Bleach: Filling the Emptiness by scholarspruce



Hollows, creatures of emptiness and loss. Is it possible to ever be full?

Hollows, dangerous spirits that prey on the dead and living alike. It is the job of the agents of death, whatever they may be called, to send them off. Most are not worthy of any note. However, on occasion, Hollows earn enough notoriety to earn a name. These Hollows are beings with great potential and great threat to those who seek to put them down. From different corners of the earth, five Hollows found themselves under the scrutiny of those who wield death.

Code name: Ghost of Battle


A large humanoid hollow with a pair of large horns projecting out of its demonic mask.


It wanders battlefields, seemingly trailing a human warlord's army.


This Hollow appears to be able to conjure weaponry, though it seems to stick to a large kanabo for the most part.


The Hollow seems to trail behind a human warlord's army. When the warlord goes to battle, it follows, slaughtering the pluses that appear, though in a curious sense, it mainly attacks the warlord's enemies.

Code name: Red Eyes


A dragon-like hollow with gleaming Red Eyes


It seems to enjoy targeting battlefields across France.


It releases a miasma from its mouth that weakens the living and partially hollowifies pluses. Those hollowified this way are manipulated by its roars.


The Hollow seems to enjoy tormenting the souls of the dead as well as the living with its powers. It uses its powers to partially hollowify the pluses and direct them to attack the living.

Code name: Hydra


A serpentine monster with numerous heads


It lives inside a lake around the gate.


Highly toxic blood, which it is able to aerosolize and exhale


The Hollow torments the surrounding landscape, mainly focusing on those who disturb the lake. Humans have been trying to appease it with sacrifices lately.

Code name: Many tails


A fox-like hollow with three tails currently. Previous reports listed one and two, so the beast seems to grow them over time.


It lurks in the demonic forest.


It is able to create various illusions, which it uses to snare its prey.


The cowardly beast lures its foes into the shadows with illusions before killing them. A true warrior would not fall to its tricks. It should be easy to subdue.

Code name: Feasting Wolf


A fierce-looking wolf with blue eyes and white fur




Its mouth seems to be able to tear apart anything it wishes as Valkyries have witnessed it escaping by ripping open a portal into the land of Hollows.


A free-roaming beast that kills in the name of overeating. It occasionally manifests on moonless nights to slaughter human villages before moving on.

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters


Red Eyes


Ghost of Battle




Many Tails


Feasting Wolf


Chapter 1: Emergence of the Red Eyes

The Hollow, known as Red-Eyes, has been a dreadful threat to the Outer Court knights. It has gotten bad enough that there have been petitions for mages and the possibility of sending a name bearer down to smite the beast. However, the Hollow, known as Red-Eyes, doesn't know that. The Hollow barely knows anything of the warriors that attempt to kill it. It thinks of them as little more than slightly tastier food.

No, what the Hollow focuses on is its hate. Its mind is unclear, a pair of voices speaking in turn, its mind torn in two. One voice clear seeing all things as beneath it. The other mind feral dedicated on a festering hate. However, the one thing the two minds of the hollow could agree on. That their enemies deserved not just death but suffering for all eternity, their life may have been hazy but that hate burned through.

Opening its mouth in a soundless roar, the beast descends on the battlefield, ready to do what it must again.

It seems there are plenty of ants again. What do you plan of doing this time?

Choices -Voting closed - 28 voters


Force the dead to capture the living and feed them too you.


pluck the living from the battlefield


Force the dead to kill the living


Revel in the slaughter


Wait for the bigger hunters and ambush when they're feasting


+Be extra hateful towards blue eyed people.


Oh, I have an idea. Have the ants bring their comrades to you.

Liking the idea, you take action. You gather your energy and release a cloud of white ash over the battlefield. As it spreads, you watch as the skin of the dead caught in your attack turns white and flaky as their eyes go red, a process you have seen time and time again and will see many more in the future. You land on the ground, causing a dent that sends the armored men into a panic.

Their cries intensify as the dead begin their attack. With feral cries, your legion of the dead begins to tear apart the living. You silently laugh as you watch armor get ripped apart along with limbs and heads. Soon, the dead begin to carry off their living/ dying comrades as others flee the battlefield. You open your maw, and your minions and their prey walk right into your mouth for you to crunch them up.

