Umbrella Corporation : Capitalism Ho! by mementomori

A Umbrella Corporation Quest Enjoy!!!!!



Inspired by one particular story that I've forgotten the name right now, take the chance to be the immoral, evil capitalists hellbent in making a fistful of dollars, damn all other consequence. Or just not to become another sad test subject of the evil company you're belatedly working for.

Welcome to a new quest of mine! And even one that is fitting to my profile name.

Through either chance or fate (or good ol' Spencer just thought it was funny) our unlucky Mc has found himself as head of one of the infamous Umbrella Corporations' branch. A company under your name and leadership, and Ms. FitsPatrick, that old hag of a Math teacher of yours in high school, said you would never amount to anything.

Ha! Is what you would say to her.

With the command of many scientists more eager about the paycheck rather than morality, and guards more likely to shoot said scientists, and you, should you fuck up, could you thrive?

Swim or sink… or more likely be turned into some kind of zombie or other affront to human decency. That is the question.

Before we start the story, let's get something important out of the way first.

Who are you?

This is just the name and gender vote, your background is still going to be voted on. -Voting closed - 11 voters


Justine Berry, a 30-years old wizard fresh of earning your Ph.D, now without a job after finishing your stint in Academia, your doctoral thesis in the weakness of the human flesh apparently caught some very important eyes.


Lilian Lynn, after meeting a rather eccentrique old man and having an interesting conversation about human evolution of all things, you'd found a letter offering you employment barring the very familiar emblem of red and white. Yay?


Lyndon Lake, you were once hailed as a prodigy, and not even the prodigy at kindergarten, totally normal in university either, a true blue-blood prodigy. But now, as a middle-aged man with no prospects thanks to your more than candid words spoken during an awards ceremony, you are left hanging. When the offer for a job was given to you by one Oswell Spencer himself, there was really only one answer.


Nadia Payne, you'll show them all, so what if your thesis was 'controversial', barriers in research only prevents human progress! With even the great Umbrella Corporation agreeing with you when they offered you a job, you'll show them all.


A wizard, huh? Your kind is not welcomed here!

Anyway, what specialization did you do your thesis on?

Parasitology, Virology, Microbiology, Pharmacology… And thanks to the choice you've made, Engineering.

Choose 2.

Choices -Voting closed - 13 voters










Pharmacology, and Engineering? How did you get hired in Umbrella? Ah, right medical prosthetics, it seems that Umbrella is expanding towards virgin markets.

But, before you had become the big bad CEO of a subsidiary of Umbrella, you were hired as just one of the grunts scientists, the one that got used as test subjects of Umbrella when they fucked up.

Well, that didn't happen to you, of course, but where did you cut your teeth on the world of human experimentation on?

As in, who did you intern under, fetching cups of coffee and whatnot.

Choices -Voting closed - 22 voters


Christine Henry. Literally who? You've never heard of the lady, but apparently she's important. Doesn't drink Coffee, drinks tea instead.


Oswell Spencer. The big kahoona himself. You never actually worked with the man, but his underlings are nice at least? Doesn't drink Coffee, takes his Caffeine intravenously instead.


Birkin William, genius, and insane up the to gills. Both words can be used to describe the genius wunderkind, takes his coffee pure black, like his heart.


Albert Wesker. Asshole. What kind of a dick wears sunglasses indoors? Take his coffee with extra milk and sugar, a bit of a sweet tooth.


Roll for how well your internship goes.


1-10 : How you didn't end up as one of the experiments is a miracle. Needless to say, you're not welcomed in France anymore, Umbrella pulling strings to ban you from the country entirely. -100 Company Evaluation.

11-30 : You couldn't get away from the job fast enough. Classic Paris hospitality, trying to find a Café that doesn't spit in your overpriced café au lait is impossible. It definitely showed in your work ethic, the boss lady was not impressed. -25 Company Evaluation.

31-50 : Not great, but not terrible either. The coffee was delivered on time.

