Adult Supervision Required[Digimon Adventure SI] by StreamingViking

Dear Lord I sinned ( Even though I am an Agnostic ) I am afraid FBI will breakdown my door any day now

Depravity upon depravity be warned this is not everyones cup of tea

Words: 39k+

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( Self-Insert where I join a mix of genderbend Digidistined from the different seasons on their journey through the Digital World, as their support and teacher. While desperately avoiding to lewd their pubescent bodies. )

Chapter 1

A/N: Self-Insert where I join a mix of genderbend Digidistined from the different seasons on their journey through the Digital World of Adventure, as their support and teacher. While desperately avoiding to lewd their pubescent bodies.

And since chapter 4 is out on Patreon, it gets it own thread now.

Even as I could feel the bus drive to our current destination. A part of me was still in disbelief at being here, even after living in this reality for four months. Waking up in that apartment and basically taking over the version of me in this world. And that was probably for the best as after having experienced the memories of that me it was probably for the best.

"Anders-Sensei, it's your turn now." Came the voice of one of my students. One Taichi Kamiya or Tai as her nickname was. The Child of Courage and the very first goggle head.

Yes, this was the reality I currently found myself in.

The one of Digimon Adventure. And we were all currently on the way to the Summer Camp where it was all going to start.

And yes, Tai was a girl and one that was Fourteen years of age. Instead of the eleven, the original was. And as for the others? Well, few were the same others were entirely different.

And I was along as one of the supervising teachers, as I worked at Odaiba Junior High, as an English teacher. With Tai's class as my primary one. Some anime trope bullshit was definitely going on to allow that to happen as I was only twenty-two here. And was somehow being respected and listened to by my students.

"Sorry, Tai I was just deep in thoughts," I responded. And there was one of the things I dislike about this situation. That was the honorifics. I've always hated honorifics no matter what kind. To me, it created an uncomfortable hierarchy that I was uncomfortable with. Especially in regards to children. I could handle sirs, then talking to adults above me. But

That's why I gave my students three different ways of refereeing to me. It was either Sensei, Anders-Sensei, or just Mr. Anders/Anders. So four really. And I thought it worked really well. Though it certainly pissed off my fellow teachers as that was apparently unprofessional conduct. I didn't know how foreign teachers were handled in my previous life, but it was how it worked here. But I really didn't care, and it helped that after my first semester, the classes collective English grade was higher than it had been last year. Yeah, for Shonnen bullshit

I was apparently an outstanding teacher.

"You do that a lot," Tai answered.

"I suppose I do that a lot. Anyway, it was my turn, guess I have to draw and put one down can't add it to anything," I said as I put down Five of Hearts.

"My turn, guess I win," She said as she added her newly drawn Ace of Spade to the king and put down a card facedown on the pile closing the round. "And that leaves me with over five hundred and you with under Anders-Sensei," Tai finished ending our game of Five Hundred.

"Guess you do. Now let's pack up. We're about to arrive." The girl nodded, and I began to collect the cards. This was an exercise I did with the kids to help them deal with their problems, by playing various games with them as a form of therapy and to get them to open up. It had seen some results in the last month, it helped them with stress and made them feel better. Bloody Japan and its aversion to dealing with mental health no matter the age. And there was also the fact that this was not 1999 like in the original timeline, but 2020. So the pressure on the children to succeed was at an all-time high. So I took the teachings of my favorite teacher to heart and helped them not break under pressure.

By not being a stick in the mud and not dismiss children's problems. Sometimes it just felt like adults forgot they used to be children to once they passed age thirty-five. And that was coming from the youngest teacher in Odaiba Junior High.

Anyway, the bus came to a stop and the eighth graders that constituted my class, plus younger siblings that had decided to come along. Like genderbend Matt's 'younger sister' and Kari, who should have been here. But once again had fallen ill.

And so the summer camp began as my five fellow teachers, and I began to set up the camp and divided them into tents with one teacher looking over one tent each. And like I had planned before, I was in charge of the soon to be Digidestined or Chosen Children as they were. Though that was only due to more Anime shenanigans. Cause under no normal circumstances should a male teacher have been put in charge of a group of students consisting only of girls. In this day and age anyway, due to paranoia that should have been there, but wasn't.

For they were going to be summoned at some point during this two week trip to the mountains. And I wasn't going to let them out of my sight, this time there was going to be some adult supervision.

"Takato, what did I say about computer use?" I asked the computer genius who was sitting with her custom-built laptop on her lap, typing out what was probably computer code. For in this reality, Izzy had been seemingly replaced by Takato from Tamers. But made to fit as she was still an Izumi and kept most of Izzy's personality trait. So she was really just closer to a genderswapped Izzy that looked like Takato, but still had some core Takato traits. So more like a mix of the two. But a girl with a large pair of breasts. And I meant Takato was one of the biggest in class only rivaled by her fellow Digidestined.

Of course.

Though no one except me noticed the strangeness of it all. And I had gotten first view seating of seeing them swell up over the course these last four months. Going from barely there to the lovely globes of flesh that stretched out her shirt so nicely.

And I had to stop there for I didn't want to pop an erection. Freaking Hentai and Ecchi bullshit.

"Sorry, Mr. Anders I was just checking out the news. Apparently, weird weather phenomenons have been happening," Takato answered.

And it seemed it had begun soon the be taken to Digital World by that fuck-up of a God that didn't know how to solve its own problems.

Anyway, the Digivices should arrive at any point. So we might as well have a bit of fun before going on the Isekai adventure I had been prepared for, for the last four months.

"Kids, there are three hours to the Olympic competition, so do you kids want to go and check out the Shrine that is located up the mountain? It is only a ten-minute walk, and when we get back, I've got a game from my home we can play." I addressed them all.

"Sure thing, Mr. Anders/Anders-sensei." Came the responses.

"Okay, then, and Tai get down from that tree," I addressed the girl lying on a branch.

After the girl jumped down from the tree, we all headed up to the small wooden Shrine a bit further up the mountain. For I remembered it was there, the kids had gotten their digivices after the sudden snowstorm.

It was a blessing in disguise that I could remember the earlier plot, at least how the first episode went. The rest? Less so. I could remember the overall plot, but not individual encounters.

