Spider-Man: Webhead Edition by frompaul

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Spider-Man-Webhead-Edition/wHABLKLesqd8riPvA/home


Spider-Man doing what Spider-Man does

Across the multiverse, countless heroes have risen and fell; Motivated by either money, ideals, or both. They established themselves and found a way to survive in this chaotic reality. Only they can decide how much they're willing to sacrifice to gain the power needed to thrive.

This will be a Spider-Man quest starring an older Peter (mid-20s) who worked at OsCorp before promptly getting fired after a certain accident with a spider. Uncle Ben and Aunt May have long since died from old age and Gwen Stacy is the youngest captain of the NYPD, being promoted at 30-years-old after her father retired from the force. Mary Jane is Peter's neighbor, and she's a college student studying fashion design at Empire State University.


Rolls will consist of BO3 with D20 dice. 1s and 20s will count as critical fail and critical success respectively. Dubs won't be considered. (Too easy to get in a D20 system.)

Mutation Point (MP) will be a thing and you can spend it to upgrade of acquire new Spider-Men related abilities. As long as another Spider-Person in the multiverse has it, then you can get it. MP can be obtained after beating new villains or accomplishing other great things.

Time to pick what kind of "Peter" you are:

Clean shaven and sporting a few gray hair from stress.

Peter Parker: (Just Good Ol' Parker Luck)

The original. The OG. The vanilla ice cream of options. You're just another Peter in the infinite expanse of the multiverse.

Somehow, you just can't get rid of that stubble.

Peter B. Parker: (-2 All Rolls; Special Opportunities)

For one reason or another (mostly the B), you were cursed with a heavier Parker Luck than most other Peters in the multiverse. You tend to be more unlucky, and fail more actions, but when you get lucky — you really do get lucky.

Pick Your Name -Voting closed - 26 voters


Peter B. Parker


Peter Parker



You wince at the sharpness of your boss's tone. Slowly pivoting your heels, you turn to greet the red-faced Harry Osborn while forcing what you hope is a charming grin at him. Stuffing one hand in your pocket, you give him a finger gun—despite the fact he looks about ready to throttle the life out of you.

Harry Osborn

"Heyyy Har—"

"My office. NOW," he growls through gritted teeth, cutting off your feeble approach at diffusing the situation with the patented Parker Charm™

Nodding quickly, you discreetly tug down your lab coat sleeve to hide the red bite mark on your hand as you follow along behind him. Your coworkers look at you sympathetically while they make way for the grim-faced reaper-of-jobs.

"Take a sit."

Harry's office can be charitably called minimalist, personally, you're more of the opinion that it's sad as fuck: It's just a desk, two chairs, a neglected file cabinet, and a computer. There's not even a generic "Hang in There" cat poster to liven up the room.


Audibly gulping, you perch on the very edge of the chair facing his desk, leg bouncing with nervous energy.

Harry steeples his fingers, leaning forward with a thunderous expression. "Explain to me, Parker, how you managed to let the only viable specimen escape—and then kill it."

Grimacing, you absentmindedly rubbed at the bite while keeping your gaze away from his accusatory eyes. You and Harry were never close, despite attending the same schools growing up, but you know this meant a lot to him. This gene therapy project is his first solo endeavor at OsCorp. His chance to finally make his father, the CEO Norman Obsorn, proud.

Choices -Voting closed - 19 voters


"It somehow escaped from its enclosure. Before I knew it, it was on my hand and it scared the bejeezus out of me." (Classic Spider-Man Powerset)


"We saw weird readings and the spider started...changing. I opened it to check, but it jumped on me." (Miguel O'Hara Powerset)


"Well...the spider just kind of disappeared. I opened the enclosure to check where it went, but then I saw it on my hand and panicked." (Miles Morales Powerset)


"Harry, please," You try your best, and fail, to look composed while you recount the story. "The specimen it-it just vanished from the containment unit like some sort of Ghost Spider. One second it was there and the next, it was gone. The security feeds didn't pick up anything, so I went to check on it and—"

"Enough, Parker. I don't want to hear it."

Harry cuts you off with a tired sigh while massaging the bridge of his nose, as if to stave off an incoming migraine. The normally orderly piles of paper on his desk are scattered all about, and you can see more than a few of them were about a secret project Harry has been working on for months: the Green Initiative.

"Eyes up," He shuffles the papers around his desk before placing them neatly on the side. "You've done great work for us, Parker. Your research has been invaluable to OsCorp's prosperity, but this…" he shakes his head. "…this isn't acceptable. That spider represented billions in R&D. It was going to change the medical field.

