Kingdom Hearts: Promises Kept by jadeanon, phantomdemon, prototypesylph



We all know the story, Sora, Riku and Kairi all live on Destiny Islands, Darkness invades, Sora get's the Keyblade, Disney get's involved, Donald refuses to heal you when he's supposed to, yadda yadda yadda. BUT, one single alteration changes all. Control Sora and Kairi as they struggle to find themselves, Riku, and each other throughout various worlds. Enjoy~

A single action taken can make all the difference.

Falling ..



That was the sensation you awoke to. Although it certainly didn't seem like you had left the realm of sleep behind. Even with your eyes drifting open there was a distinct lack of light all around you. Somewhere in your mind you supposed that you probably should be panicking. But whether it was the drowsiness or some effect of this ethereal place, you remained quite calm.

As your lucidity started to return to you, the sensation began to feel more akin to floating. This was further enhanced by what seemed like bubbles circling your form. As your body began to regain its mobility, a slight movement caught your eye. Through the shadows surrounding you you were able to spot a slender shape falling alongside you.

Before you were able to examine too closely, a bright glare stung your eyes from above you (or was it below you? Hard to tell when you're floating). After your eyes adjusted you looked up to see yourself drifting towards a bright light in the distance. As you drew closer you felt yourself slowly rotating so that your feet were towards it. As you grew closer, it grew larger and more detailed.

By this time you were able to shake the cobwebs from your head entirely, and regained control over your limbs. With your lucidity restored and some proper lighting brought to bare, you were finally able to make out what it was that you were falling towards.

A strange green platform adorned in stained glass.

After a brief period of time your feet finally touched down onto the platform. As they did you also heard the clatter of another pair of feet behind you, the other figure, you realized. Turning around you met the figure that had kept you company during this odd misadventure.

It was a girl.

You knew this girl.

You knew this girl!

Choices -Voting closed - 5 voters


Ask how she got here and if she knows what's going on. If she doesn't, start looking around the platform.


What do you attempt to do now?


"Kairi" You say. The redhead in front of you whipped her head around to face you.

"Sora?" She replies.

"What are you doing here? What am I doing here? I don't know what here is!"

Both of your faces flush for a brief second, having spoken at once. Kairi recovered first as she cleared her throat.

"I guess we're both in the dark here." She quipped.

"Yeah." You reply. You take a brief glance down at the platform the both of you stand on. "You think this is a dream?"

"I don't think so, usually I only get dreams this vivid when-....Nevermind. Who's that?" She says the last part a touch too quickly.

"I...don't know." You answer.

So much to do, so little time…

"...Kai? You heard that right?"

"You mean the voice that somehow seems extremely ominous despite also not having any sound to it at all?"

"Yeah that."

"If I say no, will that make it stop?"

Don't be afraid.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Oh shut up."

The door is still shut...but the time of its opening draws near.

"What do you suppose that means?" You asked turning back to Kairi...only this time she did not answer. You call her name again, nothing. You reach toward her...only for your hand to strike something between you. Something transparent was between you now, like glass, except without feeling.

"Kairi!" You try to shout. Still nothing. You pound on the "glass", that got her attention. She reached towards you too, only to meet similar results.

But first tell me a bit about yourselves. Do not be afraid. You simply must not hear what the other says.

You looked toward Kairi and mouthed 'Should we?' Kairi shrugged back and mouthed 'I guess'. Well if that was what it took to get back to Kairi.

Throughout your journey, your skills will be put to the test. Tell me. What are you skilled at.

[Sora First, Top 3]

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


Scavenging for stuff.Aka fetch quests.


Climbing. The kid's like a little monkey with how he's able to jump around everywhere.


Puzzles. Riddles, anything that's a brain teaser.


Enduring a beating. You keep getting knocked down, but you get right back up again and go at it.


Building some had to make the raft




Stealth for pranking Riku and Kairi


Setting pranks up(aka traps)


Lock picking. Some would say he's the master of it.


Blitzball not even Tiddus can compete.






Rhythm Games


Skills unlocked[Sora]

Scavenging: As a boy Sora took an interest in the various treasures that have washed ashore on your island. Such love you have that searching for each has become a favorite pastime. Provides modifier to loot and searching actions. Level this up to gain higher quality loot easier.

Climbing: Sora loved climbing as a child. What first started from a desire to retrieve a stolen treasure became a lifelong skill that he enjoys honing. Often times Sora is compared to a monkey with how well he climbs. Provides a modifier to actions for climbing. From scaling peaks to scaling monsters, you name it you can climb it. Level this up to increase the bonus you get.

Riddler: Matters of the Mind fascinate Sora, cool deduction and putting pieces together bring a certain joy to his heart. Provides a modifier to puzzles and deduction based rolls. Level this up to increase the bonus.

[Kairi's turn, remember top 3]

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


Grappling. Whether it be Judo or wrestling moves, she knows how to take a dude down and apply the lock on 'em!


Building: one of you should know what your doing when making the raft


Parkour. It's how she stays in shape, and also how she manages to chase after Sora and Riku so well.


world(s) history (leftover memories from radiant garden)


Seduction: She practiced on sora often


What is Kairi good at?


Swordplay is a default skill


Would you believe this is a default skill? Hey they're both islanders and wanting to build a raft

Swimming. It's how she stays in shape the most.

Default skill

Talking. She can always get Sora and Riku to go along with her plans.

Charisma is a default

Skills unlocked[Kairi]

Judo: Being the Mayor's adopted daughter, Kairi's had her fair share of harassers in her time. As such she's taken a few classes. Grappling and unarmed combat based actions now have a bonus. Level this up to increase that bonus.

Engineer: Kairi's often said she'd like to be an engineer when she grew up. And she's got quite the talent for it. She was the one who designed the raft afterall. This skill grants a bonus to all building and crafting based actions.

Parkour: Living on an island with a bunch of boys has its perks. Sora and Riku may be able to bounce along tree tops, but Kairi always won the races. Grants a bonus to pursuit based actions.

You really hoped you weren't making some kind of big mistake in doing this. But you told the mysterious voice all you knew.

Ever since you were little, playing treasure hunter with Riku was one of your favorite games. You developed a keen eye for detail which let you spot a lot more of the various treasures that would often wash up upon the Destiny Islands. Part of you likes to say that's how you were able to spot Kairi that day when you found her washed up on shore in the middle of the night.

Of course not all treasures would end up on the shores. Those pesky gulls would often scoop up the shinier treasures and hide them in the trees. Sometimes even directly out of your hands. Now most other kids would give up and keep looking. But you? Well one of those birds made the mistake of stealing a new bracelet you were gonna give Kairi.

You took exception to that.

And the bird took exception to you storming its nest. Some scarring was involved.

On the plus side you got the bracelet back. And now you got to have climbing competitions with Riku and Kairi.

Of course a well trained body doesn't necessarily mean a lack of a well trained mind. You also developed a fascination with riddles and puzzles over the years. It's one of the few things you knew Riku was jealous of.

You glance over to Kairi. You couldn't see what she was talking about, but you knew her enough to know she was probably telling the voice about her belt level in Judo. Turns out being the daughter of a politician attracted a bunch of unsavory attention.

Who knew?

You also knew she was probably gonna go on and on about various technicals in how to build stuff. That was one of the few things that got her rambling. It was kind of adorable to be honest.

Not that you would mention that aloud. Riku doesn't need the blackmail.

You think for a minute and conclude she was also probably gonna mention her parkour. Man that girl could move when she had to. It was crazy the ways she always found to get ahead of you and Riku in your races. You still could remember one very vivid instance where she smoked the two of you by slipping through the zip line tower.

Honestly you had no idea a girl could bend that way.

