Camp Sensen by killertpu


Welcome to Camp Sensen! Where anything can happen!


After a messy divorce, your Mother gets the brilliant idea to bring you and your sisters for one last trip to a familiar summer camp...

"Oh cease your moping, Riley!" Your Mothers speak to you as you stare past the car window; civilization had already disappeared an hour or two ago. "It'll be fun! We're only going to be there for the first month of summer, and then we'll be back! More than enough time to spend the second month with your friends!"

Still, you can't help but heave a sigh. "I guess..."

The next thirty minutes of driving is filled with an uncomfortable silence. As was the previous absence of discussion every time Mom tried to convince you that everything was going to be absolutely fine.

"Riley... can you look at me. Please?"

You wait two minutes to comply.

You mother is a beautiful woman. Pure sky blue eyes, long blond hair, soft pink lips that hold a perfect smile, a wonderful complexion, and so on. Beyond her looks she is an excellent cook, and maintains a garden in her free time. The perfect domestic housewife.

You have no clue just as to why Dad callously divorced her a few months back, but the money she got from alimony insured that she could still maintain a stress free (if lonely, and a bit more conservative,) future.

Understandably, Mom was shocked, and heartbroken. She's been depressed all Spring, but now she suddenly got this brilliant idea to take her kids up to Camp Sensen for "One last good time together." The implications were dark, but... seeing Mom is at least smiling again helps to ease your concerns.

"I know that you had that... convention to go to with your friends, and I wished I could plan time around it, but..." she sighs, looking serious as her palms grind against the steering wheel. "I just really, really wanted this. Okay?"

"...Okay." You admit with a slow nod, unsure on what to say to that. "There's always next year anyways."

Your Mom smiles at that. "Always."

You shift back to staring outside after that, the tension in the air dissipating slightly. You're nineteen, dammit! You just graduated from highschool and teenage drama! You really don't want to deal with all this shit, and have it be familial! Again!

Thankfully there is no more discussion to be had with Mom, and the rest of the six hour long drive is completed in silence.

Who else is coming with you and mom?

Choices -Voting closed - 19 voters


Younger + older sister.


Younger twin sisters.


Older twin sisters


Older sister.


2 younger sisters.


Younger sister.


2 older sisters.


"And we're here!" Mom announces as the van screeches to a slow halt.

You blink away the sleep in your eyes, rubbing them. Groggily you push open the door, nearly stumbling out of the car.

"Hey. Watch it, Doofus!"


"Fucking trip made me all sore." She groans before taking a chunk free from a recently opened chocolate bar.

Your elder sister was never really much of a "traditional woman." She took more to Dad's side in terms of gruffness, and delinquency. She preferred tuxes and hoodies when girls wanted dresses and silk, short swept back hair over long bangs, weight lifting over dancing, jogging over singing. Those kinds of things. In other words: she's a tomboy. She even went so far to dye her hair black after she learned of the divorce.

"The hell you looking at, Doofus?"

And, of course, she's always raring for a fight.

"W-what?" You ask, confused.

"What are you looking at?" She asks again, taking a step forward.

Your nose curls slightly. "Did you take a shower before leaving?"

"I took a job before going. Needed to get the energy out." She plainly explains.

"And you didn't take a shower?"

"Didn't have the time."

You blink. "Really?"


"God, you're an animal."

"Whatever, pervert."


Your inquiry ends with her hand slapping the back of your head, sending you stumbling forward. You spin around, eyes aflame with indignation, but she merely laughs. Pushing you aside before walking to the other side of the van to take a look at the summer cabin.

"Asshole." You grumble under your breath, patting the back of your head where Blair had hit you. Even though she's your senior of six years, she's always been on your ass over everything. As if she needs to prove something to the only boy in this household…

Ah. Right.

The pain fades away as you looking back into the van, leaning in. God, you hope Blair's sweat didn't knock out your little sister.

"Annie. You there?"

"...I'm here."

Your little sister did not adopt your sister's assertiveness, or your natural charm and intelligence (so says your Mom, and Teachers.) The only thing she ever inherited was a weird recessive gene that made her an all natural redhead from your mother's side. You never fully understood, but the genealogy showed that Annie, Annabelle, Delaire, is in fact your younger sister of three years.

You wear an easy grin. "Did Blair give you trouble?"