Ah, it's quite an amusing sight to see these ants go in such a way. A truly deserving fate for lesser beings. But it seems we have visitors.

You glance up and see a shining path appear, bright even in the daylight. From it emerges a group of armed souls, the leader wearing armor and an ornate sword at his side.

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters


Breathe on them




Send the dead after the dead




Take flight


Math engaged -Voting closed - 19 voters




dice pool and d10s




Roll 1d100+5- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

80 + 5 = 85

Dice: 1d100+5

13 + 5 = 18

Dice: 1d100+5

84 + 5 = 89

the back line gets ashed

Dice: 3d100

42+74+75 = 191

Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Individual.

54,28,56 + 10 = 64,38,66

So, the knight is the only one who dodges once. Lucky you

Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

62,44,94 + 20 = 82,64,114

Let's watch them fight. I bet they would make some wonderful screams if they were to fight each other.

Looking up at the armed figures in the sky, you grin at what you are about to do. Your throat swells, and you release a pillar of ash into the heavens at them. The fighter in the lead dodges away much faster than the other humans in armor you see around you and in your memories. However, the rest are struck by the blast of ash you send up at them. The ones at the front, wielding spears, at the brunt of the attack, though their efforts to flee leave enough of a gap that the back lines, wielding bows, get caught.

The knight looks on in horror as your ash claims the group. While the archers quickly turn on each other due to your ability, it takes a bit of time before the spearmen are claimed by your ash, some managing to do their best to fight off the encroaching change.

"You Blackguard!" the knight shouts, drawing his sword to your silent laughs.

Choices -Voting closed - 16 voters




+ from a birds eye view tauntingly out of reach. No need to risk yourself after all


+ be on guard just in case


Fly off





Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


lol. lmao even

Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

5,49,25 + 20 = 25,69,45

You chuckle silently as you send your minions after the knight. At your command, they let out the cry that you can't, and they charge the armored figure. The spearmen under your thrall rush forward while the archers draw their bows. As your Legions attack the knight. You rise into the air as you watch the knight cut down his former friends, his screams of rage joining the empty screams of your Legions.

heheHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. This is quite the show before our dinner isn't it. I wonder how long he can last. Against all of his friends.

You watch with a wide smile as the knight tries his best against your minions. They are rather weak in comparison to you, their numbers being their only real advantage. However, any attack from them can pass on their plight. In an interesting turn, you see ash start to spread over their spears, integrating them into their bodies and giving them a greater reach to spread their curse. The knight tries all he can, but he soon gets hit, his skin turning white as your curse starts to spread.

Huh? It's slower.

Watching the knight, you see that the spread is indeed slower, with the knight looking too hindered by the attack, especially when compared to his allies, who, while being consumed slower than normal, were still controlled fairly quickly.

Choices -Voting closed - 8 voters


Ash attack


join the attack


+ do it when his guard is down




Roll 1d100+5- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

44 + 5 = 49

Dice: 1d100+5

20 + 5 = 25

Dice: 1d100+5

27 + 5 = 32

Very distracted, but you have no aiming skills

Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

34,31,42 + 15 = 49,46,57

Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

22,61,67 + 15 = 37,76,82

Legion doing a bad job with the knight. Fortunately, the knight is infected

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


The show is rather amusing, but the Legions are dwindling. Try to get him some more ash. See if we can end this sooner.

Your throat swells once more, and you release another cloud of ash at the knight. However, as it flies toward him, he glances over at you, a scowl on his face. He charges through the crowd of his former allies, cutting several down as he breaks free. He manages to do so just in time to evade the blast of ash.

"I haven't forgotten you, you foul demon!" the knight shouts, pointing his sword your way. "Once I lay these souls to rest, I shall execute you, beast!"


Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


+ have what left of the legions to keep him in place


try and close range ash


+ also have them stab him more to see if it causes the spread to speed up


rush in


fly off


Poor poor legions

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

67,69,73 + 15 = 82,84,88

Roll 1d100+5- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

23 + 5 = 28

Dice: 1d100+5

42 + 5 = 47

Dice: 1d100+5

67 + 5 = 72

Still gets hit. Wait…why isn't the fight over.

Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

48,20,49 + 15 = 63,35,64


Ignoring your other side, you fly over, gathering ash in your throat.

MaKe ThEm SuRrOnD HiM


Ignoring your other half, you continue to fly over. In response, the Legions try to close in on the knight. However, the knight does…something a crescent of flame flies out.