The space between you two glowed. Bringing you out of your thoughts. When it stopped you reached out. The barrier separating the two of you was gone. You open your mouth to say something.

The sound of flapping wings shook you from your thoughts.

With a cry of surprise, you and Kairi jolt towards each other. What appeared to be birds of glowing light took off from a circle between the two of you. Expanding outwards along the platform. As they took off the image of the platform rippled and changed with it. As they beheld the birds disappearing into the darkness they glanced down to realize that the image had changed.

"....Should I be concerned about the number of women appearing in your head?"

"WHAAA!" You exclaim, jumping away from Kairi.

"Wh-why would-...I'm not..." You stammered blushing. "Why would you say something like that! And how do we know it's not YOUR head we're in?"

Kairi laughs. "Geez Sora, I'm only joking."

".....You're not funny."

"Yes I am." Kairi snarks.

You chose not to comment

Suddenly the platform shifts beneath you, drawing the two of you close and embracing each other again to steady yourselves. Seven pools of light surround the circumference. Out of the pools platforms began to rise.

Power sleeps within you.

Three platforms bore an ornate Sword, Shield and Staff.

Give it form…

Three platforms bore a Sword crossed over a Shield, a Staff crossed over a Shield, and a Staff and Sword Crossed.

And it will give you strength.

The final platform bore a sword and staff crossed over a shield.

Choose well.

[In this quest instead of one path locking one tree, the types of Combat available to you from the start: Swordplay, Magecraft and Shieldbearer are Skills. This will let you select Talent. What this does is give you a small boost per exp gain on each tree. What that means is you'll level up those three at a certain times faster.]


Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters


Path of the Warlock: 2.0 to Swordplay and Magecraft


Path of the Knight: 2.0 to Swordplay and Shieldbearer


Path of the Mystic: 2.5 to Magecraft


Path of the Mage: 2.0 to Shieldbearer and Magecraft


Path of the Paladin: 1.5 to all


Path of the Warrior: 2.5 to Swordplay


Path of the Guardian: 2.5 to Shieldbearer


[Now Kairi]

Choices -Voting closed - 18 voters


Path of the Mage: 2.0 in Shieldbearer and Magecraft


Path of the Knight: 2.0 in Swordplay and Shieldbearer


Path of the Warrior: 2.5 in Swordplay


Path of the Guardian: 2.5 in Shieldbearer


Path of the Mystic: 2.5 in Magecraft


Path of the Paladin: 1.5 to all


Choices -Voting closed - 13 voters






[As a reminder this shall not lock any of the paths. You can still learn magic as a Knight or Shieldbearing as a Warlock, it would just be at 1.0]

Choices -Voting closed - 51 voters


Kairi actually participating in the little spar sessions with everyone else


The kids making or joining an Explorer's Club to investigate the island


Junk Island where things from other worlds occasionally wash ashore.


Goth Kid Lulu to go along with Kid Wakka, likes dolls and has an obvious secret crush on him.


The Trio all shared a Paopu Fruit on the day before the Islands were destroyed.


The Islands has a lot more adventure than in canon, so Riku isn't as unsatisfied with his life there.


Destiny Islands are more influenced by Final Fantasy X. Multiple FF10 characters live there (Jecht, Auron, Braska, the Gullwings etc.), monsters (Sin) roam the sea etc.


When the Door is opened and the world is consumed the other children that the group are friends with get flung across worlds as well. (Possible future party members/plot hooks)


The Kids can pull the Final Fantasy X trick of holding their breath for an extremely long time, like for an entire Blitzball game.


There are stories and Legends within the islands that hint at some of the greater kingdom hearts Lore, like talk about "Monsters of shadow that steal your heart" as old horror stories.


Female Riku


Because everyone swims a lot everyone is used to wearing only swimwear.


+Kairi occasionally wonders what it would have been like if she had a sister.


Riku has an interest in Synthesis (making items trinkets and the like)


Kairi built (with some help) a secret clubhouse for them with a construction area for other projects


Riku has a secret book where he does some writing, Kairi and Sora have gotten a peak at it and it's pretty good....if a bit emo at times.


Sora drags Riku and Kairi into playing games of intellect and strategy with him just to brag about it


auron taught the kids sword fighting before vanishing one day...


Kid Yuna and Riku to go with Kid Tidus, have a bit of a rivalry going trying to get him to realize their feelings.


Kairi wants Sora.


xehanort has a creepy abandoned house filled with old journals about life there.


Clothing with lots of Zippers is a popular fashion on the islands.


Riku is captain of a blitzball team


Sora's parents aren't disembodie voices.


Kairi Trying to get sort a harem and be part of it


Some of the islanders collect seashells


People on the island dress like functional human beings.


A nomadic band of pirates occasional dock to cause trouble


Polynesian attitudes towards sex


closet pervert Kairi?

I refer you to the spoiler tags

Fun Poll-Background changes to Sora Kairi or the islands in general. Don't go too overboard tho like making Kairi a crook or something

Both of you separated and looked around at the selection.

"I think it wants us to pick one?" Kairi says tentatively.

You nod. "I feel like we should be worried that its handing out weapons."

"Oh come on," Kairi scoffs "Not like we haven't handled weapons before. Or are you forgetting who handed whom's ass last time we sparred."

"It's not the weapons I'm worried about." You replied, making a conscious effort to not rub your face. "It's why it wants us to have them."

"...Oh." Kairi muttered seemed to get what you meant. If it was giving you weapons, what were you fighting? "...Well probably best to pick what we're familiar with."

"Right." You said. You both move to approach the platforms....

Only to notice that you both had neglected to release each other's hand.

You both blush up a storm and release your grip. Kairi fiddling a bit with her hair, as she often does when nervous, while you rubbed your wrists, your mirror action to the same feeling. Quietly you both walk to the separate platforms.

You approach the sword first, upon the front was a plaque:

The Path of the Warrior

Invincible courage

A sword of terrible destruction

Is this the power you seek?

You took a moment to examine the blade. It did indeed look well made, seeming to radiate with power. Part of you did want to reach up and grasp the hilt, but something held you back. It was odd. A sword was your preferred weapon, having trained with it ever since you were old enough to hold one, and yet...something didn't feel quite...right. That this wasn't your weapon.

You left it alone.

You began to move on to the other platforms. Each of them had similar plaques and similar statements of virtue. Each asking if this was the path you chose. You remembered the voice from earlier, telling you to give the "power sleeping within you form". Perhaps this was meant to match that power to you rather? But if not the sword than what was your path?

You stopped as you came upon the dual crossed sword and staff. Like before you got a feeling of power from the sword, and from the staff you got a feeling of wisdom and wonder. But whereas before each felt immense, suffocating even, here each one felt...balanced. Much less overwhelming. You looked down upon the inscription.

The path of the Warlock

A balance of brains and brawn

Armaments of harmony and havoc

Is this the power you seek?

A powerful body and a powerful mind together.

Yes. This was your path

You reached out and gripped the armaments and pulled them from their roost. You took a moment to examine each one.

The sword was interesting. It felt almost weightless in your hands. A brief test showed a near perfect balance. And a grip that could support either one or two handed swings effectly.

You could feel power and wisdom radiating from it. A brief twirl showed a similar sense of weightlessness and balance. However the head of the staff had a significant heft to it, almost akin to a mace.

These were perfect.

Almost as soon as you thought that, they were gone. Vanished in a flash of light.

Well that was a little unfair.

You glanced over towards Kairi who was now reaching for the Sword and Shield. Feeling curious you glanced around her slender, well shaped, form to glance at the plaque.

The Path of the Knight

Chivalry and Honor

Armaments of heroes and conquerors

Is this the power you seek?

You take a glance at what she picked up.