Steepling his fingers, he leans forward and gives you a sharp stare.

"You're fired, effective immediately. Count yourself lucky if we aren't pursuing you for damage to company property."

He slides a white envelope over the desk. "Your severance. Two months pay, and an NDA. Sign it, then get your things and get out."

And just like that, it's over. Peter B. Parker, former wunderkind of OsCorp's research division, now just another name on a pink slip. After a very long (and miserable) walk back home with your meager box of desk belongings on your hands, you finally reach your cramped apartment.

After wrestling with the lock, you toss the box aside and all but collapse on the bed face first, not even bothering to take off your shoes.

Across the bed you see your graduation picture, Aunt May and Uncle Ben hugging you tight while the three of you pose for the camera. Their faces shining with pride as they squishes you between then.

Slowly, you feel your consciousness start to fade. The fatigue of the day catching up to you. The last thing you register before oblivion is a strange, tingling sensation across your body.

(Constitution: How well do you take to the powers?)


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20-2

13 - 2 = 11

Dice: 1d20-2

Options: Sum. Threshold: 10.

8 - 2 = 6 (Fail)

Dice: 1d20-2

Options: Individual.

1 - 2 = -1


(3d20-2=-1: Critical Failure)

Your eyes snap open, wide and bloodshot, before you let an agonized blood-curdling scream as you stumble out of bed and land hard on the floor. Eyes shut tight in pain, you writhe and convulse on the floor while clawing against the floor boards—desperately trying to hold on to your sanity.

The spider and you are one

Great power has arrived

A connection has been made

And a bargain has been struck

White hot agony sears through your body. It feels like your muscles are being ripped apart, bones snapped in half, and veins flooded with magma as your very being twists and warps.


Distantly, you hear the pitter-patter of frantic footsteps on the hallway before someone begins banging on your door with increasing urgency.

"Peter? PETER! Are you okay in there?!" Your neighbor Mary Jane's frantic voice filters through the door, nearly drowned out by her incessant knocking.

Gasping for air, you dig your fingers into the grooves you've carved into the floor and begin dragging yourself towards the door inch by painstaking inch. You're so close, hand outstretched… when suddenly—

The door flies open, nearly ripped off its hinges by a powerful kick. MJ stands framed in the doorway, green eyes wild and chest heaving.

Mary Jane Watson (MJ)

"What the hell happened?!" She drops to her knees beside you, hands fluttering over your sweat-soaked form as she searches for injuries. "Do you need an ambulance or—"

Her words die in her throat as she spots the deep furrows gouged into the floor, a trail leading from your bed to where you lay panting.

Slowly, MJ's eyes trace back up your body, growing wider and wider as she takes in the corded muscles straining against your tight shirt. Muscles that definitely weren't there yesterday when she passed you in the hall.

"What. The. FUCK."

Shaking her head, she hooks her arms under yours and heaves you up with a grunt. "C'mon Tiger, up you go."

You collapse on the bed with a pained groan as MJ lifts your shirt, eyeing your newly chiseled abs with a critical eye.

"I don't know what kind of freaky science shit you've gotten yourself mixed up in, but something tells me the ER ain't equipped for… this."

The pain slowly begins to recede and you manage a weak smile. "Thanks, MJ…"

Then the world goes black.

(Mary Jane Knows.)

You groan softly, head pounding and muscles aching as your consciousness slowly returned. Fragments of memories flash before your eyes—agonizing pain, bones shifting, your very nature changing…

"Ngghh, what the hell happened last night?"

Blinking slowly, you start to get up—only to freeze when you register the soft, very warm weight sprawled across your bare chest and pressing down on you. A familiar redhead is snuggled up against you, her face buried in the crook of your neck, your legs intertwined with one another.

"MJ? Why are you…" Memories start coming back: her panicked voice, arms lifting you up to the bed, cool hands on feverish skin. "She must've kept an eye on me all night. But then, how'd we end up like this?"

Careful not to disturb the sleeping redhead, your scan your surroundings and take in the deep furrows you left on the floor last night, from your bed to the doorway. "How did I do that? What the hell happened to me."

You begin slowly extricating yourself from Mary Jane's embrace, holding your breath as she grumbles a sleepy protest:

"Nooo….don' go yet…jus' five mo' minutsh…"

Please don't wake up, please don't—


Damn it.

You paste on your best smile as her eyes flutter open—green meeting brown as the two of you stare at each other for a solid minute.

"So, did you have a nice dream?"

She blinks at you before jolting upright with a loud gasp. "Peter! Are you okay?!"

