For The Bunker (Worm/SI/Tinker/Moonshot/Zombie) by Nisiris

Mc has a variant of Tinker of Fiction and he is in a au worm the string theory smashed the moon apart and things will only get worse... Time to bunker down!!!!

Words: 71k+

Link: -


Madison Clements:

They heard another radio podcast telling them that being outside is dangerous; she would even have believed it a week ago if she hadn't witnessed how a chunk of rock wholly demolished a house in their neighborhood, with all the people inside becoming chunks of flattened meat, if even that.

Her dad scowled as he turned off the radio. "Worthless! They want us to stay and slowly die or get killed by looters?" She could see how her mom put her hand on Dad's, glancing concernedly at her through the rider's mirror. "Keep calm, dear; we need to stay calm." Mom's voice betrayed how she truly felt.

And she? She burrowed even more into her seat as she absorbed the situation more. She dreaded, no, she was scared that she was wrong, and what they were doing now would kill them because it was she who convinced her parents to leave the city for this wild goose hunt, or whatever it was called.

But, she hoped, prayed that she was right and that this plan of hers wouldn't kill them all, or worse…

She heard some rumors online the crime rate skyrocketed, as everyone tried to get vital resources, food, and medicine, how the shop owners defended themselves with guns, and how cops and PRT couldn't do their damn jobs, which wasn't uncommon, but now? Now Brockton Bay, and if what she read was true, then even more peaceful cities became powderkegs, slowly reaching their blowing-up points…

"Sweety, are you sure it's this way? We could still-" Her mom began before her dad shook his head, his eyes not leaving the road even for a second; they already almost run over a few desperate people. "No, just no, the city shelters are full or wouldn't let us in; all the spots are for their precious VIPs, these good-for-nothing politicians or wealthy pigs, as if money would soon mean anything." Her dad changed, and they all did; nobody could stay the same, as they saw the very moon being blown up by some psycho bitch just because their government, the PRT, or who the bastard that negotiated with that crazy tinker didn't want to pay her a few hundred million…

"Hm? What the-" She roused from her thoughts by her father's cursing, her mother's shout of surprise, and the violent jerking of the car as her head met the leather-covered metal side of their family car, making her see double for a while, as the voices of her parents were but distant noise.



Situation evaluation… Target's: Designation: Bandit's.

Target's: Target: Civilian Vehicle: Three Organics.

Trying to Connect to Base For Additional Directives: Error… Error… Error…

Connection Not Possible: Possible Reason: Destruction of Satalit by Moon Fragments.

Deliberation of Objectives…


Deliberating Succefull.

Calibration of Objectives Outside of Network…

Situation resolution: Target's: Designation: Bandit's: Elimination.

Civilians: Rescue: Bring to Base.

Madison Clements:

"Ughh…" Opening her eyes felt like a chore, at least until the last memory came back to her, making her eyes open wide in alarm as she looked around, noting the lack of filthy walls or rust or signs of use on the metal doors, any sing of presence that screamed about gangsters or bandits that were to say by no better than filthy animals, now she knew there were different types of gangsters, Merchants were different from E88 but still…

"Dad!" She cried out, the memory of her father being shot in the head while they dragged her and her mother away, to-to… She knew what they would want; nobody who lived in Brocton Bay wouldn't need a second guess what those gangsters wanted with her and her mom when they purposely killed her dad.

They wanted to rape her and her mother! But then why…

She tried to calm herself, reminding herself that she was safe… Well… She looked around in dread as she watched… Huh…

Grey walls, clearly cement walls, with metal doors, but those walls looked fresh, as did doors, rust nowhere to be seen, as well the bed she was in, now that she looked, those were some freshly washed white sheets, and those white curtains with the bed she was on, all looked like some provisory medical center…

Finally, her eyes caught sight of another person in the room, and she breathed a sigh of relief, watching her mother soundly asleep on the bed next to her, but where was anybody? Where were the medical machines she so often saw in hospitals or T.V. shows?

As she tried to think, she heard a mechanical sound, making her panic. She once again lowered herself onto the bed, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep, but no matter how she tried, she just couldn't stop her heart from hammering in her chest.