50-75 : You excelled in grabbing that coffee, and tea for the boss lady that you even had the chance to be in the rooms where they do actual science. +25 Company Evaluation.

75-90 : Did you fuck the Boss Lady? The glowing review sent to the higher-ups means that would probably make your rise in the company ladder much easier. +100 Company Evaluation.

90-100 : You definitely fucked the Boss Lady. She couldn't help but fellate the report she made to the higher ups. Maybe you even learned something? +200 Company Evaluation.

Bo3 1d100 no modifier.

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 999.

96 = 96 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

54 = 54

Dice: 1d100

73 = 73

Dice: 1d100

38 = 38

Face Claim for our old boss.

A. Florence Nightingale

B. Scarlet from FF7

C. Insert Name Here.

Gain Contact Christine Henry, Head Manager of R&D, Umbrella Europe.

Choices -Voting closed - 39 voters


B : Scarlet


Angela from Lobotomy Corporation


A : Florence


C: Mercy aka Angela Ziegler from Overwatch


Outis from Limbus Company


D: Balalaika from black lagoon


Retsu Unohana from Bleach


Kromer the one who grips


C: Viper from Valorant


Jord the one who's built different


C: Cobalt Hayato


Hephaestus from Danmachi


C: Samsung Sam


C: Velma from the velma show


C: Anko from Boruto.


C: Blast Hardcheese


C: Black superman


C: Kiryu


Phryne Jamil from Danmachi


Working under, and under Christine was quite the interesting experience. Being more of a recluse in your university days, you didn't really have any defenses when the career woman started making her moves on you.

Well, it made your intern days interesting at least, even if you had spent a lot of that time on your knees, Christine did pay you back of course, in more ways than one.

Those late night grinding the midnight oil away resulted in you catapulting your name through the Umbrella hierarchy, landing you in a rather high position managing one of Umbrella's subsidiaries.

That, and one envelope containing an invitation to a very important gala as Christine's plus one.

The Spencer Mansion awaits.

Right, before I finish the Character Generation, what do you look like?

Another Faceclaim time.

What does Justine Look like? -Voting closed - 31 voters


Bondrewd from Made in Abyss


Dante from Devil May Cry (featuring Nero from Devil May Cry)


Rintaro Okabe from Steins Gate


Argalia from Library of Ruina


Welt Yang


Frankenstein from Noblesse


Alexander J. Merce


Android 17 from DBZ


So, we're the number one dad, huh?

Well, it's fitting for the quest at least.

Arriving at the dinner party hosted by the august Oswell Spencer himself in his manor located in the Arklay Mountains near Raccoon City, you had to admit that you looked entirely out of place.

Scooped up directly after earning your Ph.D and an internship in Umbrella Europe, rumors of nepotism and sleeping around to get where you are surrounds your figure. That was why when Chritine gave you that invite not yesterday before being jetted out of France into America, your colleagues probably wished that they could burn you with their glares alone.

And it seems that rumor had spread out even to the America branches.

'Heh, and that was why they should've replaced their eyes with lase prosthetics. While something strong enough to do some actual damage would probably cause some brain damage, blinding you is not out of the picture.'

Their loss, Christine at least entertained your idea for a second before shooting it down.

It was either that or it's because of the Hazmat Suit slash uniform you're wearing.

(Emergency Organ donor not included.)

You even wore the cravat and ditched the gauntlets, so that couldn't be the case, right?

Look, there's even one person now walking towards you, so the other must just be shy, right?

Thoughts of the other guests.

>He looks like an insane person, so he must be one of the higher-ups, right?

"Hmph, I see that Christine has the gall to bring her boytoy around even during such an important event. Is Umbrella Europe falling on hard times to have a mere intern leap over the senior managements?"

Ah, insults, the refuge of true incompetents, and small-minded people. You, of course, are used to such things.

And of course, you know who the man that had just walked over an entire dining hall just to insult you.

