Kingdom Hearts 2π:A slightly less insane timeline by balmung1



1 QM with a complexity addiction+ watching a lot of Kingdom Hearts lore videos = this chaos

Welcome to Kingdom Hearts 2π a KH/multicrossover quest idea of mine that has formed from a very large Plot Bunny. Now as someone who knows KH through cutscene videos and YouTube video explanations I'm not even going to pretend I know every single thing.The worlds you travel will range from Disney stuff like Little Mermaid too things like Terry Pratchett's Discworld. You also will start like a real Kingdom Hearts quest- in the middle of a battle after someone chucked themselves into Sora's Heart. But jokes aside you're approximately starting at Sora's awakening in KHII though vastly different. .However for this quest there are a few things to keep in mind-

1- act like a nice chat

the chat on all of my quests have been respectful and intellectual types who give good questions and good art. If chat is respectful/nice/not a hot piece of garbage than I'm willing to bend rules. If there's a choice for something and there's lots of votes,discussion and RESPECTFUL arguments then I might just give you all/multiple options as a reward or say forget a bad roll.

2- There's benefits to being a cinnamon roll

You're going to be playing as Sora. Now as a result your MC will be nice guy to his core. Things like stress,terror and sadness will happen but for the love of God don't try and turn him into a dark and brooding pragmatic type. You are playing in a version of KH that has other elements. Being edgyboi looks cool until Darkness,some random manipulator or cosmic horror decides to use that as a way to go super saiyan in power. In addition the laws of narrative(Which are basically Discworld narrative laws but with anime and are chuuni instead of DnD nerdy) give lots of power ups to nice people.

3- Use meta/trope savyness in moderation

While it's fine to play things meta to a extent there are limits. Don't assume Sora knows what you know and even if you choose the meta option in a way that makes sense Sora might not act in the way you want. Also lore will be changed around so it's best to keep a bit of an open mind before you decide to do something rash. In addition like in the discworld series you don't need to break the cliche script but should instead try to change it. If you get narrative anime rules on your side you can break the usual rules to an extent.

4- Tragedy and Comedy

Now people who've played my other quests no I can have a bit of a range. I made Gundam cosmic/gothic horror and created a DxD quest parts of chat go to for the world building. But for this quest I'll say that while things can get dark it'll also get funny. Some worlds will be critical ruminations on ideals or drastic experiences for characters …. Others are Roxas getting stuck in the middle of a musical segment because some of your party accidentally met Luxord and lost a children's card game/duel monsters/Yu-Gi-Oh game with him over a bowl of gumbo. But above all it isn't the flashy weapons that matters most but the interactions!

5- Light and Darkness

Light and Darkness are different than in KH. For starters there's Darkness and little d darkness/Shadow. Every person other than nobodies and some Avatars of Light (Instead of just Princesses of Heart now girls and boys can get kidnapped for evil purposes because equality!) has Shadow/darkness in themself to varying degrees. This isn't bad and Shadow can also be positive things like worrying for loved ones or giving someone a hug when they're sad. However Darkness is very bad and wants to eat everything/make everyone miserable and edgy. Sadly there's little bits of it in anyone who has Shadow or isn't an Avatar of Light. So yes the shadowy hellbeast might just be a misunderstood soul but as a rule most non-sapient looking/acting Heartless will try to eat your face off. Human looking Heartless are either really fucked up people who get augmented by Darkness,people who have strong drives(not will,that's how young get human shaped Nobodies) or weird shit Xenahort made while experimenting on Norting others.

Prologue-the pieces are set

3rd person POV

Two figures appeared in the outset of Twilight Town from a Gummi ship. One in a green and black cloak slightly stumbling out before retching for approximately 30 seconds. The other wore a black and gold cloak and emerged with a professional pose. The green colored one said-

"Kingdom Hearts above,why do Gummi ships hate me so much! They should hate you more sis,though why couldn't we take a nice Corridor-"

The gold colored one interrupted and said-

"Because it would get DiZ paranoid. You and I both know from master Yen Sid's talk that we need to maximize our chances of finding Sora. Besides that hellbeast is tracking us. Brother I can survive it…Maybe but we really can't risk it. All that matters is finding Sora…Nothing else matters. Our comfort,our-"

The green colored one said-

"Sis stop it, you know that talk worry's both Yen Sid and me. You're important same as me. Whatever happens there needs to be at least one Keyblade user to fight the Darkness and Xehanort. We aren't really true ones, I mean Yen Sid found us in some stasis pods from a cast off piece of Hollow Bastion. But whatever happens we'll have to prepare for it. Besides if we do this then maybe the horrifying hellbeast will fight Sora instead of us. Those things always go towards the shiniest one, like it's a narrative law"

Starting to walk towards the mansion of DiZ the gold coloured figure said-

"That's what you said about Toaster being nice since he's a talking kitchen appliance before he tried to conquer the entirety of the kitchen,did unspeakable science on the coffee maker to create various versions of himself via time travel and created 13 Seekers of Toast. Then He called you his Master of Masters. I still have no idea why he called you that."

Running ahead the green cloaked figure said-

"That was one time. We have a mission to do"

Prologue 1- Reawakening

Prologue part 2a- A choice

Sora POV

Where were you? It was a velvet filled prison(?). It was a circular room with prison cells at the edges and you were straight in the middle with a desk and two figures. Both of which were odd-


The Death of Discworld

Now made Death of everyone in Sora's vicinity because nothing is ever simple around Sora

Isn't fun being Sora's death but hey it could be a Reaper Game which so much worse


Servant of Philemon

Still having to clean out the weird shit Ydalboath left in the Velvet room.

The long nosed figure spoke first-

"Welcome to the Velvet Room. I'm terribly sorry for you being here. You are not a Fool or a Prisoner. You are more asking to the World so to speak[1]. But things have been meddled with and while you are reforming your memories you are to be a guest"

Then the skeleton said-

"I am Death of you… and everyone in your vicinity for paperwork reasons[2]. Don't worry though you aren't truly dead just close enough to have this converstation. I do apologize for the accent though…"

You then said-

"It's okay I can understand you just fine! You two seem nice!"