Finally, the sound of the door stopped; now she missed the sound as she heard footsteps instead, walking right toward her, standing near her. She could just feel his presence, the breaths, the smell…

"Hmmm." A male, sounding hmm, that what she heard as she tried to be still as ice, finally the person seemed to walk away from her, right towards! Towards her mother, she slowly opened her eyes, not fully, but just enough to see back off…

Teenager? Medium-length grey hair, completely wild without any sign of combing, a lean figure she saw in most of the boys in Winslow would wish for, and-"How long do you want to play dead? Or asleep?" Her breath hitched when he spoke. He turned his head and looked right at her with piercing blue eyes.

"Really… I never thought you would truly try to reach me like this… You should have told me… SpecificProtagonist…" Her eyes shot open, realizing just who stood before her, eyes watering and vision blurring as she shot from her bed, hugging her online boyfriend.


"Trailblazer!" The girl shouted with teary blue eyes as she threw herself at him, making him quickly catch her, or she would end up on the ground before she reached him.

He bemusedly tightened his hold on the petite brown-haired girl, pressing her even more into his chest as she cried onto his shirt. Truly, what rotten luck!

When the Battle Defense Droids, or shortening, BDDs came back from their normal perimeter sweep, I didn't expect them to bring two civilians with them, especially not Madison and Aurora Clements, as I found out from their I.D.s, hearing report of a third dead civilian who was male, I could quickly deduct that he was Madison's father, I would have them take his body too, unfortunately, as I said, what rotten luck, as not even hour before the Satelite I hacked into and used as my communication access went into shit when a miniature meteor shower hit it.

It wasn't anything big, as the rocks would burn in the atmosphere before reaching the ground, but in space, they shredded the satellite as Swiss cheese. I was already connecting to other satellites, but outside of normal internet access, I didn't dare to connect my system to such a flimsy security risk…

Building an antenna was raised on the to-do priority list.

As such, when the droids found the car, which was in the middle of being robbed, they were cut from my feed and me from theirs; fortunately for me, I had installed multiple directives into them in case they ever found themselves cut from base network…

Still stupid as fuck, the VI was nowhere near even dumb A.I., or VI, capable of learning; I really needed to make advancements on that front; it wasn't needed as I could without them until now, with most construction droids having better VI than their combat counterparts…

"Madison… I'm sorry for your loss… Truly I'm…" I whispered to the girl in my arms, the same girl I was in a long-distance relationship with, as this was our first meeting; from the moment I found myself in this world, I did not leave my base.

And for a good reason, finding myself stranded on one of the more famous Death worlds? Well, almost Death World, not fully, but with all that fuckery all around, it could be classified as one; I didn't know why I was there or who sent me there, but what I knew was that it was some part of CYOA, so one of my friends? Enemies? I don't think I have any enemies or rivals…

Still, that reminiscence could wait until I calm down my… Girlfriend? Kinda? And that was another can of worms I was not prepared for.

I bent my head down just enough so my ear was next to Madison's ear. "Madison, look at me, come on." I gently whispered into her ear, making the girl hiccup and slowly turn up her head, her arms still tightly locked around my torso.

"You are safe, your mother is safe… I was too late for your father, and I'm sorry for that, but you are safe…" I tried to calm her down, meta knowledge or not, her being bitch to Taylor and probably others or not, to me, who met her online and got to know her after nights spent chatting, somedays even hours into the morning, I never knew her as anything but cutesy pile of smut ideas that would make even Endbringer's blush…


My plan went into a pile of trash that waited to be burned as Madison's eyes watered even more, letting out a cry as she again buried her face into my chest…

Madison Clements:

She may have been exaggerating a little… Or not. Truly, she had no idea what to think; she felt so dull at the moment. All of it was just too sudden for her, the travel to find her online boyfriend's secret bunker he told and showed her through live videos and images, to getting hijacked by wannabe road bandits, watching her father being executed, and then being dragged with her mom to place where they would serve as some kind of meat sex dolls…

She was Brocktonite, but even all of this in such quick succession made her feel dizzy…

There was sadness and guilt about her father's death, but she now felt more relief and happiness of being alive and unmolested with her mother to boot, so with an embarrassed face, she finally lifted her head as when she was crying tears of relief, Rey moved them back to bed, where he sat down, with her cradled on his lap.

She just now realized how intimate their position was, making her burn red from… No… She couldn't think like this! Not now…

"Sorry…" Truly? That's all she says? Just sorry? She wanted to bash her head against something, but… Well, Rey's chest could be graded as a rock wall from what she felt… Again?! Stop this, Madison! Get yourself together!