Albert Wesker.

"I see that manners are not something that can be taught? And here I thought that a Wesker would be more well-mannered. Though I suppose such a thing should be expected from someone that wears sunglasses indoors."

1-10 : Nemesis, he hates you more than the future rock-punching champion. Gain 1 Nemesis. He would do anything and everything to fuck you up.

11-30 : Enemies. Ever since you beat him for the number one spot in a class that one time, you have been receiving ominous letters from him every Christmas. It would have been entertaining if not for the fact that your room would have been broken into to deliver the letter. Gain 1 Enemy.

31-50 : Not great, but not terrible either. You only heard his name in passing, he only bothered you because Albert is just like that. A douche.

50-75 : People usually clear a room or just get out of your way when you two walk through a corridor. Strangely enough, you have a cordial relationship, probably the reason why everyone runs away. Gain 1 Friend

75-90 : You shared sunglasses tips, of course for you, it's more for the lenses of your helmet, but you could be counted as good friends now. Gain 1 Good Friend.

90-100 : Receiving a letter about killing a leech was weird, what's weirder was the follow-up saying 'never mind'. You had lost contact with him after college with you pursuing higher education while he joined a Police Department for some reason, joining Umbrella had allowed you to rekindle your friendship. Wait, isn't he supposed to be working for the R.C.P.D? Why is he here? Gain 1 Best Friend.

Roll 1d100 bo3

Reader Posts- Closed - 2 posters

Dice: 1d100

27 = 27

Dice: 1d100

92 = 92

Dice: 1d100

56 = 56

You're best friend with Wesker? Alright… I can work with that. I was kinda hoping for an enemy here, but alright.


"And I see you're still wearing that ugly mask even now… I suppose a congratulation is in order?"

Giving Albert a handshake, a very friendly gesture from the normally acerbic man, you still couldn't understand how you two had hit it off in University… Well, no matter how it had happened, you are glad to have a friend in him.

"Likewise, making captain of S.T.A.R.S is no small achievement, even if it's a bit of a waste of your degree."

You are not in a position to know much of the dirty secrets of Umbrella yet, but you at least know that a lowly police captain is definitely not what Wesker's job is.

"Ah, and the CEO of an Umbrella subsidiary, now you're looking down on the working man. How droll and expected."

"Yes, that's why… CEO!? I thought that my promotion is just to be a manager of some out-of-the-way branch?"

"Ah, I see that you haven't heard the news, yet? Hmmm, let me be the one to break the good news then. It seems that Christine has been singing your praise non-stop, even giving the board of directors some great preliminary projects that could earn them billions. Yours, I believe? So, of course, they decided to spin off a subsidiary to take advantage of this. And you're going to be the head of it."

Ah, that stuff you talked about with Christine after sex, she recorded that stuff!? Sure, you've made some prototype and even design documents, but you could have never though that it would be enough for Umbrella to give you company for it!?

"Belated congratulations."

~Be Careful.~

Leaving you with a pat on the back and a warning, Wesker walked away to let you stew in the news alone. The bastard.

What product(s) that were so great that Umbrella handed you an entire company to run?

This would start your branch of research, so choose carefully. Remember your specialty is in Pharmacology and Engineering.

Choices -Voting closed - 30 voters


a nerve-electronic system interface






Techno-Organic Womb, create designer babies




Viable Jet-Injector/Hypospray




Medicine that reduces the chance of rejection of cybernetic implants


Military-grade gear-integratable life support system




mechlife support capsule.


construction robot


Nootropic mental and physical capability enhancing chemichals(making fallout drugs real)


Power Armors


You have your product, a Nerve-to-Machine Interface, something that could create impeccable prosthetic, one that could even mimic human arms and legs without flaws. Even ones that are not specifically created with your invention in mind could still benefit greatly from implementing it, creating at least a 50% increase in motility and ease of use.

That is, of course, for the prosthetic that at least have electronics that your invention could help. A peg leg could not become better no matter what you do.