Anyway, we made our way up to the Shrine, the wooden structure standing open for anybody to visit. I had come to know about it more after doing research on the camp and the surrounding area.

I might as well turn this a bit educational before getting sucked into the Digital World. I was going with those girls no matter what.

"So, do any of you kids know who this Shrine is dedicated to?" I asked the group. And in response, they raised a hand, and who should it be. "Mimi, can you tell me?"

"From the painting in the back of the Shrine. I have to say this belongs to some form of Kami?" Mimi asked, unsure of her answer.

"Correct, this is one of the few-." I stopped talking as I felt something cold land on my face. I looked up and saw a storm-filled sky where the sun had just been. And soon after, snow fell heavily from them. "Everybody, get inside the Shrine quick!" I shouted as the temperature dropped faster, and I could feel the sting of the snow in my eyes as the wind picked up.

We all quickly ran into the Shrine and huddled together while I tried to keep them calm by saying it would be over soon.

And thankfully, I was right as not even five minutes after the wind ceased with us opening the doors and stepping out into a winter wonderland, with a somewhat clear sky.

How much snow did there just fall to make it to above my foot?

"Where did all this snow come from?" Sora asked, voicing my thoughts. "This is beyond weird."

"Tough with that much it kind makes you run out and play, in it not that I would do that," Rika Nonaka stated. And here she was the younger twin sister of Yamato 'Matt' Ishida. She, just like TK, lived with her mother. And was invited by Matt to join her on this trip for a bit of bonding. At least that was what she had told me before summer vacation had started.

I agreed with Rika's statement. I kinda wanted to go out and build a snowman.

"I more concerned about the Aurora Borealis in the sky. Currently, we are way to far south for those," Takato stated.

"Okay, kids, let's get back to the others, with the current weather we can't stay up here with our current clothes," I said, but it was rather pointless, with what Matt said next.

"Sir, what is up with the sky, it's looking rather glitchy, and something is coming everyone dodge." The girl warned with everyone taking a step back to be not hit by the Digivices that had just landed in front of everyone except me.

"Hmm, what is happening here?" Asked Tai as she and everybody watched as the Digivices lifted themselves up into their hands. "Is it me, or does this remind you guys of anything?"

"I'm more concerned about that!" We all heard Mimi shout as suddenly a wall of water shot into the air. "Help, Mr. Anders!"

"Everyone, grab each other, and don't let go!" I shouted as I grabbed Rika's and Tai's hands as did the other taking one hand each, forming a circle as the water hit, and I felt my vision go dark.

I awoke to the feeling of something pocking my chin.

I sat up with a shock and turned to the direction I had felt the pocking, and I was meet by the toddler-sized lava wyvern who looked like a deer that was about to be run over.

Right, I'm actually in the digital world right now, remember.

That was the Digimon, probably a Rookie screamed in fright and backed away from as I stood up and surveyed the area that, I had landed in.

It was definitely the same forest on File Island that the kids had landed on, but they weren't anywhere near me. Great now I had to find them, and make sure that they were unharmed, they probably were as one could never be too careful.

"Hey, have you've seen other smaller humans like myself?" I asked the Rookie Digimon that froze before answering.

"Humans?" He asked, the male voice apparent.

"Yes, that's my species, not a Digimon like yourself."

"No, no, I haven't you're the only human I've ever seen. You just came falling from the sky, and I didn't know what you were so-."

"So you went over to poke my cheek to see if I was alive. Well, see you later I've got to go find my students." I said as I took a single step forward and immediately stopped as I heard a loud screech from deeper inside the woods.

"Oh no, that's Kuwagamon, and it sounds like he is on another rampage we need to run, or he eats us." The dragon Rookie stated, sounding even more panicked.

That meant if he was on a rampage, that meant he encountered the others as I could hear his screeching getting closer.

"Good advice," I said as we both ran off in the opposite direction of Kuwagamon, but it was rather fruitless on my part as I heard him come towards me faster than I could run. And to make matters worse, my breath was already getting short, as I practically had no running stamina. Me of this world had gone into weights to put the gut that we always had and never could get rid of into good use. By converting most of the fat into muscle, he certainly had the time after that. I could lift but not run.

And then I tripped.

I groaned as my body hit the ground a rolled for a meter or two.

"Are you okay?" Came the surprising tone of concern from the Rookie, I had not even scared the life out of not even two minutes ago.

"I'm fine," I stated as I tried to stand back up, but I immediately dropped in pain, as leaned on my left. "No, I'm not, I either just twisted or sprained my ankle then I tripped," I stated.

"Is that bad?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is. I can't walk," I answered.

"But if you can't walk, Kuwagamon will eat you." He said with concern for my life. My what a compassionate little Digimon. I could hear the insectoid Digimon come closer. Within a minute, he would be here. Of all my rotten luck, I had planned to help the girls, and here I am, fucking it up within the first mind minute and is already about to be bug lunch.

"Why, the hell are you still here?" I asked the Rookie as he was still standing beside me, looking at me with those puppy eyes. Well, more like Chibi Wyvern eyes.

"I can't just leave you here, you're going to die if he catches you." He stated.

"And he is going to eat you too if you stay and don't run away. At least save yourself!" I shouted at the Digimon, whose species I didn't even know and had just met a minute ago. Why was he so stubborn?

"No, I'm going to save you like Leomon would if he was here." The Wyvern said.

"Boy, you're a Rookie, and Kuwagamon is a Champion, you aren't freaking Lucemon. You never be able to defeat him at your level."

"Payoh." Came a sound from the left that stopped our argument, and I saw what I had tripped over.

What the fuck is a Digignome doing here? That thing is in the wrong fucking universe and Digital World Server.

"Payoh." The Digignome said again as it floated over to use, the adorable looking thing just looked at us and an idea formed in my mind. As Kuwagamon came even closer, was he just fucking stalling for dramatic tension? What a dick.

"Hey, boy, what is your name?" I asked.

"Huh, well, it is Vorvomon, and there is only one of me." He stated, and that was probably right, for I did not recognize that name.

"Well, Vorvomon, my name is Anders, and I've got a plan to defeat Kuwagamon."

