Summoned by Sereo

Words: 582k+

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( OC that has seen the anime and is thrown into the hotd world. [Credit goes to the beta that checked up to ch 29 with me. DiscereEstVivet (-WARNING- Chapters 30 to 35 have dot '...' spams and are likely to not be remade) ] NO LEMONS HERE MA DUDES, look elsewhere for that. )

Chapter 1: A sunny day

Some info:

The story will be told from a first-person perspective, the OC's

"This is talking" "Go jump over that fence"

(This is thinking) (I will jump over that fence)

This is narration/action- I Jumped over that fence


Thank you.

So, where was I…

Oh right...

(Yet another sunny day again huh? Still, ain't most days sunny here? In Japan?

It, must be about 3 weeks since I 'arrived' here. And I still have a hard time coming to terms with it to be honest.)

Right now, I was sitting at my school desk, which was located in the back corner of the class. And while the class was still in session. I, was just staring outside. Towards the school's gate.

(...Uhh, it's weird. I have always been fascinated by this country.

I grew up watching anime, and it didn't take long before I started playing video games as well. I've actually lost track of how many hours I spent on both. Hell, even my initial understanding of Japanese came from these two things. And right now, it honestly feels like total… bullshit.)

Just as I let out a small sigh, the sound of a ringing bell echoed throughout the school, signaling the end of class...

I quickly snap out of my inner thoughts and started to pick up my stuff. Yet the moment I raised my head to look at the exit on the far side of the class, I spotted my homeroom teacher, gesturing for me to go to him.

( Really now? Ughh… good job me, I guess that's what you get for not paying attention to the class in plain sight. )

I take a deep breath and walk up to the front of the teacher's desk.

"Naier Sepfier?" The middle-aged man behind it, whose frown seemed to be a permanent addition to his face, stared at me with what I can only call an 'I don't want to be here' expresion. His eyes pretty much telling me that he would rather be at his local cafe playing mahjong rather than waste his time on me.

"Yes, sir." I answered back.

"I know that you came here as an exchange student, and adjusting to a new foreign environment can take time. But it has been three weeks, I would prefer if you actually started paying some attention to the classes you are supposed to be present at, Sepfier." He said as his eyes practically drilled holes into me. I guess to him, not paying attention in his class equals to me not respecting his authority. Not that I'm surprised though, teachers or overall, people with authority over somebody can be like that.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry about that, it will not happen again." I answered, trying to sound as sincere as I can.

"...Good, you may go now." Seemingly appeased with my answer, the teacher returns to his papers and signals me with his hand to leave.

With that confrontation finished, I picked my bag from the ground next to me and start heading outside.

(While I really don't give much of a damn about his ramblings, it's not because I have something personal against him. It's simply because soon, none of this crap will really matter…)

I close the class door behind me, and start heading down the hallway to my right, my destination being the stairs that led to the lower floors, and towards the school gym.

(The lunch break should last about, 40 minutes. Uhhh, it should give me enough time.)

Looking at the watch in my phone I nod to myself and start heading towards the hallway.

(For the last month since arriving at. Let's just call this place Japan for now. I have been pushing myself non-stop. From physical training like running, sprinting, parkour and endurance tests, to looking up guides on how to use tools and weapons. Hell, I even took classes in armed self-defense and went to the gun range, multiple times a day too.

Not a very easy thing to do considering I'm still a high-schooler, aka under-aged. Meaning, I had to go the extra mile just to get permission to even be allowed to enter the gun range. And why would I do all this crap? Why I would not just stay home and play video games all day? Because… honestly if I stay still now. If I leave myself space to 'think'. I think I'll end up 'offing' myself...)

I let out a small sigh as I glance towards the giant glass pane windows to my left, the sky outside being a bright blue.

(And as one might expect, all these things cost money, and they cost a lot. While not really official yet, I'm actually in pretty heavy debt. I have already reached the limit on the credit card that was given to me, and also sold everything inside my, rented house. In other words, stuff that is not really mine. And no, it's not because I want to land my ass in jail. It's because I'm betting on the fact that very soon, the debt, and all the 'stolen' stuff will no longer matter.)

And as I finally reached the staircase at the end of the hallway and began to walk down. I saw a lone student leaning against the railing, his back turned to me, so I could not see his face, yet his posture having the words *dejection* written all over it.

(And then, there's 'this' damn guy, in the same spot since the first day I arrived. The same depressed attitude, day in, day out. Now, truth be told though, I have my own reasons to cringe at his attitude. The first reason one being that for all his depression, this guy is actually what you might call 'The very lucky one'. And now that I was 'here', I am actually pretty jealous of what he has. Or, what he will have...

The second reason though, oh the second reason makes my stomach tie up into knots till I want to throw up. The reason? Simple really. I know the guy, without actually 'knowing' him, and not in a stalker-ish kind of fashion. I don't swing that way...

The student in front of me is Takashi Komuro, and his existence 'here' verified that I should NOT be here in the flesh...)

I slowly walk up to Takashi after descending the stairs.

(Uhh, I was never good at socializing… but well… fuck it. Time to creep out the dejected dude, this needs to happen sooner or later.)

I clear my throat.

"Excuse me?" And speak up

(Well, I'm far more nervous than I'd thought I'd be, am I really that bad at striking up conversations with strangers?)

Takashi seems to react to my voice and turns his head to me, one eyebrow raised in question while staring at my face with an odd expression.

"What, who are you?" He asks.

"Naier Sepfier, I'm a transfer student. Uhh, look, I didn't mean to bother you. But ever since I arrived here I keep seeing you on the same spot every day with a dejected look on your face… you ok?" I fold my arms while finishing my sentence

(...yu-ok? Really me? For real? Is that the best you could come up with you damn monke?)