Gain Product; Engineering : Nerve-to-Machine Interface

Gain 10 Monies income per turn.

That is chump change in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps if you're just a mom-and-pop shop operating out of a garage, it would be a fortune, but not for an Umbrella Subsidiary.

You're expected to turn a Roll 1d30 + 10 Profits per turn by Roll 1d3 + 3 Turns from now.

But of course, being the stable genius that you are, you have so many ideas to make into reality that could earn you top dollars!

Unlocked Research; Drug : Neuropozyne.

A drug to counteract the rather (un)expected side effect of the binary system of machines interfacing with the surprisingly chaotic analog meat machine that is the human brain.

Research Progress : 0/1000 pts.

Unlocked Research; Engineering : Custom Made Prosthesis.

The first step to your dream of making the perfect humanity, one where the weakness of the flesh is no longer a burden that is to be carried on the backs of humanity. But first, before you can fly, you need to learn how to crawl, as much as you wanted to hit the ground running.

Research Progress : 0/1000 pts

With your Choice of Specialization.

Pharmacology Specialization lvl 3

-15 to Research DC for Researching Drugs

Engineering Specialization lvl 3

-15 to Research DC for Researching Technology

Dice: 1d30+10

6 + 10 = 16

Umbrella expected you have 16 Monies a turn in…

Roll 1d3 + 3 bo3

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d3+3

1 + 3 = 4

Dice: 1d3+3

1 + 3 = 4

Dice: 1d3+3

3 + 3 = 6

16 Monies a turn in 6 months, or at the second quarterly report.

Easy enough.

So, before we start this for real, what's the name of the Company that Umbrella had graciously given you?

Choices -Voting closed - 16 voters


+: Building a better tomorrow


Abyss Incorporated


Mechanical Solutions : For the Imperfect, Made Whole


Nuka cola (they gave you a goddamm soda company lol)


Pharma Cybernetic Ascension: when your body fails we are here to build a better you.


+: Life of Tomorrow, Today


Synapsis Solutions: Connecting People (tagline optional)




+: Digging in Deep


+Reaching for the Dawn, Today.




lethal company


Biomechanical engineering.




That's… Well, that's a name, I suppose. So, congratulations on becoming a CEO of Abyss Inc.

Now, you'll actually need some staff members to actually make the company run. As much as you tried to replace your blood with caffeine, there's no way to run a company alone.

You were given 200 Monies to start with.

Recruit Researcher Teams.

Costs : 20 Monies. The blood and bone of any good Umbrella Company, without it one cannot research SCIENCE. Morally bankrupt enough to do inhumane experiments in exchange for money, lacking enough self-preservation instincts to actually work for Umbrella.

Each one you recruit, Increase your Research Dice by 1d50.

Recruit Managers.

Costs : 100 Monies. Perhaps the most useless of people you can recruit, but they do make your other staff work better, somehow. Magic, probably.

Each one you recruit, gives a +5 to any action your other staff do.

Recruit Security Team.

Costs : 50 Monies. Your first and probably last line of defense should any accidents happen. Could be used to deal with trouble, both of the zombie kind, and of the people asking questions kind. Not having one, would probably not end well.

Each one you recruit, gives a +5 to dealing with issues.

Recruit Sales Staff

Costs : 50 Monies. Have something you want to sell? Probably should run it through management first. Having some genius scientist market their own product would probably only end with a U.C.B.S Team being sent to kill everyone involved.

You can exchange 1 Company Evaluation pts for 10 Monies.

Ending with 0 Company Evaluation is Game Over, so plan accordingly. And there are better things in the future you can exchange it for.

Vote by Plans, please.

