Our Eden (Assassin's Creed Isu Era/CK2)

Words: 120k+

Link: -https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/our-eden-assassins-creed-isu-era-ck2.784999/


You are a human, this is the only thing you are certain as of now.

You remember living a life of hardships and servitude under the Gods. You remember them coming to your village and using their strange orbs to enslave the mind of your fellow humans to make them work in the mines. You also remember that one of them brought you to a strange place, where they made you touch many different golden orbs, to see how they would react.

That is when your memories start to get cloudy.

You remember a voice, and the face of an elder wearing strange, white, clothes. He told you that you would receive a gift from Those Who'll Come After. And then you felt your head explode: symbols, formulas and concepts still alien to you filled your primitive mind. Many of these you didn't understand, some you could guess but not completely, but there was one that was most prominent among them.

"They are not Gods"

After this you don't remember anything. You awoke many days later, in a tent, far away from your village or the strange place. There are humans around you. Some you remember from your birthplace, some you see them for the first time. Slowly they regale you of tales of how you broke them out of their prisons, how you stole the weapons of the Gods and lead them to this place to start anew. You have no memory of this. However these people are looking at you for leadership, leaving them now, when with the new knowledge inside your head you could easily help them thrive, would be something only the Gods would do… and you are better than them!

But first you need to answer some questions.

Who are you?

[] Insert name

What was the strange place you escaped from called?

[] Mount Olympus

[] Mu

[] Asgard

What artifact did you steal from the Gods?

[] A small ring with strange carved runes

[] A golden rod with glass decorations

[] A mouthless mask made of silver


So, basically, you are a human back in the Isu Era from Assassin's Creed and you just received a beacon full of future knowledge in the head. After escaping an Isu facilityt is now your mission to guide these people to success in this ancient world. If you don't know what the Isu are, they are essentially the jerkass Precursors that created humans as a slave force in the distant past of the Assassin's Creed world and are now dead... maybe.

I wanted to try a CK2 style quest, and after seeing the crazy dice shenanigns that happened in The Bear Wakes Up by SpixyAussie, I just had to try this playstyle.