"Went for a classic I see." You remark.

"Well it is what I'm best at." Kairi replies, seemingly having shaken off the earlier awkwardness. "And they just..."

"Felt right?"

"Exactly! And besides," She held them aloft in ready position. "These are awesome!"

Naturally, the weapons chose that moment to poof away in a flash of light.

"...Whyyyyyyyy!" She groaned.

"Maybe it was symbolic?" You guessed.

"But they were so cool!" Kairi whined.

Before you could offer any sort of response however, the platform began shaking again. The platforms and their weapons sagged and sank into the platform, and a terrifying crackle filled the air.

Cracks in the glass spiderwebbed towards the pair of you!

Acting quickly, you pulled Kairi towards you again just as the cracks reached you.


The platform shattered, and the pair of you fell once again. This time however, you knew you were there for each other.

And you intended to stay that way.

The both of you found yourself unable to speak while falling through the darkness. But you were comforted by the feeling of her slim body in your arms, and her slender arms around your shoulders, and you should probably stop there before you think too much about the beautiful girl you're currently holding close.

A new light finally caught your attention. You looked, above you yet again you noticed, to see this time you were approaching yet another stained glass platform.

Briefly you glanced towards each other again. Before easing your grips on each other. You were now holding each other with one arm each as you rotated so that your feet faced towards the ground again and you gently touched down.

"...Test, test." Kairi tries. "Okay, voice is back."

Your attention was still on the platform.

"Well that breaks that theory." You muse aloud.

"What do you mean?" Kairi said as she turned towards you.

You (regretfully) released her shoulder and gestured down at the platform.

"I was trying to figure out some sort of pattern that these platforms might have been appearing in, might have led to a possible way to get out of here. But here's the issue. Those last two panels the women seemed to be from more medieval periods. This one?" You pointed towards the woman. "This one is pretty clearly middle eastern."

"And that tells us what exactly, besides that you have varied tastes." She quips that last part out.

Ignoring that.

"Well it tells me that whatever is the common factor among the subjects of these platforms, it's not the time period. Maybe their status?"

"Status?" Kairi asked, head tilting...cutely.

'Focus Sora.'

"Well, her outfit is quite ornate and it looks like there's a palace behind her. The other two images had a similar trend. Ornate dresses and various other "royal" imagery." You explain. "Maybe they're queens?"

"Or princesses." Kairi adds.

"Or princesses." You concur.

Before your conversation could continue however, your hands flashed with the same light from earlier. In your hands appeared the sword and staff again, and in Kairi's hands appeared her sword and shield.

You've gained the power to fight.

Great, spooky voice guy was back.

There will be times you have to fight.

You turn towards Kairi, but notice that she was staring at something behind you.

"Sora." She says seriously. "Turn around. And get ready." She then hefted her weapons into her preferred ready stance. Her shield in front of her, while her sword was tight by her side, blade held close to the shield rim, tip forward.

You spun around, and backed up to stand by her side quickly. Before couldn't believe your eyes. There were these...things! Rising from the floor.

Keep your light burning strong.

Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters


Kairi engages first prioritizing shield use so as to give you both a better understanding of how the monster fights Sora hangs back observing and waiting for openings to attack


Work with Kairi, each of you defending the other while they're attacking.


Sora casts spells until the enemy gets close, then Kairi engages in melee and Sora darts out with hit & run tactics while it's distracted.


+Try to tease Kairi back by flirting "no way will this back fire"


+Use Kairi's shield to Fastball Special yourself through the enemy, slashing all the way.


Hit it with the pointy end until it stops moving.


What is your strategy?

+Use each other as improvised weapons, grabbing each others arms and swinging each other at the enemy weapon first.

As you are that would require letting your weapons drop. You don't know the summoning trick quite yet


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+4

15 + 4 = 19

Dice: 1d20+4

19 + 4 = 23

Dice: 1d20+4

10 + 4 = 14

Dice: 1d20+4

14 + 4 = 18

Dice: 1d20+4

16 + 4 = 20

"I'll take the lead." Kairi said, stepping forward. In front of you more shadows rose from the platform. They scuttled towards the two of you, waddling hunched over on stubby legs and clawed hands. When they were a few feet in front of you they paused. They regarded you for a moment and a few raised their claws, flexing them them threateningly.

Then they snapped towards Kairi.

And they charged!

Kairi yelped as two of the Shadows leapt at her. With practiced precision she angled her shield and swung it in an arc, catching both Shadows in its wake and batting them away. Another scurried towards her, lunging with its claws, only to meet the steel of her blade as she swung in a downward slash. The Shadow was bisected, and dispersed into black smoke.

She hopped backwards and used her blade to parry another Shadow as it attempted to slash her from the side. She lunged again with the edge of her shield on the attacker, caving in its skull, then using the momentum from that attack she twirled and brought her blade in a horizontal slash through another leaping Shadow. Both disintegrating, defeated.

Two more charged in a lunge and slashed at her torso. She brought her shield to bear, blocking both slashes before swinging her blade to decapitate both foes in one swing. This time however the little beasts were ready. The Shadows ducked to the ground and seemed to...flatten? Kairi attempted to impale the shapes before they could scurry away but her blade merely struck hard glass with a *klink*.

The two shadows split up, slinking along the floor, before rising again to their three dimensional form on opposite sides of Kairi. The one on her left side lunged, Kairi seemed to turn her shield to defend, but then as it came close she twirled, her shield akin to a matador's cape as the shadow passed her. But she was just in time to block the Shadow that had leapt from the other side. Unlike its fellows it managed to catch itself upon the rims of her shield, but Kairi seemed to anticipate this. Lunging forward to bash the other Shadow, WITH the Shadow on her shield. With both her enemies stunned, she finished them off with a quick blow from her blade.

But she failed to notice the three rising from the platform behind her before they too leapt at her.

Luckily for Kairi, she was not alone.

You leapt between her and the approaching shadows, lashing out with your sword to bisect all three Shadows in one swing. Another took notice of your interference and approached, only to have its head caved in as you brought the bulbous staff upon its head.

Now back-to-back you both took stock of the situation. By your count there were about 15 left. Two of which lunged at you immediately. Only to meet Kairi's shield as with a practiced motion you ducked, allowing Kairi to swing her shield over your body and cause the pair of them to be flung away.

You then circled around Kairi to her back again, catching another upon your blade as it attempted to lunge at her.

And so the dance continued. Kairi blocking and batting away enemies with her shield, making brief slashes and lunges with her sword, while you lashed out with more aggressive attacks. Kairi would block then you and she would rotate positions and you would decapitate her stunned foes. Kairi would parry a blow in such a way that it would stumble past her, and you'd crush it with a blow from your staff.

Shadows would lunge at you and Kairi would dance around your body to block them.

You would catch a blow on your weapons and Kairi would appear to kick the little beasts back.

One would go to 2D form to dodge a blow from you, only to meet Kairi's boot, then blade as it returned to the physical plane.

One would leap and you'd dodge out of the way, leaving it victim to Kairi's side kick.

Soon it appeared the field was clear. Panting ever so slightly you and Kairi turned towards each other, offering encouraging smirks for your performance.

Only for you to notice a final one rising from its 2D form, having hidden in Kairi's own shadow.

"Kai look out!" You shouted, instinctively swiping at it with your staff...

Only for a bolt of light to erupt from the head and vaporize it mid lunge.

Both of you stared at the staff in shock.

"...Maybe I should have picked Paladin?" Kairi wonders aloud.

Before you could retort, more Shadows sprung up in a circle around them. They both moved to stand back to back again, ready to face their new foes.

But they didn't attack.

Instead, one by one, these shadows seemed to fade into their 2D forms again. But this time it was different. This time the shadows expanded beyond their diminutive forms.