Her eyes take in your exposed chest and arms frantically while her hands pat and stroke your newly acquired pecs and biceps, touch lingering more than necessary, as if to assure herself you're all in one piece.

"Whoa, easy!" You catch her wrist, flinching when she lets out a pained hiss—making you loosen your grip. "I'm fine. I think. Just…a little disoriented."

Mary Jane narrows her eyes, not buying it for a second. "Uh-huh. So you wanna explain why I found you writhing on the ground last night? Or maybe tell me what's up with…"

She gestures to all of you. "…This?"

Reaching out, MJ traces a finger over your well defined abs. "Seriously Tiger, you're ripped. Like, 'Greek god chiseled from marbel' ripped. What gives? I've known you for years and suddenly you go from adorkable science nerd to beefcake overnight?"

Glancing down at yourself, you blanch. She's not exaggerating - hard planes of muscle ripple beneath your skin, abs so defined they look photoshopped.

What do you do next? -Voting closed - 20 voters


+check your dick, see if it's gone bigger too


"Cool." Starts posing and flexing.


+Put your good old genius and biology knowlesge to use think about implications of such a drastic biological change than remember the spider and connect the dots


No idea this spider bit and it was like my whole body was burning


+zyzz music plays while flexing


"We were testing some beauty serums and some dropped on me. Got fired from my work for it". A lie is more effective with a hint of truth.


+take a selfie of your new bod and post it on social media


Wunnna fac


your bitch scent got my onga bonga genes awakened


The fuck?!?


explain that you got fired from work


Do the Sam sulek poses


wanna fuk?

The correct spelling is "fuck." Peter is a smart boy, he wouldn't make this mistake. 3/10


*wanna fuck?

Too late to correct your past mistakes. Suffer the consequences.



Sure, you just experienced the most horrific agony imaginable and probably scarred your best friend for life…but damn if you don't look fine as hell now! Priorities, man.

"So, uh, mind if I just—"

"Check your junk? By all means," MJ snorts, rolling your eyes fondly at your antics. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't, honestly."

"I was gonna say 'take a leak', I'll have you know!"

"Uh-huh. Suuuure. You're not exactly subtle, Tiger." She giggles, swatting your chest playfully. "But maybe save the dick measuring after I leave, yeah? No need to scar me twice in 24-hours."

Flopping back on the bed, she pins you with a serious look.

"Real talk though, we need to discuss…whatever the hell this—" She gestures vaguely to all of you. "—is. Because last I checked, people don't suddenly turn into hunks overnight without a damn good reason. What, were you bitten by a radioactive bodybuilder?"


MJ gapes at you. "You're shitting me."

"It was a spider. An experiment we were running at OsCorp. The little bastard escaped containment and when I went to check…it lunged at me. Bit my hand. For all I know this is temporary and I'll keel over any second now from radioactive spider cancer."

Groaning, she flops back dramatically on the bed with an arm flung over her eyes.

"Fantastic. Just what I needed. As if some weirdo in a mask running around downtown wasn't bad enough, now I gotta worry about my best friend sprouting extra eyes and laying eggs!"

She peeks out from under her arm, bottom lip jutting out in an adorable pout.

"I'm guessing a trip to the hospital is off the table? 'Cause I can totally drop you off on my way to class. Just say the word.

Choices -Voting closed - 18 voters


+ "Thanks for the offer though."


"No. I think I'll look into it on my own."


+make sure to check cock size later


+"thanks for checking up on me, how about we get dinner, my treat?"


+Oscorp is trying to become a cyberpunk corporation, I'm pretty sure they have people in the hospital that would drag me back to oscorp for experimentation


Wunnna fac?


"...Fine. But if I get dissected it's your fault."


Shooting MJ a grateful smile, you tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before moving your hand down and gently stroking her cheek.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer, but this is something I need to look into on my own."

Her mouth opens wide and the redhead stares at you for a minute or two, her brain rebooting, before her freckled cheeks flush a deep red and she quickly averts her eyes; nervously fiddling with the bottom hem of her shirt.

"W-well, just…take care of yourself, okay Tiger?"

She glances back at you and pins you with a sharp glare:

"I mean it! Call me if anything weird happens. If you start craving flies or spinning webs out of your ass then I need to know about it."

"Aye aye, captain!" You give her a lighthearted salute. "Now get out of here. ESU needs their friendly neighborhood redhead to design the best clothes this side of the continent."

With a wink and a cheeky "Later, Tiger~!" she slides out of bed tantalizingly. You definitely don't watch the tantalizing strip of toned tummy that peeks out as she stretches. Or the mesmerizing sway of her hips as she saunters away.

