The City of a Thousand Names [Original Dark Victorian Fantasy Quest] by AXSL

Words: 21k+


( Welcome to The City of a Thousand Names! A fantasy survival quest based on an impossibly ancient city hidden from people, where death doesn't exist and nobody can escape. Explore its many dungeons, secret streets and strange areas, seek its mysteries and ̴t̷r̵ansc̶e̵n̶d th̵e̴ ̵ci̶t̷y!)

Arrival - 1

The City of a Thousand Names is located at the end of the world, quite literally.

Niflheim, Iram of the Pillars, Necahual, Piranesi, Saint-Lucifer, Nova Tsaritsyn, Brokenhurst… Over the years many names have been given to this city, none of which manage to encapsulate everything it truly encompasses, from the most marvellous and extravagant of its wonders, to the soul scarring wretched horrors that lie within it.

Live in the city for long enough and your mind will too futilely attempt conjure a name that attempts to describe this indescribable place.

I still don't remember when was I invited, or why, but the letter granting me citizenship in the city appeared one day on my desk, and for some reason it felt quite uneventful, as if the pale blue coloured sleeve was something that had been in my belongings for ages, simply collecting dust while waiting to be opened.

I'm not sure of how long it took me, my time before coming here feels more confusing and foggier every day. Perhaps my curiosity only lasted mere minutes before I finally opened and read the letter, perhaps it was a matter that dragged on for years if not decades, but when I finally decided to set my eyes upon its contents I knew that there was no going back.

The Court of Godhosts invite you to live in the marvellous and extravagant City of a Thousand Names, as you already know such a privilege is reserved only to very unique and special individuals.

A vehicle will be waiting for you.

Seek the mystery, transcend the city. ​

With each word that I read I felt my heart racing faster and faster, I had heard of cities that due to historical or cultural reasons possessed more than one name, but never more than five, much less a thousand. I lacked any proof of the existence of the city, but for some unknown reason I felt as if each inked word was impregnated in the most absolute of truths and as if my body was compelled to obey and do what it asked. The letter was signed by someone that called itself the Arch-priestess of the Court of Godhosts, no name was added to it. Once more, I was ignorant, no idea of who she could be, but just reading her title instilled me an overwhelming sense of authoritarian respect.

Questions started to flood every corner of my mind. I simply had to know more.

As I ended reading the letter a knock came to my door. It was late already; my mansion lied in darkness and silence, the maids and the service were long asleep. It could have been a vagrant jealous of my numerous possessions, a horse thief trying to steal my most valuable stallions, many kinds of danger, but I instinctively knew otherwise. With a steady hand I opened the door and on the road on other side saw the transport that would take me to the City of a Thousand Names.

T'was impossible. The road laid empty mere moments ago, I was certain of it.

But alas, in front of me awaited a cerulean carriage unlike anything that I had ever seen before. Its metallic skin gleamed and shone under the candlelight as if coated in diamond dust. No horses pulled from it, instead a mechanical contraption made of caged thunder and bottled fire acted as its heart. I had read about and heard rumours of such machines before, but never saw one with my very own eyes until that very moment. I was awestruck, honestly, before that instant I didn't even believe these kinds of vehicles to be true. The carriage was cold to the touch, its windows were completely frosted, a strange smoke dotted with glowing embers emanated from its many brass exhausts. As I approached it the rear door opened on its own, its insides looked luxurious, the seats were made of mahogany wood and thick white fur and everywhere I looked gold mixed with pale blue jewellery decorated the interior. More than a mere carriage it looked like a piece of fine art that belonged to a Parisian museum instead of my comparatively humble gardens.

I'm not a very superstitious person, but even I could notice how inexplicable and impossible occurrences were abound. My hands started to shiver, my lower lip trembled, there were many things that I didn't understand, most of which are still mysteries for me. I clutched my crucifix and muttered a hasty prayer. Anyone with a spic of common sense would have turned around and returned to the safety of its own lodgings, but curiosity took hold of me.

As I got closer I noticed another letter inside of the car, of course there was. This one was fresher, the ink was still wet, and the paper maintained its cologne, it faintly smelled of oil and myrrh.

We at the Court of Godhosts are delighted to see that you have accepted this extraordinary opportunity to join us in the City. The invitation only extends to yourself. Servants, friends, and family members will not be accepted into the city, but you are free to bring a pet if you so desire.