"N-No." Annie was always a shy girl, and an underachiever. She never wanted to stand out, but was always imaginative, and perceptive. She loved reading for hours, and preferred tinkering with small objects and electronics than interacting with people. Probably the fondest memory you have with her was working together all night on a science project that needed to be done the next day.

"Well, come on then." Mom's waiting for us outside.

Your sister does not respond, but nods her head. Even after all these years she's incredibly cagey around everyone. Even more so with you.

In the end, she exits with your helping hand, and the pair of you round the van as well to see your cabin.

A two story log cabin with a basement suite to boot. This particular building has been your families preferred home away from home whenever you all go to Camp Sensen.

Speaking of this particular summer camp: Camp Sensen is actually an island resort free from civilization. It's a popular place year round for couples, college students, and schools that want to rent an area where kids can both have fun, and learn. You know that your Mom's best friend, Aunt Julia, also works on this island as one of the lead counselors; which would probably explain the 30% discount your family gets every year.

There is actually an old town on this island as well, but it's small with only a few hundred people + staff ever living on this island throughout the seasons. You've never been in the island town before, but now that you're old enough to finally have mom stop mother henning you... maybe you could take a walk through the town this year? You heard the local girls are always looking for hot graduates to, well... you get the idea.

"Riley, Blair, can the two of you unpack the van and bring everything inside for us? I have to make sure everything is powered up inside. Blair can help with that."

"Sure." You reply with a shrug.

"Whatever." Is Blair's, but she sulks over to the van to gather everything. Even now she cannot go against a request from Mom.

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


Try to chat up Blair a little bit. She's more bitchy than usual.


Keep your head down, and focus on working. Blair's more agitated than usual.


Try to fluster Blair. She started it!


Take our shirt out. What it's hot.


"So .. uh... how you doing, Blair." You ask as you unload a heavy bag from the van. Dammit, Annie, why did you pack all your science equipment?!

"Dogshit." Is Blair's immediate response.

"So the usual then."

She actually scoffs at your jab. "Fuck off. This entire thing is bullshit, and you know it too."

"Of course I do!" You snap. "Me and the boys were going to the GamerGuy Convention this year and get early access codes to the hottest craze, Cyberfall: 2097! It was going to be awesome!"

Blair rolls her eyes. "You're such a fucking nerd. Unlike you and your virgin friends, I actually had a date planned with a hot guy. Now he's probably going to strung up by some slutty strumpet now! Fuck!"

A loud bang resonant from the van, turning around you see Blair has kicked the unassuming vehicle. Seconds later, she's clutching her foot.

"Fuck! I should not have done that!"

Choices -Voting closed - 24 voters


"...Want me to get the medic bag?"


The fact that you think he's going to fuck another girl that quick says he's a little shit




Just continue working.


"Who's your boyfriend, assclown Chad Thundercock? Or is he not your boyfriend, he just uses you."


"I'll say! Now it'll be a chore to buff out this dent!"


"So Blair, which project do you have due tomorrow?"


+Try not to think impure thoughts about your sister. Try not to think lewd thoughts about your sister. Try not to - FUCK.


"Note to self: Don't kick metal objects twice your size."


+Kick her in the boobs


You sigh at Blair's idiocy. She never thinks thing through until it's too late.

Your exasperated sigh intermingles with Blair's swearing. "Want me to get the medic bag?"

"What the fuck does it look like?!"

"I'll take that as a yes."


A few minutes later, Blair is sitting on the base of the van sliding door with only one shoe and sock on. You are kneeling in front of her, medical bag laying next to you as you take a cotton swab to her bruised big toe."

"How - ah - bad is it, Doc?"

"Terrible. May need to cut it off." You clinically state.

"Better get the bonesaw then - fuck hell! - Doc!"

"Sure. After I apply this band-aid, you big baby." You discard the reddened swab and tear the the top of a paper seal to pull free a pale band-aid. After removing the plastic coverings you place the band-aid over Blair's newest battle scar.

"And done. No bonesaw today you lucky girl."

"My hero." She drawls, pulling away her foot, and grabbing her discarded sock. You ignore her, and focus on bringing all the ousted bags into the house.

"...Hey, Riley?"

No dweeb this time. "What is it?" You ask.

"This entire thing is bullshit, r-right?"

You turn to Blair, and see she's looking away from you, one knee dragged up to her chest so that she can hug her leg.