Nope. Not at all.


Once she's gone you heave yourself out of the bed with a groan. First order of business: fixing that damn door before your landlord has an aneurysm. Fishing out you trusty toolkit, you set to work repairing the mangled hinges.

The deep furrows into your floor though…yeah, those are going to take a bit more elbow grease. You'll need to worry about those later.

With the door repaired, you make a beeline to the bathroom. With bated breath you flip on the light and turn to face the mirror–

Holy. Shit.

You gape at the reflection, scarcely recognizing yourself in the mirror. Sure, your face still looked the same but your body has been completely changed. Gone is the scrawny science nerd, replaced by a veritable Hercules rippling with lean, corded muscle.

"I can probably hide this with baggy clothing. A change this sudden will definitely be noticed."

Turning to the side, you admire the deep V-cut of your obliques disappearing into your low-slung sweats. And speaking of…

(Luck: Did your dick get an upgrade?)


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20-2

9 - 2 = 7

Dice: 1d20-2

9 - 2 = 7

Dice: 1d20-2

Options: Sum. Threshold: 10.

19 - 2 = 17 (Success!)

Dice: 1d20-2

14 - 2 = 12


(3d20-2=17: Pass)

"This is…amazing."

You stare slack-jawed at the absolute monster you're now carrying between your legs. Sure, logistically it'd be a tight (heh) fit for most women, but damn if it isn't impressive. 12-inches of possibly radioactive man meat that may or may not shoot deadly cancer-inducing loads…alright, before testing your abilities you definitely need to check if you're radioactive or not.

Thankfully, being the absolute nerd you are, you have a Geiger counter in your toolbox. After making sure you're not carrying the world's deadliest cock, you sigh with relief—It'd be really embarrassing if a future girlfriend died due to radioactive spunk.

(Spider-Mutation! Biggus Dickus) (+5 to Sex Rolls)

Somewhere, in the infinite multiverse…

Back to the story…

Now it's time to test your abilities. Obviously, you're a lot stronger than you were, but it's good to get a good baseline for your abilities. Seeing as you're in your home, and you'd prefer if it remained unmolested, you don't have a lot of choices when it comes to ability testing. You should probably look for some good spots later.

But first, a simple test.

Dropping to the floor, you begin cranking out push-ups at a dizzying pace.

"10, 50, 100, 1000…"

By the time you hit 10,000 in just a few minutes, you've barely even broken a sweat. Your muscles aren't even burning; Most athletes would've collapsed from exhaustion by now, but you feel like you can do a couple million more and then some.

"Okay, so clearly the spider venom didn't just pump me full of muscles. My strength and stamina are off the charts too."

Turning to the bathroom wall, you eye it speculatively.

"Mm…maybe the spider bite gave me other abilities as well?"

You press your hand against the wall. And another. Up, up, up, until—

"Holy shit I'm dangling on the ceiling."

How does it even work, are the fine hairs on your hands creating the firm grip or is there somehow a pull generated by your hand against nearby objects? If so then maybe it can be used offensively by—

A sharp tingle suddenly snaps you out of your thoughts. You release your grip and land on the floor before hastily pulling up your phone with a sense of dread.

"-tacking the financial district. Eyewitness report indicate a furred creature wreaking havoc and—"

"They say the Gibbon is an OsCorp experiement gone rogue—"

"-tain Stacy is attempting to establish a perimeter but the subject's erratic attacks are making it difficult t—"

"-was spotted before, but this is the first time this creature has gone on a rampage like this—"

In one of the broadcasts you can spot a flash of familiar red hair in a battered green sedan that catches your eye.


Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


You need to save her!


Hold off. You don't have a good grasp on your abilities yet.


"Okay, okay…I have to think this through." You pace nervously back and forth in your tiny bathroom. "There's a giant, murderous, masked monkey-person that's tearing up downtown and the NYPDs are getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter with dessert on the side."

Your mind flashes to the brief glimpse of red hair peeking out from the window of the crushed sedan—blood slowly trickling out.

"No way in hell am I going to let anything happen to her. Not way. No how."

With a fierce snarl you stalk over to your closet and yank it open, nearly ripping the doors clean off, to rummage through your meager wardrobe to search for anything that can hide your identity.

"I need a disguise. Can't have OsCorp get wind of…whatever happened to me."

You hastily tug on a ratty dark hoodie and some gloves, both straining over your newly muscled frame. Fashion's the last thing on your mind right now. All that matters is getting downtown and saving MJ before that overgrown monkey turns her into a smear on the pavement.