Igor smiled a bit more,brought out a deck of cards and said-

"Well while you are not a prisoner of fate in a rigged game, you are however the last ace in a game that a certain someone wants to end. So the game must go on. This is why you will be able to regain"

Then the room flickered, and a sword with a blue eye appeared. The sword then hit the deck of cards and set them on fire before a voice said-

"You cannot interfere and make the boy stronger. One cannot accuse someone of cheating while strengthening the other side"

Then Igor paused ever so slightly before saying-

"And while we cannot strengthen you there are consequences to prematurely ending a game like this. Consequences that can help your friends and others depending on what you choose.."

You then said-

"What kind of help?"

Igor brought up a card and said-

"Your friend Riku has much darkness within himself and is still hounded by his own inner darkness. If you chose this card then the darkness of Ansem would be forced to withdraw it's hold or risk causing a paradox[3]. However this would not end the boy's troubles completely…"

Then Death showed you a second card with a different image, two actually! and who you felt some connection too-

Then Death said-

"These two are supposed to sleep in your heart yet others have interfered. Choose this and the Nobody called Roxas will awaken and be able to guide you while the one who is made of memory will be provided with a body of flesh and will be remembered by those who knew her."

This was a big decision. On one hand Riku but on the other hand it sounded like your Nobody,whatever that is,really needed help along with that girl…

[1] Sora has never really been a prisoner of society and is filled with far too many different hearts to qualify as being a Fool. So preparing for the eventuality Igor(no relation to the Igors of Uberwald) assigned him the World Arcana.

[2] Namely that any being capable of being omnipotent realized that Sora was ground zero for untold amounts of paradoxical near death states,paradoxical sleep deaths and Xehanort possesions(or as Yen Sid and his disciples called it,Norting) meant that someone had to be in charge of this since the usual method of Reaper Games would most likely end in a even bigger headache.

[3] Because you can't have time traveling old man Ansem,Ansem in Riku's heart,regular Ansem Seeker of Darkness sent through time, old Xehanort and Xemnas while also messing with the properties of heart so that Terra Xehanort only creates Ansem Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas instead of Ansem SOD,Xemnas and a Heartless for Terra at minimum. Time travel can do a lot of things but playing with so many moving parts will end up with one very annoyed Lu-Tze trying to teach Xehanort(s) Rule 1.

Now it is time to choose what card Sora selects. This choice isn't a trap and if you don't choose one won't mean the other is screwed. This is also the first vote of the quest.

Which card did Sora choose? -Voting closed - 12 voters


The card with Roxas and Xion on it


The card with Riku on it


A choice is made…

Well now you have a voice in your head. His name is Roxas and you're hoping he can be your friend!

Which considering the clusterfuck you woke up to is the least of your issues right now…

Sora POV

You woke up in the pod and started to emerge. Huh when Namine said that it was a deep sleep she wasn't kidding but at least you got you memories back. You with Kairi and Riku, meeting Donald and Goofy,defeating Ansem, going into castle oblivion, getting a bunch of cryptic messages by organization XIII,losing memories… Wait Namine said you shouldn't have remembered that?

Huh you're Sora. I thought you were some legendary hero or something like that. You're like that dog Xion met…Names Roxas by the way

Huh what's that voice in your head? But you were interrupted by your friends Goofy and Donald! Who you hugged and all of you said simultaneously-

"IT WORKED! But do you remember Castle Oblivion too?"

Goofy then said-

"gawrsh but I thought we were supposed to forget that. I wonder where Namine is then?"

Donald then said in a dead pan voice-

"I don't think ANYONE could forget something like that…"

You shivered a little when you remembered it. Marluxia, the replica of Riku and Axel using his fire on that guy…

You then asked-

"I also met Death and this long nosed guy called Igor. They gave me a choice of cards and now I got a voice in my head called Roxas. Hey wait maybe Namine could explain what happened. She's gotta be close by since she helped heal us-"

Jus then a few figures entered the room. Well not enter,more like two were thrown in violently and Namine entered the room running-

The first was a guy in a black and green cloak who under it looked like this and said-

James Carpenter

Keyblade smith of sand

Servant of Yen Sid

Nobody of the Butcher

"Hi Sora,my name is James,my sis Liana is right next to me. We're here on the orders of the Kings's friend Yen Sid"

The other was a girl who managed to get up and went into a fighting pose (though one you noticed was more for speed than actual fighting) and said-

Liana Carpenter

Keyblade tracker

Servant of Yen Sid

Heartless of the Cacophony

"That's nice brother but we have a literal HELLBEAST! and freaky not-OrgXIII lady right behind us too! I'd rather deal with the Toaster again than this!"

You then said-

"I don't think it's nice to call people hell-"

And then abruptly you saw a a thing appear with a roar and you realized that my not be off-

And behind that one was a Organization member who had their hood up! They had a Keyblade ,though it looked completely different than the one previously-

Hey that looks similar to the Keyblades I summoned too and dual wielded !Oathkeeper and Oblivion is what they were named…

What! You thought there were no other Keyblades,now Roxas had ones which he could dual wield and Organization XIII had someone with them?

Then the cloaked figure said in a surprisingly feminine voice-

"End of the line,you may have awakened Sora but you two with Keyblades couldn't defeat her-"

and she gestured to the very terrifying looking thing. And then the figure continued and said-

"And you two clearly weren't taught how to fight with Keyblades and I don't know whatever weird memory stuff DiZ and little miss witch did but it won't stop us…"

Wait is that?I thought she was dead…That's Xion! But who's she with?

James then said-

"WHAT IS IT WITH WEIRD MYSTERIOUS PEOPLE AND MEMORIES! For the last time we aren't with DiZ, all we know is to bring Sora to Yen Sid since the 'Kairi' and 'Riku' we also part of the list we couldn't find. And optionally bring the blonde girl named Namine. We are telling the truth! You're just being paranoid!"

