The Monster of Kaon (Transformers SI) by ruijard

Words: 19k+


Chapter 1

"Find him! Do not let him get away!"

"I picked up movement that way, Go!"

I ducked away from the Security guards, my new frame allowing me to hide better than my old body.

With the coast clear, I ran without hesitation towards the exit of this facility, a place that I knew well because I was not offline like my captors had thought when they had initially brought me here after kidnapping me from my home.

I ignored the searing pain from my right hand, a reminder of when I had to jam a mere civilian-grade laser projector into the stump of my arm just to get a semblance of weaponry.

Fucking Sentinel and his fucking cast system.

Running through the building, I kept my right arm up, just in case I needed to deal with any bot that would suddenly jump out from nowhere and capture me again.

There is no way I am going back into that room, no way I am allowing those bastards to mess with my emotions with their Shadowplay. They already robbed me of my body, they will not rob me of my mind.

Just as I arrived at the exit, I saw two Security guards sealing the exit with their credentials.

"There is nowhere left to run, A-02."

That damned designation!! These bastards are making fun of me. They know very well that those bastards back in the room had managed to erase my name from the official records of the planet, making me a complete unknown and hence, incapable of accessing the Teletraan system.

Without hesitation, I fired the laser at them, causing them to jump to the side to avoid the makeshift weapon.

But this was within my calculations.

"What the-"

The bot did not have the time to explain as I ran forward and closed the distance, allowing my instincts to use the practically ancient memories of a life I once had from a distant planet from a different realm.

Even with most of my strength stolen from me by stripping my body of its parts, I still had enough strength to shatter the security bot's head when my fist impacted it.

The second bot tried to retaliate, only for another shot from my laser to cut off its right arm.

Pain flared through my form, but I endured, as I ripped out the laser projector from my right arm's stump and picked up the security bots arm.

"I will be taking this."

Right before the horrified eyes of the security bot, I put my right arm near the stump of my own shoulder, allowing the arm to seamlessly merge with my shoulder through my own special power.

The very same power that made me an Outlier and thus, the target of Sentinel and his group's oppression through his cast system.

Now armed with a military-grade plasma blaster, I fired off at the door, blowing it off the walls completely and causing mass panic among the civilians who were probably unaware of this dark place's existence right at the center of their home.

"Stop him!!"

I ignored the furious roar that rang out from behind me and ran into the crowd, trying to use the large group of people to escape my pursuers.

What I would not give to have my alt-mode back again, especially now.

Running through the streets of Crystal City, I barely paid any mind to how the light from the surroundings reflected on the crystal-like material used for the construction of this city where countless scientists and researchers from across Cybertron were gathered.

Just as I rounded a corner, I ran into two security bots that immediately used powerful stun blasters to disrupt my Energon flow.

Damn it! I am really feeling the lack of my sensory suit right now.

"A-02, captured. Preparing for transport-"


The massive blast which was no doubt originated from a Pathblaster, a serious piece of military hardware, blasted the Security bot to pieces. The second bot tried to run, only for a second blast to blow him up as well.

Turning towards my savior, I felt the urge to sigh in relief.

"….Is that you? Armorbit? I tracked your spark when you sent out that distress signal a few weeks ago, What did they do to you?."

"…..You are late, Knockout. And don't call me Armorbite. He Is dead. Sentinel and his goons took care of that."

"…By the Allspark. The Empurata! They used Empurata on you! But, this is no mere Empurata!"

The medic panicked and started going through my new body with his scanner.

"This! This cannot stand. We need to inform the public about this."

"And then what? Stage a protest against the government? That would only lead to Sentinel taking even more extreme measures against the outliers and perhaps, even lead to him going off the deep end and deciding to kill off all outliers. I think it is best if we take care of this covertly."

"And how are you going to explain this to the other?? There is nothing left of your natural body!. The T-cog, the sensory suit, your natural Cybersteel frame, your natural arms and legs, hell, they even took your internal Energon system and replaced it with a simple Energon container unit and a portable refiner!. The only things left from your original body are your spark and your brain module."

"That is why I said, Armorbite is dead. You will tell the others the same thing."

I tried not to wince at Knockout's devastated look. I am sorry, old friend, but we really cannot afford to mess with the council as we are now.

And it is better for our group if the bot named Armorbite disappears from the face of this planet.

But in the meantime, I need to think of a name for myself.

"…Let's go back to Kaon. I've had my fill of scientists for this Eon."

Wordlessly, Knockout nodded and transformed into a large Cybertronian ground vehicle.

"Just watch the sharp edges. I don't want you putting scratches on my body."

I just laughed with amusement as his comment was eerily similar to what I remember him sprouting from a cartoon from a life I left behind eons ago.

"Don't worry, I won't scratch your paint."