Now for the pièce de résistance: a mask.

Slim pickings here. A few crumpled, moth-eaten Halloween masks from parties past. A musty old ski-mask from that one disastrous trip with May and Ben. Nothing that screams "good guy, don't shoot".

Mask Choice -Voting closed - 20 voters


Paper Bag


Iron Man Halloween Mask




Macho Man Randy Savage Mask


banana mask


A tiger mask


+It is I the Bombastic Bag-Man, Gibbon and I'm here to protect the ones I love.


Hockey Mask


Your eyes fall to a crumpled paper bag peeking out from the trash can. It's…not much, but it'll have to do.

Grabbing the bag, you hastily cut out a couple of eyeholes with a pair of scissors and tug it over your head. The bag smells like bacon sandwich and the eyeholes are a little lopsided, but screw it. No time for arts and crafts when your best girl's life is on the line.


Just pretend he's wearing a hoodie

The Bombastic Paper-Bag Man is Ready for Action!

Looking around furtively for anybody outside, you crawl out of your window and clamber onto the roof with barely a sound. The streets are deserted—no doubt everyone is glued to their screens and watching the horror unfold.

You take off at a run, powerful legs propelling you from rooftop to rooftop at breakneck speeds. The wind rushes past you, tugging at your makeshift mask. In what feels like no time at all, you arrive at the scene—

—and it's pure chaos.

Cars litter the streets, crushed and mangled, piled high in mountains of debris; Rubble and shattered glass litter the pavement; And the bodies…Dear God, the bodies. There were only about a dozen that's spread about, which is a miracle in the busy Downtown area, but the Police Captain's quick response saved a lot of lives.

The NYPD have made a barricade, keeping the Gibbon boxed in at the McDonald's parking lot with their heavy-duty rifles and shotguns. Their shots are barely affecting the creature, but something is holding it back.

He's…changed. You've seen footage of him before, shaky captures of the creature roaming Queen's sewer system and sometimes coming out to wander the woods. Now, he's no longer the skittish creature that once kept to the shadows. He's bigger now, more feral, and his eye glow an eerie yellow.

This…this isn't right. Something's wrong with him. He's never been this violent before.

Your eyes flick to the left, landing on a familiar head of blonde hair. Captain Gwen Stacy, usually so poised and in control, looks frazzled. She's barking orders into her radio as she paces back and forth, trying to coordinate her forces in finally containing the creature.

If I'm gonna stop this overgrown monkey, I'm gonna need Gwen's help. Gotta convince her to work with me…

Just then, a tingle runs down your spine. Your head whips around to MJ's crushed sedan and your heart leaps into your throat. You can just make out the faintest bit of movement from within the twisted metal.

She's still alive. But you can tell she won't be for long.

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters


MJ is the priority. Go over there and rescue her. Now.


Go to the police and Gwen Stacy first to help contain this thing


Fuck it. Drop down and beat this Gibbon up, without the police's help.


Fuck it. MJ is the priority here.

With the Gibbon still distracted by the polices' gunfire, you drop the ground and creep behind destroyed cars and rubble while you make your way over to the redhead's beat-up sedan car—which is currently being crushed at the middle of an old jeep and a white Chevy car.

Grabbing the car's crushed handle, you pull with all your might until the door gives way. Your eyes widen as you are greeted by the sight of a bloody Mary Jane hunched over the car wheel; her green eyes flutter rapidly as she softly mutters under her breath:


"I'll get you help, MJ."

Her car is almost collapsed, the roof nearly caving in from the cars stacked on top of it. Gently. You pull her out of the car while cradling her body close to yours. The smell of copper overwhelms your senses as you make your way out of there and to the police barricade where a few ambulances have been placed.

(Luck: Is the Gibbon too distracted?)

(3d20-2)(DC:8 --Police Fire, -Berserk)

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20-2

6 - 2 = 4

Dice: 1d20-2

12 - 2 = 10

Dice: 1d20-2

3 - 2 = 1


(3d20-2=10: Pass)

Miraculously, you make it to the barricade easily, the Gibbon too focused on swatting aside the police's increasingly desperate attacks to pay you any mind. The officers at the blockade take one look at your masked face, the broken body in your arms, and step aside.

You lay MJ down on a waiting gurney tenderly, brushing a lock of hair from her face. "You're safe now," you whisper. "You'll be okay, I promise."

She makes a soft noise, lashes fluttering, and for a moment you think she might open her eyes; then she goes limp, succumbing to unconsciousness.

A hand clamps down on your shoulder, and you whirl around to see a weary paramedic—face lined with exhaustion and sympathy.

