A New Tale (Undertale SI) by Aeon_Rex

Words: 15k+

Link: -https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/20955

Beware degeneracy is inbound in this fic don't tell me that I didn't warn you also fbı's knocks on my door is getting worse as days pass 😰

Descent To Lewdness

"I'm hungry."

Not the most inspiring of insights, but it was all he had. He went to sleep one night only to wake up on top of a mountain, far away from home. At first came the expected panicking. However, he quickly realized that would do nothing for him. He was always more pragmatic, which is how he buried his fear and immediately tried to find food, water, and shelter.

This worked out well, considering he found a clear stream that led into a cave. No food, sadly, but he had water and shelter.

This had been his last few days.

Now you may be thinking, 'Why not just look for a town?'

He needed to figure out where to start looking. Whenever you're lost like this, it's best to stay in one area. Helps the people looking for you.

So he spent his days sleeping, drinking when thirsty and throwing rocks into the HUGE FUCKING HOLE IN THE GROUND.

Yeah… That had been one hell of a discovery to make.

Sighing, he stood.

'If this was an Isekai, it's a pretty shit one. Where are my cool powers and abilities?'

He closed his eyes and outstretched his hand, focusing on some inner power to manifest. Sighing once he heard nothing happen, he opened his eyes…

To see a red screen floating in front of him.

He flinched back, absolutely not falling on his ass.




… Excuse me?

Instantly, the screen began to rotate faster and faster while glowing with a bright light. Closing his eyes, he raised a hand in front of his face to defend himself from the glaring glow.

Soon it ended, and as he looked over, he saw a silver, orange, and red heart floating in the air.

Usually, he would leave well enough alone, but this heart reminded him of something…

Maybe it was his cheat ability?

Reaching out, it flew into his hand.

Power filled every part of his being, the sensation forcing him to black out.

He awoke sometime later, head throbbing yet feeling extraordinarily light.

"I feel… Strong?"

Guess his journey starts now!


Does this mean he died!?

As he was coming to terms with his own death, he heard the sound of the earth shifting.


Looking toward the big hole, he was surprised to see he was much closer than he had been before

"Well, shit."

Cue him falling into the eternal darkness.


He knew he was farther away than that; his cheat must have pushed things along so that whatever story he would live through would start.

Finally, he hit the ground. However, instead of feeling like he hit the earth, it was more like a cloud of yellow. Looking up, he froze as his memory finally connected the dots.

Frantically he looked down, checking his clothes.

"Okay, no sweater. Now for the second test. Stats?"

A menu appeared before him.

Spoiler: Stats


Gender: Male ♂

Species: Human

Level: 1

HP 25/25

AT ?? DF ??

WL 10 CR 10

He bears a SOUL of Domination.

Three words that describe his personality are: Lustful, Corruptive, and Kind.

He fell into the Underground a week before Frisk.

His power changes depending on his actions.


Damn, did they have to call him out like that? And what the hell were those stats?! At least it was kind enough to give me a deadline.

What the hell is a Domination SOUL anyway?

Domination is a Hybrid SOUL. It is formed when a two-toned soul of Courage(Orange) and Determination(Red) is bolstered by Ambition(Silver).

Well, That was helpful. The real question is, what can I do now?

Domination allows one to enforce their will upon others, forcing them to submit. The stronger the will, The more challenging it will be. Ability grows according to Will(WL) stat. Stat increases from successfully making others submit. Corruption(CR) influences the minds of those forced into submission. This can be used to mold them both physically and mentally.

Holy shit, I'm terrifying.

Staying in the field of flowers, I knew I had some time to figure things out. As I'm not Frisk, I don't have control over the timeline. And judging from when my SOUL awakened, I was supposed to be their Player. With these thoughts in mind, I know the flower would be a problem. Flowey would still control the timeline, meaning he wouldn't notice my entrance into the ruins.

"Good. I need time before I can deal with his bullshit." I am of the firm belief that Asriel and Flowey were different people. Years without a SOUL would do that.

I strode forward, past the door into the darkness. I saw the mound where Flowey usually appeared, but it was empty. Perfect, time to grow stronger without him pulling strings would only help me.

As I was thinking about this, I heard a voice.


Holy shit…

Am I a furry now?

Here we are! I'll be going back and forth between my two stories here. This one was inspired by an old comic called 'The Corruption Route' I just took a few liberties. Expect Lewds and gender-swapping!