Choices -Voting closed - 24 voters


"This is all for Mom..."


"It kind of is, but I'll put up with it for Mom's sake."


+"seriously, fuck dad"


"It's only going to be for a month... okay?"


"Hey, we could roleplay Friday the 13th. You wanna be Jason?"


"This isn't for any of us. It's for Mom."


"It could be worse, we could be forced to spend time with dad."


"Yeah. Yeah it's bullshit."


"I dunno. Why're you so opposed to this? It's an island retreat, isn't it?"


"Eh, 'bullshit,' 'placebo.' It's all in how you view it." Kiss her booboo. "Does it feel better?"


You pause for a moment, scratching the back of your neck as you sigh. It still stings a little where Blair had hit you minutes before. "Look. I... I honestly don't know, but we're doing this all for Mom. Like, at least looks happy right now. Probably wants to do something with all of us together again... sans Dad, obviously."

"It's still bullshit." Blair mumbles, nodding nonetheless.

"Agreed." You nod back. "But these bags aren't going to carry themselves. So when you can stand again, please help me, alright?"

Your voice takes a softer tone near the end, but you don't wait for her response. You have bags to carry, after all. Still, you barely hear Blair responding to your request.

"Yeah. Thanks, Riley. You always were the more dependable man in the family..."

"Sure." Is your only response to that.


It takes roughly thirty minutes to have everything settled in, and rooms be chosen for all people involved. This cabin was built to handle a large family, and then some. The main floor contains a large kitchen, connected to the dinning room with a table that can be extended should extra seating be needed; neighboring the dinning room is the living room with its own flatscreen TV nestled over a fireplace; this floor also contains the master bathroom. The second floor contains the majority of the bedrooms, and will be where you, Blair, Annie, and Mom will be sleeping. Everyone has their own room. Unsurprisingly, Mom has the Master bedroom, but what is surprising is that Annie is getting the second largest room with the library. Actually, that makes a lot of sense when you think about. Annie brought a lot of books with her.

The basement suite is a bit weird. It can double as extra space in the event of more family members, but can also count as extra cargo space, and that's where all the spare supplies and nonperishable goods are going. It also contains the emergency generator, and power box.

"Now we're all settled!" Mom announces happily with a clap of her hands. "I'm going to prepare dinner for all of us, so you're free to do what you wish until then."

As if on cue, the majority move to their desired positions. Annie runs upstairs to read her books, Mom goes to the kitchen, and Blair moves towards the door to leave. Probably to take a smoke, or something.

"Hey." Blair suddenly grabs your attention.

"A pack of college kids have rented out the camp grounds for the summer as well. They could be having a party. Want to come?"

You raise an eyebrow at the strange request from your sister. She never invited you to anything, but then again you're nineteen now, and that means you can drink, and do... other things.

Choices -Voting closed - 22 voters




"Nah, I'll stay here." (Go help Annie.)


"Nah, I'll stay here." (Go help Mom.)


Do your homeowrk


"Uh .. sure?" You answer, unsure if this is some kind of prank.

"Awesome. Let's go."

Before you can respond, Blair grabs you by the wrist and begins to drag you out of the house.

"Have fun you two!" Mom calls out cheerily seconds before you're out of the house.


"Oh thank God! I thought this place was going to suck ass!"

It only took ten minutes of walking to reach the main camping grounds of Camp Sensen. By the five minute mark you could hear loud music blasting from several subwoofers. Once the two of you enter the campground do you find chaos.

It's an absolute party. Party streamers everywhere, alcohol being poured freely from several gigantic coolers. Frat boys playing beer pong, bikini girls swimming in inflatable pools, a great bonfire with college kids circling it, dancing and cooking marshmellows; there's even a DJ dropping beats on a great podium close to the fire.

"Holy shit, this reminds me of graduation." Blair grins from ear to ear.

"Y-Yeah." You cough, feeling nervous. Your post-graduation party was never this big!

Your anxiety leaves your soul thanks to a strong slap on the back. "Aww don't be nervous!" Cackles your sister. "Maybe you'll even get laid!"

"Not funny." You grumble, ignoring the twinkle in her eye. At least she is having fun.

"So, got a place in mind?" She asks next.

Choices -Voting closed - 24 voters


The bonfire looks like a great place to mingle.