"Really, what is it?" Vorvomon asked excitedly.

"Quite, simple, you have to Digivole into a Champion and beat him," I stated.

"Wha, how am I going to do that?" He asked.

"By you becoming my Digimon partner and me, your Tamer, but if-."

"Okay, how do we do that?" He asked, interrupting me.

"You're sure about that?"

"Yes, if it means saving you." He simply stated.

It seems that I found a little hero in the making. "Very, well. So can you help us with that?" I asked the Digignome.

"Poyah," The digital entity answered by nodding its head.

"Right, we gotta wish, don't we. Okay, Vorvomon, we gotta wish to become partners." I said now at the same.

"I wish for Vorvomon to become my partner."

"I wish for Anders to become my Tamer."

Our voices were sincere.

The Diginome lit up as Kuwagamon broke into view.

No, I wasn't going to die here, I was going to live, find the kids and help them beat the shit out of every single Digimon that stood in the way of getting them home safely.

Why did I believe that?

Cause Vorvomon was now my partner, and I had never felt so assured in my action as I was right at this moment.

My hand bloomed with my BURNING SOUL as I grabbed my Digivice and slammed my hand down with absolute FORCE. "DNA Charge!"

Vorvomon felt the power course through him, as he heard his partner shout slamming his palm on the Digivice, the wishing creature had turned into.

This was the power Anders had granted him, this was the power of…


"Vorvomon Digivolve to Larvorvomon!" He shouted as he transformed into his Champion form thanks to the BURNING power of his Tamer.

Larvorvomon rushed at Kuwagamon, the red insect Digimon screeching at him.

He jumped, avoiding the lunge attack of Kuwagamon, who tried to crush him with pincers. He would break this bug, he would not lose and disappoint Anders. The human he had not even meet a few minutes ago for the first time. But he felt like he was currently the most precious person in the world to him.

At that, Larvorvomon knew that this meeting had been meant to be. Just like those In-trainings, he had seen wandering around, shouting about waiting for their partners. Now he knew what they had been talking about. Larvorvomon had found his friend.

"Earth-Stamb." He announced the attack as his power moved to his front limbs, gaining extra striking power, as he slammed them into Kuwagamon's skull. Cracking the Digimon exoskeleton, and now for the finisher as Leomon called it. As then, he beat up the bad Digimon around File Island.

He took a deep breath as his dust gathered in his mouth, and it was ignited. "Great Flame!" The giant fireball was launched straight into the crack he already created, which caused Kuwagamon to disperse into Data, which would reform in the Primary Village after Lord Plutomon had judged him worthy of reincarnation.

Now his concern was Anders and his injured foot.

"See, told you I would save you." He said as he approached his partner, still, in his Champion form, he knew he could switch back at any moment he still had some of Anders power left, and he wasn't hungry just yet.

And with his injured foot, he would need somebody to carry him, and the size of his Champion form made him perfect for that.

"That you did, boy," Anders said as he held his Digivice in hand the symbol of their now created bond. Huh? How did he know that? The Digimon like thing probably gave the information to him.

"Anders, how do we fix your foot." For Larvorvomon was sure, he couldn't eat data packets and heal like Digimon could.

"We need to find my students, one of them has a medical bag that has stuff for fixing humans." He answered.

"Okay, that's good, do you know where they are?" He asked.

"I don't know where they are now, but I know where they are going to be. Hey, Vorvomon, do you know of a lake that has a big metal box with lights next to them?" He asked, and that he did, he wandered past that place a few times.

"I do, and Anders, it's Larvorvomon right now."

"Huh, is that so? Well, we better come up with a better name for you then no matter what stage you're in." He said.

"You're going to give me another name?" Larvorvomon asked.

"Of course, can't keep referring to my partner only by his species even if he is the only of it." He stated.

"Okay, that sounds cool, now get up onto my back, and I carry you to that lake."

"Thanks for that partner," Anders said as he cautiously grabbed one of his protrusions and lifted himself up onto Larvorvomon's back a few seconds later, sitting on him. "Hmm, I expected you to be much hotter, but you're like touching a heated bathroom floor." Anders described the heat his body gave off.

"I don't know what that is?" He stated.

"Don't worry, let's get to the Lake, I think it's going to be dusk soon enough." Larvorvomon heard the concern in his partner's voice.

"That was amazing, Fla mon." Tai praised the human-beast Digimon after she had destroyed that Black Gear looking thing and returned the Shellmon back to normal, after having gone all fiery martial arts crazy on it. It had been like watching a Sentai Episode.

"That I am, though…" Flamon said as her stomach rumbled slightly. "I used a bit too much of yours and my own energy right there."

"And we don't have any more rations cause you ate them all." Said, Yoshino.

"So we just have to go and find our own food on the island," Matt stated. "And we should also try and find our Teacher."

That was then five of the kids blinked at the same time, as they realized that in the rush after meeting the Digimon, being attacked by Kuwagamon, falling down into the ocean and then being attacked by Shellmon. They had completely forgotten about their teacher, who had been dragged with them to this weird world.

And then they felt bad about it, as they all liked Anders as a teacher as he felt like to them he was one their level and could hear their voices. Especially Tai felt like she could talk to him about her problems, and she was sure Matt did too. With what she had accidentally heard, then they had a conversation together. But that didn't mean the man wasn't a bit ruthless in a game, like Tai herself could be in a football game, he didn't really treat her or the others like children to be cuddled. And Tai appreciated that.

And Tai also hoped something hadn't happened to him, in this place. He didn't have a partner to protect him like they now had theirs.

"I might not know Anders-Sensei like you do but, I think that he can help?" Rika stated Her hands folded under her breasts. As her Digimon Partner Renamon stood behind her, she was a Digimon that looked like a Kitsune. And even though she had fur, she still wore some clothes in this form of hers. Though not much, it was something that could barely be called a swimsuit. It only kept her rather enormous breasts in place, but her nipple large so they heavily emphasized as they poked through the fabric. And the nether parts gave her so much cameltoe that she might as well not be wearing anything at all. The same was true for the rest of the other Digimon except her partner. As Rika said, they were just there to keep their large masses of tit flesh in place. And that was true the Digimon were stacked in comparison to most other women, and even them and their class were filled with girls with large breasts.

