SCP-682 SI in Worm by MapQuest1287

Words: 18k+

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( How did I get into this situation? Oh well, let's shelf that for later. For now, lets find ou-

Wait, is that a dragon man-thing that is on fire? And a cloud of bug?

Oh wow, I'm in Worm.

OK? Now what? )

Disclaimer: I don't own any reference or character here. SCP-682 doesn't belong to me, characters from Worm belong to Wildbow.


I haven't seen any fanfic featuring this concept so here I go.

Also, English is not my first language, so I apologies if any reader felt offended by my work.

Chapter 1: Waking up is hard


What? Happened? While? I? Was Sleeping?

"Blah Blah Blah…" Regular Speech.

'Blah Blah Blah…' Though.

"Blah Blah Blah…" Summon/Omnipotent/… Being Speech.

"Blah Blah Blah…" Jutsu/Spell/Special Move/… Name.


(1st Person POV)

I know that there is something wrong with my situation, but I can't figure it out due to how my mind is still half in sleep mode right now.

I was in the midst of yawning when the first reason slammed to the forefront of my mind.

Why am I lying down on a road? Shaking my head a little, I readjusted my thought process. No, wait, why am I lying down in what looks to be a dirty alleyway?

That is when several other things hit me in my metaphorical gut.

Why does my face feel wrong?

Why can I see so clearly?

Man, what is that smell?

Why does it feel like my hair is covering my eyes?

Many thoughts like that run through my mind, but one in particular stops my mental train in its tracks.

Where are my clothes?

The prospect of being naked at… anywhere actually, but especially lying face down butt naked in a dirty alleyway, kicks my mind into overdrive, launching me out of Morpheus' realm, and I try to stand up to find something to cover myself.

That is when I find several other things wrong with my body.

1st oddity: When I try to stand upright, I feel a new sensation at the end of my spine. I immediately turn to look down at where I feel the new sensation, and I have to congratulate myself on not screaming in panic when I see what looks like a tail, and a long one at that, which had grown out and connected to where my butt is. The tail looks a bit like the tail of that Indoraptor from the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, with a fair amount of bits from a crocodile tail mixed in. Also, most of the top of the tail is covered by what seems like long strands of fur, and running along the spine of the tail is, from what I could see, a row of spikes. Very sharp looking spikes. The tail is currently pressed against the alley road, and I can feel the coolness of the road pressing against it. With what feels like instinct, I flex a bit.

Result: A portion of the tail toward the end lifts up. I can feel the muscle straining.

Conclusion: I now have a tail. And most likely it now helps me in keeping balance and supporting this tripod stance I'm doing whenever I stand up like this, and might be responsible for the fact that my posture is hunched forward a bit, as I've realized over the course of these few minutes. Also, I likely now have reptile-like skin all over my body and fur growing out from my back, if what I am feeling is true.

2nd oddity: I can see really well despite the dark. Well enough that I could see th - my tail, and even the trash, rubble, and brick wall in my general vicinity.

Test: I blink a few times, feeling/seeing something like a transparent film sliding across and wetting my eyes each time I blink, and still my vision remains not blurry but perfectly clear.

Conclusion: My vision is now, as they call it, 20/20, and so I don't need glasses anymore. Also I may now possess a third eye-lid.

Addendum: I may also now possess night vision that lets me see color clearly? I guess? Because I've just seen a red plastic bag, green beer bottle and other assorted trash spilling out from a gray trash can that has fallen over near my feet.

Here I have to blink several times to make sure I'm not just seeing things.

3rd oddity: My limbs. Good news: I still have 4 limbs. Bad news: They look reptilian.

Exhibit A: My arms are still structured like regular human arms, except for the fact it's longer than a human arm, so that's a plus. Only now they have clawed hands. Also the skin on the arms are deep green.

Notes: I still have opposable thumbs on each of my hands, and my hands now have 7 fingers.

Exhibit B: My legs are now structured like a theropod dinosaur's legs, meaning I likely now walk on my clawed toes rather than my whole feet, but with the unusual feature that all ten of my toes are still visible.

Notes: the first toes have become sort of like a base for my hind legs, as they are now on the opposite side of the rest of my toes, making my feet look like bird feet, while my second toes are now sickle shaped, meaning I'm technically standing on my first, third, fourth, and fifth toes right now.

I'm not sure if it's possible for a bird or dinosaur — well, technically birds are a kind of dinosaur — to stand like this.

Remembering the current situation, I shelve that line of thought for later and try to bring my mind back on track. Then an idea comes to my mind and I settle myself into a quadruple stance, then lift my right leg up and flex the muscle in my foot.

I can grip onto things with my feet.

I may need to lie down for a bit.

So I do.