A situation has occurred. Many things are happening and while it isn't violent yet it'll probably turn violent soon. However you have a choice in what to do until then and these are your options:

- Maybe you can ask roxas for help?[ roll Bo2 1d100+10 with a DC of 30/50]

– Try and look more closely at these new people[ roll Bo2 1d100+10 DC 40/60/80]

-You feel something stirring. Maybe you might be able to do something? with the voice named Roxas?[Roll Bo2 1d100+10 with a DC of 50/???/???]

-Hey on second thought that hellbeast thing looks a little familiar?[Roll Bo2 1d100 DC40]

- Maybe you can get everyone to talk things out! Why is Roxas muttering about understanding what Axel said involving puppy eyes?[Roll Bo3 1d100+20 DC 70/100]

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


Hey on second thought that hellbeast thing looks a little familiar?


Maybe you can get everyone to talk things out!


Maybe you can ask roxas for help?


You feel something stirring?


Try and look more closely at these new people


Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

roll 1d100 two times

Dice: 1d100

37 = 37

Dice: 1d100

49 = 49

Dice: 1d100

66 = 66

Well that's a success! Now role 1d100+10 two times with a DC of 40/60 to convince Xion that no this isn't some part of some massive weird Xemnas plan,Saix plan or Xigbar plan.

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

Options: Sum. Threshold: 60.

24 + 10 = 34 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100+10

Options: Sum. Threshold: 60.

2 + 10 = 12 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100+10

Options: Sum. Threshold: 60.

66 + 10 = 76 (Success!)

Sora POV

You looked at the hellbeast thing and realized something. The shape of the thing,the height and even it's hair once you looked past the shadowy stuff all around it was Kairi! But was this Kairi's heartless or something else?

Who's Kairi?

Kairi was your best friend back in radiant island and with Riku you three were inseparable…Until Destiny islands split up,Riku got Ansem possessed and super edgy in order to protect Kairi and nearly killed you a few times.

This is probably a contender with Axel/Saix in terms of friendships…

You then said-

"Kairi is that you? Why are you so covered in Darkness? Also I'm fine,Namine helped me!"

Then the thing shifted and transformed into what was very definitely Kairi who hugged you and said-

"I missed you! We didn't know where you were,then Riku left and some guy with red hair tried to kidnap me! So I got really angry and… Kinda turned into a rampaging terror that hit the guy in the crotch so hard he went through a portal… Then those two appeared in cloaks and I thought they were similar…Then this ghost girl named Xion went into me,then she became her own person after this skeleton guy and long nosed guy appeared in a dream! "

Poor Axel

He literally tried to kidnap Kairi! you then said-

"But Namine's nice and she's why I can remember stuff! Like when we were younger and you wanted me and Riku to be a couple-"

I can not imagine you with that asshole… You're like Pluto and he's more like a Heartless…

Kairi then blushed and said-

"That was-"

You then said deadpan-

"5 times…"

Kairi laughed and then said-

"It's been a weird time,wait why is she here?"

Namine sneaked around and managed to touch Kairi and in that moment two things happened-

First a Keyblade emerged out of Kairi-

Then their was a flash of light and Namine just sat there stunned and whimpered-

"Why am I here, I'm a Nobody, I should be gone now..I broke Sora, I caused the events that led to Riku… Why am I here…"

Then Xion(?) said in a increasingly paranoid tone-

"KAiri this is a bad idea! This could just be a pretend split personality he has inside of him while he's really a pawn of her! OR he's Roxas brainwashed to think he's Sora! HE COULD BE A ILLUSION!"

That is a fair assumption

Wow Roxas and Xion were really paranoid. Wait Roxas knows Xion so maybe he could help you!

Oh I know how to prove it…

Then he told you and wow that was… Interesting. You then said to Xion while blushing heavily-

"Roxas is in me too. He says that it's him because he remembered the 'incident' where since you and Roxas slept really close together without wearing much since you were sleeping meant that the next day he gave you The Talk and…"

Xion then blushed nearly as hard as you were and said-

"Alright it is Roxas! Though why did he choose that…"

James then spoke up-

"Probably from being in the kid's body. Puberty isn't something Nobodies usually process so that might play a factor… That and they don't really feel attraction like that at first…"

Liana then said-

"Is it me or does making someone a Nobody give them a great body! Like bro- I mean she looks nice,Namine here looks cute, and all the Organization guys have some looks to them! Granted I can't complain so much in the looks but it took forever for my second form to stop looking like something that is barely legal to wear…"

Next up is a few more questions you can ask or things you can look at!Your options are

-Namine what happened with Riku?[Bo2 1d100+10 DC40/60/80]

-The girl named Liana seems a bit odd. She feels wrong,like how that Riku Replica was…[Bo3 1d100 DC70]

-What's up with her brother James? He knows a lot about Nobodies[B03 1d100 DC 50]

-Ask about how Xion and Kairi met[Bo2 1d100+30 DC70]

-Give Namine a hug![Bo3 1d100+30 DC 60/80/100]

Choices -Voting closed - 8 voters


Give Namine a hug!


Ask about how Xion and Kairi met


What's up with her brother James?


Namine what happened with Riku?


The girl named Liana seems a bit odd...


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.

92 + 30 = 122 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100+30

11 + 30 = 41

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.

2 + 30 = 32 (Fail)

Maximum hug! Now Kairi doesn't hate Namine for you know erasing all of Sora's memories,replacing Kairi in said memories and then causing a series of events that ended with Riku getting a bunch of Darkness in him and Xion getting double tapped. Now Namine is fine for the moment!

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

roll 1d100+30 two times

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

89 + 30 = 119 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100+30

10 + 30 = 40

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

68 + 30 = 98 (Success!)

Apparently if you're a being of memory,then someone showing you compassion and giving you a space in their head can be a lifesaver,literally in Xion's case!

