And Thus I Shaped History [My Hero Academia SI] by Akallas von Aerok

Words: 25k+

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Prologue: I Made History

My beginning was …

It felt like a joke and I hate it now. All of the things I've done, all of the things I would do.

And it started as a joke?

Don't make me laugh or laugh yourself.

[Congratulations on winning the MultiUniversal Self-insert Experience!]

I and my only customer in the store looked up. "What the-?"

[You will now be given a power and transported to a world of our choosing? Are you ready?]

Suddenly, I was freed from the grasp of gravity and floated up.

"Wait, wait-!"

[Then off we go to a new world!]

The last thing I saw of my homeworld was a dumbstruck ice cream customer gawking at me as I disappeared in a blink of light.

[Don't worry, you will get an entire mental manual given to you before you arrive at your destination. Please give us a five star review after you die at your destination!]

"What the fuck," I muttered to myself as I woke up. Groaning as I felt my muscles complain to me, I slowly got up. Here, I realized why my muscles were sore: I slept on concrete floor. I looked around and saw signs, some wooden and many neon, with tons of wires going whichever way between the buildings I was surrounded by. I looked around and saw …

"Is that a dinosaur?"

Sometime later, I realized that I was without any kind of identification in Tokyo, Japan.

Mind you, Japan was the last place someone like me wanted to be. It was, unfortunately, a land of racism. "... I don't even speak Japanese," I grumbled to myself as I walked the streets of Tokyo.

Being a foreigner in a foreign country was not a new experience, but one I never liked. Last time I had this experience was when I was a little kid immigrating to the USA.

Fuck, I would rather be a poor fucker from Gutemala in Mexico than a rich Korean who couldn't speak Japanese in Japan. And I wasn't even rich!

I was a goddamn illegal immigrant (which I wasn't because I was forced here, but would the authorities care?)!

On top of that…

This was the "My Hero Academia" universe, where superpowers were the norm and strong powers brought strong attention.

And my power…


I didn't want to think about it.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I muttered to myself in English. Some of the people around me glanced at me before moving on.

I sighed before looking at a police station.

"... Alright, what's the worst that could happen?"

As I slept, I dreamed of myself, my power, and my new-self.

2 hours later…

Sitting inside a jail cell, I mumbled to myself angrily. "I suppose I can get jailed." After a while, I just slept.

When I woke up after a while, it was done so at the incessant banging of the jail cell by someone. Groggily, I sat up from the only cot in the cell and looked up.

"A lizard?" I uttered in shock.

"That is Lieutenant Matori for you, foreigner," the lizard said, and he was right. He wore the police uniform with just a bit more stars and stripes attached. He also did not look happy to see me even before I called him a lizard.

"... You're speaking English," I grunted. "Finally got someone who could translate, huh?"

"Yes," he said before pulling out keys. "You're getting deported."

I just blinked before smiling. "Perfect! Where to?"

He paused and stared at me. "Normally, when people hear that they are getting deported…"

I waved my hand. "You're doing me a favor here, buddy!" I said with a laugh. "I got dropped in Tokyo against my will. You're doing me a favor putting me back in either Korea or America!"

He grimaced. "Korea? That warzone?"

I blinked.

"What warzone?"

"... Where are you from, really?" he asked and stopped opening the door. "Everyone knows what happened in Korea."

"... No, seriously. What happened to Korea?"

As much as I loved America, there was still a connection that I felt when it came to Korea (South). It was where I was born. Its food was what I was raised on. Its culture, while I disliked it very much on many levels and liked only very few aspects of it, was what was familiar to me. Even if I knew that this was not my Earth (lizard people!), Korea was still my birthplace.

And to hear that it was a warzone?

He looked perturbed.

"You do not know," he stated, not asked. He must have been able to see it on my face or something.


Lieutenant Matori Karuha

When his superior pulled him away from his cushy desk job, he expected to use his Quirk on some idiot who tried to fool a police officer.

Instead, he was faced with an illiterate foreigner who "turned" himself into a police station.

Karuha thought then that he was pulled because he spoke the most fluent English.

From his superiorr's perspective, Karuha's thoughts were indeed correct; he was put on this job for his ability to speak English fluently.

But when he began to talk with the person in question…

There was something wrong.

Feeling pity for the fool, he talked about Korea's state of being.

Or rather, the lack of state.

How North Korea broke under the strain of quirk rebellions, how that rebellion spread to anti-quirk South Korea, and how bigger neighbors, including Japan, had jumped into the chaos.

What he did not expect from this exchange was how the man responded.

"Guess I'll head there. I don't have time for boats and bureaucracy either."

"Huh?" Karuha uttered to himself as the unknown man stood up with hard eyes and clenched jaws. "You don't-" he stood up and pushed the man back. He succeeded, but the man gave him a look before dismissing him.

"Glory Girl," the man whispered.

And suddenly, Karuha was being pushed back instead. He pushed but he found himself pushed back as if he wasn't there. He crashed into the cell, and he struggled ineffectually.

The man pushed him aside gently, and grabbed the bars with both of his hands.

And tore them apart.

Karuha quickly pulled his radio up and spoke in Japanese. "We have a rampager!" he shouted and heard the police sirens turn on soon. "Stand down, foreigner!"

The man looked back at him before shrugging and walking forward.

"Wait, where are you going?!"

The man replied without looking back and using the doors to exit like a normal man. "To Korea."

That man would go on to become someone the world would know as Eidolon. At the start of it all, he was questioned by journalists in Busan after he successfully took over the entire city by himself. When asked about himself, he called himself a powerful fool with his own name a tribute to a fool he only knew of and doing only knows what he knew best.

Eidolon would go onto assemble an army of quirk users with him at the head of it. With numerous quirk users at his side on top of his own seemingly infinite number of quirks (some too frightful to be mentioned again), he would start what the Koreans later called "Dae-Han-Ban-Do Tobul," or Great Korean Peninsula Subjugation Campaign.

In the span of three years, Eidolon would end the meaningless chaos that had devastated an entire peninsula. Once he put an end to that war, he would stay just long enough to ensure that a proper government rose up.

And on the day he left, he left a single message for not just the Koreans who he'd become the savior of but also the world.

"Don't make me come back."

To his dying day, Captain Karuha wondered if things would have turned out differently if he hadn't told that man what happened to his birthplace.

Matori Karuha wondered even on his deathbed whether or not he could have stopped that foreigner from becoming a killer of a hundred thousand, the mountain shaper, the horror maker, the ruthless warlord…

He wondered as he closed his eyes if he could have prevented the creation of ...

Eidolon the Butcher.​




- Self-Insert

- Setting: My Hero Academia, TBA

- Power: Gain the powers and power-experience of any character from Worm.

- Time: 66 years before Izuku enters U.A.

So this is a BnHA/MHA setting with SI only having Worm powers, not a worm setting or character in BnHA/MHA so it ain't really a crossover.

Further explanation of Power:

- Any upgrade power (ie collecting powers/quirks/shards as Glastig Uaine) remains with the power in question, but not outside of it. (Example: if Glastig Uaine is switched out with Alexandria, then I cannot access Glastig Uaine's collected powers)

- Tinkertech cannot be understood by me once I am not in possession of a Tinker.

- Power-Experience refers to a character's experience with developing and using power.

-- Example: If I pick Armsmaster, then I know all of the things Armsmaster knows about his tech at the end of Worm.

- Characters can only be chosen by speaking their cape names.

- Scion cannot be chosen.

- Eden Shards and hosts cannot be chosen. Anyone not confirmed to be Eden Shard can be chosen.

- Endbringers cannot be chosen.