"What makes you think that, Rika?" Matt asked her sister standing beside her. Gabumon standing silently next to her partner as she talked to her kin.

"Well, we are kids, and he is an adult. And adults know more than kids, so Anders-Sensei obviously knows more than us," Rika said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. While she knew she was rebellious against most adults. She knew that they were seriously in trouble. It was one of the things that Grandma had drilled into her head. When in a strange place, go to the nearest adult and ask for help for they know more than you.

"Well, I can't argue with that logic," Sora said in response.

"Yeah, that sounds, sound. But Sora, who is this Anders-Sensei guy? A human-like all you?" Biyomon asked her partner.

"He is our teacher, and there is a good chance he came with us here. But how are we going to find him?" She asked.

"We could try and call him?" Mimi suggested.

"Mimi, we already tried using our phones, not even the telephone boxes worked. They just spouted random gibberish," Takato stated. "Even my computer couldn't connect to the internet, and from what our new friends are saying that this is 'The Digital World' we are basically inside of it."

"We tried to call people outside of this place, but we haven't tried calling somebody who is here with us?" Mimi stated in response.

"That is very smart thinking Mimi," Palmon said.

"Thank you, Palmon."

"Well, nothing ventured nothing gained," Tai stated as she took out her very dated smartphone given to Tai by her parents, though with how old it was, it could only do call and played very few games.

Tai pressed the call button and. "Hello, who is this?" Came the very familiar voice from the speaker.

"Mr Anders!" Tai responded back in happiness.

"Well, I take my words, back guess you were correct, Mimi."

"I always am."

"Tai is that you! Where are you and the others?" Came the immediate question of concern.

Tai decided to put him on the loudspeaker. "I and the others are down at a beach, and we're all fine thanks to some new friends we made." The others greeted him in response. "But what about you, Mr Anders?"

"It is good to hear that you're all okay, and just like you, I meet someone that helped out from Kuwagamon."

So their teacher had a run with the scary bug too, but did that mean he had a Digimon partner like them! But Tai hadn't seen one of those Digivices landing in front of him like it had them.

"And for the latter, Yoshino, do you have your first-aid kit with you? Cause I twisted my ankle when I ran from Kuwagamon."

"I do, Sir," Yoshino answered.

"But Sensei, where are you?" Matt asked.

"I'm near a lake, with a trolley next to it. Your partners probably know where it is. Though you have to be careful, there is a pair of Monochromon, fighting nearby so best avoid them. I am also guessing you're hungry, luckily there are fish in the lake for us to eat. See you later." That was then the call ended.

"Well, guys, it seems we've got a destination in mind and food. So do you guys know which lake he was talking about?" Tai asked the Digimon.

"Yeah, if he is talking about the lake with the big metal box, sure we know where it is. A Seadramon lives there, though, if we don't bother him. He won't bother us." Flamon answered.

"Okay, show us the way then, Flamon."

I leaned against the trolley as I ended the call.

Hadn't thought that my transformed phone was still able to function as one, or the fact that the kids were able to call me in the first place was kind of amazing. Thank god for the 21st century, where every child had a smartphone.

Well, at least I knew that they were okay, were now their way here. And that was very good on my consciousness. I had to take my second-hand knowledge with a grain of salt, for what if something went wrong? And the kids had gotten hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened.

I wiggled my foot, keep the blood flowing even if it hurt a bit while doing so. Right now, Vorvomon having changed back to his Rookie form, was down in the lake catching the fish, and staying out of the way of the sleeping Champion down there. So now, while waiting for the kids, I could finally check out my brand new Digivice.

I still in a bit of a shock of having one and a partner. I didn't think that would actually happen, but feeling the connection I had with Vorvomon, it felt like a piece me that I didn't know I was missing, had returned. Which solidified the idea of whoever had transported me to this universe had made sure I would meet Vorvomon, literally stumble upon the Digignome and become partners with him.

And considering this was Digimon, there was a long list of possible candidates. Still, I could already cross of Homeostasis and Gennai's order as candidates, or I would have gotten a Digivice like the kids.

No mine was literally custom made, it was precisely my idea of my very own Digivice. Digignomes did have a habit of making OC stuff real, didn't they? Good thing they didn't make my OC Digimon real.


And from what Vorvomon had told me, the Digignome had seemingly fused with my phone to create the Digivice. Which was the most apparent Chekov's Gun I had ever seen? Well, at least it didn't turn into the Rotom Pokedex.

The design of it was entirely red looking more like an Xrosloader, than the Savervice, which actually used the Digisoul Input to DNA Charge. With the seeming app functions of the D-Arc with the holographic screen, plus what my phone could do. I wondered if it did have the Bio-Merge capacity. Though to do that, I was gonna need Vorvomon at Bond 10.


Well, that was a concern for the future cause it was going to be a bit of time before we achieved Mega or Ultimate. We managed to go Champion through my use of Digisoul.

But speaking of that, I had no idea how the fuck I had managed to bring it out, cause I had been trying to bring out the power while I had been on the back Larvorvomon.

Yeah, gonna need a nickname for the boy.

So for now, until I managed to bring out my Digisoul, that Champion form was a stroke of luck. Hopefully, I didn't have to Marcus Digimon and go One Punch on them. I knew that Digi Soul could allow humans to harm Digimon, but if it didn't work, I was dead.

That was then Vorvomon breached the water his body steaming as the water on him evaporated. He made his way over to meet and spit out a bunch of fish out some leaves.

"What do you think, Anders?" He asked with that adorable childish tone of his. It was similar in the vein of OG Takato's Guilmon, not mine(but she was probably going to have her one here, as that was the partner she could conceivably have). Though if he was voiced by Alphonse instead.

"Enough for both of us, but my students are coming soon, so they will be able to help with getting more fish and fruit," I answered.

"That's great to hear Anders."

"Anyway, I think I've come up with a good nickname for you. Since your evolution and powers seem to be based around Volcanos, magma, lava, and all of that. I thought that Koro would be a good one, as that the name of a volcano in the human world, and it's very close to the Japanese for dark, Kuro. Which is your primary colour scheme." I told him. "Do you like it?"