Sora POV

YYou then decided to see what was wrong with Namine. So you gave her a hug and asked- "Namine what's wrong…" Namine looked up into your eyes, eyes which held neither judgement nor recrimination. In your eyes, all she could see was kindness, care, and acceptance- "I'm a Nobody!" she cried, "The body and memories of Kairi here that thinks it's a person. I'm not supposed to exist! I hurt you, hurt Xion, and even caused a series of events that made Riku have to leave!!! The only thing I thought could help was rejoining with her… Then at least I could do something right without making everything worse… But even that didn't work." Kairi was stunned by Namine's outpouring of raw emotion, so full of pain and self-loathing, and so very incongruent with what she thought she knew of her. She could not hold her feelings in, so she didn't. Walking a short distance to place a comforting hand on Namine's shoulder, she looked over to see a soft smile on Kairi's face as she spoke her mind- "I mean it felt wrong just absorbing you, like I didn't want you being a part of me. Xion made you out to be some sort of witch of calamity that manipulated Sora's memory… Though now I think you're a victim just as much as Xion or Sora…" Xion, now feeling a bit, no quite awful about some of the harsher things she's said about a girl she never actually got to know, took the opportunity to interject- "I honestly think I may have been projecting just a tiiiny bit there…"

You hugged Namine harder and said-

"Namine you are a person. You live,you feel things and you're important too. I'm sure that everything will turn out for the better. I promise we'll help you and we'll defeat Organization XIII"

James then said in a low yet also hopeful voice-

"Cognito,ergo sum. I think therefore I am. It's a old phrase Yen Sid taught me and Liana. The moment a Nobody or some edge cases of Heartless can think they become something else. They grow a heart and are officially classified as sentient. Even a few seconds of mister sunshine over there makes it clear you probably grew one very quickly. You cannot come back together since you are your own person rather than a Dusk. You are as much of a person as I am."

So does that mean Xemnas fucking lied!

Then you decided to ask-

"But Kairi how did Xion meet with you?"

Kairi then said happily-

"I figured out how to use the spite to make these portals,well Xion calls them Dark Corridors-

Liana then said concernedly-

"DO NOT USE THOSE! Heartless and Nobodies can use them but unless you're a Princess of Heart those things will at best shatter your heart or fill it with darkness-"

Then Kairi said-

"I'm actually a princess of heart…"

Then Kairi continued-

"So while in one of those Xion in another place erm… died and she was supposed to go to you since she's a partial clone of you that contains your memories but instead I kinda found her and let her be inside me since she was really hurt. Since she also has bits of me in her. Before she got that body we would switch consciousness. She would use Dark Corridors and I would fight in that form since she still needed rest…"

You then said-

"That's great Kairi. Though that seems really complicated…"

By Xemans standards this is simple. I've seen Saix PowerPoints more complicated…

Then James said-

"Anyways you actually giving each other support is a adorable but you 5 need to go to Yen Sid's tower with the Gummi ship. Since he needs to talk with you and the Gummi ship has the coordinates…"

And Liana muttered-

"YES that means I don't have to deal with my brother's nausea and the Dark Corridors are quicker…"

what's a Gummi ship?

a magical ship that allows people to traverse the planet. And one that was fun to pilot. You then smiled and said-

"I can do that! It'll be like old times"

Donald then said-

"Please not again… My gut's barely recovering from the last time you flew it."

You then said-

"Well we're off to see the wizard regardless!"

Prologue part 2:Meeting the Wizard

Sora POV

As you all got into this new Gummi ship you decided to say-

"According to Donald and Goofy the experience being on a Gummi ship can be terrifying,so everyone should probably be prepared! Also fasten your seatbelts"

And currently Donald,Goofy,Xion,Namine and Kairi were all sandwiched together with not a lot of room(James and Liana said they had other means of arriving). Donald and Goofy were firmly setting in their seatbelts while everyone else didn't. Xion laughed and said-

"I've lived in The World That Never Was, how bad could a Gummi ship be?"

You then started up the engine and you heard something from Namine-

"I think we should go to the Tower as quickly as possible… Besides from the memories I've seen it should be fun all that maneuvering."

You then smiled and said in a confident tone-

"Will Do"

And you immediately ratcheted the speed up to max and faintly you heard some commotion-

"I take it back this is worse than The World That Never Was, oh I'm gonna hu-BLARGH "

"Oh that's a big monster,Sora we should probably dodge,why aren't you-AAH- we just rammed through a giant monster…."

"Gawrsh Sora is taking it easy this time.."


"Because you dolts we haven't dealt with the weirder stuff which I'm not gonna say so we don't jinx it."

Then after a little bit more you said-


You managed to get her as quickly as possible.Though as you looked around not everyone seemed to be happy as Xion was barfing into a bag, Namine was drawing pictures normally, Kairi was somehow in her shadow form and hacking like a cat. But Goofy and Donald were fine! Xion then said-

"All in favor of NEVER letting Sora drive a Gummi ship again!"

And a simultaneous response of -


Then you were about to ask how to reach Yen Sid when there was a flash and you were suddenly in a room with what clearly was a wizard like Merlin looking at you-

The Wizard then said-

"Hello Sora and friends,my name is Yen Sid. There is much to talk about though your quick arrival was unexpected. My apprentices will be very surprised to see you arrive ahead of them. They're arrival may be unexpected but they are loyal and are deep down good,even if they are not originating from Light"

You smiled awkwardly before saying-

"What do you mean arrive? I thought James and Liana were-"

Just then a pair of Dark Corrdiors appeared!-

And through them appeared James and Liana but changed-

James had a symbol on his hands that looked odd-

And Liana however was much different. She looked different in hair color and her eyes had a symbol everyone knew very well-

And immediately both looked surprised and embarrassed before shifting back into their usual forms. Kairi then said-

"Wait if she's a Heartless,and he's a weird Nobody why are they working for you?"

Liana then said painfully-

"I didn't ask to become one. All we know is a Xehanort, the one that possessed this dude called Terra used me and my brother as controls for figuring out how to turn himself into special varieties of Heartless and Nobodies. We don't remember that though and Yen Sid found our pods that contained us when some of the remains of Radiant Garden landed on the Tower. "

James then added in-

"We serve him because he gave us food and protection. We don't have to but we do. Since if I help others than maybe whatever that fucker did will be undone and I'll get a heart or my sister can be restored…"

Right now what you felt more than anything else was a bunch of questions you wanted to ask…

Reader Posts- Closed - 3 posters

write in questions here!