"Let us take it from here, yeah? You've done enough, hero."

You take one last lingering look at MJ's broken body before moving away from the ambulances and heading over to the blockade. The Police Captain is tearing at her hair in frustration while she paces back and forth.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not working?!" She snarls, raking a hand through her dishevelled blonde locks. "I thought you said these tranqs could take down a goddamn elephant!"

Officer DeWolff

Officer DeWolff shrinks back, hands shaking as she holds up a mangled dart. "I…I thought they would! But his hide, it's too thick. The darts aren't penetrating."

"Fuck!" The Police Captain begins to pace, mind racing. This is bad. Really bad. At the rate that overgrown chimp is tearing through her men, there won't be anyone left to defend the city.

"What about the sonic weapons? Did we deploy those?"

"We tried, ma'am," Officer Carter pipes up, nursing a gash on his forehead. "But he…he crushed them. Like they were made of tinfoil."

You turn your attention back to the rampaging Gibbon. He's only grown more erratic, muscles bulging grotesquely beneath matted fur as he strains against some unseen force.

It's like he's fighting against himself. Whatever it is that's holding him back, it won't last long.

(Harder DC when fighting the Gibbon.)

I did a lot of rewrites, so I figured I should delete the last poll and the rolls with it. For reference, you guys voted to tire out the Gibbon and succeeded the roll. I can keep it in, with an automatic pass, or it can be replaced it with another action that'll need new rolls.

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


Tire out the Gibbon (Keep it. Automatic Pass.)


Approach Gwen Stacy and offer an alliance


Rush in and attack the Gibbon



(3d20-2: Pass)

Gwen stares in slack jawed awe, and more than a little horror, as the figure wearing nothing more than a tattered hoodie and a goddamn paper bag over his head charged headlong at the rampaging Gibbon like a man possessed.

"Is that idiot trying to get himself killed?!" She snarls, hands clenching into fists. "Someone get him out of there before—"

Her words die in her throat as the man leaps into the air, sailing over a pile of crushed cars like they're a hurdle on an obstacle track, before landing in a perfect three-point landing on the ground.

"What. The. Fuck."

"Hey Banana-brain!" You shout at the towering Gibbon, its intimidating figure looking at you with bloodshot eyes. "Pick on someone your own size! Well…figuratively speaking."

It tosses aside a pole it was munching on and barrels towards you at full speed—how can something that large go that fast?! Suddenly, you feel that familiar tingle down your spine and at the last second you spring up, flipping over his head and using his broad back as a springboard to launch yourself towards a teetering lamppost.

"Aww, what's the matter big guy? Feeling a little slow?"

The Gibbon slowly turns, nostrils flaring.

"Don't worry, I'll let you catch me next time…or maybe not!"

It suddenly lunges at you with a guttural snarl, massive fists smashing into the pole and bending it like a toothpick, but you're already gone. You flipped backwards through the air before landing on top of a wrecked car.

"Ooh, so close! But no banana!"

You drop to the ground and make a show of stretching languidly.

"I don't have all day, banana-breath. Come get me."

He tries once more to charge into you—shaking the ground with each heavy step—but you run up the side of a building and back flip off the wall, and land on the Gibbon's hairy back. You quickly grab hold of the hair on its back and yank it hard.

"Yee-haw! Giddy up, monkey boy!"

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


Make the Gibbon slam his head into walls until he passes out.


Get him to ram himself into a tanker truck. Screw collateral damage.


The Gibbon thrashes and flails, massive paws reaching for its back as it tries to dislodge you. You just dig in your heels and yank on its fur, like the reigns of a particularly unruly and hairy horse. But way larger. And also wants to eat you alive.

"Woah there, big fella!" You holler over the beast's enraged roars. "I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am!"

Spotting a sturdy looking brick wall over the creature's shoulder, a wicked idea takes root in your mind. Lips curling into a grin beneath your crinkled paper mask, your grip on the Gibbon's fur tightens.

"Yo, Kong! Wanna play a game~?" You chirp with faux-cheer. "It's called 'Headbanger'! First one to pass out loses… READY OR NOT, HERE WE GO!"

With a sharp jerk, you yank the Gibbon's head down—WHAM!—and slam it face-first into the wall. Brick crumbles beneath the force of the impact, a spiderweb of cracks radiating out from the point of contact.


Again, you smash its skull against the brick.


And again.


By the fourth brutal collision, the wall is painted a glistening crimson. Bits of fur, skin and grey matter cling to the fractured masonry. The Gibbon sways drunkenly on its feet, glassy eyes rolling back into its head.