More and more of the platform began to be engulfed, reaching towards the pair of you like a rising tide of shadow. As it approached Kairi lashed out with her blade, only for it to dip into the shadows like water. Your own blade met a similar result.

Using that light bolt from before did cause a better reaction, this time blasting the Shadows away from the glass in small "splashes", but the Shadows were quick to fill the gaps again.

"What do we do now?" Kairi asked nervously.

"I don't-" you yelped as your footing was seemingly lost. Glancing down, your foot appeared to have sunk into the shadows. Your other foot soon joined it as the shadows reached it.

"YIPE!" Kairi squeaked as her feet began to meet a similar fate. The two of you squirmed and twisted as you sank more into the shadows. Swallowing your bodies like quicksand.

Acting on instinct, the both of you dropped most of your weapons and started to try and twist to face each other. Your minds barely registering them disappearing in the same flash of light that they had appeared from. You kept hold of the staff however, as it seemed as if the shadows were attempting to rip the two of you further from each other. You held out the staff towards the redhead, she reached for it.

Your hands both grasped the staff as your arms were engulfed. Soon enough your heads dropped below the surface of the ebony tide, and you knew no more.

Suddenly, light returned to your vision with a flash.

A bright flash to be exact. A bright flash of light from between the pair of you exploded out. The shadowy depths that had gripped you before receded as if burned by this great flash. Allowing the pair of you to see and breathe again.

Between you, the staff that you both gripped tightly, dimmed its mighty glow, until it was once again merely an ordinary staff. Though light remained, albeit of a different color.

Realizing you were both laying on your stomachs, you both shuffled to your feet.

"You alright Kai?" You asked.

"Let me get back to you on that." Kairi replied, looking noticeably paler, cradling her head in her free hand, soon joined by the other when she released the staff. "That was..."

"Terrifying?" You guessed.


You raised an eye at the description.

"That wasn't like being stuck in a closet with no lights." She clarified. "At least then there's some part of you that knows that light still exists. That was...tangible. It was if the darkness was reaching out. Squeezing. Suffocating. Trying to swallow you whole and devour any sort of light it could find. It was like someone holding you under dark water and as much as you tried to struggle you just couldn't get a breath, not even able to watch as it swallowed everything you loved around you! It was like-"

Kairi was hyperventilating now, rambling more and more panicked. Eyes darting everywhich way.

Oh no. This was like one of her nightmares!

Choices -Voting closed - 18 voters




+comforting hair strokes


+forehead kiss for comfort


"Kairi, focus on me. I'm here for you. I won't let that happen to you. No matter how deep the darkness, I'll find my way to you and pull you out. I promise."


hold her hands and try to get her attention


Try to approach her and comfort her.


make a goofy face


Waifu in a panic attack from repressed memories. What do you do?

"Kairi " You say.

"-it's everywhere. You try to run but it finds you-"

"Kairi!" You say again a bit more firmly, grabbing her hands.

"-you hear the screams as it swallows all you love-"

"Kairi! Look at me!" You say much louder.

Kairi stopped mumbling. Her eyes locking on yours, still trembling, but looking a bit more lucid.

"Breathe." You say gently, "focus on me. Don't think about the platforms or the weapons or the monsters right now. Just focus on me and my voice." You pulled her into a caring embrace. Arms wrapping around her slim trembling body.

"I'm here Kairi." You continue, beginning to stroke her hair as you talked to help calm her down. "Just focus on my voice. Breathe in." You felt her take a deep breath. "Now out." You felt her release. "In, out, that's right, deep soothing breaths."

"Soothing voice helps." You hear her mutter. Regretfully you pull her back so you can look her in the eyes again.

"I'm here for you." You say firmly. "And I always am. If you ever fall in I will always find you. No matter what I have to do, no matter how deep the darkness I have to brave, I will always find a way to pull you out. I promise!"

Slowly the tension in Kairi's body seemed to melt away. She met your eyes with a grateful smile and pulled you into another hug.

"I know you will." She says.

As you felt the last of her trembles fade away, you took a glance down to the station you both rested upon.

"Guess that disproves your royals theory." You hear Kairi say after a while. You pull back, with some effort you must admit, and pull the both of you to your feet.

"You okay Kai?"

"Yeah," She answers a little breathless, now looking much better. "Sorry about that."

"You never have to apologize for that." You chastise.

"In all seriousness though, thanks." Kairi says. "I hate feeling helpless like that. I hate feeling like a burden."

"Whatever happened to your home was awful. I get it." Sora said. "But you are not a burden you understand? And don't ever let me catch you saying that again!"


"Stop apologizing!"

"Sorry." She says again, but this time it's with a clear smirk.

"...You're not funny."

"Yes I am."

You chose not to comment.

After a moment to recollect yourselves, you once again turned towards the platform you stood on.

"So smart guy," Kairi said. "Any hints of a connection in this one?"

"Well the royal angle may not be entirely out." You reply.

"What do you mean?" Kairi asks, gesturing towards the young blonde girl. "She doesn't look dressed like a princess to me."

"True," you admit, "But look in one of the circles, that woman is wearing a crown. The larger figure could be a relative, or one of her staff."

"Quite a colorful cast in those circles. Possibly the royal court?"

"Unlikely." You say. "Though some of them look professional enough to pull it off, the rest are definitely out of place if we're trying to stick to a nobility or royal theme."

"Unless that's customary in their kingdom you mean?" Kairi says.

"Must be a pretty odd kingdom," you murmer.

"...As odd as a door suddenly appearing out of thin air?"


"...I'm sorry?" You say turning to your red haired companion. Kairi points in front of her, you follow her gaze to regard a what appeared to be a transparent door.

"I guess that's our way out of here." You say after a minute. Kairi walks up to it and attempts to grab one of the handles, but her hand passes through it. "Of course that could be an issue."

Hold on.

"Aaaaand the spooky voice is back, the good news just keeps on coming." Kairi moaned.

The door won't open just yet.

Tell me a bit about your world.

[Now let's do some worldbuilding. Here you get to solidify any alterations to the islands and backgrounds of the characters. I've already selected a bunch of the previous suggestion to use. But when we return for next Live we'll get to solidify a few more. Till then. Good night and thanks for coming!]

Reader Posts- Closed - 20 posters

Battle Harem?(Not Counting Donald and Goofy)

Write some suggestions for changes here. I also have the fun poll above so dont feel like you need to repeat what you wrote there

Sora's parents are Locke and Celes who are in a three way relationship with Terra. All from FF6. Multiple romantic partners are not that unusual for the people of the Destiny Islands. Also fem!Riku. Ansem just transforms her body when in control or when she pulls out his power like vs. Roxas.

Male Riku and Female Riku as twins?

underwater ruins filled with treasure and buildings that could only be from other worlds

SoKaiRi destiny islands oceans can connect to the darkness realm if a sacrifice or great tragedy occurs and the darkness answers to accept or deny or give the killer or last victim power

Maybe make sora's parents Noctis and Lighting? Food for thought and shenanigans. :v

Sora's Mother is the Lady of Pain from Sgil

Sora and Ariel share a link that cannot be explained yet(Go bullshit like the hero you are Jade), and instantly form a bond upon meeting. Not like, kissy kissy bond, but best friends bond.

Also Kairi has the same thing with Hercules. Because that is funny.

There is a relatively simple spell that Keyblade Wielders get early on, it changes the user's gender.

Sora's absentee father is Gilgamesh.

Fem!Riku must be a thing and the girl could have a crush on both Kairi and Sora, although she is a bit tsundere about it.

The Lingering Will travels worlds. Through sheer magic bullshit, said badass empty suit of armor is Sora's absentee father.