Take as many of your possessions as you can, for the city is so captivating that it will trap you like it did with me, like it did with all of us. It will certainly be a very long time until you return home, if you ever do.

Seek the mystery, transcend the city.​

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Oddly enough the Arch-priestess had once more finished the letter with an enthralling yet unusual sentence. I remember wondering what the mystery was, how the city could be transcended, I had no idea of what any of it meant, and now that I know its significance, I comprehend that I would have been much happier in my ignorance, but I was a fool, a fool that never rejected a riddle or an adventure.

And so, with a gleeful and dumb smile I quickly returned home and took whatever I considered useful at that time. Several sets of clothes, my weaponry, my lucky d6 dice, various legal documentation, some money, and pretty much the usuals needed before engaging on a trip.

I never said goodbye to the service, I regret it now, my family had always been a cold and distant one, I've been pretty much living on my own ever since I was young, so in a sense my maids and butlers were closer to me than my very own blood. Perhaps after they noticed that I was gone without even leaving a note they went to Scotland Yard and asked for help, maybe even today they continue looking after the house and still hope that I might return one day. I wish I could tell them that they should simply take my jewels, gold, money, and art pieces and sell them all to live lavishly for the rest of their lives. They are wonderful people; they deserve my fortune and riches far more than I ever did.

As I dragged all my items my muscles started to hurt and ache badly, I could perhaps have done it in several trips, but I was so excited that such a thought never crossed my mind. When I finally placed all my gear in the carriage and sat inside I felt a rush of happiness that I had rarely experienced before, it was a moment that reminded me of the birth of my first and only daughter, may she rest in peace in Heaven.

My partner lost its mind after our daughter's death, and one day was simply gone.

Now that I'm pondering upon it, I finally understand that the death of my cherished scion and the disappearance of my partner might have been what truly pushed me into this insane journey. In a sense I always had felt restless ever since typhus took her barely a year after she was born. Without their company and guidance upon my side I fell upon dark times, my days were wasted in drinking, whoring, opium, and other sinful vices. At that chapter of my life, I didn't consider such self-destructive actions as wastes of time, I knew that I could never love any other person, that my bloodline had reached a dead end and that my dynasty would end with me. In my eyes, by engaging in such debauchery I was simply accelerating the natural order of things to meet them again. I had no fear of death, and in a dreadful way I even welcomed it, the many bar brawls, and deadly duels I participated in and the deep scars that they left upon my skin are proof of it, but alas a well-aimed punch or a quick bullet to the heart would never end my life. Ever since becoming tired of life the idea of suicide plagued my thoughts, and even in many times I was close to… yet ultimately I was never truly able to. Despite finding comfort in religion I've never truly been a religious person, not since her death… but I must admit that I was afraid of sending my soul someplace where I could never reach my daughter.

Are Heaven and Hell real? Ever since I set foot in this damned city, I have unearthed many eldritch truths and inhuman secrets and yet I still have no answer for it. Back then, as I lied in front of that strange car the only thing, I was sure about is that I wanted a way out, and the City proved to be the change that I so desperately sought.

As soon as I rested on those cloudy seats the doors closed automatically and the vehicle started to move on its own. A mirrored black slab separated me from whoever might have been driving. I'm unsure if there was a driver at all. Everything was so strange and mysterious that such madness could have even been even expected at that point.

Nothing could be seen from the interior, the windows were completely opaque from the inside, only the smudgy, dolorous light of a few small electric lanterns illuminated around. The last thing I remember was noticing a strange set of rune-like symbols that I couldn't recognize etched among the wood and metal, the human imagination is pretty much boundless and over the extensive history of writing it has managed to conjure all sort of symbols and characters, but these felt different, otherworldly. I suddenly felt a tinge of fear, a cold chill in my spine, dread and horror creeping on me. Had I committed a mistake by accepting the invitation to the city? Was it too late to turn around?

I couldn't ponder upon those dark thoughts for much time. I wasn't tired at that point, but for some reason as the carriage dragged me to my future home a supernatural exhaustion took hold of me and despite my best efforts, I ultimately fell onto Morpheus' arms.

Next thing I know is waking up shivering in a dusty and squat windowless room. My breathing was visible, my fingers were becoming white, all around me it was freezing cold, much colder than I had ever felt before. My belongings were by my side, none of them had been stolen or altered in any way of shape. Quickly I dressed in my thickest garments and furs and headed out to see where I was, but alas the door was tightly sealed.