"There isn't any reason to apologize… Hey, do you want to see my base? Well, you know… To get your mind off…" Rey trailed off; she could see him look away; it was cute how much he tried, but then she looked at her still-sleeping mother, something Rey noticed. "Don't worry, your mother is just deeply asleep from the medications, more than you, as her body showed to be less resistant to drugs, plus she seems to be in need of sleep. The droids shot you with the sleeping serum…"

"Sleeping drugs?!" She exclaimed, making Rey blink. "Ah, I forgot… Look, just… These droids that saved you are programmed to put asleep anybody who isn't a clear member of gangs or some shady-looking fellas; I don't want anybody coming in and learning about this place." She calmed down, and a little bit of guilt gave way into her heart. Did she make problems for him? Did their coming mean that the information about the bunker spread? She knew how desperate people started becoming; most federal and public bunkers were almost full, and private ones, well, those who could buy a private bunker, could afford protection too; often, she read about some guards being too aggressive…

But as if sensing her distress, Rey hugged her tighter. "Don't worry… These hijackers were coming too close for my comfort; in truth, I was half-mindful of eradicating them sooner, but I always postponed it… For one reason or another…" She could hear the doubt in his voice. Was it about killing her almost rapist? Or about the guilt that he could prevent her father's death? Maybe it was the first time he killed anybody?

Madison just returned the hug as she dug her head once again into his chest, feeling the safety she lacked for so long… At the same time, she buried the feeling of sadness as she basked in his presence.

"And this is a cafeteria, which in truth is quite too large for just one guy I know, but then I never expected to be alone in there, so there is that…" Rey trailed off as she nodded her head. In truth, after leaving her mother to rest as Rey told her that the drugs would work for another two hours or more as her mother was even more exhausted than she let on, making Madison feel a little guilty, knowing she was one of the reasons her mom was distraught even before all the moon shattering event started, mainly by her own fault as her parents knew about her activities in the school prior the Moonshot… Madison shook her head and looked around.

In truth, Rey was too humble when he commented on his underground bunker; from the moment he led her from the temporary medical bay, they walked through an empty corridor made of shining steel and grey concrete; they walked by numerous rooms that Rey said were mostly empty or served as temporary resource storages, when she asked why, he said how they were on the first floor from the surface which to her surprise was thousands of meters above them making her all of suddenly feel dizzy, thankfully, Rey hold her hand so he quickly caught her when he felt something off…

Still, when they finally went into what looked like an elevator for twenty people, Rey commented that it was just one of three civilian-use elevators as resources and materials were transported by an industrial elevator that could transport a tank.

After the awkward silence in the elevator where they still held hands, in truth, they held them from the moment they left the room, which made her face burn, the doors finally opened, and they once again walked into another grey-colored corridor with steel doors on the side every twenty or so meters, finally arriving at the cafeteria, which, by the look, could house more than a hundred people at the same time.

"Of course, the kitchen is big too, but quite empty as I had no time to build or get any kitchen equipment, well there is one stove, and fridge, sink and like that, same thing you could find in any home, but I had to build freezer rooms with enough capacity to store food for more than thousand of people for at least ten years, but more of my attention were on creating and building agri floors where we could farm a special breed of algae, which isn't exactly tasty, but nutritious enough to satisfy human body, that and it's quick growth are main reason I prioritize them… Oh…" Madison just kept nodding, but when Rey stopped speaking, she looked up and saw an embarrassed expression on his face.

"I… Sorry, probably too much info, dumb, right?" Rey chuckled as he rubbed his neck with his free hand, making her look at him as she registered his words and blushed.

"NO! I mean! No, I… I quite enjoyed it. I mean, I… I like to listen to you. I… Please… Just…" She shook her head; she really liked to listen to him; it made her forget so many things. Rey looked at her as she quickly averted her gaze, his hand tightening around hers in comfort.

"I see… Then… You want to see my office slash command center slash place where I spent most of my time tinkering?" She just nodded her head.

"Ok… Well, let's go, plus its sole place with computers in there, of course, I would give you one or two for your mother too when you pick up the room, well not just computer-" Madison's face softened as she once again started listening to Rey's droning, it made her feel calm, with no need to think, just listen…

Just listen…

Happy New Year, my fellas!

P.S.: I live.