Fem!Riku must be a thing and the girl could have a crush on both Kairi and Sora, although she is a bit tsundere about it. Also Kairi, Sora and Riku are close enough friends to go swimming naked without things getting too awkward. They even do it on occasion.

Dont do a genderswap spell

Do genderswap spell ;v


Destiny islands are full of bizarre things on some of the islands. Gives it a real mystical feel. Also Aqua did subtle magic to make our main characters sex machines in the hope that when they grew up she'd have some younger and freash lovers to play with.

Bisexual Sora, Kairi & Riku

Aqua's armor was examined by Ansem the wise and he attemted to make more like it.

You're not entirely sure why exactly this voice wants to know, but then again you had a feeling you were both stuck here until it got a satisfactory answer. So with some reluctance you began to tell it about your home.

Destiny Islands

It was an island chain of about six different islands, though only four were inhabited. You and Kairi were from the island of Spira, a modest town if there ever was. But there was also Gaia, Ivalice and Pulse.

Aside from the inhabited towns there was also the Play Island, located in the center of them all, the Island where a bunch of the various island's kids, yourself included, would hang out after school or on vacation. Relationships between these islands were generally alright, most tension restricted to a rivalry between the four major academies, one per each island.

Especially in Blitzball.

The islanders love Blitzball.

Your friend Riku was actually captain of your academy's Blitzball team.

Anyways, up next was the Play Island. A relatively smaller island located in the center of the "square" the four inhabited islands make up. So named cause it was the favorite hangout of many of the islands' kids, yourself included. Heck it was where Kairi had set up shop with her workshop for her various projects, and where a few of your other friends had made the base of their little "Explorer's Club", dedicated to exploring the various "uncharted" areas of the islands. Briefly you wondered how their visit to the abandoned mansion on the final island had gone the previous day.

The most mysterious of the islands however was, what the inhabitants had deemed "Junk Island". The reason for this was because a whole number of mysterious objects were always washing up on its shores. From various knickknacks to jewelry, to fragmented ships, to, most recently, these strange colored blocks, everything seemed to end up there. Stranger still was that below the waters surrounding the island were also what appeared to be ruins, fragmented remains of various buildings and structures in various states of disrepair. All of which also collected their share of various trinkets.

The odd part there was that the objects were...oddly foreign. And not just that they were from other islands from far away. Their make and model didn't appear to come from anywhere that they knew of, on this world that is. A notion many on the islands would scoff at, but not you.

It's where you found Kairi after all.

Yeah you and Riku found Kairi washed up on the shore of Junk Island while the two of you were out for some late night treasure hunting (rather you should say after you finally managed to drag your silver haired friend away from that synthesis kit). Poor girl was a wreck the first few nights she was there but she eventually opened up. First around you and Riku, then others. Including her new father, the mayor of Spira.

All in all it wasn't a bad world to live on.

Although all six islands could do without the pirate attacks. Every now and then roaming bands of pirates, or other seafaring undesirables would try to invade and plunder, what they perceived as, a sleepy, vulnerable, defenseless island.

They're quite surprised to find combat training being a required class in the ciriculums of the schools.

Course it didn't stop the various supernatural stories about the outside world. Most commonly the Living Shadows. An old children's bogey-man story about monsters that spawned from the darkness itself that would try to steal the hearts of bad little children.


Kinda reminds you of those creatures from earlier to be honest....

You really didn't want to think about that train of thought.

And that's all you could think of, you hoped the voice would be satisfied.

Just then the door in front of you glowed. The two of you shielded your eyes as it became less of a mirage and appeared to "fill in". When the light faded the door now appeared to be fully tangible.

"....Why didn't you just use this for the other ones?!" Kairi shouted to the sky indignantly. "What was the point of all the birds, the shattering floors, or the demon waters from hell when you could just make doors every time?! For that matter, what do you even want with us?!"

The ever elusive voice didn't answer.

"You're really not winning any points with me here." Kairi grumbled crossing her arms. "Didn't even let me keep my cool weapons." She made a point by waving her hand.

Only for her sword to suddenly appear in it.

Kairi stared. Blinked. Then extended her other hand. Her shield appeared a moment later.

"...Fine, you get A point back." Kairi grumbles.

"How'd you do that?!" You asked excitedly.

"Just...hold your hand out and think about wanting it back?" She replied uncertainly.

You attempt the same thing and your staff and sword pop into your hands. You think about putting them away and they disappear again.

"Convenient." You mention.

"Still prefer a scabbard of some kind." Kairi mutters. She paused for a minute. Nothing happened. "Aaaaand point lost." She muttered dismissing her weapons.

"You know it probably doesn't care right?"

"Let me have this!" She whined playfully. You rolled your eyes.

"Come on," you said approaching the door, "Let's see what Senior McSpookyVoice has in store for us this time."

"Wait," Kairi said abruptly. "Maybe I should go first."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the one with the shield."

She had a point.

But then again she was having a panic attack a minute ago.

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


Ladies first


You'll be fine


"Alright, you go first." You say. You trusted her. If she thought she couldn't handle it, she'd say.

"Thanks," she says with a grateful smile. Then she adopted a serious look and summoned her shield back. You took six while she approached the door, summoning your own weapons again.

Kairi reached out with her free hand, gripped the handle, and heaved. Despite just one handle being pulled, both doors opened at once.

Kairi put up her shield to protect her eyes, then summoned back her sword. Then with you trailing behind her, you entered the door.

When your vision cleared you found yourselves upon a new platform once again.

"And back to the medieval royal look again." You mutter. However unlike the previous time, Kairi doesn't reply. "Kai?" You ask.

Kairi was standing there, weapons still raised in a ready position, but she was staring at the black vines depicted upon the mural intensely. After a brief moment her gaze also shifted to one of the circles near the princess' head, specifically the one depicting the strange insignia rather than one of the three fairies.

"Kairi? What's wrong?" You ask.

"...Nothing." She replies after a minute, turning to face you. "Thought I saw someth-"

Dice: 1d10+4

4 + 4 = 8

In a flash Kairi darted to your left side...just in time to block the pounce from the Shadow that had sprung at your head.

As Kairi impaled the diminutive creature upon her blade, more began to rise from the platform. Significantly less numerous than last time, only about eight or so.

"You were right," you admit, "Shield first. Good idea."

"What would you do without me?" Kairi quipped back.

"Probably be bored out of my mind."

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20

12 = 12

Dice: 1d20

4 = 4

Dice: 1d20

11 = 11

Dice: 1d20

2 = 2

Dice: 1d20

13 = 13

Dice: 1d20

12 = 12

The new Shadows may have been fewer in number, but it seemed there was more to them than their numbers.

Once again the first two darted in quick, lunging at Kairi, who stepped in front of you, shield up. However instead of a strike, like she expected, these ones dove into the ground and slipped beneath her feet. Once they cleared her feet they returned to their 3D forms and lunged directly at you!

You parried their strikes with your staff before taking a swipe at them, one ducked under the blade while the other leapt over it behind you. You quickly reversed your blade's momentum to strike the first Shadow again. This time it was able to bring its claws up to block the attack, though you did send it skidding away.

It bought you enough time to dodge the brunt of the other's claws. But it did manage to graze your shoulder.

Just then, you heard Kairi yelp. With both your enemies in front of you again you looked past them to spot Kairi.

It looked like the remaining 6 creatures had decided to focus on her. Though she was doing quite well, managing to parry or bash away the majority of the claws going after her, despite the group's superior numbers, one had managed to slip under her guard through its 2D form. Kairi spotted it at the last second and kicked it away, but that left her open to another Shadow striking her hip. Hence the yelp. For its trouble however she managed to decapitate it. She leapt back to get out from the center of the mob.