How the fuck does James and Liane's existence even work or make sense? It's established that Heartless are from people's hearts corrupted by darkness and the likes and the body vanishes, but if the heart is strong enough, then the body's will becomes a Nobody, or a the physical part of body acting on its own. So how the fuck can multiple Heartless or Nobodies form from a single person? Not even Xenenort was able to bypass and had to call upon past and different versions of himself to pull that shit, and even then, he still had to get additional members to help him.

So we have a Xemnas to deal with, probably a Xehanort too...anyone ELSE need a Keyblade in the pants before Sora and Co. can go home and relax?

Yen Sid obviously had something he needed to tell Sora quite desperately, if he sent a disjointed team like James, Liana, Kairi, and Xion to fetch him. Best get that out of the way first.

Yen Sid, how do you get your beard to do that?!

How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

First Merlin and the Fairy Godmother, now Yen Sid... Do ALL the old magic folks know King Mickey?

Has anyone told James that guilt is an ineffably human emotion and no one can take it from him?

Have any of those guys I murdered in Castle Oblivion popped up again? I mean, this Xemnas guy didn't seem to stay dead, so why would his minions?

Will there be any chances to get some private time with Kairi on the new journey I'm obviously going to be taking?

still on vacation but I had enough time to do this.

these are all very pertinent questions and since I don't have enough time right now to answer them fully I'll give you some other info

- James and Liana were sent by Yen Sid while Kairi and Xion were doing their own thing independent of Yen Sid. Normally speaking Yen Sid wouldn't have sent those two but James and Liana volunteered.

- James has a Formchange called I Will Show You Fear In a Handful Of Dust where his Keyblade turns into a spear similar in design to Xaldin's while a sandstorm/vortex obscures enemy vision and corrals them in.

- Liana and Jame Somebodies were born just after the Keyblade War and were mainly active before 0.2.

-A good chunk of Union Cross Lore isn't going to be used in this story beyond some broad strokes(and definitely no weird cyber world,though some characters I'm fine with for spoiler reasons)

-The Foretellers in this universe are very,very dead. Courtesy of their attempt to rebuild their unions post Keyblade War backfiring spectacularly and resulting in all of them dying permanently.

-Luxu isn't Xigbar in this quest because I have no idea what will come out of KHIV/not interested in Union Cross. Luxu has been faithfully carrying around the large black box and while he does body surf he also doesn't get too close to No-Name since he kinda fucked it up by giving it to Xehanort.

- The dead org members in CoM have reconstituited themselves early and are currently in Hollow Bastion feeling lots of guilt and post-reconstituition via violent death hangover.

-I've never played FFVII but I do like the designs so I'll use ethe TFS FF7 abridged versionsince I can easily access that+ I like funny characters.

-Sora's interactions with Axel will be different than in KHII since here he has Roxas but he also very much remembers Axel's CoM actions like burning to death Vexen.

still on vacation but I had enough time to do this.

- When writing I'll sometimes add songs that I think best go along with the scene or were playing while I'm writing. Admittedly this isn't the KH soundtrack but a bunch of other stuff. However you can suggest songs in the newly created music pile!

still on vacation but I had enough time to do this.

A few more facts/snippets!

- The worlds you're going to go on are going to be a bit of everything. The first world you'll go to is Hollow Bastion(which also kinda ate a few other remnants of other worlds on accident. Which is something Yen Sid will explain when I'm back on the 29th.) the next two-three are from Disney/Pixar, studio Ghibli and square enix.

-James and Liana were born on a world/setting that is from Disney and not from some OC/original place like Radiant Garden though said birthplace is a bit of an obscure title. The two hints I'll let you know is that said series was primarily on the DS and it has not appeared in any sort of crossover before as far as I can tell.

- Dream Eaters aren't like the trapped souls of child soldiers like in canon. At the end of the Fortellers doing one too many fuckups caused a bunch of Keyblade wielders to get stuck in limbo and get 3 options. First they could peacefully pass on,second they could reincarnate or third for the fighty ones they could be allowed to forever war against the Darkness without need for rest or respite. This means that you're average Dream Eater when it makes adorable animal noises and being cute is actually a ancient fight happy Keyblade user thinking they're like the KH equivalent of the 40k Legion of the Damned and not a adorable not-pokemon.

- For the next bit I have a few picture requests listed below

1. A Keyblade that is similar too Masters Defender in design/color but still visually distinct

2. a Keyblade that is sand/desert themed

3. a Keyblade of Grey and Gold or one that's white with red.

Added in QM schedule, Questions and answers will be finished today

Questions and Answers part 1

Immediately you and everyone else started asking questions ranging from the mundane to the somewhat odder things-

"Gwarsh why does Liana have two hearts then I'm pretty sure Heartless aren't supposed to do that?"

"Yen Sid, how do you get your beard to do that?!"

"Why exactly did you choose those two to get Sora… I mean they aren't Demyx but they don't exactly scream competency…"

"How many weird people are trying to do stuff with Kingdom Hearts?"

Once the questions petered out Liana then spoke up-

"Well for starters you have seen a Heartless with multiple Hearts already. Ansem's little Guardian Heartless to be exact…"

"Wait that was another Heart? I thought it was a extension of Ansem or something like that?"- You replied quickly, and that familiar for flashed in your mind-

Liana then continued in a tone that was odd. It clearly hurt her but it was also detached as if she was talking about something horrible that happened to another person-

"Apprently a man named Xehanort possessed and controlled a Keyblade user named Terra. This meant that this new Terra-Xehanort had two hearts in one body.I also have a similar… 'extra' in my Heart. Though it certainly is nowhere near as controllable as Ansems and I'm not sure how it could be James Heart since it's highly aggressive towards him and anyone else that isn't me. Though I have no idea how much exactly Xehanort did since I have literally no memory of the events and according to master Yen Sid James and I were in a sort of sleep stasis even before Xehanort was around. Yen Sid won't say much since something,something,our previous selves having some sort of final wish or something like that."

At the last part she gave a bit of a glare towards Yen Sid who simply replied-

"Disobeying a final request almost always has consequences and it was not a bad wish. That is all that I will say."