"I am a Knight of the Distant King! I follow the seat of Gawain! I shan't fall here!" the man shouts, flames lingering on his blade.

Ignoring the trick, you fly in as he cuts down more of your legions and releases a direct blast at his back. However, while the ash spreads further, he still continues to fight.


Choices -Voting closed - 7 voters


charge in


+ ash attack while charging at him


Fly away


make some legions real quick


Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

81 + 20 = 101

Dice: 1d100+20

19 + 20 = 39

Dice: 1d100+20

49 + 20 = 69

Meat pancake created

Dice: 1d100+10

25 + 10 = 35

Why are you flying back up?!


An actually worthwhile idea for once!

You ascend to the heavens, watching as the legions are crushed by the knight. Once you get to the appropriate height, however, you stop flying and begin to descend. You fall like a stone flung upon the gates of the castle, and much like the gates of the castle, the knight is helpless to resist. He looks up far too late to notice you and your might. With your full force, you slam down upon him, catching him in your maw and dragging him to the earth with you. Right before you hit the ground, you throw the knight under you and brace for the impact.

The ground shatters under your weight as you hit the ground. Pain blossoms across your body from the impact, but you fly up to see the results. As you hoped, you see the knight splayed along the ground, his body bent and broken. To your surprise, you see that the ash is still spreading, meaning that life still exists within him.

Durable insect.

You head over to the insect and eat it all, crunching his armor and weapons with your fangs before swallowing them alongside the body. However, as you do, feel a slight burning sensation in your stomach.

Choices -Voting closed - 4 voters


endure it


Spit it up


Roll 1d100+30 Dc 90- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 90.

10 + 30 = 40 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 90.

83 + 30 = 113 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 90.

47 + 30 = 77 (Fail)

Feeling the burning sensation spread, you grimace, doing your best to keep the burning sensation down.

Hey! Idiot spit that thing up!


Do you want us to die!

Despite your other halfs fear. The pain slowly goes away. Not only that, but you feel stronger.

+5 Reiryoku, +10/100 ????


You lucky idiot. Almost got us killed with that.

Ignoring your other half, you survey the battlefield. Thanks to your fight a lot of your snacks scattered. You consider chasing after some of them, but to your surprise, you feel oddly tired.

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


+ after making the legions go rest in castle and nest


Make legions of the scattered masses


Rest in castle and nest


head to your next battlefield


Roll 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

25 = 25

Dice: 1d100

36 = 36

Dice: 1d100

34 = 34

Dice: 1d100

74 = 74

Feeling tired, you decide to rest. However, a brilliant thought emerges from your mind.

MaKe LeGiOn. PrOtEcT uS.

A smarter idea than I thought you could come up with. I can handle that.

So you go, combing the battlefield, bathing the battlefield in ash. Soon, you have a sizable group of legions assembled, and you decide that it is good enough. You fly over to the castle, the Legions trudging behind you. While you walk through the halls of the castle you see a symbol up on the wall. On instinct, you bare your teeth before swiping it down, tearing through the hated gleaming cross of silver. With it gone, you curl up in the throne room before closing your eyes.

As always the realm of dreams is chaotic. images dance and flutter about your mind. Disparate scenes overlay themselves. A glamorous castle, an empty cave. The stench of death, the richness of life. Warmth and cold. However, as they play together, the scenes start to become more similar. Nobility. Purpose. Hate. Rage. Disgust. Joy. Those feelings all emerge as the scenes start dancing together.

However, they quickly stop as something rises up once more. Flames rise up, before the sun appears, not the gleaming star you know it as, but a ball of fire intense and savage. The flames seem to fill you, rushing through your body, and a searing pain follows that jolts you awake. Your head darts around for an attacker, yet you see nothing, only black ash all around you.

How did you do that?


You just became a fireball all of a sudden.


Never mind, I don't know why I expect you to understand anything. The Legions did their job, but it seems they are fighting something outside. Whatever it is the Legions haven't been able to get close.

Choices -Voting closed - 6 voters


peek out and see


+ take to the skies


When in doubt, breathe your zombie ash breath on the attackers


stay in castle




Oh, look a star flying up at me....wait..