Unfortunately that left her further away from you, with two Shadows still between you.

Current status:


HP: 13/15

MP: 3


HP: 12/15

MP: 1

Choices -Voting closed - 21 voters


Slice through them to get to Kairi.


+*Reaction Command!* Use Kairi's shield to Fastball Special yourself through the enemy, slashing all the way.


Use that Spark thing again(Magic, cost: 1 MP)


Make a leap over the two and attempt to cross the gap between you and Kairi; fire off a Spark in midair.


Attack the shadows in front of you(Melee)


Try to slip past them, get to the mob attacking Kairi

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+3

10 + 3 = 13

Dice: 1d20+3

10 + 3 = 13

Dice: 1d20+3

5 + 3 = 8

Dice: 1d20+3

11 + 3 = 14

Dice: 1d20+3

12 + 3 = 15

They were trying to separate you! They were afraid of what you could do together!

They should be.

You charge forward. One of the Shadows rushes to meet you, claws out. This time you were ready, you used both weapons to parry its claws, causing it to stumble, then bisected its body on the back swing. The other Shadow leapt to meet you, but you merely batted it out of the way. The way was clear.


Kairi glanced your way and grinned.

"You want some?!" She taunted, raising her shield, batting the front with her sword. You leapt up and planted your feet firmly upon the shield. Kairi stood firm and moved with the momentum.

"Let's go!/Eat this!" With a heave, Kairi shoved the shield forward, propelling yourself at the Heartless. Weapons out, you spun, batting and carving through most of the mob in one fell swoop. Antennae, limbs, bodies, even the heads of the little beasts flew in all directions as you passed.

Only one managed to return to its 2D form in time. Said Shadow attempted to strike you from behind, only to be impaled itself on Kairi's blade.


"We're awesome!" The two of you finished your cheer. Your old reliable team attack, Springboard Slash having done its work.

With the fight done you both dismiss your weapon.

"Kai, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She replies, poking at her wound. "It's just a scratch. Although these shorts are now ruined."

"Maybe I should take a look?"

"Sora!" She replies dramatically, "I never thought you'd be so bold! Asking get so close to a young woman's lower regions. Have you no sh-....what's wrong with your shoulder?"

"What?" You reply snapping out of your blush, but before you can reply she's already closed the distance and yanked up your damaged sleeve.

"Your shoulder I said! Did one of those things get you too? It doesn't look bad, but still sorry! Didn't realize I was so far away until it was too late! Ugh, here I am going on about how important the shield is when I let you take a hit! Can't believe-"

"Kairi!" You interrupt, putting your hands on her shoulders. "It's fine! I'm fine!"


"No!" You said, booping her nose. "No more. I'm okay see?" You said, rotating your shoulder. "Just a scratch."

"...You sure?"


"Okay phew." Kairi sags in relief.

"Meanwhile how's the hip?"

"Stings a little but I should be otherwise alright."

A moment of silence passes between you.

"Was it my imagination? Or were those things..." You start.

"Focusing on me more than you?" She finishes, "Yeah noticed that too. Happened in the other fight too now that I think about it."


Choices -Voting closed - 21 voters


+Ponder why they were drawn to Kairi over you


+Do a once over, make sure Kairi didn't sprain her hip or anything during that fight; it might feel like a sting now but it could be worse later once the fighting is over. Suggest you both do some *erherm* ... Pre-battle stretching first, so you're all limber.


Idea time, just what is going on. And pep talk to get us ready for anything else to come.


+Remember to tell Riku about this, it would make an awesome book.


Ask the Mysterious Voice what his favorite color is, and also will they let you out now please.


+Try not to peak at Kairi while she stretches. Fail entirely


wonder about how mad riku is gonna be that he missed this and why its just you and kairi here


+You can summon fricken lightning to attack these things. Why can't you heal a few scratches? ... Or maybe you can? Try to use your magic to heal yourself first, and if that works, use it on Kairi.

"Why though?" You ask. "You may have a shield but I have the stick that shoots lightning bolts. You'd think they'd try to attack me first."

"I have no idea." Kairi admits, crossing her arms. "We're equal in bladework, but you have range. Sure I'm between you and them but as that last fight showed that's not entirely an obstacle. Strategically it makes no sense."

"Maybe you have something they want?"

"Sora, I can assure you there's nothing on me of value."

"What about your necklace?" You said pointing to the shimmering teardrop shaped jewel adorning her slender neck.

"I thought about that," she admits, "but it hasn't done anything since that night, and though I don't remember it well, I'm pretty sure it isn't a weapon or shield of some kind."

You both took a moment to think to yourselves for a minute.

"Hey, Mr. Voice?" Kairi calls after a minute. "I'm sorry about the comments earlier, you're not spooky at all. How's life treating ya? Being a disembodied voices and all. Got good hobbies? Favorite color? A burning desire to let us out of here cause you can't stand to see two adorable kids be eaten alive by Living Shadows?"


"I guess it doesn't work that way."

Suddenly you hear a glittering sound, you glance over to see a small platform of stained glass forming just off the side of the platform you stood on. Then another off to its side. Then another and another until it formed a crude staircase, forming a path to yet another platform you could see in the distance.

Was that there before?

"Well." Kairi says satisfied after a minute. "Finally some progress. Maybe this will be our key out of here." Kairi started for the staircase.

"Hold on a second Kai," you said.


"In all seriousness we really should check out that hip." You quickly place a hand over her mouth before she could say anything. "It may seem like a sting now, but it could turn into something worse if we have to fight again, or when we finally simmer down."

"Uuuhhhhy" Kairi says from behind your hand.

"Thanks." You said taking your hand away.

"Haveyounoshame! HA finished!" Kairi gets out quick. "I'm done. Continue."

Ignoring that.

You kneel down beside her and gently lift the side of her shorts to get a better look at the scratch wounds on her hip.

"Well it doesn't look too bad, but..." You hesitate for a moment. "Might be a good idea to...stretch a bit. Limber up in case of more fighting. Also would help if we cooled down from lack of fighting."

"Well if we must." Kairi said with a dramatic sigh. "But turn around, I don't give free performances."

"That's not what I meant." You say indignantly.

"I know." Kairi replies.

You both turn to face back to back as you began stretching your limbs....though you do hear Kairi grunt and groan a bit in satisfaction behind you. Several times.

No free shows indeed you scoff.

After a bit Kairi announces she was through and you hop back to your feet from your previous downward dog position.

"Alright, ready to go?" Kairi asks.

"Yeah, and Kai?" You reply. "Whatever's up there, we'll face it together. Those bugs won't stop us from getting out of here!" You said, pumping your fists.

Kairi smiles gratefully.

"Hell yeah!" She replies.

So there the two of you go, two lifelong friends braving the literal dark unknown in a world of stained glass platforms, spooky voices, magic weapons, and straight up magic.

You gotta remember to tell Riku about this, this might make a pretty good book.

Reader Posts- Closed - 11 posters

Strategies for Darkseid? Or things you want to see in general(BESIDES the Riku thing)

fem-bisexual Riku is a must. Also Sora should use magic to attack the head while Kairi defends him with her shield

Bisexual nudist Aqua

*Reaction Command* The Darkseid attempts to punch both Sora and Kairi, they dodge back before leaping onto its arms and running up to its head. They both stab their swords into its eyes before leaping back, as it claws at its face in pain Sora and Kairi grab onto the shield and charge forward into its legs, knocking the Darkseid over.

The Darkside is a very powerful pureblooded heartless, but this one is weak. Incredibly so in fact. It is very slow, probably wont be able to kill us in a single punch, spawns a few shadows when punching, and kneels down to shoot homing energy shots, which can be reflected with some good timing.