The inflatable pool filled with bikini-clad ladies looks pretty nice...


You heard that there is a cave the natives used as a burial ground, lets go check it out.


+Keep track of your sister


You're experienced with beer pong. Time to bro it up!


Who's that big guy with the machete?


+You already have the app to find your family by the doggy chips you put under their armpits while they slept off the sleeping pills you crumbled up in that ice cream the one time.


A ping-pong ball hits you in the head. Oh, it's on. Like Donkey Pong.


The towering kegs of alcohol calls to you.


+Don't keep track of your sister, you're not lame.


"Let's head out on the late, just the two of is, I'll row us out."


A moment of scanning reveals that the best place for you would be the bonfire where the majority of college students mingle. A decent mix of sexes, and a good enough place to introduce yourself before picking some more... specific.

"I'll go over there." You point to the bonfire. "You?"

"I'm going to get fucking smashed."

"Why am I not surprised..."

"Don't worry!" She laughs. "I have my dependable little brother to drag me back home once this is over!"

You roll your eyes. "Your callousness is astounding."

Blair only laughs again, slapping you on the back once more before walking towards the kegs. "Have fun, Dweeb!"

"Ugh!" You groan from the pain. Why does she always have to hit so hard?!

Once the pain subsides you hobble over towards the bonfire, grabbing a plastic cup of beer from a nearby tray before finding a crowd to mingle with... while also trying your best to keep an eye on your sister so that she doesn't get in too much trouble.


A few hours later, roughly midnight, and you find yourself shit out of luck. Sure you managed to strike up a conversation with a few groups, and some pretty college girls, but you can't find that right chemisty to "meld" with them. Sure, you're nineteen, drinking beer, chatting, flirting, and so forth, but it looks like you just came in at a time when all the groups had already melded. So in the end you're sitting by your lonesome on a log, being warmed by the bonfire, drinking beer, and cooking a line of marshmellows and hotdogs on a metal rod.

"So annoying." You grumble, finishing what's probably your fifth plastic cup of surprisingly decent beer.

"Hey. All alone?"

You nearly jump from your skin, and turn your head to see a woman has sit besides you.

A... well, a very pretty, and very tall dark-skinned woman wearing a white bikini now consumes your vision. You can feel your cheeks flush slightly from the heat and beer as her breasts bounce and jiggle.

"Eyes up here." She then says next with a giggle, clearly enjoying the attention.

"S-Sorry." You cough loudly, moving your gaze upwards towards her amber eyes, and dark shoulder-length hair.

"No problem. I wouldn't be wearing this otherwise~. No luck tonight?" She asks, showing that she's holding two plastic cups full of sloshing beer. "Same for me. Maybe we could be miserable together?"

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters




"You haven't had any luck tonight? Are the men fucking blind here?"


Sorry, gotta go find my sister, she's getting shitfaced and I have to drag her home before she gets raped by the frat pack.


"I'm pretty sure I stopped being miserable the moment you showed up."


+Turn down the beer, you've pretty much been made the DD


"I hope you're not taking pity on me."


+ Don't drink the beer it's clearly roofie'd there's no way a hottie like this wants you


Actually I'm a cute girl. I just wear baggie clothes see, flash her your tits.


+ Hold the beer, even if you don't drink


"Damn, you're hotter than my sister!"


Disregard this dumb faggot and keep an eye on your onee-chan.


Compare breast sizes


Trace the tattoo with a finger. "So, any meaning behind this?" Trace inward to her thigh.


"Too bad, I'm underage." Grab her ass. "Can't drink."


Get out your handheld breathalyzer. You gotta make sure you stay legally sober.


You look at her, then at the cups of booze, then at the fire; finally you scan the surroundings, and spot Blair chatting up some muscular jocks in swim shorts by the kegs. Looks like she'll be fine.

"Sure." You finally admit, and your partner hands you a cup with a smile. "Everyone is fucking blind around here though, letting you walk around to find lonely young me."

Her laugh is positively angelic. "A shame for them, but lucky for you, I guess." She takes a swig from her cup. "But I never was good with crowds, I guess. Name's Myra by the way."

"Pretty name." You compliment, but raise an eyebrow before taking your own sip. "There's nothing but crowds all around here."

"Sharp, but I have been skulking around the edges for a while, trying to work up the bravery. But at that point everyone already got into their own cliques, and I've never been a brave girl."