I banged on the thick metal slabs but I managed nothing but loud echoing bangs.

Feeling parched and with a slight headache I walked around the door and found a door to a small bathroom. In there I looked at the mirror and the direful reflection didn't feel like myself. I recognized that face on the other side but at the same time it looked extremely unfamiliar, like a vague memory of myself.

The city was already changing me.

"Who am I?"​

> Choose name, gender, background and Avatar

> Backgrounds:


Street Rat: You were born in the gutter to a family who either died or never wanted you, doesn't matter, ultimately it was the hard and cold cobbled streets who raised you. No rulers! No laws! But also no roof over your head, barely any money, and often nothing to eat at all. Freedom isn't free after all. You spent your infancy racing barefoot across rusty rooftops and muddy streets. You stole hats, wallets, and purses and ultimately managed to make sufficient money to break the cycle. Despite earning enough money to leave poverty you couldn't live as a regular worker, you continued itching for a life of crime and adventure. Everyone in London had heard of the legend of a sunken pirate treasure somewhere on the coast of Bristol, with your money you bought an expedition team and ultimately managed to find the treasure and become insanely rich. The rest is history.

Stat bonuses:

Mind: +1

Soul: +3

Body: +5

Nerve: +10

Danger Cap:

Despair: 10

Fascination: 3

Fear: 5

Injuries: 6

Sickness: 4

Hunger: 8

Insanity: 4


Lockpicking tools

Grappling Hook


Investigator: Asking uncomfortable questions, pondering and theorizing until your brain ached and walking the streets in the search of the next chilling case. You got your nose among the worst and best of society, and learned how both had plenty of bad apples in them. Ultimately you made a name for yourself and more and more intricate and rewarding cases began arriving to you. During one of your cases you solved the murder of a rich lord, it was of course the butler who did it. One day you received a letter, it turns out that the lord's wife died and had put you in the will, giving you a pretty hefty chunk of her riches, and letting you live comfortably. The rest is history.

Stat bonuses:

Mind: +10

Soul: +5

Body: +1

Nerve: +3

Danger Cap:

Despair: 7

Fascination: 4

Fear: 7

Injuries: 5

Sickness: 4

Hunger: 6

Insanity: 7


Police Pistol

Police Cudgel


Soldier: You were part of her Royal Majesty's army. Your life was not to ask why, your life was but to do, and die. You saw too many of your friends dead at the hands of the enemy, and yet you survived. During the war you ended up in the same squad as the elder son of a diamond mine owner, you two became good friends and ultimately even saved his life from a sniper's bullet. After the war ended he decided to give you a diamond the size of a fist, which allowed you to live comfortably. The rest is history.

Stats bonuses:

Mind: +3

Soul: +1

Body: +10

Nerve: +5


Despair: 7

Fascination: 6

Fear: 7

Injuries: 6

Sickness: 4

Hunger: 7

Insanity: 3


Combat Rifle



Artist: Ever since you were old enough to grab a pen you knew that you were a soul moved by art, and ultimately you learned how to shape the marble and master the canvas. You turned mere materials into beautiful and inspiring pieces. Of course not everybody appreciated your art, their souls and minds simply didn't align with yours, but that matters not, your creativity ultimately let you live off it and managed to give you plenty of funds. The rest is history.

Stats bonuses:

Mind: +5

Soul: +10

Body: +3

Nerve: +1


Despair: 9

Fascination: 3

Fear: 7

Injuries: 5

Sickness: 5

Hunger: 7

Insanity: 4





Priest: You grew learning the faith and word of God. You were even anointed priest, but ultimately a forbidden love with a nun ended with you two expelled from Church. Surprisingly your beloved's father was more than happy about it, as he very dearly wished to have grandchildren, and his ex-nun daughter was the only child he had. Now that you two had been expelled the marriage could go on. His very wealthy father ended funding and providing for you. The rest is history.

Stats bonuses:

Mind: +5

Soul: +10

Body: +3

Nerve: +1


Despair: 9

Fascination: 3

Fear: 7

Injuries: 5

Sickness: 5

Hunger: 7

Insanity: 4


Holy Crux

Holy Book

Brass Knuckles

> Male Avatars:


> Female Avatars