Reader Posts- Closed - 10 posters


Quick plan:

60 points=600 money

Recruit Researcher Teams X10=200

Recruit Managers x2=200

Recruit Security Team x2=100

Recruit Sales Staff x2=100

Plan: plan I guess

3 research teams: cost 60

1 security team: cost 50

1 sales team: cost 50

Total cost 160

sorry to ask this here, but does the manager give his +5 to the research roll

plan: save up for a manager

5 research teams

1 security team

cost 150

Plan: Immoral scientists and their guinea pig (collectors)

1x sales staff: might be a while before we have something to sell but these can serve to help later sales hires get up to speed quicker. 50 monies

3x security team: problem handlers, also possibility of test beds once initial kinks are worked out. Test beds who can be trusted to carry out black ops. 150 monies, +15 for dealing with issues

1x manager: Cause nobody gets away from management. 100 monies

10x researcher teams: bread and butter of Umbrella and all other immoral companies everywhere... probably need to up security. 200 monies, 10d50 to research dice

2x security team: +100

1x manager: +100

-50 company evaluation: 500 monies

Total: 700

Plan: Secure research v2

Convert 25 evaluation for 250 money

3 security teams 150 money

1 sales team 50 money

5 research team 100 money

Plan Quick & Cheap:

Recruit Researcher Teams x5 (100)

Recruit Managers x2 (200)

Recruit Security Team x2 (100)

Recruit Sales Staff x1 (50)

Total Cost: 450

Final Balance: 0 monies (Exchange 25 Company Evaluation points)

Quick but with security plan:

65 points=650 money

Recruit Researcher Teams X10=200

Recruit Managers x2=200

Recruit Security Team x4=200

Recruit Sales Staff x1=50

Why the fuck would you waste money in managers? The bonus is not worth at all the fucking price. You get a another plus 5 in security just hiring an extra guard and a potential plus d50 for 70 money.

Plan: Immoral scientists and their guinea pig (collectors)

1x sales staff: might be a while before we have something to sell but these can serve to help later sales hires get up to speed quicker. 50 monies

3x security team: problem handlers, also possibility of test beds once initial kinks are worked out. Test beds who can be trusted to carry out black ops. 150 monies, +15 for dealing with issues

1x manager: Cause nobody gets away from management. 100 monies

10x researcher teams: bread and butter of Umbrella and all other immoral companies everywhere... probably need to up security. 200 monies, 10d50 to research dice

2x security team: +100

1x manager: +100

-50 company evaluation: 500 monies

Total: 700

above compressed:

Plan: Immoral scientists and their guinea pig (collectors)

1x sales staff: 50

5x security team: 250

2x manager: 200

10x researcher teams: 200

-50 company evaluation: +500

Total: 700 monies

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters


Quick Plan : -60 Company Eval. 10 Research 2 Manager 2 Security 2 Sales


Plan I guess : 3 Research 1 Security 1 Sales 160 Monies


Secure research v2: 25 evaluation points to 250 money 5 research 3 security 1 sales


Plan: Immoral scientists and their guinea pig (collectors):

1x sales staff: 50

5x security team: 250

2x manager: 200

10x researcher teams: 200

-50 company


Save Up for a Manager : 5 Research 1 Security 150 Monies


Abyss Incorporated : Building A Better Tomorrow

CEO : Justine Berry.

Income : 10 Monies per Turn

Staff :

10 Research Teams : 10d50 to Research

2 Managerial Teams : + 10 to Any Actions

2 Security Teams : + 10 to Security Events

2 Sales Teams : + 10 to Selling Events

Where is Abyss Inc. Located?

North America : + 10 to Sales and Research, -20 in Security Events

South America : +15 to Research, -10 to Sales, -5 to Security Events

Europe : +20 to Sales, -10 to Research, -10 to Security Events.

Asia : +25 to Research, -15 to Security, -10 to Sales

Choices -Voting closed - 23 voters


North America




South America




Good ol' America… or Canada, but why would you want to go there?

Anyway, the HQ of Abyss Inc. is now solidly built where there are many prying eyes.

+10 Sales and Research, -20 Security Events

Next: Turn 1 →