"I do, Koro the Vorvomon, that sounds awesome!" Vorvo- no, Koro shouted in joy as he rolled around.

"Glad you like it."

"Hey, there he is, Anders-Sensei." I heard the voice of Sora as she. And the rest of the girls came into the clearing that surrounded the lake and the trolly.

"Hey, kids good to see you again, and I'm guessing those are your new friends?" I asked them. I already knew who they were, of course. But that was one of my other problems what and what not should I tell the children, and how much should I interfere with their adventure. Cause I didn't want to undermine their accomplishments and their development as Digidestined. But we had to see going forward what would happen.

"Yeah, this is Flamon." That is different.

"Gabumon." Well, this Gabumon was more on the side of shark girl.

"Biyomon." A very sexy bird.


"Floramon." It seems that Yoshino got a different partner here, and it was a sexy plant.

"Palmon." And now I want to fuck another plant.

"And finally, Guilmon." Who I expected to be Takato's partner, and those hips and breasts were to die for. And the dark-coloured nipples were easily seen through the white bra.

"Hey, you all." I greeted them.

"Hey, to you, Mr./Sensei/ Teacher Anders." They all greeted me back at the same time. And they were going to address me the same way their partners did, weren't they?

I heard a chuckle come from Koro. You laugh, you little Wyvern, but I'm going to give you one hell of nogging.

"This here is Vorvomon, his nickname is Koro."

The Wyvern waved his wing at them.

"Yeah, we know who he is. We sometimes meet over at Leomon's place," Guilmon spoke, her voice light and mature.

"So, you know them, Koro?" I asked my partner.

"Yep, they were the In-Trainings that kept shouting about meeting their partners. Guess I now know what they meant."

"So, Mr Anders, I'm guessing that he is your partner?" Matt asked me.

"Yep," I said, showing off my Digivice.

"Wow, it is entirely different from our own," Takato stated now much closer to look at my Digivice.

"Got it from a different source than yours," I answered.

"Wait, so you know why we're here, Sensei?" Sora asked.

"know the basics of why we are here and more, but lets first gather some food and then I'll explain," I said.

The children nodded and set about gathering various fruits nearby and getting more fish from the lake. While Yoshino went over my foot, that girl had more medical knowledge than most adults. With her having swapped with Joe in the same vein as Izzy and Fem Takato had.

And like I had thought, it wasn't broken or fractured, but my ankle had indeed ben a bit twisted and swollen. Thankfully Yoshino had some cream and bandages for my foot. And tried to not stare at her bouncing breasts as she did so, but they were abundant and practically unrestrained.

But it was already unswelling, so I would be able to walk around in the morning.

It must be because we were all Data now.

After everything had been done, we were all sitting around a campfire that our dear fire-breathing Digimon ignited for us.

Cause I did not carry around a lighter.

"So, Anders-Sensei, how do you know about the Digita World, have you've been here before? And what exactly is it?" Takato began the questioning.

"Well, the Digital World is on a need to know basis, between private groups of adults. I, have never been here, but I know the previous group of kids who were. Yes, you are not the first. And there are other ways to come into contact with it, without coming here." Such as Oikawa, who I had been trying to find, but no such luck of doing so. "The Digital World, as it says suggests is a world made out of data instead of matter. It is a different dimension compared to earth connected through our internet." I answered, there was no need to talk about the Wish Dimension or the Dark Ocean/Dark Area.

"Wait, are we all data then?" Tai asked.

"Yes, our bodies got converted into data, then we were pulled here, and you've probably noticed a few things, like not being able to sweat or feel the need go to the toilet?" I got a few nods. Which was probably a change from canon, but I wasn't sure. Though the latter probably meant that popjokes.exe had turned off, and I was glad for that.

"Okay, that is good to know, but why are we here exactly?" Sora asked.

"Well, from what the others told me, the being in charge of the Digital World recruits human children to save it when it is under threat, as partnered Digimon can evolve at an exponentially faster rate, measured in months to arrive at the Mega level. The highest form a Digimon can achieve," I explained there was no need to mention Super Ultimate at the moment.

"Why does he need us to save The Digital World?" Matt, as she tried to place a hand on her Shouler's shoulder. The true meaning of words clear. 'Why does Rika need to do this.' But she avoided. Their dynamic was so different compared to the OG one of Matt and TK. As Rika did not want to helicopter parented by her sister. Giving off an air of I can take care of myself.

"I can't answer that question, Matt, ask him that if deigns to contact us." Cause Homeostasis was very much on the passive with his ruling of the Digital World, choosing to interfere minimally. The clear opposite of Yggdrasil, as she was practically the embodiment of overreaction. Though my more significant grievance with Homeostasis was. Why the fuck did you need the kids when you had a Jesmon working for you. Nothing else should be fucking needed. The Dark Masters, should just have been slice dead. And then all his problems would have been solved.

"I think I will."

"Okay, ask a few more questions, and then we will be off to sleep and refreshed in the morning," I said. Though that it was Izzy asking most of the questions, with most of them being about Digimon themselves.

After that, we all went into the trolley to sleep, well the kids did I, and the Digimon slept outside using the warm body of Koro as my pillow. And I had slept on harder before. And it seemed that the Seadramon in the lake wasn't going to be agitated, so that event was at least avoided. That meant Matt wasn't going to get to Digivolve Gabumon, but it was going to happen sooner or later, so at this very moment, I didn't worry. With the Digimon boing on rotational guard duty to protect the kids, while they got a good night's sleep.

Matt yawned slightly as she woke up with a slight gasp as she sat up quickly and turned quickly to see the others and Rika fast asleep.

Just a nightmare. Matt knew it wasn't real, but it could very well become a reality here in the Digital World.

She stood up and exited the trolley, where she saw her partner Gabumon standing guard under the stars and moon of the Digital World, along with the illumination of the still ongoing fire.

"Hey, Matt, why are you awake? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Had a dream and woke up wanted to get some fresh air," Matt answered.

"Was it a bad dream? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Its nothing Gabumon, I'm just concerned about my Sister."