James then said somewhat awkwardly-

"I'm somewhat normal. Apparently I was just a way to make sure that Nobodies Xehanort created would have a much harder time getting Hearts. I got emotions and can copy them to be close enough to be similar to the real deal but I still haven't gotten a proper Heart yet. But honestly I have memories of childhood and by all accounts before some weird dude named Ira gave past me a Keyblade and even after that my sis and I had a positive upbringing and Yen Sid has always been sure to help us! That's why we decided to return the favor and help find Sora!"

Questions And Answers part two

Sora POV

Then Liana spoke in a more upbeat manner,clearly trying to move on from that part of the conversation-

"Well on the bright side we do provide some actual uses! For starters we both have Key blades and aren't going to be negatively affected by high amounts of Darkness which is something that we're probably going to deal with. I'm more of a scout type,since thanks to my Heartless nature I can pretty easily shape shift to blend in to a world,plus with Dark Corridors gives me opportunities you don't have. That and I managed to teach James how to do Form Changes so I could definitely teach you lot how to do so too!"

James then said-

"I'm a Keyblade smith. I can help strengthen you and Yen Sid taught me the art of Narrative! Basically all the world's a story and I can figure out what type you're dealing with and how it might function…With only a few mistakes like Toaster, Dimitri the freaky toon echidna cyborg and- "

Liana then shushed him and said-

"Less you misreading the situation and more cool stuff we can do!"

She then pulled out a Keyblade and said-

"This is my Keyblade! It's named Vermillion!

Then James pulled out his own and said-

"Mine's not as flashy but it's named Sunrise in Sand!

(like this but the Keychain has a sphere of painted clay instead of a Heartless symbol)

Yen Sid then said-

"I believe the most proper way to exhibit their skills would be a small spar if that is acceptable."

You immediately said-

"Alright a spar would be fine! Me and Riku used to do them all the time!"

Donald then whispered into your ear-

"Sora you just got out of a year long sleep with who knows how much weird things going on. This may be a bad idea!"

You then grinned and said-

"Well better here than in the middle of a battle!"

Liana then said-

"Alright lets do this!"

James then said-

"You said that when we we first fought the hellbeast I mean Kairi. If it weren't for her lacking a Keyblade and Yen Sid knowing magic then her ripping you in half would've been permanent."

Wow that's a way to go…

Liana then yelled-


Combat Tutorial!

In this quest Combat will mainly be a d100 VS d100 type of thing. If you surpass the enemy roll than you deal damage while the enemy doesn't. If it's close then you both deal damage. Now crits will deal max damage and dub crits trigger Combination Attacks which are there own thing!

One thing that makes Dubs easier are Bonds! which are how well can characters relate/assist each other. If Sora and Kairi have say Bond Level 5 then a dubs will Crit when theyboth roll 75 and if the difference is equal or less than the Bond level like if Sora rolls a 70 while Kairi rolls a 65. Once a Crit activates then both characters will at minimum deal damage with a pooled dice pool and the higher the Bond is the more damage it deals without using dice.

As an example here's Sora's statsheet

Sora's stats are

HP 50/50

Dice modifiers- Rolls with a +30 boost,rolls Bo4(experience)

Damage dice(how much damage is done when you roll high/close)- Bo3 1d20+10

MP(used for how much magic you can use a turn)- 1 point

General magic(Costs 1 point)- Gives a +20 modifier. Is basically a collection of different elemental magics than one solid thing

Cure(Costs 1 point)- Heals 10 HP

Skills(Special traits that can do a number of things)

I've Got a a Roxas in me?!- Thanks to having Roxas in him, Sora can Dub Crit/Combo attack with himself! However thanks to him barely knowing Roxas Bonds don't apply so only identical rolls can trigger dubs.

Bonds of friendliness!:Treat Bonds with allies as at minimum Bond Level 3(not applying in this fight due to it just being Sora)

Bonds apllicaple

none due to fighting with no other allies right now except technically Roxas

Apologies Wifi Crash ate a update

James Statsheet

50/50 HP

Dice modifiers- +15 to rolls, B02

Damage- 1d10+5

Formchange meter 0/5(this meter increases by 1 for every sucessful attack James does and for every 20HP of damage he takes)

MP-1 point

Wind Burst(Cost 1 point,1 turn cooldown)- James uses Wind magic to get a +30 bonus to rolls

Balloons!(1 point cost)- Deal 5 damage to a enemy and give said enemy a debuff of -10 to their rolls

Minor Cure- Heal 5 HP


Bulwark- If an ally takes damage then James can halve the damage that ally takes in return for taking 1/4 of overall damage. For example if an ally takes 8 Damage then Bulwark can reduce the damage sid ally takes to 4 and James will take 2 damage.

Sister's Shield- If James applies Bulwark to Liana then Liana will take 0 Damage.


Liana LV 10 6(narratively 10 but mechnically it's 6 on account of Liana being a Hreartless and James being a Nobody that got altered to not grow a Heart)

Liana's statsheet

50/50 HP

Dice modifiers- +15 to rolls, B02

Damage- 1d10+10

Formchange meter 0/5(this meter increases by 1 for every sucessful attack Liana does and for every 20HP of damage she takes)

MP-1 point

Sonic Rave(cost 1 point)- Increases dice modifier by 10 and gives a +5 modifier to damage

Scout(costs 1 point)- increases intel on a enemy and gies a increasing bonus over time.

Balloons!(1 point cost)- Deal 5 damage to a enemy and give said enemy a debuff of -10 to their rolls


Blitz- Liana can double her damage in return for the enemy gaining +20 to their rolls next turn.

Brother's Blade- If James activates Bulwark for Liana then she can deal 1d10 damage to the enemy who dealt damage.


James LV 10 6(narratively 10 but mechanically it's 6 on account of Liana being a Heartless and James being a Nobody that got altered to not grow a Heart)

So first off for simplicity in this battle I'll roll James and Liana first!

Dice: 2d100+15

Options: Individual.

15,68 + 15 = 30,83

A 30 and 63 for Liana,now lets see if James rolls better or close enough to trigger a dubs

Dice: 2d100+15

Options: Individual.