So the strategy is to bait it, either into taking a swing when we are ready for it, allowing us to dodge it, with one of us climbing to hit it while the other takes care of the shadows. Or when it goes to shoot its shots, then we get close and smack them back at it.

Though something I might note is that the punch rearing back and being charged is what is slow about it, the punch itself being quite fast. So it is a heavily telegraphed attack, but if you don't get out of the way at the start, will be very hard to run from.

Other things we could be wary of is it getting creating and attacking with it's hand while shooting, trying to swat us away, the shadows coordinating, and others.

But so long as we play it smart, we will win.

kairi deflects darksides bullets and sora combines the reflected shots with fire and BOOM

Riku enjoys it when his partner uses Buffalo sauce for lube.

Attack Helicopter Riku

Tomboy Riku who otherwise acts no differently from normal. A single gender change just to spice up the main cast a bit, but don't change the inherent character.

Riku is interested in item synthesis (why not?)

Just keep Riku as Riku?

With Kairi once more leading the way with her weapons ready, the two of you walked along the stained glass path. The walk was mostly silent this time, aside from the *clack clack* of shoes upon the glass. As you approached you noticed for the first time that these platforms were not merely hovering in the middle of this darkness. They appeared to be mounted on the top of cylindrical structures that reminded you a lot of a cathedral's wall.

Of course that just brought up more questions, like where the heck those structures were when you fell through the glass on the weapon choice structure. Did you fall inside the cylinder? Are we just inside an even bigger structure? If so than why do they all seem the same size? Did you shrink? And then where did the birds fit in? Or the terrifying water of death?

Good lord this place was giving you a headache now.

Finally the pair of you reached the new platform.

One thing you do notice about this place however was that it was much...brighter. As you walked toward the center it just seems to get far more intense.

"Yeesh," Kairi hisses, "not that brighter lighting to this dusky place isn't welcome, but I was hoping it would come with beaches, oceans, salty air, and a sign that says "Welcome to Spira." Or alternatively "Congratulations, you've finally escaped that weird interpretation of SAW inside your heads and won't be tormented by Living Shadows anymore, here have a milkshake!"

"I guess the voice wasn't as forgiving as we thought." You surmise.

"Typical. Seem to give us what we want only to lead to another death trap." She then starts shaking her sword at the sky, "You won't break us Jigsaw! You hear me! I'll find you and ram this thing so far up your ass not even the most powerful telescope in history will find it!"

"Wait you know Jigsaw?" You asked, "I thought you hated horror movies." You adopt a posh voice, "'A load of unconvincing monsters, stupid predictable stories, and characters so stupid that you don't feel bad when the monster finally eats them, except for that one person or cute animal who does nothing wrong and gets the most gruesome death of the movie' I believe were your words."

"Doesn't mean I don't recognize the tropes." Kairi answered back. "Course that's not hard when 90% of what comes out in theatres these days are low budget horror movies."

"Oh good that wasn't just me." You sag in relief. "I thought that I heard that one guy's voice a lot in the trailers these days."

"Yeah," Kairi giggles a little, "still don't know how he was able to say some of those titles with a straight face." She adopts a mock gravelly tone "Beware the Bye-Bye-Ma-pffft" she snickers. "Sorry, can't say it."

"Don't forget," you say then adopt a similar tone, "Babadook!" Kairi giggles some more.

"Wait-wait-wait! We can't forget!" Kairi squeaks out. Then the two of you do the voice together.

"Look out for the Grriiiiiiiiiiiime!" That did it, the two of you began cracking up.

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

That shut you up. Course Kairi's eyes narrowed.

"Really?! You couldn't have waited for two seconds?! Way to ruin the mood." She growls. "Alright what is it? More little shadow bugs?-"

Movement caught your eye, "Uh, Kai?"

"-Or you mixing it up and adding death traps?-"


"-No wait, I know! Some giant monster's about to come right out of nowhere and start's right behind me isn't it?"

Kairi follows where your eyes are locked on, and her eyes widen.

While the two of you had approached the center, the light had shifted, casting a very dark shadow of the pair of you. Unnaturally dark.

And soon you saw why.

The shadow grew, and began to lift itself off the ground.

But don't be afraid.

Really?! You wanted to shout. But your throat had dried up.

Its hands were bigger than your body!

And don't forget…

Really not helping! Especially with those massive legs! You and Kairi glance at each other.

"...You know, the other platform wasn't so bad."

"Downright cozy." you add.

"Let's go back."

"Yeah good idea." The two of you turn around and dart for the staircase whence you came.

Only to find nothing there.

In horror the two of you return your eyes to the beast rising behind you. The massive wall of well sculpted muscle, soulless yellow eyes, and sheer, utter, darkness behind you.

"...I really hate this place." Kairi squeaks. Before the both of you steel yourselves and summon up your weapons.

[Boss battle commence, Sora and Kairi vs Darkside]

[Bosses are more powerful and require higher rolls to beat. As such instead of d20s like for grunts, actions against the boss use d100. As usual plans get a bonus]

Darkside HP: 40/40

Current status:


HP: 13/15

MP: 3


HP: 12/15

MP: 1

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters


Bait out its attacks to learn its patterns


Sora makes use of his climbing skills to scale darkside and attack the face leaping off when he feels like he is threatened while kairi draws attention with her shield stabbing it in the legs when possible


+"I-I mean, maybe it just needs a friend? For one, look at it, it's LITERALLY heartless! That's so sad, c'mon Kairi, can't I hug it?"


+Bait it out from behind Kairi's shield


+Reaction command: After the Darkside punches the ground with both arms Kairi and Sora run up the arms to the head. To deliver a Dual eye stab.


+insult its heart chest to see if it targets you


Spark!(Cost 1 Mp)




Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

79 + 5 = 84

Dice: 1d100+5

27 + 5 = 32

Dice: 1d100+5

79 + 5 = 84

Dice: 1d100+5

14 + 5 = 19

Dice: 1d100+5

41 + 5 = 46

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

He summoned monsters. 1d20+2

Dice: 1d20

14 = 14

Dice: 1d20+2

17 + 2 = 19

Dice: 1d20+2

18 + 2 = 20

Dice: 1d20+2

16 + 2 = 18

Dice: 1d20+2

4 + 2 = 6

Dice: 1d20+2

2 + 2 = 4

"Uh I don't know," You say nervously, "Maybe it's friendly?"


"I mean sure, none of those other things were friendly and this one looks like a hundred of those smaller ones packed together and on steroids, and it's definitely coming towards us with its fists clenched, and-OOF!"

Kairi's shield arm whacked you in the stomach with enough force for a small stumble.

"Thanks. I needed that."

"Don't thank me yet."

"Let's hold off on attacking right now." You suggest, "see what it can do." Kairi nods in agreement.

The beast barely moved from the spot it spawned from. Why would it? Its arms were long enough to reach all edges of the platform no matter where it stood.

It first hunched over, dark energy collecting around its spindly fingers, before rearing back its fist. Seeing what was coming, or believing you did at least, the two of you bolted left.

With a surprisingly quick motion the Darkside's (you had to call it something!) arm slammed into the ground where the two of you once stood. A pool of shadows forming around the fist.

You spare a glance towards Kairi, who had indeed tensed when she saw it. Especially when the beady yellow eyes of the smaller Shadows began to appear in the void. But she quickly shook her head and took on a focused look. This was no time to have a meltdown. Survive first, find a pillow to hyperventilate into when she got out.

The Shadows stalked towards you in waves. Kairi took the frontward position again, blocking most of the attacks and batting enemies away with her shield, while her sword jabbed quickly and precisely when she saw an opportunity.