You spring off his back in a graceful backflip, landing lightly on your feet as the dazed simian crashes face-first to the ground with an earth-shaking thud. Dusting your hands off, you saunter over to nudge its prone form with the toe of your sneaker.

"One giant monkey-wrench, delivered express~!" You quip, dusting off your hands with a flourish as you turn to face the gobsmacked police. "No tipping required, but I do accept Benjamins!"

Captain Stacy pushes through the crowd, stormy blue eyes narrowed. She stops a few feet away, hands on cocked hips.

"And just who the hell are you supposed to be?" she demands frostily. "The Bombastic Paper-Bag Man?"

Pick your First Superhero Name -Voting closed - 28 voters


+I would also accept Bodacious.


The *Spectacular* Paper-Bag Man


+Gonna be honest, I put as much work into the name as the costume.




+Some random guy who could probably bench press two trucks who saw things were going bad and tried to help, by the way when the sedative failed couldn't you guys use real weapons?


Lady, I couldn't prepare a costume in such a short notice. Lets go with spider man for now, I will come with a appropriate costume next time.


nah im mr fucker man


+thumbs up, solemn nod


"I am not a disgrace! I am vengeance! I am the night! I am BATMAN!"


+flaunt bulge




"Correction: That's the SPECTACULAR Paper Bag Man to you!" You crow, striking a heroic pose with hands on hips. "Though I also answer to 'The Bodacious Bag-Man', 'The Bombastic Bag-Man', and 'That Crazy Dude Who Just Kicked a Giant Monkey's Ass'!"

The police captain's scowl only deepens, a vein throbbing at her temple. She looks about two seconds away from pulling out her gun and putting a few new holes in your disguise.

"Look, 'Baghead', I don't know what kind of game you think you're playing at but—"

She cuts herself off with a heavy sigh, reaching up to pinch the bridge of her nose. All the fight seems to drain out of her, leaving her looking just…tired. Exhausted and worn thin.

"—No. You know what? Forget it. I…I shouldn't be so harsh." Gwen meets your gaze, and beneath the weariness you can see a glimmer of genuine gratitude in those blue eyes. "Whoever you are…thank you. For stopping that thing. You saved a lot of lives today."

You blink, taken aback by the sudden change in demeanor. "Oh, uh…y-you're welcome? Just doing my civic duty, ma'am! Friendly neighborhood…Paper-Bag Man…and all that jazz!"

The police captain quirks a brow, lips twitching like she's fighting back a smile. She opens her mouth as if to say something more—

—Only to be cut off by a rapidly growing din of excited shouting. Your head whips around to see a veritable horde of reporters descending upon the scene like a pack of starving hyenas.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I did NOT sign up for this!

You shoot the police captain a jaunty salute and a wink she can't see. "Oops, looks like that's my cue to exit stage left! Adios, Captain Blondie~!"

Then, before she or the press can react, you turn tail and BOLT—ricocheting off walls and backflipping over obstacles like a human pinball as you parkour your way to safety. The wind whips past your ears, snatching away the indignant shouts of the reporters and police as you make your daring escape.

Holy cannoli, I can't believe that worked! I mean, it was touch and go for a minute there with the Police Captain but…I did it. I saved the day! I'M A REAL SUPERHERO!

You let out an exhilarated whoop as you leap around a corner—only to nearly face-plant into a dumpster. Looks like you still need practice with these new powers.

Note to self: work on landings more.

(Defeated the Gibbon: 5 Mutation Points Gained)

Time to do the Mutation Points shop. Offer suggestions in this reader box for powers or upgrades you guys want and I'll pick all the viable ones and attach a price to them.

Additional Powers/Upgrades Suggestions (Must be Spider-People related)- Closed - 11 posters

The obligatory Spider Pheromones

Radiation absorption/control, to not have radioactive cancer giving cum

Silk finger web hands

Miles Morales' Bioelectricity


Miguel O'Hara's Talons

Dice: 1d100

56 = 56

Organic Webbing

Better Regen (best QoL)

Enhanced Senses

Accelerated Vision


Higher strength, agility, speed, endurance, etc...

Natural web

An upgrade to regen (and, if we don't have it, this is to buy it)

A paralyzing poison

Better senses

Spider Instinct (it allows us to find weak points of our enemies easier)

Dice: 1d100

68 = 68

nah i'd win(whenever peter is confident in himself to win he gets a +1 to combat rolls)

- SPIDER MUSK! Or Pheromone Secretion (Or Spiderman Rizz, also known as Peter Parker Luck With Women, or Spider Pheromone)

- Bio Armor (Combination of Exoskeleton similar to that of insects, and biomechanical silk)

- Enhanced Superhuman Senses (Echolocation, Thermal Vision, tracking someone using their pheromone scent, being able to see in the dark, etc...)