As I settle down onto the cold road, I adjust my limbs so they spread out like a lizard, with my belly and chest touching the likely very dirty road. After that I reach my hands out and feel around the final oddity, at least for now — my face.

My head feels like that of a crocodile. My hair has gotten longer too, but not so much that it inconveniences my vision. My field of vision is also wider, like I can see in both directions, but I can still focus forward. Now I can see my nostrils too, and that will be useful for whenever I needed to swim if what I read about crocodiles were true and if those facts also now apply to me.

I pause my inner monologue for a bit as I open my mouth and run my tongue and finger over my teeth, all the while focusing on the color of my snout.

Okay, last time I checked, I have green skin, but my head is totally bone white. But it doesn't seem like my skull is exposed, it's just that's the colour of my face. And now I have even more teeth, with the set at the front half of my skull somehow feeling like crocodile teeth but very different, and the ones at the back feeling like regular human teeth. There are more sharp teeth than blunt teeth though.

As soon as the checking of my facial features is done, I move onto testing my vocal cord.

"H-h-hello? Hello!"

I'm somehow still able to talk despite the form of my body. Neat.

Now for my final test to see if what I have been theorizing was true.

I plant my elbows to the ground and move my head to the side a bit so I can see, then I bring my right hand up, use the claw of my index finger, and with a grunt, drive that claw right into the top of my forearm and rip out a trench to the back of my hand.

I hiss from the pain of my action and watch in fascination as the wound heals itself in seconds. I rub at where the wound was and feel the skin there is thicker, not softer, compared to skin in other areas of my left arm.

Based on everything I've just seen and felt, coupled with my body as of now, is it possible that I was stuffed into SCP-682 body and dumped into some fictional universe by some Random Omnipotent Being.

(Time skip)

I mull over that thought in my head for quite a long while; during which I contemplate a lot of things like life, the universe, karma, whether or not this might just be a very vivid dream while my real body is wasting away in a coma, etc, etc…

After the third time I hear and see a car that's passing through in front of the mouth of the alleyway I'm lying in, I've come to the conclusion that yes, this was quite likely the case, and the fact now is that I have quite likely been put here, wherever here is (I hope that this place doesn't have The Foundation, I don't want to spend the rest of eternity in an acid bath), into this situation by a Bored Random Omnipotent Being, who has erased my name, the name of all my relatives and friends, and how I got here from my memory, while leaving everything else intact.

"I don't like this. At all,." I grumble to the empty alleyway.

I have read self insert fanfic before, and while some of those stories were good, they all have something in common. And that is the Main Character always goes native, either because they don't want to or can't go back to their old life.

There are five hypotheses that are at the front of my mind regarding the situation at home, in my old life right now.

First is that I have gone missing, which means mom will be very upset, worried, stressed, and likely to have anxiety attacks, which will not be good for her.

Second, I am in a coma, which is also not good for mom. She can't and shouldn't have to afford the bill that will come if it looks like my body might need to be hooked onto life support.

Third is that I'm somehow dead, which kinda sucks, but at least mom won't have to worry about my uncertain fate like in the first and second hypothesis. She'll just have to do the funeral, likely mourning me for the rest of her life in secret all the while wearing a mask of "everything is fine" to hide the sadness and grief that might drive her to an early grave,…

Wow, that line of thought just went dark.

…then again she might be able to take it and get over it, maybe. Time does heal all wounds and all.

Next is the possibility that the BROB has erased my existence from my old world by doing some time-related-shenanigan. From this perspective I would have never existed there, maybe mom and dad had never met and never have me.

This line of thought causes me to pause as something heavy suddenly weighs down my heart.

If mom never had me and I could meet her sometime in the future, with my previous name restored, and introduce myself to her, she wouldn't recognize me as her son.

That thought made the weight in my heart triple in mass, and I could feel something wet sliding down my face. Using my right hand, I tried to brush the tears away, but they just kept coming, and after a while, I just let them fall.

Finally, the BROB has just made a duplicate of my mind, removed all the names that connected me to my old life, and stuffed it into this body. This will mean that I'm a copy of the original, but it's not like that will be a bad thing for me. In fact it'll be good for everybody. If this hypothesis is true, I get to have superpower, the original will still have mom, which means mom won't have to suffer from 1,2,3, and it won't be 4 for me, and I will still have mom in a fashion.

This line of thought cheers me up a bit. I really hope this situation landed in 5, the other four are really depressing.

Just then another thought occurred to me.

Why don't I look like a crocodile?

After thinking about it for a bit, I just sort of shrugged my shoulders, stood up, and walked out of the alleyway on all four. The wiki page on 682 didn't give a full description on its appearance, it just said "vaguely reptilian", and if there is anything to be taken from the SCP cannon, it is that there are no cannon.

Besides, weren't there some prehistoric crocodiles that have a similar body shape to mine now?