"With a body like that?" Your drunken tongue looses those words before your brain can catch up. Now there is an actual blush on your cheeks.

Myra smiles sweetly. "Thanks. Glad to see someone likes to look at my hard work." She then begins to stretch, revealing her long, sinuous legs, and muscular core.

Pretty sure she works out more than Blair, you think. "Well... thanks for the company. Makes the fire a little bit warmer."

Myra holds her smile. "I'm happy too."


Time begins to blur as you continue to discuss things with Myra. There's a lot of things you find to have in common with the girl. Likes sports, works out, enjoys reading a few fantasy novels that you like. All the while the plastic beer cups begin to pile up next to your feet. You're most assuredly far past the buzz, and are drunk. Not completely, but you're stopping yourself from standing in fear of falling into the bonfire.

"Hey~" Myra is particularly close right now, head resting your shoulder, breathing lightly. "We're both pretty buzzed now, and things are starting to wind down~..."

You shuffle awkwardly in the haze, clearly feeling Myra's hand resting on your thigh, the edge of her fingers teasing your crotch.

"Wanna have some fun?~"

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters




"...Maybe later. It's getting late."


+gotta go find my sister, she's getting shitfaced and I have to drag her home before she gets raped by the frat pack.


"You had me at 'wanna'."


+ Or smash fun? Because I play a mean kirby.


"...Like Mario Party fun? Or...?"


Sure, lets go to the native burial cave!


Kick the plastic into the fire, huff some fumes.


"Don't bite too hard."


+Gotta go find my sister and wank one out to the sight of a train getting run on her.


+ Disclaimer, I'm consenting to normal fun. No weird ass cannibalism or murder shit.


There is a moment of concern passing through your mind.

"Things are progressing to quickly."

"She's a bit pushy."

"You're probably going to get mugged."

"You still need to find Blair."

And so forth.

All of that concern is washed away thanks to the power of alcohol.

"Sure." Is your plain answer, and the two of you rise, and go into the woods.


It doesn't take long for Myra to free you of your shorts and underwear, and for her to remove her sinfully small white bikini top to reveal her chocolate breasts, each topped with a dark nipple. An obscene giggle escapes your partner's lips as she pushes you against a tall tree, and begins to kneel down.

Her breath is hot against your hardening cock. Her soft lips kissing your sack; her tongue gliding up your glands to the tip where she takes a moment to suckle it. Earning an appreciative groan from you.

"First time?" She then asks with wide, amber eyes. They glow in the dark so prettily.

You answer with a shaky nod.

"Wonderful~." She purrs, and your cock disappears into her mouth in one. Fluid. Motion.

You gasp, grabbing onto a branch for support as you feel the head of your cock hit the back of Myra's throat; her pleased hums only serving to stimulate you further.

"F-Fuck! M-Myra!" You grunt between breaths. Y-You were not expecting your first night here to end with something like this!

Your voice only serves to encourage Myra; humming happily as her head bobs up and down your cock, one hand slinking between her thighs to play with her wet snatch.

She lets go of your cock, exposing it to the cool air as her other hand begins to slowly pump your member. "You can hold out a little bit longer can't you? Riley?" She asks in a husky voice. Her eyes glowing brightly.

You nod rapidly, eagerly. Almost gasping for air. "Yeah. Yeah."

Myra grins devilishly, and goes back to servicing you with her mouth. Her tongue does wonders underneath your cock, coiling around it like some kind of slippery snake, her wet mouth almost makes you feel like you're about to drown.

It's bliss.

You cannot last.

"I'm- I'm about to cum!" You grunt loudly, toes beginning to curl.

Your announcement is met with an excited gurgle from your lover, and she surprises you when she buries her face into your crotch, her nose tickling your pubes as you unload load after load of hot semen down her throat; much to her delight and pleasure as she shudders from her own fingers granting her blissful release.

Riley's Corruption: +1

Your legs give out, and you slide down onto your ass. Myra's mouth does not let go of your member all the way down, sensuously following your shaking movements like water. She does not stop until she has sucked every last bit of cum free from your balls.

"Good boy." Are the first words she says after popping off your cock, smacking her lips. "Virgin semen is the best. Glad I could taste your first shot."

You're too exhausted to care about the strangeness of her words, you're absolutely flaccid. "W-what happens next?"