"You don't have to worry so much Matt, your sister has Renamon to protect her," Gabumon said to dispel her partner's fears.

"But she is my little sister, and I'm always concerned. Even if were are twins-. What was that?" Matt asked as she heard the sound of rustling leaves.

"It sounded like it came from the forest."

Matt grabbed a stick from the fire to act as a torch so that she and Gabumon would be able to see while they investigated. They walked over to the bushes, and as they lit up the area. Matt saw one of the two Monochromon they had seen earlier on the way to Mr Anders.

It was starring right at Matt.

It roared at her.

Which caused Matt to fall backwards and drop her torch, which rolled away and onto something that looked like a.. tail?

Oh, come on? Was all Matt could think as the Seadramon they had been warned about living in the lake and been very careful to avoid was now wide awake and pissed.

And that was when the Monochromon entered the clearing. Also angry at what Matt guessed were those that had invaded his territory.

"Everyone, wake up! We're under attack! Matt, get away from there!" Matt heard Mr Anders shout, as the roar from both Champion level Digimon had definitely woken him up and the Digimon. "Matt, run!" Mr Anders shouted again.

But before she could, Seadramon's tail wrapped around her, and Matt was up in the air and was face to face with the serpentine water Digimon.

And Matt had never been more scared in her life at that moment. Not for himself, but for her sister for if he was gone, who was going to watch over Rika? She had promised her dad to protect her. "Argh." She screamed in pain as the tail slowly began to crush her.

"Matt!" He heard all of them shout, Rika and Gabumon most prominent to her ear. No, she wouldn't die, here! She wouldn't abandon her brother or her partner.

"Matt, I can feel the power! Gabumon Digivolve to Garurumon! Howling Blaster!"

Matt saw the Seadramon get hit by a blue laser beam, and its grip went slack, and she dropped, landing in a mess of soft fur.

"Gabumon?" Matt asked as she now rode the large wolf her partner had become.

"I Digivolved, so I am Garurumon now, Matt," Garurumon stated.

"Right, let's show that snake not to mess with us," Matt stated her previous fear gone and her confidence.

"You do that, Matt, come on Flamon time for some Sentai fighting." Matt heard Tai yell as Flamon Digivolved in the background, as he was focused on Seadramon.

She assisted Garurumon with various instructions as they avoided its attack. Both its tail and its Water Shock attack, retaliating with Howling Blaster, then Matt saw an opening.

It ended in a victory for Garurumon and Agunimon. As they chased the two grumpy ass Digimon away from the lake with their tales between their legs. Well, not so much for Seadramon as he kinda lacked legs.

Matt dismounted Garurumon as right after, his partner De-Digivolved. "That was amazing, girl."

"Only thanks to you, Matt."

"Are you two okay? I was worried for a moment when Seadramon grabbed you." Mr Anders said worryingly. Having one adult concerned about your wellbeing was sweet. Though Matt tried to stop her coming blush as Mr Anders fused over her.

"Thanks to Gabumon, I am, and thanks for dealing with the Monochromon Tai." Matt thanked the goggle head, for protecting the others and Rika.

"You're welcome, Matt, though what happened exactly?"

Well, Matt suddenly felt a literal ton of embarrassment land on her shoulder.

"That doesn't matter what, matters is that you're all safe now." And Mr Anders to the rescue. "There are few hours of night left, so all of you go back to sleep. I don't think we have to worry about the Seadramon and Monochromon returning. Cause we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. So you need to be well-rested and eaten." Though he suddenly blushed as his eyes landed on Matt, and he quickly. "Oh, and Matt, you're soaked, so take off your clothes and let them dry."

At that, Matt looked down at herself, and she noticed that she was indeed soaking wet. Which made her thin shirt see-through and cling tightly to her breasts. Making them and her now stiff nipples due to the cold water visible for everyone to see. She quickly brought up her arms to cover herself up out of reflex. Though she didn't really mind being looked at if it was Mr. Anders.

"I will be sure to do that, Mr. Anders," Matt said she and the others returned to the tram. She removed her shirt, and she laid down using a blanket to cover her now naked chest. Matt huddled into Gabumon's soft body. And so Matt, slept a little bit sounder now that he knew that Gabumon could Digivolve, which meant that Rika was more protected than before. Though her dreams of a happy family were soon overtaken by dirty dreams of Mr. Anders touching her very special place.

She woke up to find her panties slightly wet.

According to the clock on my Digivice and everybody's phone, it was currently 10 am. As we walked through the forest after we had woken up and eaten breakfast with Flamon and Gabumon eating a bit more because they had went Champion to fight the rather wild Seadramon and Monochromon.

So, now we were really just walking in a straight line cause I had no idea what to do next. We couldn't go to the mountain and fight Devimon, the girls and I were nowhere near ready, and we didn't have access to Angemon this time around due to Rika replacing TK.

I knew there were three places the kids went to before the mansion happened that being the desert village, Andromon's machine factory, and Toytown. Our best option would be to find the factory and use it as a base to train the kids and get them all to reach Champion. Then go and fuck Devimon's shit up.

"Hey, guys, look up its another one of those Dark Gears!" Sora exclaimed, and we all quickly looked up to see a Dark Gear flying above us all.

"Come on, guys, we need to go where it's going, it's probably going to infect another Digimon like that Shellmon that attacked us on the beach," Tai said.

"I agree with you on that Tai, those Gears sound like a bad thing," Feigning my ignorance on the matter. Though suddenly, an idea popped into my head. My Digivice had the database function, so could I search for specific information.

I took out my Digivice it's holographic screen popping up.

"Mr. Anders, why do you have your Digivice out?" Mimi asked me as we all now walked at a faster pace after the Dark Gear.

"Well, mine seems to have a database function, so I was looking through it to see if it had anything on them," I answered her.

"Wow, Sensei your device seems much more advanced than ours," Takato said, I could hear her desire to pick it apart to see how it functioned and then compare it her own.

"Well, yours probably have functions that mine don't like. It seems yours can Digivolve your partners much more easily. I haven't figured out how I did it the first time with Koro when we beat Kuwagamon." And there was also their purge function. "And got the information. Hmm, Black Gears seems to the creation of a Rookie Machine-Type Digimon by the name of Hagurumon. So there is probably a mastermind behind their current use cause they lack a sense of self to be actively malicious. But don't take that as pure fact, Digimon can vary wildly within their own species." I told the kids so that they didn't get the wrong idea.