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

8,31,64 + 25 = 33,56,89

Roll 1d100+10- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

57 + 10 = 67

Dice: 1d100+10

92 + 10 = 102

Dice: 1d100+10

22 + 10 = 32

Curious, you fly out of the castle, and as you fly out, you see that there is a new army outside of your castle. Their forces are split between knights with silvery armor with white cloaks and not knights in white robes. The not knights have blue bows that aim toward you as you fly out. Light flies from the bows up at you, and you find yourself forced to fly around to avoid the arrows.

Choices -Voting closed - 9 voters


+ dodge and weave


Ash breath


+ coordinate your minions to fight defensively using the castle while you attack the enemy from the rear


Fly off


Charge in


+ created more legions


Roll 1d100+5- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

42 + 5 = 47

Dice: 1d100+5

9 + 5 = 14

Dice: 1d100+5

59 + 5 = 64

Glorious legion frontal charge

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


The knights of the eternal king say fuck no

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

77,32,91 + 25 = 102,57,116


Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

11,3,44 + 20 = 31,23,64

Your attack is dodged, but so is their counter- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

63 + 10 = 73

Dice: 1d100+10

91 + 10 = 101

Dice: 1d100+10

8 + 10 = 18

HaVe LeGiOnS aTtAcK

The Legions start to rush forward from the castle, no longer being commanded to protect the place. As they charge, you gather your breath, doing your best to avoid the continuous barrage of light that shoots up from the ground. Once the Legions meet with the knights, heavily diminished in numbers, you dive down. You release your breath as a massive column of ash, eager to see them become Legions.

However, to your surprise, they quickly jet away, even the knights, allowing your breath to hit the ground without doing anything. Their light continues to fly up at you, forcing you to fly erratically. As you dodge, you see your legions clash with the knights. To your surprise, their attacks seem to just bounce off their gleaming armor, a first to your sight.

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


+ spinning charge + ash breath combo attack


more ash


+ lash out with your tail when you get close. No one expects the tail


+ keep dodging


charge in




Not getting shot as you charge R0ll 1d100+10- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

87 + 10 = 97

Dice: 1d100+10

76 + 10 = 86

Dice: 1d100+10

58 + 10 = 68

You take a number of hits before you get in for your big attack

Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

74,84,34 + 20 = 94,104,54

Roll 2d100 first one is for the impact of the charge(+20) the next is the ash(-10): 92 and 76- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


Several of the archers get caught by the charge and thus the ash

Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

63,21,10 + 20 = 83,41,30

The knights are scot free

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

55,84,49 + 25 = 80,109,74

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

87,57,74 + 25 = 112,82,99

Legions getting the floor mopped with them

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


Seeing how the archers are clumped up, you get an idea. You begin gathering ash as you fly toward the archers. Archers get closer and closer to you, till their light finds its mark biting into your body. However, your sturdiness serves you well as you are able to continue your dive undisturbed. You slam into the ground with as much force as you can, flattening some of the archers as you do. Recovering quickly, you spin around, spilling ash and whipping your tail about.

Your attack successfully manages to take out several of the archers, but those caught in the ash are odd to you. Instead of becoming legions, their bodies dissolve, becoming nothing but ash. Looking up, you see that most of your Legions have fallen. Turning from them, the knights move over toward you approaching slowly, their blades gleaming with a harsh light.

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


+ try lighting yourself on fire again


+ saturate the area in a cloud of ash. Surely they can't dodge it all


Ash breath will work this time


Fly off


+ go full blast on ash




Roll 1d100 dc 100 you don't light youself on fire- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

7 = 7

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.

8 = 8 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

Dice: 1d100

78 = 78

Roll 1d100+5- Closed - 1 poster

/dice 1d100

Dice: 1d100+5

30 + 5 = 35

Dice: 1d100+5

40 + 5 = 45

Dice: 1d100+5

82 + 5 = 87

Dice: 1d100+5

53 + 5 = 58

Misfortune for the knights

Dice: 3d100+20

Options: Individual.

11,20,58 + 20 = 31,40,78

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

68,48,71 + 25 = 93,73,96

Roll 1d100+10 dc 96- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

79 + 10 = 89

Dice: 1d100+10

19 + 10 = 29

Dice: 1d100+10

44 + 10 = 54

As the ash spreads around you, concentrate as hard as you can on yourself. Seeking out the painful warmth you suffered earlier.


At that, you look only to see several flashes of light heading your way. Some crescents other bolts, all gleaming and radiating danger. You take to the skies, and while you lose a leg and a good portion of your tail, you manage to keep moving.