76,33 + 15 = 91,48

Nope! And since this is a strictly practice spar Liana will use Balloons! While James is going to be using Wind Burst to just show off his wind magic(if this was serious Liana would've used Sonic Rave to get that Dub crit while James would've used Balloons! to cause some extra damage/debuff Sora). This means you take 5 Damage and have to beat these rolls

James- 121


Now you can write in what you want to do since you have magic of all the elements and currently James is using lots of wind magic and Liana is spamming the Ballons spell from Dream Drop Distance.

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

Use lightning to bypass the wind, wind cannot distort energy by itself, but the balloons can be used against us. So create an overarching area of effect lightning spell to not only zap the balloons but to bypass the wind attacks to hit either James or Liane.

Even's Log #1

I have become a Somebody again. And now I have reappeared in what is apparently a newly reformed Radiant Garden.It also seems that the ressurection(Reconfiguration amy be more accurate?) gives symptoms similar to a hangover. Good news is that Squall is here and that Hojo,The Shinras and the Heartless who named itself Ansem is very much dead. Less than satisfactory is the fact that Ienzo,Aeleus and apparently the Somebodies of Larxene and MArluxia have also reappeared with me.Larxene and Marluxia somebodies immediately fled with clear signs of terror and regret .All attempts at laying out a timeline are leading to more headaches relating to who Axel was really allied with. In addition multiple other realities were 'absorbed' by Radiant Garden and now there are highly destructive wildlife,teenagers running around with a fashion sense that can only be called Giuseppe adjacent and a Darkside with the mind of Hojo in it screaming about his 'experiments' on a 3-5 minute basis…

Alright with that Write-In here's what you get!

- James will be primarily targeted and his bonuses get reduced so that you now only have to beat a score of 108

- You still take 5 damage but you lack any debuff now thanks to some preemptive popping of balloons.

-Your magic bonus is increased to +30,leading your final modifier at +60.

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

roll 1d100+60 four times

Dice: Invalid input

Dice: 1d100+60

25 + 60 = 85

Dice: 1d100+60

59 + 60 = 119

Dice: 1d100+60

96 + 60 = 156

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+60

20 + 60 = 80

You hit both of them. First off is how much damage you're going to deal to Liana. Roll 1d20+10 three times!

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+10

15 + 10 = 25

Dice: 1d20+10

19 + 10 = 29

Dice: 1d20+10

11 + 10 = 21

That's 29 Damage! So James will trigger Bulwark and take 15 damage(As a rule for Bulwark I'll round up in terms of damage James takes). Liana's trait activates which means you'll take 1d10 damage.

Dice: 1d10

10 = 10

Damn Liana hit Sora hard! You take 10 Damage! Now it's your turn to hit James! same as last time, roll 1d20+10 three times

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+10

16 + 10 = 26

Dice: 1d20+10

15 + 10 = 25

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+10

4 + 10 = 14

With all that damage James has now taken a total of 41 damage! His Formchange meter is now at 2/5! Liana has done 1 attack(normally the 1d10 wouldn't count but the 10 crit makes it count as a attack) and her Formchange meter is at 2/5 when factoring the 29 Damage James tanked for her. Sora is at 35HP!

Battle tutorial part 1!

Sora POV

After this suggestion Yen Sid showed you a room he apparently made for sparring. It was sparse and didn't have a lot but had protections so no one outside the sparring area would get hurt. As you and Liaa came in you saw a odd impromptu crowd form. Half of it was Kairi and everone else who came with you in the gummy ship and the other half was a large assortment of household objects who while sentient were less human looking than how Lumiere and his friends were in Beast's Castle. And somehow Jiminy managed to become announcer(apparently he promised to be impartial and knew the tower's brooms some time ago).

As you went in Jiminy said-


At this you heard Goofy say-

"What's so bad about a toaster?"

Followed shortly by the brooms shuddering a little at mentions of the word toaster.

James then flashed you a smile and said-

"This is gonna be a fun spar! Normally we fight the brooms!"

I don't think fighting brooms are a good way of getting experience

You agreed with Roxas and you were about to say something witty when a series of events occured…

First Jiminy said start and at that moment you heard Liana say-


Then a bunch of ballons hit you and exploded before you nearly blacked out-

Then after getting the balloons popping in your face James slammed a miniature cyclone into you and said-


At this point he very nearly managed to hit you in the head before you were able to get out of the way. Once you got out of range you then said in a happy yet slightly exhausted tone-

"That really hurt. Yen Sid taught you guys some good magic!"

Liana smiled and said-

"Oh thanks!"

However while this was going on you were thinking. James clearly specialized in wind magic which could give him a boost in speed but Wind couldn't block something like say thunder…


It seems that great minds think alike Roxas!

Knowing this when you saw Liana trying to make more Balloons you quickly said-


And popped the Balloons before they hit you. Then while she was stunned Rou went in and started hitting. Liana was admittedly well trained but you ahd dueled Ansem,Riku, Marluxia in Castle Oblivion and a false version of Riku in Castle Oblivion. But before you could really start dealing damage James managed to get in the way and took the brunt of it. Then Liana used the distraction to hit you square in the chest. Then you heard James breathing a little heavily and you opened your mouth before James interrupted you-

"Don't worry, we know our limits, A few more hits and I'll tap out…"

You also heard Kairi yell over the roar of many of Yen Sid's magical appliances trying to cheer on James and Liana-


Well that sounded concerning…

HP statuses now

James- 9/50 HP

Liana- 50/50 HP

Sora- 35/50 HP

James rolling first! James also uses Cure to heal 5 HP!

Dice: 2d100+15

Options: Individual.

67,74 + 15 = 82,89

Next is Liana!

Dice: 2d100+15

Options: Individual.

82,8 + 15 = 97,23

Since one regular roll and one roll+modifiers is very close+ this meaning to be a tutorial+ in character Sora isn't trying to do his best,merely just do a good spar= COMBINATION ATTACK!

Which will occur tomorrow due to QM needing to go home now! See you later!

Now for a Combination attack the dice and bonuses of both characters who dubbed will be added together and if their Bond is above a 5 then half of the overall dice will be turned into a flat bonus and rolls Bo3 if it's at Level 6. This means that if James and Liana had no Bond they would've dealt 1d20+15 Bo1 damage but since they have Bond Level 6 they now roll Bo3 1d10+25.