- Predatory and Hunting Spider Instinct (instinctively know the hunting techniques of many different spiders and can use them flawlessly in combat, traps, and everyday use as well. Spiders are also skilled hunters, using stealth and patience to capture prey. you have heightened predatory instincts, allowing you to track enemies, set traps, and outmaneuver opponents in combat.)

- Spider Predator Sense (spiders in the wild can pinpoint weak spots in their prey's defenses. They can kill and eat wasps and beetles with incredibly strong armor by biting into the joints of their carapaces, which they instinctively know are vulnerable. Now, you also possess the power to instinctively find any weak spots in any armor or opponent with ease by just glancing at them long enough as your subconscious automatically does this, looking at the target's integrity or breaking points of bones, pressure points.)

- Enhanced Regeneration (Strong enough to regenerate even torn off limbs. A simple and strong basic power that would be a great addition.)

Enahnced regenration jessica drew 616bspider woman had much stronger regeneration than other spider people both in speed and potency she can regenerate limbs organs and huge chunks of torn flesh

Man Spider form Kaien had it its a huge power boost transformation he gone against muktiple inheritors with it

Stingers like kaine

Venom miguel had it in his fangs and kaine in his stingers

Organic webbing from spinnerer sacks forming in his arms

Radiation immunity or very high ressistance which is default for most spiderman

Psionic Webbing: Julia can utilize psionic-based webbing (psi-webs). By using psychokinetic energy, she can bind ambient free-floating molecules into strands of solid force. Her psi-webs can be used to wrap enemies, or focused into narrow web-lines that she can swing from. Due to its psychic nature, her psi-webs can be used in ways Spider-Man's webbing never could, such as causing webs to form from a distance, or controlling the movement of her webbing mentally. She can create webs of psionic energy able to hold up to 10 tons when properly anchored.

Precognitive Combat of Peter Parker (Earth-8351) His spider-sense has been honed to the point where he just 'knows things', and is developed to the point that he knows what's going to happen before his opponent could think about it, so beating him is nearly impossible due to this precognition. He has demonstrated knowing what would happen to Wolverine and a sniper hiding in the trees while being several hundred feet away from them, engaged in his own activities, and planned the entire situation exactly right to know what was going to happen

Bullet time mode Fun

make wallcrawlling a very weak form of elctromagnetic ability but we can use it to empower our muscles and speed if we learn how to channel it through the body properly

Super weeb Darwin

Dice: 1d100

20 = 20



Regeneration (Tier II) At Tier I you can heal broken bones after one night's rest. With this upgrade, you only need a few hours to heal broken bones and light injuries are gone in a few seconds. 3

Biological Webs (Tier I) Now you can make webs naturally from your body. Leaves little room for modification, but doesn't have the risk of running out of webbing or getting disabled. 3

Enhanced Senses (Tier I) Better hearing, sight, smell, feel, and taste. Improves your chances of detecting anything. 1

Accelerated Vision (Tier I) Enhanced Senses, but focused on your eyes. You have perfect night vision, infared, and the ability to zoom in on distant objects. Additionally, you can keep track of moving objects better. 3

Pheromones (Tier I) Passively makes the opposite sex more attracted to you and can be used to influence the emotions of others. 2

Biological Armor (Tier I) You can develop a tough chitinous armor on your body. At rank I it will be as tough as iron. 3

Hunting Instincts (Tierless) Instant knowledge of how to spider-trapping techniques and how to utilize them in combat. Needs webs to do utilize most of this knowledge. 5

Plans (5 points)- Closed - 4 posters

QoL or Save and Defend

Regeneration (Tier II) (cost 3)

Enhanced Senses (Tier I) (Cost 1)

Bank last point


Enhanced Senses (Tier I) (Cost 1)

Enhanced Senses (Tier II) (Cost 3)

bank last point

Plan: "Gotta Get Dem Regeneration and Pheromones"

- Pheromones (Tier I)

-Regeneration (Tier II)

this is 5 points in total

Plan: Waifu and Webs

Biological Web


Plan: Better base

Biological webs

Enhanced senses

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters


Plan: QoL or Save and Defend


Plan: Supersensory


Plan: "Gotta Get Dem Regeneration and Pheromones"


Plan: Waifu and Webs


Plan: Better base


Bank Everything