See, this is what you get for being stupid

You fly up, doing your best to dodge as your body slowly returns to normal. As you do, you decide to try something out. As quickly as you can, you fire off blasts of ash, working to chain them together to make a circle. While you execute your brilliant plan, the knights continue to attack you with their flying slashes and thrusts, managing to take out your regrowing stump and your other leg and pierce your body heavily. However, you manage to complete your trap, ensuring several of the knights in a circle of ash. Your mouth contorts into a smile as you release a cloud of ash in the center, catching the knights.

Looking over them, you watch carefully to see what happens. Again, you are surprised to see that no legions form. Instead, their armor clatters to the ground, empty.

Choices -Voting closed - 13 voters


eat armor


fly off


Roll 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

57 = 57

Dice: 1d100

46 = 46

Dice: 1d100

56 = 56

With your enemies dead and erased you are annoyed. Looking over the scattered armor your remember what happened after you ate the armor from the weird dead knight.


You descend upon the armor and begin to gnaw at it.

No no no.

Once you have ground it up, you swallow it.


Almost immediately, the pain starts as the armor begins to burn through the lining of your throat. It quickly becomes too much, and you begin to hack it all up. As you do, your other half continuously berates and insults you.

Choices -Voting closed - 9 voters


+ look for any non white knight to turn into legions


Fly off to another battlefield


get revenge on the armor


Stick around for a bit


Roll 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

87 = 87

Dice: 1d100

92 = 92

Dice: 1d100

88 = 88

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

Dice: 1d100

55 = 55

Annoyed, you fly off to find your next battlefield. Along the way, you make sure to spread your ash across the villages you find. You quickly build up a sizable force of Legions that march across the countryside after you trample the land and further grow your army with each village sacked. Eventually, you come to a horde of humans besieging a city. Above the city, you can see other creatures of various shapes and sizes, all wearing the mask that you have seen on your face.

Your arrival earns quite the attention from the other beasts, and you can see them turn their attention toward you, or rather, your legions. Bestial shrieks fill the air as the other creatures, of much less noble form, rush your army, hunger in their eyes.

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


+ they wish to eat your minions. Eat them instead


Attack those focused on your legions


+ ash breath (for science)


Let chaos reign (join the frenzy)


Torment the living by making more Legions


+ make more Legions

Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

46 + 20 = 66

Dice: 1d100+20

31 + 20 = 51

Dice: 1d100+20

67 + 20 = 87

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

23,38,80 + 15 = 38,53,95

As they attack your Legions you decide to attack them. You fly over to them getting ready to attack before an idea hits you. Gathering up a mass of ash, you blast it over at the others, catching a couple with your blast. However, the attack which has decimated your enemies doesn't do anything to them and they continue their frenzy undisturbed.

Seeing that to be the case, you charge in for yourself. Your first target is a masked being with the shape of a misformed bird. You charge in, knocking the bird off of its balance and slamming it into the ground. It attempts to right itself as you bite into it, stabbing into your underbelly with its talons.

Roll 1d100+30 Dc 50

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+30

74 + 30 = 104

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 50.

26 + 30 = 56 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100+30

69 + 30 = 99

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters




lewd Trait


lewd crit


You easily endure the pain and continue on ripping into the soft flesh of the bird. Its screams join the chaos of the field as your Legions are torn apart by the hungering beasts. With the chaos of the battlefield, you are forced to eat it quickly as you watch out for the others around you. After you eat its limbs, you swallow the beast from its bottom, enjoying its screams in your mouth before crushing it.

That will teach them to fly

With the bird taken care of, you see that while you have plenty of legions, they aren't doing much to stop the others. Instead, the others are now mindlessly gorging themselves. You see a twisted humanoid shoving them into its gaping maw two at a time, a lizard-like creature pulling them in with its tongue, a dog-like creature tearing through the crowd of legions, and a cat-like creature doing the same.


Are you ok?


So you have grown more mindless than usual.

KiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLlKiLl -Voting closed - 7 voters












Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

23 + 20 = 43

Dice: 1d100+20

79 + 20 = 99

Dice: 1d100+20

69 + 20 = 89

Dice: 1d100+20

76 + 20 = 96

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


lewd trait


lewd crit




Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters


Murder Aura: Your blood lust radiates around you disturbing the minds of those around you


Pleasure of Gluttony: You enjoy eating that which you come across. If it can fit it goes in your mouth


Blood LUST: Murder is a part of who you are. You can't look at another being without thinking of killing them


Dice: 3d100+5

Options: Individual.