Or in less number based terms- FRIENDSHIP= EXPLOSIONS!

Dice: 3d10+25

Options: Individual.

10,5,3 + 25 = 35,30,28

And that's 35 Damage dealt to Sora! Though don't worry since as a result Sora gains two things! First a Keyblade form and second a Level 3 Bond with both James and Liana!

Sora POV

Immediately after that quick checkup James,Liana and yourself went back to your spar. Currently there was a bit of a stalemate with you being unable to hit Liana without James blocking it and Liana being unable to hit you. However something changed somehow as if something was about to happen. James and Liana felt it too and James soon gave you a odd request-

"So considering this is like a spar and not a actual duel to the death could you maybe,lay off for just a little bit since there's this technique we have called Combination Attacks! Since you know we're going to be fighting as a team eventually!"

They're already on the ropes, why should you let them get a leg up? A few more hits could easily make James bow out?

Well that isn't the point. I could probably win but they have things to learn too and this sounds like a cool thing to learn. You then replied quickly and happily-

"Sure, this isn't really a actual fight and I'm a bit rusty!"

Liana then smiled and said-

"Alright lets do this!"

You paused for a second as both James and Liana lined up close to each other. Normally the time and movement they did wouldn't be possible if you were serious about winning but this was for practice. Then James and Liana announced simultaneously-

Combination Attack- Knight of the Wind!

Immediately James casted a large amount of wind magic that Liana used to slam into you faster than you could react. Immediately following that attack James then teleported using a Dark Corridor to slam his keyblde into your back while Lian simultaneously did a version of your Sonic Rave technique that slammed you into the ground. You then heard Liana say-

"Oh shit I really hoped nothing bad happened…"

Donald then said-

"Whaddya talking about. This is nothing!"

James then said-

"We literally slammed him around multiple times! while our Keyblades were partially synchronized!"

You then managed to get back up and say-

"Good game! Hey Donald could you heal me for a bit,I think I got a few bruises!"

Liana started slack jawed at you before stammering-

"whawha? how?"

You then said-

"I was holding back! It hurt me a lot more than I thought but once you get the Keyblade long enough you kinda become super tough!"

James then said-

"So you were sandbagging… Wow we're really that weak…"

You frowned a little and said-

"You're better than how I originally started out with and the Combination Attacks were cool but other than that you kinda need actual instruction in bladework. Like you're holding your Keyblades like a sword when it really doesn't have the grip or the proper balance!"

Liana then nodded and said-

"Could you give me some advice on how to block like you do! I can't seem to get it right!"

"Sure!"-You quickly replied

James then smiled and said-

"Well that was eye opening! Also since you're here you can have this! I was making it based off master Yen Sid's designs and it didn't work well for us but I think it could work well for you! It's called Star Seeker!"

He then showed you a Keychain that when it was attached to your Keyblade turned it into something new!-

James also said more thoughtfully-

"And I think I might be able to make a few more keychains over time! And possibly awaken a Keyblade for the Namine girl! She has a weird aura.Normally it would probably take rigorous selection and a lot of time on my part but something's different about her. Like she inherited a bit of Castle Oblivion, a bit of you and the characteristics of a ancient Keyblade Master's soul in her… anyways I'm rambling…sorry"

You quickly reassured James-

"It's okay, I can see you clearly want to help."

Liana then said-

"This is certainly a great start!"

Tutorial battle ends!

Current Sora HP! 50/100!

James HP 9/50

Liana HP 50/50

Gained Star Seeker Keychain! This gives the below trait in battle!

Star Seeker!- Add +10 to dice modifier, damage crits cause exploding dice, every explosion adds +5 to dice modifier,can turn near dice 1 below crit range into actual crits.

Gain Bond Level 3 with James! All Combination Attacks roll Bo2 with James

Gain Bond Level 3 with Liana! All Combination Attacks roll Bo2 with Liana

Sora POV

After a few potions from Donald you were as good as new. And Yen Sid decided to tell you what happened in your abscence-

"Sora after you defeated Ansem the worlds have fallen into disarray,with worlds appearing,fusing with each other,getting enveloped by darkness or flat out transforming into something new."

Goofy then asked in a confused tone-

"But I thought that by defeating Ansem the worlds wouldn't fall into Darkness?"

Yen Sid quickly said-

"Yes your actions helped greatly. By locking the keyholes of the worlds you visited you effectively prevented the possibility of a chain reaction and the worlds who fell into darkness now are merely sleeping rather than destroyed. In addition by purifying Hollow Bastion you have saved the inhabitants of multiple other worlds and given the inhabitants of Traverse Town their home back."

Well that was good that Squall and all his friends got their homes back. But after this Yen Sid gave out some more news that was concerning-

"However Organization XIII is still out there and waiting to achieve whatever plans they have. And there seem to be darker things sitting in the shadows waiting to capitalize on the chaos occurring and trying to interfere… That is why we need more Keyblade wielders to face this threat and eliminate organization XIII before attacking Xemnas himself."

James then spoke up-

"Slight issue, it takes a lot of testing and training to even get a single viable candidate, much less train them. So we're gonna need to find some people to even the odds."

Yen Sid nodded and said-

"That is why we must find Keyblade wielders long forgotten. First should be your friend Riku and Mickey who we have the most recent information on their whereabouts. Mickey was last sighted in the newly reborn Hollow Bastion so that is where you shall go. In addition Hollow Bastion should be a useful base for your travels."

Kairi then asked-

"But what are you going to do in the meantime?"

Yen Sid then replied-

"I will keep watch within my tower and give you forewarning if certain events start to happen."

Liana then said curiously-

"I wonder how Hollow Bastion's going to be? "

You shrugged and said-

"I don't know but according to Gull it was a wonderful place filled with technology,magic and was a wonderful place to live!"

You then realized something and said-

"Well that means one thing- A trip on the Gummi ship!"

You then saw looks of fear for some reason and Xion muttering-

"I don't think my stomach can survive another trip on that thing"

Prologue over!

Up Next-

Hollow Bastion!