Ancient Human from the Void [Hollow Knight Fanfic] by TrueGuardian32

Before Hollow Nest before Pale King before Wyrms and other Higher Beings...

There was humans and the madness that was left after the Fall of their Ancient Civilization.....

But some humans survived no matter how Alien and powerful they became and they are the stuff of Legends and Eldritch Horrors at best even to the most Knowledgable of Wyrms and other Higher Beings

The current top powerhouses and Elders of this scarred Earth do not truly understand or comprehend them nor do they even have a bare understanding of the now current Homo Deus's true ancient history and to the average bug they are a unknown something they never heard of to begin with....

It's been Aeons since last time a Homo Deus was seen Alive Either in Underground Sanctuaries Erected by Higher Beings or In Surface yet Something Finally stepped out of Abyss after so long This is About The Apex Predator of The Void enjoy 😝

Word: 2.1k+


Discovery of Family- 1



I chewed on the void tendril. The thing tried to pull away from me as I consumed it.

I shook my head and got up. The world shifted around me, my SOUL pressuring the ground. The human soul was so strong here. It was amazing to see the things I could do.

Heh. Really wish I could find some better tasting food though. The bugs aren't that tasty. Probably pretty nutritious though.

The chitin of my pants dragged along the ground as I pulled myself out of the void. I could feel it was reluctant to part with me again. I patted it, before it let go. I walked across, and glanced at the Lighthouse. It was abandoned of course. I would have made it my home if I didn't find a place closer to the void. I like the void. It made me less… sad.

Huh, isolation must be getting to me. I focused the void into me, and launched myself. Flying through the air, feeling no resistance. Heh, not sure what to call this, but it is a really effective form of transportation. Only problem is that I have to keep focusing on fueling it. I landed at dock of the lighthouse. Glancing upwards, I was blinded.

The Lighthouse just turned on.

What? That thing was completely inoperable a few days ago!

Hmm. I'm not very sneaky. The Void Creatures were a test to that. They kept running from me when I was trying to hunt them for food. Tendrils and bugs are my normal go to food for now. At Least the water down here is filtered.

I still want to see who is in the lighthouse. I walk up to it. It takes a minute or two, but eventually I make it to the base. The main entrance was closed. I tried to touch it, and a pale barrier appeared. I know it's been a few days since I've traveled to this part of the abyss. But isn't this a bit much? Then again, for the last week or so I've been down swimming through the void hunting creatures much larger than myself.

Hmm. I can probably break this barrier. But… I'm more curious about the pathway. I follow the path, heading to the main place that light comes down from.

My eyes widened, where there was once dirt and stone. Was eggs. Lots… and lots of eggs.

I walked to them, and examined them. I touched one, and the egg completely shifted, leaning into my touch. They were cold. They shouldn't be cold. The void takes temperature away. The eggs shouldn't be cold nor hot.

They are new. Newer than expected. Only a few hours at most. The Void hasn't regulated the temperature again yet. So I will.

Is this stupid?

Yeah, probably. I started to manipulate my powerful soul, empowering my body. The pale skin of my hands reflected back at me as they started to produce light. Then I started to make a nest. Breaking the land and moving the eggs, one by one.

I counted as I moved, each egg would be counted.

Minutes turned into hours, hours into days as I worked tirelessly, reshaping the landscape. Counting the eggs.

There were almost five million eggs total. They were completely soaked in void. Not to mention a brush from my soul revealed a form of subtle control on the eggs. I carefully removed that, unblemishing the eggs as the nest was made. I was exhausted by the time I was done, but I had eventually created a sort of coliseum like structure. Eggs on multiple levels. I cleaned out the area, and terrified the void creatures with my very presence. I had marked this place as my territory.

The void flowed through it, unwilling to let me stay away from it for too long. So I made channels for it, so it would keep sticking around my feet. Eventually, I returned to the center, where I made myself a stone bed, I laid on it, and I felt the void cover me as I fell asleep. Exhaustion taking me.

I woke up to tapping. Opening my eyes I glanced at the creature that had the courage to approach me. My first thought was… this is the most adorable little bug I've seen. It had a chiton mask on and it was small. It also wasn't the only one. I stretched, and stood up, towering over the bugs. The Eggs have hatched. So this is the result. The void pooled around me possessively.

I looked at the millions of little bugs. They look like tiny knights. I'll call them Nites then. My little Nites. I couldn't help but hum at that. Huh, how do I talk again?

I can't remember how to say the words I think. Been stuck in my own head so long that I stopped talking to myself after a few years. Without the void as company I think I would have gone crazy, if I'm not already crazy.

I sat down crosslegged, and rubbed the head of the Nite that woke me, gently of course. Humming as I went. The Nites started to come and sit down around me. Listening to me hmm mindlessly as I started to show affection to them. They were all just so adorable! Intelligent as well I think. Hmm. I can probably make a little Kingdom down here with them. Wonder if they will try to leave the abyss? I hope not. When I left this place years ago, it was just dust. The world was a wasteland on the surface. It was better to stay down here where I atleast have the void for company. Then again, I have no knowledge of when that Lighthouse was built, but it didn't exist when I first went up. So things may have changed up there.

But in the end, does that matter? I'm happy down here now. So I'll stay. Not to mention, now I got company!

Now then… How do I raise five million Nites?