48,97,81 + 5 = 53,102,86

Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

27,47,4 + 15 = 42,62,19

Roll 1d100+10- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

59 + 10 = 69

Dice: 1d100+10

26 + 10 = 36

Dice: 1d100+10

67 + 10 = 77

You fly over to the next bit of prey, targeting the humanoid, its shape filling you with a disgust the others don't. Mouth open, you rush it, your desire to see it dead overflowing from your body. It suddenly whips around, somehow noticing your charge. Pulling its arm back, it hurls a legion at you. The Legion flies into your mouth, and you swallow it before flying over the humanoid as it tries to hit you with a misshapen fist.

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters




+ his stupid face


+ his arm


+ dog shake him to pieces


target lizard


target cat


target dog




tail smack


Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

17 + 20 = 37

Dice: 1d100+20

78 + 20 = 98

Dice: 1d100+20

70 + 20 = 90

Dice: 3d100+15

Options: Individual.

67,2,32 + 15 = 82,17,47

Hungry and furious at its attack, you dive at it, mouth first. The stupid beast is too slow to hit you with its clumsy fists, and your mouth clamps around its head. It is a simple thing to close the vice that is your mouth and end its life. While it died faster than you normally would like, that thought flies from your head as you feast on its body. As you eat, you feel the number of Legions slowly go down as the others eat them, not hunting each other as you are.

Finishing up the humanoid, you feel your strength grow even further. You feel closer to something, and you desire to get even closer.

Choices -Voting closed - 10 voters


eat lizard


Eat dog


eat cat


+ bit it by the neck


Eat legions


Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

35 + 20 = 55

Dice: 1d100+20

69 + 20 = 89

Dice: 1d100+20

42 + 20 = 62

Dice: 1d100+20

81 + 20 = 101

Choices -Voting closed - 13 voters


Lewd Trait




Lewd Crit


Choices -Voting closed - 7 voters


Aura Flare: Briefly flare your murderous aura to paralyze foes around you DC 50. Works once per fight.


Pleasure of Gluttony: You enjoy eating that which you come across. If it can fit it goes in your mouth


Blood LUST: Murder is a part of who you are. You can't look at another being without thinking of killing them


Battle Lust: The Dance of battle is simply too thrilling to ignore

Not appropriate for this moment. This isn't quite battle after all

passes dc

Dice: 3d100

Options: Individual.


The dog wants to be a main character

Dice: 3d100+5

Options: Individual.

90,100,57 + 5 = 95,105,62

Cat passes purrfectly

Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Individual.

83,52,81 + 10 = 93,62,91

Lizard manages to dodge your attack

Dice: 3d100-10

Options: Individual.

90,15,20 - 10 = 80,5,10

Lizard tries to tongue you

Dice: 3d100+5

Options: Individual.

14,7,24 + 5 = 19,12,29

Roll 1d100+10- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

77 = 77

Dice: 1d100+10

6 + 10 = 16

Dice: 1d100+10

64 + 10 = 74

Dice: 1d100+10

15 + 10 = 25

Your gaze turns over to the lizard next, and your murderous desire spills from you like a wave. It washes over the others, and you see the Lizard flinch as you fly over to it. However, just as you are about to claim its head, it manages to break free and dodge off to the side. You clumsily land, smashing into your legions as you try and right yourself. As you get to yourself straight, you hear a wet smacking noise and look over to see the pink tongue fo the lizard flash out over to you. You quickly take to the sky, avoiding the pink tendril as it flashes past your undercarriage.

Choices -Voting closed - 9 voters


bite tongue


bite and delimb


Bite it


Grab tongue, use it as a flail


Roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

95 + 20 = 115

Dice: 1d100+20

44 + 20 = 64

Dice: 1d100+20

70 + 20 = 90

Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Individual.

88,63,17 + 10 = 98,73,27

You swiftly snatch the tongue of the lizard in your mouth. Your food lets out a pained screech as you make your way down its tongue. It tries to flee, but to its misfortune, its tongue proves strong enough that it doesn't rip from its efforts. As you get to the head, the hollow's eyes roll back in your head, and you open your mouth to crush it between your teeth.