"Saving your sister."

You blink. "W-what?"

And then... you hear the screams.

You blink again as you hear the noise, not fully comprehending it. But it dawns on you moments as adrenaline flushes out the drunkenness as it pumps through your veins. You reach down and pull up your boxers and shorts, and stand.

"Myra! What- Myra?" You turn towards where you last saw your evening partner, and do not find her anywhere, save for the rustling of distant bushes.

"Myra?" You ask the shaking greenery, and is answered by a low, almost deathly groan.

You exit the forest quickly, heart beating against your chest like a drum, and break into the clearing at record time.

It's chaos, and not the good kind.

Dead. Walking. The walking dead shamble across the campgrounds, their groans intermingling with the screams of college students.

"Get- get off of me you freak!" A familial voice screeches through the chaos. Your eyes locking onto Blair.

She's on her back, a zombie having forced her into that position as it lords over her from above, attempting to pin her arms back; its jaws snap at her neck, being kept back from a mix of adrenaline, and natural strength from your relative.

"R-Riley!" You hear her cry, tears welling up in her eyes. "R-Riley! H-Help!"

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters


Tackle the zombie.


Find a weapon. Something. Anything!


Take off shirt, wrap it around Zombie's head and open snapping jaw. Begin pulling zombie away from Blair.


+Light it on fire on the way to your sister


Grab a chair and use that to push the zombie off her


Goddammit Killer what happens ot the frat boy drauma?


+ We're going to have a serious talk later about why you know my sister was in danger.


Ask the Zombie politely to leave, or you'll have to write a strongly worded letter to its parents


"Blair, it's a stupid zombie. Trip it or something."


"Don't worry Blair, you'd look cute even as a zombie."


Shove your fingers in it's mouth and pull it's jaw open King-Kong style


Become zombie in her stead.


You re panicking, but it's quickly overridden by brotherly protective instinct.

Your heels dig into the earth, and you launch yourself forward, pushing past hysterical college students, and the shambling undead. It takes only ten seconds for you to close the distance to your sister, and shift yourself low, making sure your shoulder will be the first thing to impact the dead man.

You throw your full weight into the tackle, your shoulder taking the brunt of the force as you slam into the dead man. The zombie screeches something fierce as the two of careen through the air like a tangled doll.

The two of you hit the ground. Hard.

You roll with your charge across the dirt, knocking over a keg stand that crushes another zombie beneath its sheer weight! But the keg bursts open soon after, and alcohol splashes over your eyes. You scream as you try to rub the liquid out of your eyes...

And scream louder when you feel something latch onto your shoulder, and dig deep; breaking the skin.

Riley's Corruption: +1

"Get off my brother you freak!" You hear Blair scream at the top of her lungs. Your eyes clear just enough to see her shoe impact the skull of the zombie biting deep into you, sending it careening through the air once more with a trail of pasty blood and lost teeth chasing after it.

"Riley! Riley!" Your sister is above you now... grabbing you by your good shoulder, shaking you. "Oh God. Please tell me okay! Tell me you're okay!"

"I'm fine... I'm fine!" You brush her away, your bitten shoulder burning hotter than any fire you have felt. "T-This may be infected though."

A riot of emotions passes over your sister's eyes, most of it ending at relief. She quickly looks around, scanning the chaotic environment. "I-I swear... if you turn like in the movies- no. No. No don't think like that, Blair. F-Fuck this... w-we need to go. N-Now!"

She kneels next to you, curling arms around your back and knees into a princess carry. You're too hurt to complain, and the night becomes a blur as you feel your sister run all the way from the college campgrounds back to home; your vision growing hazier with every great step she takes.

"F-fuck that's a lot of blood! S-Stay with me, R-Riley. Riley!"

"I'm here... I'm here..." You slur slightly. "The... the medic bag has blood packs. Has all of our blood types. I'm... A plus..."

You took a standard first aid course for the hell of it. It also looks good on resumes. Never knew it would come in handy now... even if you are the one in need of first aid.

You close your eyes to conserve strength, and try to control your breathing as pain lances through your torn open shoulder. You don't want to look, it will make the pain worse.

You hear a door swing open, and Blair begins to scream, but it sounds... distant. More screams soon follow, more hands begin to touch you. You're laid down on something soft...

You don't remember much else after.