week bugging you to invite her over to train.

You... weren't entirely opposed to the concept.

Which was when Mina decided that she'd go and do something that made you look at her in an entirely different light.

It happened just mere months before the U.A. Entrance Exams.

You were walking home after school had been dismissed, head pointed straight ahead and not paying all that much attention to anything but your immediate surroundings like usual, when a large shadow suddenly fell over you.

You slowly turned your head, and your eyes met the most terrifying sight they'd ever seen in your short life.

It was... a towering behemoth of a man, as tall as a light post and ten times as wide, and with a shabby cloak that obscured most of his features. What said cloak didn't obscure however, was the fact that said giant was looming threateningly over two girls who went to the same school as you.

You moved before you could even think.

"HEY!" You bared your sharp teeth at the giant, stepping forward and balling your streets.

A collective gasp echoed through the street as you did what no one else could, and placed yourself in front of the beast.

"Whaddya want from them?!"

It took a moment, but the giant slowly turned towards you.

It was almost enough to floor you right then and there...

A growl, strong enough to make your very bones vibrate echoed from his mouth as he looked down at you, faced shadowed beneath his cloak.

"Insolent..." You think you heard, but you were a little busy directing all of your willpower to make sure your legs wouldn't start shaking.

What you actually heard from that drawling growl of a voice was instead. "Springer's Hero Office, where is it?"

It took you a moment to realize that this person was actually a villain.

And that if you told him where Springer's office was, even if you'd known who or where, that said Hero would likely suffer from a grizzly fate at the hands of this monster.

So you once again grit your teeth, willed your body to sit still, and prepared to tell this giant to kindly fuck off.

Once again, a familiar presence slid in front of you.

"Turn that corner and then make a left at the big street!" The words left the Pinky Girl's -whom you'd only known for the sum of a few weeks now- mouth at lightning speed, "The agency's about two kilometres down that street!"

A beat passed.

So did another.

Impatient as you were, you initially assumed the monster hadn't bought what was obviously a lie, and were only saved from making a fatal mistake by a subtle poke from Ashido.

Eventually, the monster huffed, and drawled out a, "Thank you..." with its gravelly voice, before turning around and leaving.

Everyone in the street stood stock still as the Villain turned away and started lumbering down the street, not even sparing a single glance back at you all.

You were grateful that it was Mina who'd collapsed first, it gave you an excuse to keep yourself upright.

[Trait gained, Heroic Spirit, you do not hesitate in the face of danger, for you have what it takes to be a Hero]


Dice: 1d100

91 = 91

Choices -Voting closed - 40 voters


You stumble onto a Villain Fight right before the first month of U.A. [Hero Encounter Roll]


A Pro Hero has heard of your exploits against the Giant Villain [UA Recommendation Roll]


You meet someone training to enter U.A. [Classmate Encounter Roll]


...Is that Fourth Kind?

Dice: 1d100

22 = 22

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

66 = 66

Dice: 1d100

74 = 74

Dice: 1d100

69 = 69

Dice: 1d100

42 = 42

It was supposed to be a normal day.

You'd bid your goodbye's to Mina after the penultimate week of school, contemplated on the sudden brightness of the school's atmosphere around you, before shrugging and dismissing the phenomenon, shouldering your backpack and starting your trek home.

You'd gone... maybe half-way to your home? Before something went very, very wrong.

Your single-minded focus on the road ahead of you meant that you noticed too late someone was sidling up behind you.

You heard what sounded to be deranged laughter, a hand landed on your shoulder, and before you could react, a peculiar scent hit your nose, and everything went dark.

You remembered being conscious through it all, but your vision was simply cut off, and your limbs weighing heavier on you then lead prevented you from doing anything else.

You remembered the feeling of being moved off somewhere, but thankfully, a sudden commotion prevented it from escalating any further, and distracted whoever it was that had attacked you from whatever they were doing to you.

With all the reflexes gained by training most of your short life, you didn't even think before you pushed off, hardened your hand and swung a punch to the person who'd attacked you.

The... person, who'd attacked you was flung off of you and slammed into wall, falling unconscious.

A very pissed off Hero burst into the scene not long after.

Apparently, whoever it was hadn't really considered that kidnapping someone in broad daylight was not a good idea, and had thus been unable to take a few dozen steps before someone was on the case.

The commotion that had gotten you enough time to break free had been his sudden appearance distracting them, giving you enough time to do so before the man was apprehended.

You didn't understand how this person's power worked in its entirety, but you heard something about it being related to plants, and that was all that you needed to hear.

You got yourself a pat on the back, were handed a signature from Fourth Kind, who ruffled your hair before sending you on your way.

All in all, a pretty weird day.

Now you just needed to train harder until you never got yourself caught off-guard like this again.

[+20 to Final Training Rolls Before U.A., gained! A general mistrust against Earth's natural flora, gained!]

Choices -Voting closed - 60 voters


Disregard training special moves, focus on general abilities


Special Moves Training [Example: Unbreakable]


+Gungnir the Sharp - Hand spear technique that makes uses of our Quirk to be hard and unyielding. An overwhelming offense to complement our defense.


Reactive Hardening: Skin hardens automatically in response to physical trauma


Selective Diamond [We focus our Quirk on only one part of our body to make it more durable than the others]


Anti ara ara manuvers


Hair flail




SPEAR: Dash forward with all of your strength while hardening arm to the sharpest point to stab


Focus on not getting raped


Choices -Voting closed - 65 voters


How Fast you can use your quirk












2*HARD +resistance




Train your general hardness


General Abilities Training [Top 3]








Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 3d50+20

49+24+45 + 20 = 138

Dice: 3d50+20

26+27+40 + 20 = 113

Dice: 3d50+20

49+34+14 + 20 = 117

Choices -Voting closed - 40 voters


69 hard, 69 resistance, 65 speed


Resist, Speed, Hard


69 Speed, 69 Hard, 65 Resistance


Allocate your points [69 69 65]


The light at the end of the tunnel was finally visible.

Each and every obstacle had been cleared.

U.A. was so close you could actually taste it.

Not that it meant you could relax of course, you wouldn't be you if you just went and stopped striving to be better yourself!

The incident with that Handsy Plant Villain had shown you that you still had a long road ahead of you, which meant that you needed to train all the more harder with what little time you had left, so that you didn't waste time at U.A. attaining skills you should have had at the start.

Aside from training, these last few months saw change after change affecting your life.

Like you and Mirio finally saying goodbye to Sensei, who let you both go with a tearful hug you both returned with manly gusto and promised to keep in touch. Tamakaji awkwardly standing to the side only added to the atmosphere.

It also saw Mina occasionally joining in on your training, though you might have weirded her out with how enthusiastically you approached your training, especially seeing as the only consistent expression she'd seen on your face so far had been aloof disinterest for so long.

Still, she stuck around, for long enough that you would call each other friends, which was something you never thought you'd receive from that shithole of a school to be honest, so you weren't complaining much.

Everything once again fell into a comfortable monotone for you, and before you knew it, your feet were taking you to the gates of the famed U.A. High...