Almost immediately, you feel a sort of rush. You continue to the rest of the lizard's body, and while you feel satisfied, you almost feel like something is trying to spill up from your throat.

Choices -Voting closed - 9 voters


Hold it in and go after cat


let it out (evolve)


Hold it in and go after dog


roll 1d100+20- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

61 = 61

Dice: 1d100

94 = 94

Dice: 1d100

11 = 11

Good roll, unfortunately nat 1

Dice: 3d100+25

Options: Individual.

37,1,94 + 25 = 62,26,119

Ugh, this is a revolting sensation.

You quickly suppress the odd sensation and turn your focus on one of the others. Your eyes fall upon the cat, and you charge over toward it. The cat quickly notices your charge and goes to dodge, but it suddenly collapses, a look of confusion on its face as it begins to vomit a black mass. You ignore the vomit and quickly bite the cat, taking its head and catching a bit of the vomit in your mouth.

How disgusting. How dare you use our body for such filth.

You ignore your other half, continuing to eat the cat, suppressing the urge to let whatever is building up out. As you do, you feel a strange sensation and see that the dog is in a sort of black cacoon that grows and grows. Looking at the cacoon, you feel the urge to vomit come back even stronger.

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters






Roll 1d100+30 Dc 50- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+30

Options: Sum. Threshold: 50.

19 + 30 = 49 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100+30

38 + 30 = 68

Dice: 1d100+30

95 + 30 = 125

Roll 1d100+20 Dc 85- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

75 + 20 = 95

Dice: 1d100+20

74 + 20 = 94

Dice: 1d100+20

29 + 20 = 49

You suppress the urge once again before charging over at the black cocoon. Without any care, you begin to bite into the mass, swallowing chunks of the black mass as you do. The mass quickly regenerates, but that only means you have to tear into it faster, and so you do. Your mind completely shuts off, focused on shoveling more of the mass into your stomach.

Well. That was utterly disgusting.

As your other half pulls your attention, you see that you have devoured the black mass. Beneath you, you can see black splotches staining the ground, and you feel the urge to release the contents of your guts. An almost overpowering desire.

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters


there is still so much food


give in


Roll 1d100+30 DC 90- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+30

20 + 30 = 50

Dice: 1d100+30

74 + 30 = 104

Dice: 1d100+30

62 + 30 = 92

Wait. What are you doing?

It isn't enough. As the black spills from your mouth and the hole, you rush across the battlefield. Ash spills from your mouth like drool as you fight to keep the mass inside of you. To help keep it down, you devour Legion after Legion.

Stop that, you idiot!

The once-grand armies of the living and the dead fall before you made equal in your gullet. As you stare at the last bastion of the living, the city now surrounded by death, you can hold it in no longer. The heavens tear, supplying the roar that you can make no longer. Black spills from your mouth and the hole in your throat, flowing over your body. The world shifts and cracks around you till you explode towards the heavens.

Wait, what has happened to us?! YOU FOOL! YOU DESTROYED OUR PERFECT FORM!

You look out, the world much smaller as you gaze around. As you gaze around, you feel hundreds of voices at the edge of your mind.


The voices recede as you look at the myriad cracks that have opened in the heavens. In them, you can see a distant void. However, in that void, you can smell food.

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


Smash the humans before you go


+ cero artillery spam


+ ash breath?


Head toward food


Roll 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

55 = 55

Dice: 1d100

61 = 61

Dice: 1d100

41 = 41

While the food does stimulate your hunger, you decide to crush the humans first. Looking down over the humans, you try to release your ash upon them. However, to your surprise, your familiar ash doesn't come out. Instead, you feel something else try to emerge. Looking in on that feeling, you start to gather your energy just as you would gather ash. After a few seconds, you feel that you can hold it no longer.

With that, you release the energy. From your mouth, a beam of brilliant crimson energy flies forward, slamming into the the city with a force dwarfing anything you have seen before. An explosion erupts where you strike the city, erasing a large portion of it. Looking at the destruction, you feel your body shake with laughter as you build up another attack.

So you sit for a few minutes adjusting to your new power while erasing the city before you. While you struggle to aim the attack, practicing with some running humans, that matters little when the blast is able to erase a good chunk of the landscape. Once the city is smoking ruins, you decide to move on to some proper food.

Next: Chapter 2: Desert Days →