The guy just… stares at me. I didn't know if he was surprised, or just plain annoyed.

" I've been better. Why do you care though?" He turns his back to me as he speaks and starts to stare away towards the school's field again.

"Well, from where I'm from people tend to react to somebody grinding his face against the floor. I kept seeing you here, looking like you are about to jump off." I came up for a reason on the spot as he kept staring away from me.

(Well shit, I can't tell him. 'Hur-Dur me know stuff'. Plus he doesn't seem to be in a talking mood anyway.)

"Huhhh. Well, my bad. Didn't mean to bother you, I'll get out of your space. Just don't go off doing something stupid all aight? No shit mode last forever." I raised both my arms as I turned around to leave.

(Yea… stuff can always get worse. Much, much worse. For the rest of the world at least...)

As I started walking away from Takashi, the only thing I heard from him was a sigh...

With that whole 'socialisation' over, I headed down to the bottom floor, and towards my initial destination, the gym…

And couple of minutes later, I was there. The only person inside being me.

(Empty huh? No surprise there, that's why I decided to come here in the first place, most people are probably eating or relaxing right now. Or sulking by the stairs. Well, whatever, got my spare shirt in my bag so. It is time to run some laps...)

And with that, I started to jog. Lapping around the gym's track...

As I kept running around the gym track, I tried to empty my mind so I could focus or running…

Yet, all it took to lose whatever focus I had. Was to look up and see the school's banner.

(Fujimi Academy… )

"Why, the hell am I even here?" I curse under my breath as I stop running with a groan.

"Fuck, come on. I need to collect my thoughts here. I'm running short on time, and I need to make the best of it while I can. Focus goddamn it!" I throw a few slaps to my face with both hands as I start running again...

(My name, is Naier Sepfier. I'm 17 years old, and I am an exchange student from Europe. I can speak both English and Japanese. Why did I say Europe and not an actual country? It's because it doesn't matter right now, what matters is where I'm at. And that is the Fujimi Academy in Japan, with three days left before the biggest pile of shit ever seen by humanity hits the worldwide fan. And what do I mean by shit? Well, I'm talking about the god-damn end of the world via an express zombie apocalypse...

As to why I know all this crap? It's because I've seen it. And not in any future vision type of bullshit. I have seen it, in a god-damn anime. Hehh, yea, even when I'm telling to myself it sounds fucking ridiculous.

If somebody had told me that I would be waking up inside a damn anime, I would have kindly asked them to be in one where perma-death and flesh-eating corpses are flat out banned…

And speaking of Death. I have been thinking about this since I arrived here. As to why am I here...

I mean, sure I've seen one too many animes to know the otherworld genre trope. So what? I Pepsied and now I am here because, I don't know? Illuminati and rainbow puking unicorns? I mean I 'know' who 'I' am. I still have memories of my 'past' life, that's the reason why I know what is supposed to happen in the first place. Among other things, I also remember when I started my mandatory army training because my country was moronic, or when I got my first video game system. Though there are some things that I have forgotten too, like my old native language for example...

But, I also know who 'I' am now. Or, who I was 'here'. It honestly feels more like switching a hard drive in my head, with each drive storing a different past.)

"Ughhhh. Keep thinking, thinking, thinking. You know there is no point thinking about this now you moron, focus on what is to come and be as prepared as you can be. Luckily for me, there's a silver lining at least." I shake my head as I increase my running speed.

(That lining is that the body I woke up with is not the one I remember having. I would be dead and doomed if it was. While I was no Kohta in my past life, I definitely was not as athletic as I'd prefer for a damn zombie apocalypse. This body, on the other hand, was above average to say the least. And this last month I literally pushed it as hard as I could.

And it's paying off, I'm getting faster, my reflexes are quicker, my punches carry a good amount of force. And I can go on for quite a while without running out of breath. Physically I feel prepared...

My mentality is the real problem here...

I'm not actually a hundred percent sure what will happen when day-z arrived. If the whole thing won't happen for example, then I will be chased down by debt collectors. Or worse, if the zombie apocalypse does happen, and I get stranded all by myself in the middle of a busy street, or my dingy fucking apartment. And it's not like I can buy myself a jet or a shotgun with seven trucks of ammo. The black market here is not that easy to deal with, and being seventeen does not make it any easier. Also I'm damn broke, so there's that too...)

I let out a sight as I keep running.

(No matter how strong I become, I cannot survive this alone. And this, leads me to what really keeps me up at night. The story followed Takashi and his team. So I 'know' only what will happen to them. That means, to have any chance to actually use the knowledge I have. I need to join Takashi's and his team.

And well, I'm gonna be honest with myself here. Takashi's a cool dude and all. But if he is going with a trio harem again, I might wind up trying to go all commander cockblock on his face. Yes, I'm salty now that I'm here. If he likes Rei so much to be depressed over it for this long, then he can keep it in his pants, thank you very much...)

I let out a small chuckle as I shake my head.

(To think poor Khota had to deal with this. Having to be the only other guy in the group where the girls swoon over Takashi, while also having a crush on Saya, who at the start of the anime shows visible interest towards Takashi...)

"Ok. I have relaxed enough. Now focus, keep jogging, running, sprinting. I will worry about Takashi and his group when I get to them. Because first I need to actually get to them… If I keep freaking myself out every time I try to think about it, I'm gonna be the first one to kick the bucket." With a small nod, I steel my self as I start a full blown sprint.

I know better than anybody after all, that soon, everybody will be running along with me.