You meanwhile darted around Kairi, slashing some with your blade and slamming others with your staff. You did consider using that blast from earlier again, but you decided to save it. Last time you tried it you felt a minor drop in your energy, so logically it would be accurate to say you had a limited number of shots.

Probably better to save those for the big one.

With the two of you working together the shadows were cut down little by little. And soon the pool of shadows around the Darkside's hand began to recede. As it did the two of you managed to draw closer and closer to it. By the time you reached the fist, the shadows had receded completely. The Darkside's hand withdrew.

Then immediately attempted to punch the two of you again.

Luckily the attack moved quite slow so the two of you were able to dodge out of the way. You attempted to also capitalize on its over extension with a slash to its arm. But your blade simply bounced off its dark hide.

The other arm comes up above its head and it brings it down in a hammer blow. You dodge out of the way again, but the the blow was enough to shake the platform a bit, causing you to stumble. Luckily Kairi was more steady on her feet and rushed the hand. Instead of attacking the arm though, she targeted the wrist. This time the blade sunk into it.

The Darkside jerked its arm back, but now you knew. Much like a suit of armor, its skin was strong, but the joints were a weak spot. That also got you wondering, if the joints were weak...

What was it your sensei said? Nobody can train their eyes?

"Kai!" You say quickly. "I need an arm down here."

Kairi started to rap the front of her shield with her sword in response.

"Hey you overgrown sludge!" The Darkside turned to face her, "Yeah that's right. I'm the one you want! Your little buddies made that clear! Well come get me! Or are you too busy entertaining that octopus on your face?"

That got it to clasp both arms above its head. Kairi leapt backwards enough to dodge the powerful blow. This time you were ready.

In a flash you leapt up on one of the hands, and with balance won from countless hours of tree scaling and traversing, you darted up the arm to the shoulder of the Darkside, and leapt blade first into its face.

The Darkside jolted back, one hand over its right eye as you landed and regrouped with Kairi. The Darkside was clearly reeling. Kairi gave you an approving nod.

Unfortunately, that little stab was enough to provoke a more powerful retaliation.

The Darkside removed its hand, purple smoke now billowing out where its eye used to be. It crossed its arms over the "hole" in its chest, and from behind those arms you could spot a more crimson energy begin to collect. Kairi immediately dismissed her blade, grabbed your coat and dragged you behind her before summoning it back.

And just in time.

When the Darkside brought its arms to its sides again, a swirling orb of purple energy shot out from a pool of similar energy in its' chest. That orb split into several more orbs, and began raining down upon the pair of you.

Kairi stood firm and kept calm, she angled her shield and blade and managed to intercept each orb as it approached. Some dissipating entirely, some being deflected off into the distance. Getting an idea from this, she drew back and managed to bat one of the orbs BACK towards the Darkside's face just as the pool of energy in its "heart" ran out. This one it did manage to block with one of its forearms.

But you had what you needed.

Current status:

Darkside: 25/40


HP: 13/15

MP: 3


HP: 12/15

MP: 1

Choices -Voting closed - 16 voters


+Reaction command: After the Darkside punches the ground with both arms Kairi and Sora run up the arms to the head. To deliver a Dual eye stab


+Harass it's legs to get it to punch the ground with both arms


sora shoots the darkside in the other eye with spark while it is blinded he and kairi use their weapons to make noise dodging when the large heartless strikes and subsequently climbing its arms to strike at the head




Spark(Mp cost 1)


climb into its heart hole and blast it with spark


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+15

66 + 15 = 81

Dice: 1d100+15

36 + 15 = 51

Dice: 1d100+15

17 + 15 = 32

Dice: 1d100+15

92 + 15 = 107

Dice: 1d100+15

35 + 15 = 50

Dice: 1d100+15

21 + 15 = 36

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

Return of the minions! 1d20+2

Dice: 1d20+2

13 + 2 = 15

Dice: 1d20+2

16 + 2 = 18

Dice: 1d20+2

15 + 2 = 17

Dice: 1d20+2

2 + 2 = 4

Dice: 1d20+2

9 + 2 = 11

"Think you can do that beam trick again?" Kairi asked quickly.

"I think so?" You say.

"Then when I give the signal, try to shoot its other eye out." Kairi says quickly.

You try to stay hidden behind Kairi as you stared at your staff. You tried to think about what triggered the spell in the first place. You summoned the emotions you felt when you first used it, the protectiveness you felt towards Kairi, the concern for her safety, the desire to protect her.

The staff head began to glow, and just in time.

The Darkside regarded the two of you, then crossed its arms again, beginning to collect more energy.

"NOW!" Kairi shouted ducking.

You quickly took aim, and once again a bolt of white light erupted from the staff head. Your aim was true and struck the other eye head on.

The Darkside gripped its face as it writhed in agony. Kairi, meanwhile, offered her blade towards you and the two of you bumped hilts, taking the place of a high five. The Darkside's hands meanwhile gathered farmiliar energy, before raising them up and slamming them down on either side of you, pools of darkness rising again.

"Kairi!" You called.

"I'm ready!" She replied, the both of you taking up positions, back to back as the Shadows arose from the darkness.

They fell upon the two of you like a wave.

And broke upon you like a wave breaks upon a mountain.

You would slash and slam your staff at the enemies, then reverse positions with Kairi, letting her absorb the charge of the next wave while you finished off the enemies that were harassing her. Then you would duck, allowing her to kick over your head at one of the Shadows leaping at you, while you impaled another that rose from its 2D form near her ankle. This left you both in the ideal position to lunge in opposite directions to impale two Shadows, then slash and bisect two more more. No mercy. No matter how your foes approached, no matter how many fell upon you, you both had a circle, and were determined not to let any enter it.

Like before the pools began to recede. But this time you both were ready.

"Come on!" You shout.

"The bigger they are!" Kairi agrees. Instead of letting the hands get away you each rushed one, darting past the remaining shadows and leaping upon an arm each. With its arms seemingly pinned by the darkness its head was vulnerable. You each leapt simultaneously.

"Take this!" You both cry.

And impaled both eyes at once!

The head seemed to erupt into blue sparkling energy as you two leapt back down to ground level.

"Kairi!/Fall vile beast!" You shout and tap blades.

Boss Fight Complete

Flawless Victory!

The Darkside fell to its knees, with a crash, said knees beginning to melt away.

"Want some more tentacle face?" Kairi called, "We can do this all day!" She said raising her...empty hands?! "What the-?!"

You soon notice your own weapons vanish.

"...You're not taking that tentacle face comment personally are yo-YIPE!" You tackled Kairi away as the Darkside slammed its arm downwards, barely missing squashing her under-palm. It soon slammed the other palm down. Staring down at you, its eyes somehow fully healed.

The both of you stare up as the Darkside began to...ooze. The limbs began to liquify, turning into more of that dark energy which again spread across the platform towards you.

Kairi yelped and held you tight!

--But don't be afraid.

Instead of you falling into it like before the darkness seemed to reach up and coil around the both of you with countless small tendrils. Starting with your legs.

Kairi began to hyperventilate again.

You hold the mightiest weapon of all.

You attempted to drag the pair of you out of the dark pool, but by this time the tendrils had begun encircling the arm you used to pull them.

Kairi's eyes darted everywhichway. You felt the darkness attempting to rip her away again.

So don't forget:

You managed to rip your arm free to bring it back around Kairi, you squeezed her close and whispered comforting words in her ear, even as the darkness began to finish encircling around you. You had all but submitted yourself to the end.

Until a glow from Kairi's chest exploded outwards, sending the darkness scurrying away, and wrapping you both a warm comforting embrace.

Everything went white, and you heard the voice one last time.

You two will be the ones who will open the door.

[End of Prologue]

Next: Chapter 1: Destiny Island-Day 1