"Like the Seadramon and Monochromon from last night? They seemed much more animalistic than ours and more like Kuwagamon?" Matt asked.

"Yep, one can be rather minimal intelligence-wise, and another can be a scholar of the highest degree," I answered. Though I avoided looking at her as the image of her wet t-shirt was still branded into my mind.

"So, one is Sora. The other is Goggle Head Number two?" Rika asked with a grin on her face. Causing both girls to let out a hey.

"Don't mock people like that, Rika," I reprimanded her. Which caused her to scowl. I hoped I could have a proper conversation with her at some point to talk about her issues. Cause I could tell, there was a lot.

"So, we just need to find the one that is forcing the Hagurumon to be evil, and stop him? We can go home after that, right?" Yoshino asked.

"Possibly? Anyway, we are reaching the edge of the forest."

And we were meet with a wast looking desert, that had telephone poles sticking up all over the place.

"Okay, we all just agree that this Digital World is beyond weird, the weather doesn't work this way, I feel cool here in the forest. But the moment I stick my foot out, I suddenly feel like somebody put me in a sauna," Takato stated as she pulled her leg back in over the line that separated the two biomes. "Honestly, I rather wanted to be abducted by aliens than finding myself in what amounts to Minecraft's real-life counterpart." Okay, I did not expect that reference from Takato

"Agreed!" Said the others.

"I don't know what you're talking about, it feels much more comfortable to be here than the forest," Koro said as he crossed the boundary and entered the desert.

"And you're composed of Magma," I stated as I followed my partner over the line. "Come on, girls, the Dark Gear flew this way, so we just have to hustle and stop it before it causes any damage. And there is probably an oasis or something like that where we can tank up." I stated.

"We hear you!" They responded as they followed me into the desert.

We walked through the rather sweltering heat with complaints, groans, and jokes from the kids. But thankfully, after a good thirty minutes of walking, Tai came with good news after looking around with her mini telescope while we were taking a small break.

Even me cause this place was too fucking hot, who the fuck programmed the place like this? We couldn't actually sweat, so we just felt the constant heat. But hopefully none us would get heatstroke from that.

"Hey, guys, I'm seeing a small village, and there's water."

"Really, let me see," Mimi said as she ripped the telescope from Tai's hands to look herself. "He is right. I can see a Village, water, fields, and is that a ship in the lake?"

"Hey, I know where we are now," Biyomon said, making her presence known.

"Wait? you do Biyomon?" Sora asked her partner.

"Yep. The village you're seeing is Yokomon Village, I haven't been there a long time that's why it didn't click immediately, but they have some of the purest water data on File Island and the best Meat Fruit fields." The bird Digimon told them all.

Wait? Meat fruits? They didn't exist in adventure only in Digimon World and Frontier. Or was I just remembering wrong?

"Meat Fruits?" Yoshin asked.

"The Digital World is a weird place, Yoshino, you better get used to it for your own sake," I advised the medical girl.

"I hear you, Anders-sensei," Yoshino responded in affirmation.

"Alright, kids, we got a destination in sight kids. Let's go there before we suffer some form of Digital heat stroke," I told them at that we all ran as fasts as we could towards the Yokomon Village with Tai and Matt arriving first due to their football training they were much speedier than the others. The rest of us arrived within a few seconds as the Yokomon left their homes and greeted us.

"We have guests! We have guests!" The hoard of Yokomon shouted as they came up to us.

"Hey everybody, it has been a long time, but I'm glad to see you all again." Biyomon greeted them.

"Yokomon, you Digivolved, Digivolved. How did that happen?" They all asked.

"I did it to protect my partner, and so did all the others. But we were wondering if you could help with supplies like we could have some water and Meat Fruit we could take with us?" Biyomon asked, taking the lead as she knew the Yokomon the best.

"Of course, of course, we help you." They stated and began milling about.

"Well, that was easy," Tai stated.

"I think they just like to help others, Tai."

"I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just thought they wanted something in return. Anyway, I'm going to look at those Meat Fruit Fields and see what those are about." Tai said.

"I join you, Tai," Flamon added as she ran after her partner.

Sora wandered the Village composed mostly of Yokomon, as she wondered about what Biyomon had said to the Yokomon about she had Digivolved to protect her. Which was also how Flamon and Gabumon had Digivolved to their Champion forms, to protect Tai and Matt.

But that also made her very nervous, for if Biyomon needed to Digivolve to Champion for the first time, she needed to be in danger for Biyomon to save her. And she didn't want to put herself in danger to just evolve her partner. That was selfish and dangerous to both of them.

An idea sprung into her mind.

Anders-Sensei knew a lot about Digimon, so he probably knew how to make Biyomon Digivolve without being put in mortal danger. She had seen Matt and Tai almost get crushed by Seadramon and Shellmon, and that scared her.

So now she and Biyomon, who had been walking beside her, walked over to Anders-Sensei. Who was with his partner Vorvomon or rather Koro as his nickname was. Should she give Biyomon a nickname too, to show better affection for the pink and busty Digimon she had met barely a day ago, but felt like she had known her entire life.

Anders-sensei himself was also a person of admiration for her. The foreign teacher was her favorite one among them all. He was so supportive in her endeavors and dreams of becoming a professional football layer despite her mother's say-so of dropping it and learning how to do stupid flowers. And also helped that he was really hot and had muscles for days and abs that could be grinded meat on. She had seen them once, and it had been jilling material for days.

Though that wasn't important right now.

"I see, thank you for telling me," Anders-Sensei said as the Yokomon left his side and speed off. Sora found the plant looking Digimon rather funny as it ran around, they had a particular comedic value to them. Even then, Biyomon had been one.

"What were they talking to you about Anders-Sensei?" She asked. Now curious about what he was talking to the Yokomon about, her question could wait.

"Just asking about if they had seen the Black Gear flying by." He told her.

"Oh, we kinda forgot about that, didn't we? When we found the Village." Sora felt a bit of embarrassment at that.

"You did like a bunch of Ogremons," Koro said, which Sora was sure was an insult.

"Koro, be nice."

"Yes, boss."

"The Yokomon did see the Dark Gear fly over to their aquifer where their water comes from, which is guarded by a Champion Level Digimon by the name of Meramon. Which probably means he is going to attack us soon." He told her.

"You sound rather sure about that?"

"I know how things like these go," Anders-Sensei said, sounding confident about his little prophecy. "But is there something you need to talk to me about?" He asked her. And it just came to show

how well he knew her and the others that he could easily see then something was on their mind, or troubling them.

"Well, I noticed that Flamon and Gabumon Digivolved to Champion for the first time was when Tai and Matt were in danger. So I wondered if there was a way to not do that, to Digivolve Biyomon to her Champion form? Since you know a lot about Digimon." She asked Anders-Sensei.

"Ah, don't worry, Sora I always protect you," Biyomon said in a comforting tone.

"And I don't want to really be in that position, so I want Biyomon to Digivolve before that happens." She admitted her fears.

"Thank you for telling me this Sora and there is some good news. See what allows a Digimon to Digivolve is the basic amount of Digisoul that they have. Which is basically their power source, if it goes above or below a certain threshold, they Digivolve or De-Digivolve. A normal Digmon does this by training and consuming data. Now Digimon bonded to a partner are able to Digivolve at a much faster. But, temporary rate, by borrowing the power of their partner. Which is where the Digivice comes in connects you and your partner, allowing you to send your emotional energy through the Digivice, which converts it to Digisoul, which allows them to break the threshold and Digivolved." He slowly lectured her, so that she got all of it.

"So, I have to want Biyomon to Digivolve for her to do it?" She asked.

"Want is a part of it, but you have to direct your positive emotions to Biyomon naturally, never force a Digivolution or use negative emotions. Bad stuff happens when you do that." He spoke with a very serious tone when he said that.

"But how am I supposed to do that?" She asked.

"Well, that's why I asked Yokomon if there was a place nearby you could use to train. And it just so happens a hours walk from here. There is a large factory with an Ultimate Digimon by the name of Andromon guarding it. So I hope we can ask him for the use of his facilities until all of you can Digivolve consistently."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"I agree with him, Sora, that does sound like a very, good idea. And Andromon is a very nice guy. He would totally help us out." Biyomon said.

"So, have you guys gotten something to drink yet?" Anders-Sensei asked them. They nodded their head; they had gotten a sip from the fountain immediately after arriving.

"So let's get the others and tell them of our next destination," Anders-Sensei said as he stood back up.

"ARGGHHH IT HURTS SO MUCH! THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE!" Roared a male voice that rang through the entire Village, but Sora quickly identified its origin. And it was coming from the aquifer, on the mound. Sora and Biyomon watched as bursts of flame shooting out of the trees on it.

Guess Anders-Sensei was correct with his previous statement, and the apparent rampaging Meramon was heading straight for them.

"Sora, are you ready to try and save the Village, Meramon is a Digimon of pure fire, so Greymon and Garurumon won't be as effective." Anders-Sensei suddenly said, which caused Sora and Biyomon to look at him.

"I-I don't think I can do that?" Sora stated.

"Yes, you can." He said as he sunk to his knees. "I know that you can, Sora, take out your Digivice." Sora did what he asked. "Now close your eyes."

She did.

"Now feel for the connection you have with Biyomon, the bond that the two of you share, and let your emotions flow into, the infinite love that you have for everybody you've meet, the one you have for her."

Love? Was all that was needed, she could make her friend strong just by loving her? Could she even do that? Be capable of such a thing?

Yes, you can, Sora. I can feel your love even now.

And then she felt it was that her bond with Biyomon? And so Sora let her emotions flow.

Her Digivice beeped.

"Biyomon Digivolve to Birdramon!" Shouted now a much deeper female voice.

Sora opened her eyes to a giant orange bird that flew towards, the Meramon that was could be clearly seen.

"See Sora, I told you that you could do it," Anders-Sensei said as he looked down at her with a smile.

"Yeah, guess I really could." She said as Biyo- no Birdramon engaged Meramon in combat.

"Sora, Anders-Sensei, what is going on, and is that Biyomon fighting that flame Digimon?" Tai asked as she and the others ran over to them and asked what was going on.

"Yep, yep, Sora managed to Digivolve her partner, who is currently fighting that Meramon influenced by the Dark Gear," Koro explained to everyone present.

"Eh, thanks for the exposition buddy, and ooh, that has to hurt." And Sora had to agree with Matt as they had just seen Birdramon pick up Meramon, before throwing him onto the ground and then attacking him with her. "Meteor Wings." Which were giant rocks on fire. But that seemed to do the trick as they all watched the Dark Gear leave his body and exploding in the air. Sora didn't think she had felt more proud at that moment than she had in her entire life.

Afterward, Biyomon returned to the Village, having De-Digivolved along with Meramon, who apologized for his behavior and rampage and very thankful towards Sora and Biyumon for stopping him before he caused any severe damage.

Sora had just warned him to destroy any Dark Gears he saw instead of letting his curiosity get the better of him.

And now they were all standing at the edge of Yokomon Village with their supplies packed, lots of Meat Fruit and water sacks. Sora didn't know where they got the leather to make those things, but she knew better than to ask. As the answer would be something nonsensical. The Digital World just seemed to be that weird like Anders-Sensei had said.

Who, after they got back home, deserved some sort of present for helping her deepen her bond with Biyomon. Perhaps she could bake him a cake from his country, he probably missed the place a lot, with him now working as their teacher. Or she could maybe… Sora felt her face grow hot at the thought of doing that with Anders-Sensei.

But now they were on their way to this Andromon's factory where they were supposed to be training to defeat the guy that were using the Dark Gears to do evil and go back home. All the others were probably getting very worried about them.

But they would, she had Biyomon at her side. And together, they would succeed at anything.

A/N: If you like this or any other of my stories, you can donate to my P A Treon. com (slash) StreamingViking and read commissioned stories. Along with voting for which stories will be updated next via Polls. And chapters before they are released here.